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1st September 2009, 20:00
What are people's thoughts on revenge?

Any passive-aggresive's out there? What have you done to get revenge on someone? Has it ever backfired?

I smashed up a guys guitar once for cheating on me- and whilst I'm not proud of it, I can't say that I regret it much either. I'll actually go as far as to say it was quite therapeutic. Hell hath no fury and all that... :look:

Brown, Jon Brow
1st September 2009, 21:05
I have to say that I try and avoid revenge if I can. Probably because I'm not a very aggressive person. I usually try and show my annoyance in some way though if someone has pished me off.

I'd feel as bad as them if I carried out revenge.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.

1st September 2009, 21:12
On the rare occassions I bother with revenge it's usually something trivial but a slow burn sort of thing. LIke when I caught some blokes making a sign sayin 'Young boy available for good time' with my works mobile number below I just made it so that my phone was on divert to one of them :D After 2 weeks of the bloke being confused I eventually changed it back.

1st September 2009, 21:25
my next door neighbors called the dog catcher on my beagle, and then a few months after that, they also called the dog catcher on my bull terrier, and now i have to keep all 3 of my dogs on chains so they wont get picked up by the dog catcher, and even now my neighbors sometimes throw firecracker into my yard at my dogs so a few weeks ago i decided to get a little revenge,

i took 3 shets of paper and cut each of them in to little peaces, and i put all the peaces into a bowl and tossed it in their front yard and let the wind scatter all the little peaces of paper :D

i had trashed some of my neighbors yards before just for fun, but i took alot of extra pleasure in doing it that time :D

1st September 2009, 21:25
Still steamed at the in-laws, are you? :p

1st September 2009, 21:33
got revenge once on a girl who cheated on me

did I feel better after it? no

1st September 2009, 22:08
It's a cliche but I believe that what goes around comes around.

1st September 2009, 22:21
I posted some nudie pics on the internet of this girl that busted up my guitar. But other than that, nah. :p

1st September 2009, 23:04
I posted some nudie pics on the internet of this girl that busted up my guitar. But other than that, nah. :p

link? ;) :cheese:

2nd September 2009, 00:11
I posted some nudie pics on the internet of this girl that busted up my guitar. But other than that, nah. :p

:D :up:

2nd September 2009, 00:11
My wife calls me a passive-agressive from time to time but I have no idea what that means :s

2nd September 2009, 06:18
You smashed his guitar? I'd choke a bitch if she ever got anywhere near my stuff. The only reason I cheat is because the chick I'm with at the time is getting on my nerves, so I just go after her friends.

Revenge? I hold grudges for years and love getting my revenge.

When I was in 8th grade I asked a girl out and got turned down. Her senior year of high school she was ran over by a car, which made me laugh.

2nd September 2009, 08:19
You smashed his guitar? I'd choke a bitch if she ever got anywhere near my stuff. The only reason I cheat is because the chick I'm with at the time is getting on my nerves, so I just go after her friends.

Revenge? I hold grudges for years and love getting my revenge.

When I was in 8th grade I asked a girl out and got turned down. Her senior year of high school she was ran over by a car, which made me laugh.

You sound like a total dickhead.

2nd September 2009, 08:50
I leave revenge out of my life, as I always try to do more constructive things
than thinking all the time how to harm the others ( even If they have harmed me In the first place..! )
Anyway, I believe that everyone Is gonna pay for his bad behaviour sometime, one way or another, as life itself doesn't leave anyone unpunished...

P.S. BTW great thread...

2nd September 2009, 09:36
You sound like a total dickhead.

+ 1 :up:

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd September 2009, 11:57
You smashed his guitar? I'd choke a bitch if she ever got anywhere near my stuff. The only reason I cheat is because the chick I'm with at the time is getting on my nerves, so I just go after her friends.

Revenge? I hold grudges for years and love getting my revenge.

When I was in 8th grade I asked a girl out and got turned down. Her senior year of high school she was ran over by a car, which made me laugh.


Brown, Jon Brow
2nd September 2009, 14:41
My wife calls me a passive-agressive from time to time but I have no idea what that means :s

Do you sulk a lot?

2nd September 2009, 15:41

2nd September 2009, 21:07
Still steamed at the in-laws, are you?

:p hehe was that too obvious?

I posted some nudie pics on the internet of this girl that busted up my guitar. But other than that, nah.

doh. You saw those?... And I thought I'd got rid of them all... :rolleyes: ;)

Schmenke, do you give your wife the cold shoulder? Refuse to talk when you're angry? Maybe that's what she means...?

2nd September 2009, 21:25
...Schmenke, do you give your wife the cold shoulder? Refuse to talk when you're angry? Maybe that's what she means...?

Nope, non of those (although I do refuse to golf with her :p : ). I'm begining to think that maybe she doesn't know the meaning either :mark:

2nd September 2009, 21:29
Nope, non of those (although I do refuse to golf with her :p : ). I'm begining to think that maybe she doesn't know the meaning either :mark:

Maybe she just meant Passive..? :p

3rd September 2009, 00:28
I like getting petty revenge back. But i'm not into the whole smash people's s**t up. Pretty much that means to me, that that person is crazy as hell and really it'd be better to never see them ever again :)

3rd September 2009, 04:47
Some friends left my messages unanswered and neither I see them online, this doesn't mean that I have to do the same thing not to reply any messages come to me. If not busy they might not notice what I wrote...

3rd September 2009, 06:41
I used to date a girl that was what I would call passive-agressive.

Me: "Where do you want to go eat tonight?

she: "I don't know, you decide."

Me: "How about here?"

She: "No"

Me: " How about there?"

She: "not there either"

Me: "OK, you decide"

She: "I want you to decide."

Me: "Well, I've said the two places I wanted to go, and you nixed both of them, so why don't you just tell me where you want to go, because you obviously have some place in mind."

She: "If you really loved me you would know where I want to go."

Me: :rolleyes:

Anyway, stuff like that all the time, It was maddening.

She was a former US National team gymnast, though, so there were some benefits to the relationship, :D

3rd September 2009, 17:02
She was a former US National team gymnast, though, so there were some benefits to the relationship, :D Yes, I know what you mean. My ex-gf used is a dancer at college. Can you say stretchy legs? :D

3rd September 2009, 17:19
You sound like a total dickhead.

+ 1 :up:

[IMGhttp://www.opaquelucidity.com/facepalm.jpg[/IMG]Why am I a dickhead?

All is fair in love & war.

I'm sure you three aren't saints yourselves.

3rd September 2009, 19:27
I like getting petty revenge back. But i'm not into the whole smash people's s**t up. Pretty much that means to me, that that person is crazy as hell and really it'd be better to never see them ever again :)

If only he'd realised that BEFORE he decided to sleep around... then he'd still have his beloved guitar. Ah well.

3rd September 2009, 19:38
You sound like a total dickhead.

That's harsh.
He just sounds like everybody else in Southern California.

For generations it's been a sneering cynicism the required attitude down there.
It's "hip", in, cool.

3rd September 2009, 20:24
You sound like a total dickhead.
no he doesn't, your not gonna feel bad when somthing happens to one of your enimys

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd September 2009, 22:59
no he doesn't, your not gonna feel bad when somthing happens to one of your enimys

(No he doesn't. You're not going to feel bad when something happens to one of your enemies.)

As much as I hate my ex-girlfriend for what she did to me, I don't want her to get hurt. I would prefer her to feel guilt rather than pain.

3rd September 2009, 23:11
You smashed his guitar? I'd choke a bitch if she ever got anywhere near my stuff. The only reason I cheat is because the chick I'm with at the time is getting on my nerves, so I just go after her friends.

Revenge? I hold grudges for years and love getting my revenge.

When I was in 8th grade I asked a girl out and got turned down. Her senior year of high school she was ran over by a car, which made me laugh.

I would respectfully like to suggest that you need some sort of intervention.

4th September 2009, 08:01
What are people's thoughts on revenge?

Any passive-aggresive's out there? What have you done to get revenge on someone? Has it ever backfired?

I smashed up a guys guitar once for cheating on me- and whilst I'm not proud of it, I can't say that I regret it much either. I'll actually go as far as to say it was quite therapeutic. Hell hath no fury and all that... :look:

Wow, that's cold. Smash a man's guitar over your inability to keep him satisfied in the bedroom. I hope he learned a lesson about giving access to evrything to everybody. It would seem not everyone loves a slinky.

4th September 2009, 13:58
Why am I a dickhead?

All is fair in love & war.

I'm sure you three aren't saints yourselves.

If you don't like her, grow a pair and dump her before you go sleeping around. Cheating is low.

4th September 2009, 14:01
no he doesn't, your not gonna feel bad when somthing happens to one of your enimys

I wouldn't consider a girl an enemy just because she didn't want to go out with me. I certainly wouldn't wish illness or injury on her as a result.

Brown, Jon Brow
4th September 2009, 18:20
If you don't like her, grow a pair and dump her before you go sleeping around. Cheating is low.


4th September 2009, 19:21
Wow, that's cold. Smash a man's guitar over your inability to keep him satisfied in the bedroom. I hope he learned a lesson about giving access to evrything to everybody. It would seem not everyone loves a slinky.

Ah you're tiny brain has misunderstood. Let me rephrase. I smashed his guitar over his inability to be an honest, respectful guy.

Personally, I think cheating is cold... but then you sound about as decent as GloomyDay so I wouldn't expect much else. :D

4th September 2009, 20:44
One thing about revenge, it's like practical jokes: it tends to escalate. But unlike practical jokes, depending on how far the two parties take it, law enforcement might eventually have to get involved.

Right about the time I got my XK8, I broke up with a girl. There was no cheating or anything like that, it was just time for it to be over. She didn't take it so well. In her mind, we were headed for the altar at some point (she was obviously delusional - me, get married???!!! :D ). So she shared with a mutual friend of ours that she was going to key my car. This mutual friend has known me for a LOT longer than she'd known the ex-girlfriend. Not only did she give the ex a stern talking to, advising her that such a thing would be the biggest mistake of her life, given some of my past associations... but that since she now knew about it, she was going to tell me and tell the police if anything happened to the car. It ended their friendship, but she likely saved that kook from something (legally? maybe something else?) happening to her.

All I'm saying is, once you go down the road to revenge, you have to consider where that road might end.

4th September 2009, 22:06
Ah you're tiny brain has misunderstood. Let me rephrase. I smashed his guitar over his inability to be an honest, respectful guy.

Personally, I think cheating is cold... but then you sound about as decent as GloomyDay so I wouldn't expect much else. :D

Possibly afraid to fess up due to your irrational, blinding acts of violence and uncontrolable temper tantrums.

4th September 2009, 22:32
Possibly afraid to fess up due to your irrational, blinding acts of violence and uncontrolable temper tantrums.

My thoughts exactly. Such behaviour is not, in my opinion, either acceptable or desirable.

5th September 2009, 02:26
Ah you're tiny brain has misunderstood. Let me rephrase. I smashed his guitar over his inability to be an honest, respectful guy.

Personally, I think cheating is cold... but then you sound about as decent as GloomyDay so I wouldn't expect much else. :D
smashing peoples stuff is worce than laughing when somthing happens to one of your enimys ;)

5th September 2009, 14:07
smashing peoples stuff is worce than laughing when somthing happens to one of your enimys ;)

Maybe so. But he wasn't my enemy for starters- he was meant to be someone who loved me. It's hard to laugh when you've been hurt. I got angry- I don't deny that. Of course I got angry. I'm not saying I'd do it again but I don't really regret it either. *shrugs* I think he regrets the whole situation alot more than I do. I'll ask him. ;)

If I was afraid to fess up to it I wouldn't have just posted in a public forum about it.