View Full Version : How do you like your eggs in the morning?

23rd September 2009, 20:54
Well?? :)

23rd September 2009, 21:03
With bacon.

23rd September 2009, 21:50
Sunny side up in a fryup, or if it is egg rolls then it has to all be cooked through.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :lips:

23rd September 2009, 22:03
Dip-able. Fried or boiled I don't mind as long as I can dip my bread or toast soldiers in them.

Easy Drifter
23rd September 2009, 22:43

Actually over light. Habit from restaurants, especially in Quebec, where they often don't finish cooking them sunny side up. Hint for anyone going to GP in Mtl.

23rd September 2009, 23:33

Actually over light. Habit from restaurants, especially in Quebec, where they often don't finish cooking them sunny side up. Hint for anyone going to GP in Mtl.

We call 'em 'over easy' ;)
Which is how I generally like them.
Sometimes I'll cobble together an omlet with whatever veggies happen to be in the fridge, with some fresh herbs from the garden. I may also chuck in some ham and shredded cheese too :facelick:

24th September 2009, 00:08
scrambled with cheese,

i have eggs from time to time in the evening, or sometimes in the morning if i'm eating at waffle house

24th September 2009, 00:19

24th September 2009, 00:40
Like my brain, scrambled..........

24th September 2009, 04:12
scrambled with chives, but not over done.

24th September 2009, 05:13
The yolk has to be somewhat cooked.

24th September 2009, 06:38
Scrambled or an omelette.

24th September 2009, 07:15
I don't like to be wihin a mile radius of my brother when he's had eggs.....doesn't matter how they are cooked the resulting smell is foul.

24th September 2009, 07:26
I hate eggs :ninja: :ninja:

24th September 2009, 08:50
poached, with toast. Runny yolk.

Dave B
24th September 2009, 09:34
Served with bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, hash browns and some black pudding :facelick:

jim mcglinchey
24th September 2009, 11:12
I used to use that as a chat up line until some saucy minx quipped "Unfertilised....now ++++ off "

24th September 2009, 11:46
"I like mine with a ki...."

Brown, Jon Brow
24th September 2009, 12:48
Just fried, then put in bread sandwich.

Scrambled egg is the worst egg based food in the world.

Hazell B
24th September 2009, 21:17
With bacon.

:up: :facelick:

Hazell B
24th September 2009, 21:18
Jon Brown, you've never tried my scrambled eggs with salmon.
That'd change your mind :)

Brown, Jon Brow
24th September 2009, 22:14
Jon Brown, you've never tried my scrambled eggs with salmon.
That'd change your mind :)

When can I pop round to try them?

25th September 2009, 01:10
scrambled with cheese,

i have eggs from time to time in the evening, or sometimes in the morning if i'm eating at waffle house

Ive been to Waffle House..never again

25th September 2009, 01:11
Served with bacon, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms, hash browns and some black pudding :facelick:

That sounds really good right now... :)

Easy Drifter
25th September 2009, 03:11
A restuarant close to me serves two good sized thick slices of Peameal bacon, two eggs (small) any style, a generous heap of real home fries, not frozen crap and two slices of toast, white, brown or whole wheat for $5.95. Coffee is extra and a little weak. The horseshoe sinks slowly. That is their breakfast special.
The one I eat at when I go to Mosport serves 3 small eggs any style, Bacon, or ham or sausage (2 good sized ones) and pan fries, unfortunately frozen with two slices of toast, either white or rye for $5.99. Peameal $1.00 extra. Sausage best bang for the buck. Coffee is extra and good and the horseshoe sinks very slowly so it is close to being strong enough. :D
I get a large coffee to go to take to the track. As I take it black it has cooled down enough to drink when I reach the track. As I usually do not get a refill on my coffee while eating I usually get the take out free. I do eat there several times a year including my evening meal.
They do have several other choices including one with a steak for breakfast.

Easy Drifter
26th September 2009, 07:02
OOOPS! Correction. It is my local that has the 3 eggs. :o :confused:

Garry Walker
26th September 2009, 11:39
I dont eat eggs in the morning.

26th September 2009, 11:50
Two eggs, fried, no salt, no pepper. :up:

26th September 2009, 11:54
omelette with cheese,onions / sunny side up

26th September 2009, 22:19
"I like mine with a ki...."

Damnit, I wanted to say that. I can't get that out of my head

Easy Drifter
27th September 2009, 01:17
How many people actually get fresh eggs. Maybe this should be a new thread.
Supermarket and most grocery store eggs can be up to 6 months old when you get them.
I am now releagated to that although I know where to get really fresh eggs. I used to live a mile from a poultry farm but now it is 45 K. If I would get off my lazy butt I could find local eggs closer as I live in the country.
I can assure you there is a difference. When I crewed for a pro Atlantic team many many moons ago the shop was on a farm with chickens. Breakfast eggs were collected that morning. What a differnet flavour!
I doubt most people in large cities in the west have ever had a fresh egg.
I bet Hazell gets real fresh eggs and would have a fit at supermarket eggs at least in NA.