View Full Version : Hot or Cold drinks?

21st September 2009, 08:18
I have heard a few times that hot drinks can cool you down on a hot day and cold drinks can warm you up on a cold day

Any truth in this?

21st September 2009, 09:41
That's true Steve.
I prefer cold drinks and can't compare them with something else... :p

21st September 2009, 09:48
I have a different further drinks related question. A guy at work as well as my other half drink water from the water cooler half and half. By half and half I mean half room temperature water and half chilled water. Room temperature water is apparently too warm and chilled is too cold so apparently the perfect solution is half and half.

Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid or do lots ot people actually do this?

21st September 2009, 10:20
I have a different further drinks related question. A guy at work as well as my other half drink water from the water cooler half and half. By half and half I mean half room temperature water and half chilled water. Room temperature water is apparently too warm and chilled is too cold so apparently the perfect solution is half and half.

Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid or do lots ot people actually do this?

Never heard of that before, but it sounds reasonable! I bet it's pretty much the temperature of tap water.

As for hot drinks cooling you down? Not really, but I suppose it could make you sweat which in turn would cool you down.

21st September 2009, 17:01
I have a different further drinks related question. A guy at work as well as my other half drink water from the water cooler half and half. By half and half I mean half room temperature water and half chilled water. Room temperature water is apparently too warm and chilled is too cold so apparently the perfect solution is half and half.

Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid or do lots ot people actually do this?

I used to do this at my old gym :p :

Mark in Oshawa
21st September 2009, 17:09
I have a different further drinks related question. A guy at work as well as my other half drink water from the water cooler half and half. By half and half I mean half room temperature water and half chilled water. Room temperature water is apparently too warm and chilled is too cold so apparently the perfect solution is half and half.

Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid or do lots ot people actually do this?

Makes sense to me, mind you they say you burn more energy if you drink cold water since it your body wants to warm up the cold substance in your system and burns energy to do it. That might be why having a cold drink on a hot day doesn't always help

Hazell B
21st September 2009, 18:50
The warm drinks for cooling the body down thing is utter tripe. One of those stupid tales people with no fridge used to say that just stuck in everyone's mind. Cold drinks cool you better and warm drinks are just stopping you get dry.

Mark, you're confusing using energy with burning calories. The body tries to warm up a cold drink filled belly but it doesn't warm up the rest of you in the way, say, a cereal based meal would, nor as if you're jumping up and down a lot. Cold drinks hitting the throat simply encourage the body to send a bit more blood to the surface to warm the area up, that's all. Same with the belly.

If you're very hot from exercise, cold drinks by the pint or two rushed down are asking for trouble. Your body needs the blood in your muscles for a while, so expecting blood vessels to warm the throat and belly up is a bit much. Burst blood vessels (tiny ones, nothing serious) are sometimes the result. Like little bruises in the area. Belly cramps can be the end result, sometimes hours later.
Or in the case of grazing animals like horses, colic and death :(

Sad that I know this stuff. I don't get out enough, clearly :p :

23rd September 2009, 17:21
Steve, no, not true.

23rd September 2009, 17:49
I have a different further drinks related question. A guy at work as well as my other half drink water from the water cooler half and half. By half and half I mean half room temperature water and half chilled water. Room temperature water is apparently too warm and chilled is too cold so apparently the perfect solution is half and half.

Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid or do lots ot people actually do this?

I sometimes do that, the cold water can be a bit harsh on my teeths so will put in some of the normal stuff to take the edge off.

Garry Walker
23rd September 2009, 21:34
I start every morning with drinking quite a bit of cold water straight from the tap. As cold as it can be. Perfect way of waking up.

23rd September 2009, 22:49
I hate drinking water that is warm, so has to be chilled. The stuff out of the tap here is pretty much ok. But I am addicted to cup a soups, so drink them year round, whether it is winter or summer :cool: