View Full Version : Where is RACEFANSTAN

muggle not
17th August 2009, 03:33
Where is racefanstan. When did we see him last?

17th August 2009, 03:38
We haven't seen much of him lately, hope everything is ok

17th August 2009, 03:43
stuck on facebook :p :

17th August 2009, 03:54
I'm sure he has better things to do than being "stuck" on facebook

The instant classic
17th August 2009, 05:43
out with many many many woman i bet he's got the woman hanging all over
lucky guy

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2009, 05:47
Stan is laying low with Shrubbie sucking wind....

17th August 2009, 09:05
He's made posts as recently as two days ago in the games section, so he's around. Hasn't updated the race times thread in over a month though.

muggle not
17th August 2009, 12:08
Stan is laying low with Shrubbie sucking wind....
If my memory serves me correct, RFS was a fan of the "Shrub", but surely he wouldn't stay away for that reason. :D

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2009, 14:57
If my memory serves me correct, RFS was a fan of the "Shrub", but surely he wouldn't stay away for that reason. :D

maybe.....It is a better theory than thinking Stan has forsaken us for the world of Facebook....

17th August 2009, 15:29
It is August, maybe he's on vacation and just posting minimally.

muggle not
18th August 2009, 02:39
It is August, maybe he's on vacation and just posting minimally.
I would rather think it was because of Shrub's poor showing recently. On vacation isn't quite as interesting. :)

19th August 2009, 03:45
Hello Everyone, it all started when I got a nasty virus on my computer.
It took many attempts to get everything in order. (it was a Level 4 Trojan that refused to "die")
But then my Internet Explorer kept having issues so I have switched to Firefox.
I am getting used to Firefox & I am liking it much better, (a solid browser & I recommend it highly).
I hope to be back in full swing shortly ( I have a lot of scoring to catch up).
I just finished catching-up the Forum's NASCAR Pickems! (there has been a change at the top).
================================================== ====
As to the TV Times, it appeared to me that the interest had waned, so I abandoned it.
If people want it back, let me know & I will resume doing the TV Times.
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I am back, I promise to be more active & more timely with my duties.
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As to Kyle Busch, all I can say is the other drivers better watch their mirrors ...
because Kyle Busch is coming & he won't be cutting any slack, it will be move or get moved. :D

19th August 2009, 03:51
================================================== ====
As to the TV Times, it appeared to me that the interest had waned, so I abandoned it.
If people want it back, let me know & I will resume doing the TV Times.
================================================== ====

I find it useful.

19th August 2009, 04:11

Mark in Oshawa
19th August 2009, 05:57
Hello Everyone, it all started when I got a nasty virus on my computer.
It took many attempts to get everything in order. (it was a Level 4 Trojan that refused to "die")
But then my Internet Explorer kept having issues so I have switched to Firefox.
I am getting used to Firefox & I am liking it much better, (a solid browser & I recommend it highly).
I hope to be back in full swing shortly ( I have a lot of scoring to catch up).
I just finished catching-up the Forum's NASCAR Pickems! (there has been a change at the top).
================================================== ====
As to the TV Times, it appeared to me that the interest had waned, so I abandoned it.
If people want it back, let me know & I will resume doing the TV Times.
================================================== ====
I am back, I promise to be more active & more timely with my duties.
================================================== ====
As to Kyle Busch, all I can say is the other drivers better watch their mirrors ...
because Kyle Busch is coming & he won't be cutting any slack, it will be move or get moved. :D

Welcome back Stan, I feel your pain. I have had virus issues before with a previous system.

TV times are not a bad idea if they are not too much trouble, but I can always find the race on TV in a heartbeat myself. Still people need reminders I guess.

AS for Shrub, he better be coming because he has a few guys to beat for that last spot and he has a hole to get out of before he gets to them. I think Kyle missing the chase MAY be the best thing for his career. JGR has to get the quality control issues under control and learn how to build a car for Kyle he can run steady in. Kyle on the other hand...well either he needs to channel that rage or hide it, because as a PR story, he is a train wreck at times......

The instant classic
19th August 2009, 06:48
Hello Everyone, it all started when I got a nasty virus on my computer.
It took many attempts to get everything in order. (it was a Level 4 Trojan that refused to "die")
But then my Internet Explorer kept having issues so I have switched to Firefox.
I am getting used to Firefox & I am liking it much better, (a solid browser & I recommend it highly).
I hope to be back in full swing shortly ( I have a lot of scoring to catch up).
I just finished catching-up the Forum's NASCAR Pickems! (there has been a change at the top).
================================================== ====
As to the TV Times, it appeared to me that the interest had waned, so I abandoned it.
If people want it back, let me know & I will resume doing the TV Times.
================================================== ====
I am back, I promise to be more active & more timely with my duties.
================================================== ====
As to Kyle Busch, all I can say is the other drivers better watch their mirrors ...
because Kyle Busch is coming & he won't be cutting any slack, it will be move or get moved. :D

i know how the TROJAN virus goes :mad:
about 3 months back i was downloading music from limewire, and got myself trojan. it killed my pc so bad, when i wolud press the power button my pc wolud come on then shut right back off :mad:

19th August 2009, 14:05
if you go with a Mac, you wouldn't have this problem, I had a PC and virus's trashed it because Mcafree can't stop anything from going through

19th August 2009, 15:08
I use AVG and it has caught nasty crap before it killed my computer. McAfee and Norton are junk in comparison. Also, be careful where you go online. Facebook apps are notorious for putting chit on your computer that you don't want there.

Fred Basset
19th August 2009, 21:01
i know how the TROJAN virus goes :mad:
about 3 months back i was downloading music from limewire, and got myself trojan. it killed my pc so bad, when i wolud press the power button my pc wolud come on then shut right back off :mad:

Only got yourself to blame "limewire" = trojans and all kinds of viruses

20th August 2009, 02:08
Hello Everyone, it all started when I got a nasty virus on my computer.
It took many attempts to get everything in order. (it was a Level 4 Trojan that refused to "die")
But then my Internet Explorer kept having issues so I have switched to Firefox.

Just have to be careful out there. I've used Firefox for years, keep McAfee updated and use Registry Mechanic and still got a virus that f'ed up my computer big time. Most likely the same one that nailed you. I rebuilt my hard drive several times and could never completely fix all the problems it created, so I gave up and bought a new computer since the old one was over six years old. I think Dell planted it in the computer in order to sell me a new one! :)

The instant classic
20th August 2009, 04:37
Only got yourself to blame "limewire" = trojans and all kinds of viruses

yup thats what i get for being a good friend and finding my buddy some music, what's ironic is the song i was getting for him was called "Broken"
ironic how it broke my pc :D

8th September 2009, 09:40
Ive been pretty much in the same boat as Stan, I have had only real good use of my computer for about 3 weeks now. Have been real busy at work, and now all of a sudden, MSF is on the list of blocked sites we cant access from our work terminals, imagine that! :p :

I really haven't had much to say, anyway.

I'll be so glad when this abortion of a season is over and a new season begins next year. Oh well, C'est la vie.

Hey Nascar, guess what your contrived BS chase has done? The one thing it was designed to undo. It has driven me back to watching football. I figure, my driver's season is now over since he's been eliminated from chase contention for several weeks now, so why bother?
Although He would have NO shot at the championship in either deal, he still had a shot (albeit an OUTSIDE shot) at reaching the top 10 at by Homestead in the old deal.
So now my Sundays will be spent watching football (thanks to Direct TV's NFL Sunday Ticket, I won't be missing any Bears Games) and then watching a DVR'd replay of the race at a later time, making sure i miss all of the sponsor's commercials :up:

8th September 2009, 16:07
I've been watching baseball, slo. At the rate my Yankees are going I'll still be watching in October. :D

Those DVRs are fantastic little machines. On our cable system you automatically get a DVR when you subscribe to high def service. It's sweet.

10th September 2009, 00:26
I am still coming back, that virus really did damage to some of my programs,
the main one damaged was Internet Explorer.
I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 today because that virus had left my Internet Explorer 7 crippled. :s
I am now using Internet Explorer 8 (for NASCAR stuff) without issue so far ...
it is working the way Internet Explorer 7 used to. :D

Copy & paste wouldn't work from Firefox into Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel (it won't copy correctly.)
(NOTE : Internet Explorer is a Microsoft product, I suspect that is why Firefox doesn't work well with them.)

10th September 2009, 05:05
I ugraded to IE8 a few weeks ago and it works like a charm. I hope it works as well for you.