View Full Version : Pay Day!

14th September 2009, 21:29
Well after struggling on through yet another month down the long weary road that life has to offer it is pay day for me tomorrow!

Usually I celebrate this by getting my hair cut and by adding coleslaw to my usual sandwiches for lunch :up: However due to missing a flight home from a trip away last month I have to pay my dad back quite a large sum so it will be another lean month I fear :(

Are there any things you like to do on pay day? Or just look at the figure in your account before it quickly disappears? :)

14th September 2009, 21:52
My money just disappears

14th September 2009, 22:14
I'm unemployed and laid-off, and I miss work and the good pay days I was getting :( sure getting free money is good , but its only for 6 months and I'm half thru, and there is very little in the job market right now in my area for my line of work

14th September 2009, 23:09
My spending spree seems to come in between paydays. Take last month where I bought a new netbook about 10 days before getting paid, or the month before when I bought a new exhaust . It's stupid expenses like this which help towards my inability to move out of home but hopefully I'll be able to cut back a bit now and start saving

15th September 2009, 06:39
One thing I can't forget from my first payday that I started smoking actively. I didn't too much like tobacco firstly, but friends tried to make a fool of me. We used to buy two packs of two different type tobacco. One was clove type tobacco, and another one was 555.

Currently I have twice of my payday unused on my account... ;)

15th September 2009, 08:41
I usually get paid on the last working day of the month, and most of the bills come out on the 1st of the month. So by the 2nd of the month I can see how much money I don't have left :(

15th September 2009, 10:31
Well I went to a cash machine this morning which instanttly swallowed my card :( Called them up and they insist that they can't cancel it and send it to me, instead I have to go into the branch today and pick the card up. Except I can't get out of work so this is impossible. They are going to see what they can do....customer service, eh? :s

At least stops me spending in the meantime......

15th September 2009, 11:52
Well I went to a cash machine this morning which instanttly swallowed my card :( Called them up and they insist that they can't cancel it and send it to me, instead I have to go into the branch today and pick the card up. Except I can't get out of work so this is impossible. They are going to see what they can do....customer service, eh? :s

At least stops me spending in the meantime......

Natwest? The exact same thing happened to my sister and is exactly why I closed my account with them.

15th September 2009, 11:55
I tend to go online and buy a couple of CD's.

15th September 2009, 14:48
After the mortgage and other usual payments have consumed most of the household pay, there may be just enough left over to splurge on a case of the imported ale :mark: :D

15th September 2009, 17:18
Some are mentioning getting paid only once a month, Is that normal in Great Britain? Here the normal is every two weeks, and there's always the two glorious months when you get 3 paychecks because of how the calendar works out. You've got to budget really well to only be paid once a month.

Of course, now that I say that, I only get paid once a month, because I am now straight commission, but that is really unusual here.

Hazell B
15th September 2009, 17:58
Yes, monthly pay here seems fairly common. A few of my friends get different sums each month, depending on overtime and actual days worked, but many also get a set sum each month, however long or short the month, with overtime, etc paid a month or so after it's been worked.

I just pay myself when I need cash. No set figure, no set date, no messing :p : Besides that, I put a bit in the bank each month direct from the business to pay the mortgage (which is tiny - under £30) and National Insurance (which I won't actually bother paying this year, sod the scoundrels).

Don't have any monthly bills :up:

15th September 2009, 21:41
i get a pension at the last day of the month and another every 4 weeks which is a pain when trying to budget

16th September 2009, 07:03
@J4MIE: I second to the hair cut thing..! :D

16th September 2009, 07:25
That's not too bad if you forgot the card whereabouts or swallowed by cash machine, you will be forced to let the money unused and look for money elsewhere, it may teach you to stop consumptive behavior.

I'll come to customer service when all of my money used up... or the amount of money in the bank is enough to buy the best looking wheels for my car... ;)

16th September 2009, 14:35
...Here the normal is every two weeks, and there's always the two glorious months when you get 3 paychecks because of how the calendar works out. ....

Same here.

16th September 2009, 14:55
My spending spree seems to come in between paydays. Take last month where I bought a new netbook about 10 days before getting paid, or the month before when I bought a new exhaust . It's stupid expenses like this which help towards my inability to move out of home but hopefully I'll be able to cut back a bit now and start saving

I'm in exactly the same position, too much spending going on and not enough saving for my own place.

16th September 2009, 18:37
Like many here, my pay is eaten up by bills and rent within a week. However, a take away might be on the cards occasionally if the fiance and I are feeling particularly flush. :)

Dave B
16th September 2009, 19:49
My worst time was being paid 4-weekly, when all my direct debits went out monthly. So one month I might get paid on the 20th, and all the bills went on the 22nd. Easy. But other months I'd look at my balance towards the end of the month and think I was loaded (well, relatively) before remembering that I had a dozen people all wanting a chunk of my hard-earned.

17th September 2009, 09:21
My worst time was being paid 4-weekly, when all my direct debits went out monthly. So one month I might get paid on the 20th, and all the bills went on the 22nd. Easy. But other months I'd look at my balance towards the end of the month and think I was loaded (well, relatively) before remembering that I had a dozen people all wanting a chunk of my hard-earned.

Yep! Which is why I've tried to get all my bills coming out on the 1st of the month. That way I can look a few days after that and know all the bills are paid and whatever is there is spends for the month.

There are still a couple of stubborn ones, like Sky, who take out on the 22nd (I think it is)

Brown, Jon Brow
17th September 2009, 10:52
I get paid weekly but pay day isn't really a massive thing for me at the moment because I've got a healthy amount saved up. I think it might be easier to control how much you spend when you get paid weekly. Getting a few hundred pounds every week is easier to budget than a few thousand pounds every month.

17th September 2009, 11:48
I get paid weekly but pay day isn't really a massive thing for me at the moment because I've got a healthy amount saved up. I think it might be easier to control how much you spend when you get paid weekly. Getting a few hundred pounds every week is easier to budget than a few thousand pounds every month.

I get paid monthly whereas my finacee puts her wages in weekly (she's self employed so she could put them in daily if she wanted!), and I find that is a good compromise. Certainly getting paid monthly makes it easier with the monthly bills.

Garry Walker
17th September 2009, 14:19
I'm in exactly the same position, too much spending going on and not enough saving for my own place.

You are looking at it from the wrong angle.

It is not about spending too much. It is about earning too little.

19th September 2009, 10:53
Pay day is the last Friday of the month although I get paid a couple of days earlier as it's an instant transfer for me as I bank with the same bank as my employer. Expenses get paid seperately sometime during the middle of the month. No set date or day but always welcome half way through the month when all the bills have been paid and funds are running low.

21st September 2009, 06:47
My money just disappears

I know how you feel there