View Full Version : The Swiss Roll Over

21st August 2009, 18:42
I am shocked and disgusted that the Swiss went back on their word and will now reveal any information requested by the IRS. The Swiss could have maintained their honor and integrity by simply closing accounts or notifying people to do so. Well some countries will be getting a big shot in the arm for off of this.

22nd August 2009, 00:58
I'm pretty sure all people with accounts in Switzerland have a period of grace to inform the IRS of their offshore accounts. If you don't own up yourself and the banks tell the IRS that's your own individual problem and nothing to do with honor or integrity.

22nd August 2009, 01:00
I am shocked and disgusted that the Swiss went back on their word and will now reveal any information requested by the IRS. The Swiss could have maintained their honor and integrity by simply closing accounts or notifying people to do so. Well some countries will be getting a big shot in the arm for off of this.

:rotflmao: What have you been smoking Foustina?

Honour my butt. Where's the honour in keeping Nazi gold? I'm only too happy to see anyone under suspicion of being a tax cheat being investigated properly.

22nd August 2009, 11:15
Fousto, you better move your money in Switzerland to Cayman Islands.

22nd August 2009, 17:44
I'm pretty sure all people with accounts in Switzerland have a period of grace to inform the IRS of their offshore accounts. If you don't own up yourself and the banks tell the IRS that's your own individual problem and nothing to do with honor or integrity.

The fact is that the Swiss advertised confidentiality. Breaching that has everything to do with honor and integrity. Plus you don't know the expat laws of the US (neither do I), However it is not up to the Swiss to work for the IRS.
Maybe the US should evaluate their tax laws instead of running around the world sticking their nose's into other banks. I do know that if you are a US citizen you can't even move out of here without them wanting to know where you are and if you are making money.

22nd August 2009, 17:49
:rotflmao: What have you been smoking Foustina?

Honour my butt. Where's the honour in keeping Nazi gold? I'm only too happy to see anyone under suspicion of being a tax cheat being investigated properly.

So you are telling me that if you move from South Africa to Poland and make money you should pay taxes on that money in South Africa - correct.

Well whatever I am smoking (Cohiba) is a hell of a lot better than what you are smoking :)

22nd August 2009, 17:54
Fousto, you better move your money in Switzerland to Cayman Islands.

Probably not - they would roll over as well. The US can put too much pressure on carib countries - Isle of Man, Uruguay, Panama and NZ are probably a better bet.

22nd August 2009, 18:34
To be fair I have no idea about US taxes but my UK tax status means that I will pay tax in the UK on any worldwide income earnt. Well there are other reliefs but I am still liable to pay the tax on income earnt in Switzerland whether or not a Swiss bank discloses information or not. There is a very fine line between tax avoidance which is legal and tax evasion which is not.

22nd August 2009, 18:46
To be fair I have no idea about US taxes but my UK tax status means that I will pay tax in the UK on any worldwide income earnt. Well there are other reliefs but I am still liable to pay the tax on income earnt in Switzerland whether or not a Swiss bank discloses information or not. There is a very fine line between tax avoidance which is legal and tax evasion which is not.

Grid Girl - forget the tax part. Swiss sold you a bank account and total confidentiality with it. Then they rolled over and gave out your information.

Is there any question this is dishonorable!! Shame on this country!!!!

22nd August 2009, 18:55
Grid Girl - forget the tax part. Swiss sold you a bank account and total confidentiality with it. Then they rolled over and gave out your information.

Is there any question this is dishonorable!! Shame on this country!!!!
So what you're saying is that for instance if you Foustina kill someone and then tell me that it's dishonourable for me to tell someone when questioned. You should have been Australian you know, there are some people in Australia who believe in keeping quiet about what their mates do rather than doing the right thing.

22nd August 2009, 18:56
No, they are most likely only selling you out because you are not correctly declaring income or paying your taxes. It is irrelevant where In the world you actually hold your money.

Other than that I suppose there may be some issues to money laundering or even habouring money for terrorism. Fousto, I thought you of all people would be interested in what money those nasty Muslim terrorists have in Swiss bank accounts. :p

22nd August 2009, 19:08
I think you are really missing the point. But maybe you expect the Swiss to be the worlds Tax enforcers. The terrorists have enough money in your country they don't need the swiss.

22nd August 2009, 19:10
I think you are really missing the point. But maybe you expect the Swiss to be the worlds Tax enforcers. The terrorists have enough money in your country they don't need the swiss.
You have to be either ignorant or just plain stupid to think that the terrorists wouldn't hide money in Switzerland if they felt it was guaranteed to be hidden. Remember your friend Mr Arafat? He had money hidden in Switzerland ;)

22nd August 2009, 19:21
So what you're saying is that for instance if you Foustina kill someone and then tell me that it's dishonourable for me to tell someone when questioned. You should have been Australian you know, there are some people in Australia who believe in keeping quiet about what their mates do rather than doing the right thing.

Actually I think murder is in a different league than banking. Well maybe unless there is a holdup going on when you go to the bank.

The problem is that you don't know the tax history or the person with the account. Maybe all their money is legit. But the US says you must report all accounts worldwide. Some people feel this is a flagrant display of excessive power. However you Euros love to have the government run your lives so I guess I can understand where you are coming from. I guess the best would be to eliminate private banking and just have one large World Bank where all accounts would be. Then a World currency, Then just one world no countries and then the final playground anarchy.

BTW put a "o" instead of an "a" on my new nickname or I would hate to have to send you pictures of my genitals :p

donKey jote
23rd August 2009, 11:48
BTW put a "o" instead of an "a" on my new nickname or I would hate to have to send you pictures of my genitals :p

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :up:

23rd August 2009, 11:49
BTW put a "o" instead of an "a" on my new nickname or I would hate to have to send you pictures of my genitals :p

No can do Foustina :)

donKey jote
23rd August 2009, 11:58
go on Fousto, do the honorable thing ! :p :

23rd August 2009, 11:59
go on Fousto, do the honorable thing ! :p :
I shall kill anyone who sends Foustina my email address ;)

donKey jote
23rd August 2009, 12:05
[email:1651ag1o]baniela@carolines.co.uk[/email:1651ag1o] ? :p :

23rd August 2009, 18:50
yea i know this trick - it is a alias for interpole child porn

23rd August 2009, 23:35
Fousto....just start paying all your taxes.


Mark in Oshawa
24th August 2009, 06:32
Fousto, look at the bright side. Look at all the crooked congressmen and Senators that have been on the take scramble now......

25th August 2009, 08:41
hey we blow the sh!t out of Iraq we are the bad guy
We invade the Swiss banking system and we are the good guys

Which way is the wind blowing TIREs

Mark in Oshawa
25th August 2009, 15:30
Fousto, I tell you that the Swiss opening up their banks will be great. People like William Jefferson and Barney Franks just might be sweating ya know......

25th August 2009, 17:26
Not a chance Mark, They would have had so much advance warning there will not be a trace.

29th September 2009, 00:18
Hey now they give us polanski. Man when the Swiss roll over they roll over. Man before the Swiss get done they are going to be no 1 in instigating prison rape.
Can you imagine all of these guys with fat bank accounts and now poor Roman in with ole "Bubba"

29th September 2009, 02:14
Hey now they give us polanski. Man when the Swiss roll over they roll over. Man before the Swiss get done they are going to be no 1 in instigating prison rape.
Can you imagine all of these guys with fat bank accounts and now poor Roman in with ole "Bubba"

And the French are up in arms that the Swiss grabbed him. They seem ok with the fact that he drugged a raped a teenager!

If the Swiss roll him over to the US, I can't see life being very good for him.

29th September 2009, 02:43
Do the Frogs have any legal age for sex?? Does this mean we can go to France and bang 13 yr olds?? No wonder Flav lived there for so long. :)

29th September 2009, 05:27
Seriously dude, posts like that are just wrong!!!!!

29th September 2009, 05:45
then the following should be wrong as well right gridgirl

And the French are up in arms that the Swiss grabbed him. They seem ok with the fact that he drugged a raped a teenager!

29th September 2009, 06:10
Child abuse on any level is simply wrong. To be fair the victim is also sticking up for Polanski but one would expect that she received a substantial financial settlement from her own private lawsuit. This topic probably deserves it's own thread.

29th September 2009, 06:18
ok I will see you on the thread

29th September 2009, 11:56
I wish the US would also start to play ball with fair rules. They could start by extraditing these kidnappers to Italy:


Prosecutors in Italy file request to extradite 22 CIA operatives.(Central Intelligence Agency)

Byline: John Crewdson and Alessandra Maggiorani

MILAN, Italy _ Italian prosecutors on Thursday formally asked their government to seek the extradition of 22 U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives charged with kidnapping a radical Muslim preacher here nearly three years ago.

3rd October 2009, 01:12
I wish the US would also start to play ball with fair rules. They could start by extraditing these kidnappers to Italy:


You know that ain't ever going to happen, just like that murdering terrorist who seems to be vops bestest buddy.

You know if this guy was a muslim he would be chained to a concrete block in gitmo!



"Mr Posada once boasted of being responsible for a series of bomb attacks on Havana tourist spots in the 1990s."

"The documents, released by George Washington University's National Security Archive, show that Mr Posada, now in his 70s, was on the CIA payroll from the 1960s until mid-1976.

One FBI report quoted a confidential source as saying that Mr Posada was one of several people who met at least twice at a hotel in Caracas, allegedly to discuss bombing a Cubana airlines plane.

Mr Posada was arrested in Venezuela after the bombing, but was not convicted before he escaped from prison.
The US documents show that he later went to central America, where he joined the covert US operation, led by Lt Col Oliver North, to rearm the anti-communist Contra guerrillas." unquote

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 16:59
I wish the US would also start to play ball with fair rules. They could start by extraditing these kidnappers to Italy:


Eki...you get right on that. Last time I looked, "kidnapping" a terrorist for intelligence purposes isn't the same as child rape, but you being the king of moral relativity wouldn't see that.

3rd October 2009, 17:39
Eki...you get right on that. Last time I looked, "kidnapping" a terrorist for intelligence purposes isn't the same as child rape, but you being the king of moral relativity wouldn't see that.

So, you think kidnapping someone and taking him/her out of his/her country isn't a henious crime? How would you feel if for example some Turkish guys snatched you and took you to a Turkish prison to watch a live show of "Midnight Express"?

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 20:46
So, you think kidnapping someone and taking him/her out of his/her country isn't a henious crime? How would you feel if for example some Turkish guys snatched you and took you to a Turkish prison to watch a live show of "Midnight Express"?

When you get upset about the heinous crimes taking place in countries you don't like to bash all the time, then I will take you and your anti-American tirades remotely seriously. That isn't to say the CIA always place nice, but they don't take innocents off the street at random. You have nothing to worry about Eki...you are safe from the clutches of the CIA.

3rd October 2009, 22:25
Eki...you get right on that. Last time I looked, "kidnapping" a terrorist for intelligence purposes isn't the same as child rape, but you being the king of moral relativity wouldn't see that.

I notice that you guys are quick to get stuck into Eki, however no-one has yet commented on posada and how the us are harbouring a terrorist murdering criminal, who apparently was on 'their' payroll.

Oh I forgot, it's ok to kidnap and murder when muslims and cubans are the victums, ho hum. :(

3rd October 2009, 22:26
When you get upset about the heinous crimes taking place in countries you don't like to bash all the time, then I will take you and your anti-American tirades remotely seriously. That isn't to say the CIA always place nice, but they don't take innocents off the street at random. You have nothing to worry about Eki...you are safe from the clutches of the CIA.

I notice that you guys are quick to get stuck into Eki, however no-one has yet commented on posada and how the us are harbouring a terrorist murdering criminal, who apparently was on 'their' payroll.

Oh I forgot, it's ok to kidnap and murder when muslims and cubans are the victums.

3rd October 2009, 22:39
I notice that you guys are quick to get stuck into Eki, however no-one has yet commented on posada and how the us are harbouring a terrorist murdering criminal, who apparently was on 'their' payroll.

Oh I forgot, it's ok to kidnap and murder when muslims and cubans are the victums.

If you look at both links, Eki provides one in which attorneys are making a request to the government. Until that government makes the request to the US it has no US involvement.

Your link was a case of someone jailed but never convicted of a crime. You must be missing the use of the word "alleged" in regards to him even being in the US, and the quote that the US goverment would deal with his asylim request the same as any other person. Being no such request has been made, they have no evidence that he is even in the US.

Both your and Eki's links deal with people accused and never convicted. At least in your case the person escaped which may be another crime, but there is no actual evidence he is in the US.

Polanski was tried and convicted, then fled the country.

3rd October 2009, 22:41
Both your and Eki's links deal with people accused and never convicted. At least in your case the person escaped which may be another crime, but there is no actual evidence he is in the US.

Our good friend vop admits to meeting him a few weeks ago and brags about what a fine fellow he is, I'll find the post shortly.


Funny how you seemed to miss how Mr. Possada Carriles was twice acquitted by a Venezuelan court. he was only continued to be help because of Cuban pressure. But I guess Justice doesn't count when it could get in the way of bashing the U.S.

BTW. I enjoyed a Cafe Cubano this past Saturday with Sr. Posada Carriles. A very intelligent and well read, gentleman. (my high lighting)


it never ceases to amaze me that you believe that this guy was aquitted, he was NEVER aquitted, he fled before he could face the charges........ A few links for your perusal.


4th October 2009, 06:08
Our good friend vop admits to meeting him a few weeks ago and brags about what a fine fellow he is, I'll find the post shortly.

(my high lighting)


it never ceases to amaze me that you believe that this guy was aquitted, he was NEVER aquitted, he fled before he could face the charges........ A few links for your perusal.


I wasn't aware of the previous posts of Vop, and the first links I found stopped short of the things that took place in the US in recent years.

There does seem to be a lot of different statements on his aquittal(s). According to several sources I found he was still jailed awaiting an appeal to his second acquittal when he escaped, which was some 8 years after being imprisoned.

4th October 2009, 08:19
That isn't to say the CIA always place nice, but they don't take innocents off the street at random.
Being guilty or innocent is irrelevant. What's relevant is that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to snatch people at will from their countries. Guilty or innocent. If they were, then the North Korean agents for example should also be allowed to snatch people from South Korea, Japan or even the USA. The correct procedure IMO is to ask authorisation and assistance from the local authorities. Then it wouldn't be called kidnapping anymore, but extradiction.

Mark in Oshawa
5th October 2009, 06:39
Being guilty or innocent is irrelevant. What's relevant is that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to snatch people at will from their countries. Guilty or innocent. If they were, then the North Korean agents for example should also be allowed to snatch people from South Korea, Japan or even the USA. The correct procedure IMO is to ask authorisation and assistance from the local authorities. Then it wouldn't be called kidnapping anymore, but extradiction.

You'd be 100% correct...and yet I don't see anyone breaking off diplomatic relations over it either. Especially when the people snatched were known to various intelligence agencies in the west as suspected terrorists AND they were snatched in a country other than their own. What the law is, and what the backchannel wink wink nudge nudges are indeed two different things.

There is snatching people for purposes of inteligence, and there is making arrests on foreign soil ina public manner. To charge the CIA agents with the crime, you have to first identify that they were with the CIA ( good luck ), then identify who they actually are ( their names ) then find them...and then prove they snatched the people in question (usually people who are not quite innocent like you or I would be ) and then get enough of this evidence to the point a judge would grant you the extradition order in the country you find these guys. People accuse the CIA of a lot of dirty stuff, and the KGB and the MI6 people...and SDECE and Mossad...and so on, yet no one is ever charged, even in countries that might have good reason to make those charges. Makes you think doesn't it? Could it be that it is a can of worms some people don't want to open up?