View Full Version : Dunkin' Donkeys

donKey jote
23rd August 2009, 10:41
"I did it !" :D :dozey:

23rd August 2009, 11:34
I'm all for thrill seeking activities but bungee jumping is probably the only thing I would not be willing to try. There's no way my joints would appreciate a bungee jump. It does look fun though. :D

donKey jote
23rd August 2009, 11:48
I'd had it going around in my head it ever since it was decided I'd be coming here. I knew I'd be tempted but would I dare / would I not, would my joints be up to it / would they not, it's perfectly safe but what if...
The first time I saw the bridge a couple of days ago I had a bad back so that was my excuse.

It was today or probably never, and in the end I enjoyed it so much I jumped again on a longer rope :D

(contrary to my expectations, it was really soft on the body... they even had a couple of people in wheelchairs doing it!)

23rd August 2009, 12:07
Good on ya!

23rd August 2009, 12:17
"I did it !" :D :dozey:
Did what? Watch someone do a bungee jump?

23rd August 2009, 12:19
I enjoyed it so much I jumped again on a longer rope :D

Next time, try with a rope that doesn't stretch.

donKey jote
23rd August 2009, 12:36
Did what? Watch someone do a bungee jump?
no, pushed someone off a bridge :p

Next time, try with a rope that doesn't stretch.
no... I think that would be too hard on the joints :p

Mark in Oshawa
24th August 2009, 05:34
Donkey...that is a perfectly good bridge. There Is NO REASON to jump off of it. Just like people who sky dive should be informed that there is no valid to jump out of an airplane if the engine is still turning over. A friend of mine was in the Canadian Paratroopers, told me he did over 100 jumps and hated everyone and hasn't done a one since he got out of the Army 13 years ago....

donKey jote
26th August 2009, 13:22
Well rest assured the only reason I jumped off it was because I had a big elastic band strapped aroung my ankles...
it was something I always wanted to do, not because of thrill-seeking or the supposed adrenaline rush (didn't notice anything strange), but as a dare to myself, to see if I could defeat that funny feeling and do it.
My dad has already told me I'm an idiot and my missus says I'm in for a talking to when I get home :(
I thought she'd be happy to see me hang like a donkey like markabilly's missus was ! :dozey:

Garry Walker
26th August 2009, 13:25
quite an enjoyable thing to do, I have done a few in my life. Parachuting is far more enjoyable.

donKey jote
26th August 2009, 13:28
I guess that's next on my list, if I survive the homecoming :p :

Garry Walker
26th August 2009, 13:31
I guess that's next on my list, if I survive the homecoming :p :

Fortunately my better half has a far more relaxed attitude towards me doing such stuff :D

donKey jote
26th August 2009, 13:40
It'll be alright... mine is just scared of heights. She probably went all wobbly just by looking at the pics. :laugh:
Didn't get any reaction regarding the tuk-tuk pics from the stopover in Bangkok, which was far more dangerous than any bungee. Of course she hasn't seen the videos yet :p :

26th August 2009, 14:29
I'd rather eat lint then jump off a perfectly good bridge or good airplane.

26th August 2009, 16:32
Crazy Donkey!

26th August 2009, 17:04
I guess that's next on my list, if I survive the homecoming :p :

I did a tandem jump, tonnes of fun :) The feeling of somersaulting out into nothingness just can't be beaten :)

race aficionado
26th August 2009, 21:07
"I did it !" :D :dozey:

Good for you Donks!!!!

Not something I would like to do but I respect and celebrate your craziness and bravery to face death in the face . . . or something like that. :)

Bravo amigo!!!!

peace and no broken or disjointed joints,

:s mokin:

26th August 2009, 23:59
"I did it !" :D :dozey: Bungee jumping is a cop-out!
All the thrill of suicide without the commitment! :dozey:

I suppose you drink non-alcoholic beer, just so you can just smell drunk :p :

donKey jote
27th August 2009, 01:30
Err no, it's more like all the thrill of a dive without getting too wet :D

Non-alcoholic beer? :laugh:
No way would I drink a non-European Bud or any other piss you drink over there if that's what you mean :p :

27th August 2009, 01:36
Err no, it's more like all the thrill of a dive without getting too wet

Non-alcoholic beer? :laugh:
No way would I drink a non-European Bud or any other piss you drink over there if that's what you mean :p :That was meant to be a dual subject joke! Perhaps too much allegory?
Personally I have no idea why anybody would drink non alcoholic beer :confused: :beer: :arrows:

donKey jote
27th August 2009, 02:10
I agree :D

donKey jote
27th August 2009, 02:20
I respect and celebrate your craziness and bravery to face death in the face . . . or something like that. :)

Thanks race, but it's neither crazy nor brave. More like stupid lemming: "3-2-1-jump" and you just jump :p :
Plus this was the Mickey Mouse 43m bridge...They also had 134m and 400m high jumps :crazy: .
Peace amigo :)

27th August 2009, 03:42
That was meant to be a dual subject joke! Perhaps too much allegory?
Personally I have no idea why anybody would drink non alcoholic beer :confused: :beer: :arrows:

The company I worked for at the time was terrified of the Y2K fiasco, the Global Warming of it's time. As a result, the entire maint, engineering, IT, and support staffs were to be on hand on site at the change of the new year. In additiion to huge, wall sized multi-paneled TV displays for sporting events and worldwide celebrations, the company brought in caterers serving Cajun, Mexican, Seafood, and Bar B Que food nonstop. They also brought in some non alcoholic beer, O'Dools or something like that, for those that wanted it. Now there are just some foods that aren't right without the taste and bite of an icy cold beer to wash them down with like boiled crawfish, a large platter of enchilladas with chili and onions and oysters on the half shell. I haven't had a non alcoholic beer since then, but they did the trick that night.

27th August 2009, 05:28
The company I worked for at the time was terrified of the Y2K fiasco, the Global Warming of it's time. As a result, the entire maint, engineering, IT, and support staffs were to be on hand on site at the change of the new year. In additiion to huge, wall sized multi-paneled TV displays for sporting events and worldwide celebrations, the company brought in caterers serving Cajun, Mexican, Seafood, and Bar B Que food nonstop. They also brought in some non alcoholic beer, O'Dools or something like that, for those that wanted it. Now there are just some foods that aren't right without the taste and bite of an icy cold beer to wash them down with like boiled crawfish, a large platter of enchilladas with chili and onions and oysters on the half shell. I haven't had a non alcoholic beer since then, but they did the trick that night.I would take a glass of water, ice tea, lemon-aide
a virgin Pina Colada or a coke before I would ruin a killer meal
like you described with that nasty stuff! But that's just me! To each his own :up:

27th August 2009, 05:39

Hey, did the wind blow off your hair?
You can have some of mine. :p