View Full Version : Big Problems - What is the solution

11th August 2009, 07:42
Ok lets identify a few problems worldwide and see what the various solutions would be and the possible outcomes.

So I will post a problem that is self explanatory. This is quite sad

The Solution: The cops should have shot the stolen vehicle with a Tow missile and the kids would be alive and at the game.

The world is getting stupider my the moment and quite frankly many of the criminal we don't even need to bother with.

5th Child Dies in California Police Chase Crash
Monday, August 10, 2009
A fifth child has died after a stolen car fleeing police in California ran a stop sign and crashed into a pickup truck carrying a seven members of a young family, robbing a young couple of all of their children.

Dinuba police say that a carjacked Dodge Neon carrying the suspects sped away from police when an officer tried to pull the vehicle over for a traffic infraction Saturday afternoon. All three passengers in the Neon died when the car plowed into the truck, leaving a death toll of eight.

No one in the 1997 GMC pickup was wearing a seat belt, and the parents of the five deceased children, Carlos and Jennifer Salazar, remain in the hospital with moderate to major injuries.

Four of their young kids were killed at the scene, and a fifth — 8-year-old Carlos Eric Salazar — died at the hospital Sunday.

The four children who were ejected and died at the scene were identified as 7 year-old Jocelyn Grace Salazar; 4-year-old Monique Janae Salazar; 3-year-old Michael Alexander Salazar; and 1-year-old Sienna Rose Salazar, CHP Officer Felipe Martinez told FOX News on Sunday.

The Salazars were on their way to a youth football game, where 8-year-old Carlos was supposed to play, before the crash. Officers had been chasing the suspects in the Neon for four miles before the deadly collision.

11th August 2009, 08:36
I'm at a loss because that is just so damn depressing. A whole family pretty much wiped out by some lowlifes "joy riding". :(

God bless that mother and father. Can you imagine what it's going to be like for them to hear that all of their kids are dead?

11th August 2009, 09:28
yes it is just incredible how devastating this will be. We have to get all of these people out of our society. What we are doing just does not work. I am sorry but all cannot fit in on this planet. So lets weed it out!!!

11th August 2009, 10:31
No one in the 1997 GMC pickup was wearing a seat belt,

I guess the right to NOT wear a seat belt is enshrined in the US Constitution.

All the same very sad, made worse by the number of children killed. :(

11th August 2009, 14:04
No one in the 1997 GMC pickup was wearing a seat belt,

There is the problem!

11th August 2009, 16:45
yes a contributing factor I will agree. However in the past we have seen too many long chase scenes on TV. The first time you take one of these idiots out you won't have these problems. How about a mini hellfire from a drone or maybe give the police some Apaches. Great for TV and we get rid of a idiot.

11th August 2009, 21:56
There is the problem!

anthonyvop...for once i agree with you on something. :eek:

11th August 2009, 21:57
No, that's a contributing issue. Protecting yourself from fools is something everyone should do. It is most definately not the problem itself.

In this case not wearing seatbelts was the reason why they died... :(

11th August 2009, 23:26
If not for being hit by lowlife, scumbag morons running from the police, there should be no argument that these people would all be alive today. Wearing seatbelts might have prevented their deaths, but that sure as hell isn't what killed them.

12th August 2009, 00:10
If not for being hit by lowlife, scumbag morons running from the police, there should be no argument that these people would all be alive today. Wearing seatbelts might have prevented their deaths, but that sure as hell isn't what killed them.

It's not the bullet, it's the hole type of thing?

12th August 2009, 02:24
Unfortunately all the morons will never be killed and its a tragedy that the family was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Although sticking seven people in a ute is a little dangerous, as is. There's only six seat-belts, assuming that there was two bench seats.

12th August 2009, 03:35
theres too many idiots in all the states, we have in illinois alot of local deaths on the south side of chicago of children being shot and killed from gun crossfires from gangs, its pathetic and very sad.

though not were seatbelts at a high speed collision reduces your chance of survival by quite a bit.

RIP to the children, my prayers go to the mom and dad who have to go through a major loss. I guess God told the kids your time is ready, as this is what I believe, when God tells you its time to go, its your time to go

12th August 2009, 06:52
It's not the bullet, it's the hole type of thing?

Not sure what that means exactly.

But speaking of bullets, if someone is wearing a bullet proof vest while being shot, the vest MAY prevent them from dying. But if they're not wearing the vest, what is it that killed them... not wearing the vest or the bullet?

12th August 2009, 09:16
In this case not wearing seatbelts was the reason why they died... :(

You can't be sure about that, can you?

12th August 2009, 09:21
whilst you might not be able to legislate for criminal morons wiping out your car, if your going to put your entire life into one vehicle you at least give yourselves a chance by using the seatbelts at the very least. sure that isn't the reason the were hit, but why not give yourself every chance

12th August 2009, 11:13
yes it is just incredible how devastating this will be. We have to get all of these people out of our society. What we are doing just does not work. I am sorry but all cannot fit in on this planet. So lets weed it out!!!

I think I'm going to print that out and frame it on the wall!

I think Fousto has the nail on the head here.....

You need to think about what is different about these people and then see how you can stop these people from being "different"

12th August 2009, 12:34
Not sure what that means exactly.

It isn't the bullet that kills you, it's the massive hole it creates in your body that kills you.

But speaking of bullets, if someone is wearing a bullet proof vest while being shot, the vest MAY prevent them from dying. But if they're not wearing the vest, what is it that killed them... not wearing the vest or the bullet?

Still the hole. :-)

Sorry I was trying a bit of humor, in a subject that probably doesn't call for it. This is a tragedy for all involved, and it could have possibly been avoided (not asigning any blame, all involved could have taken steps to stop this mess), and that makes it all the sadder.

12th August 2009, 14:51
...You need to think about what is different about these people and then see how you can stop these people from being "different"

In a larger picture, you need to think what is it about society that is contributing to people acting this way.

12th August 2009, 15:21
In a larger picture, you need to think what is it about society that is contributing to people acting this way.
That's kind of what I was trying to say :p

12th August 2009, 17:00
In a larger picture, you need to think what is it about society that is contributing to people acting this way.

Society, I don't know about. But within their own families (whatever broken family they may come from), there is probably little regard for life in general, and the property and rights of others specifically.

They're just a short step above being wild animals in many cases. I'm not sure what can be done about that before they commit a crime such as this.

But these freeway chases have become too commonplace, especially in California. Running means that you are guaranteed to be on TV. If running meant that there was a 9 in 10 chance that the police would use deadly force against you and the vehicle in which you're riding, I believe this problem would be lessened. Let Jimmy Joe, Pookie and Paco be shown on TV taking rounds to the head and chest as they speed down a (empty) freeway, and I doubt as many people would think it was cool. A car being used as a deadly weapon should be met with deadly force, IMO. As long as there is no more danger to the public than when the police ram a car in these situations, spray the car and let the Lord sort them out. :vader:

12th August 2009, 17:48
Society, I don't know about. But within their own families (whatever broken family they may come from), there is probably little regard for life in general, and the property and rights of others specifically.

They're just a short step above being wild animals in many cases. I'm not sure what can be done about that before they commit a crime such as this.

But these freeway chases have become too commonplace, especially in California. Running means that you are guaranteed to be on TV. If running meant that there was a 9 in 10 chance that the police would use deadly force against you and the vehicle in which you're riding, I believe this problem would be lessened. Let Jimmy Joe, Pookie and Paco be shown on TV taking rounds to the head and chest as they speed down a (empty) freeway, and I doubt as many people would think it was cool. A car being used as a deadly weapon should be met with deadly force, IMO. As long as there is no more danger to the public than when the police ram a car in these situations, spray the car and let the Lord sort them out. :vader:
But why are families any different? It's because of society.

12th August 2009, 18:09
But why are families any different? It's because of society.

What is society? It's basically just the sum of the individual parts, right? How do you "fix" that? I have no idea. How do you make people raise their children to respect themselves and others? I don't know. Who should make that happen and how could it be done? I don't know.

Social decay has affected every society at least since the time of the Roman Republic. I don't have an answer as to the cure. But it is :(

12th August 2009, 21:00
What is society? It's basically just the sum of the individual parts, right? How do you "fix" that? I have no idea. How do you make people raise their children to respect themselves and others? I don't know. Who should make that happen and how could it be done? I don't know.

Social decay has affected every society at least since the time of the Roman Republic. I don't have an answer as to the cure. But it is :(

Well, in my opinion, you can't fix it. That's society, its not foolproof, and personally myself, I don't believe it ever will be. Its kind of contradictory to my belief system if I was to accept that society could be ordered/perfect. We must deal the cards we're dealt, so to speak.

Yes, in retrospect, there are numerous factors which contributed to this tragedy. Of those factors, many could have theoretically been avoided. But events like this will happen again. Yes, indeed we can theoretically make changes to stop this chaos reoccuring, but will we? Maybe the mayor will say he'll "clamp down on criminals" in his next public speech. I don't believe in practice it can be successful, such is the very nature of society. There are endless problems in our society. And thats just the way it is, and will be. Accept it and don't dwell on it.

Just the way I see things. Not preaching here.

27th August 2009, 17:56
Hey TIRE where is the Rant - where is the outrage? Where is the help?

Do you not think this is bad?? 300,000 dead.

from the BBc
The war in Darfur, which has killed up to 300,000 people, is over, says the UN's military commander there.


27th August 2009, 19:11
What does "TIRE" mean?

27th August 2009, 19:23
What does "TIRE" mean?

Foustina trying to be clever! :)

The Islamic Republic of Europe............................. ho hum.

27th August 2009, 19:31
It's what you use to attempt to insult people when you can't think of any proper arguments as to why continen a is better than continent b :)

27th August 2009, 19:53
The anti Muslim big talk is easy on an Internet forum. Fousto, would have the guts to spout it out in a real public place.

27th August 2009, 21:43
whell duh grid girl the islams don't care who they kill man woman or child. Why don't you take a stroll through Folsom prison wearing a bikini

27th August 2009, 21:49
whell duh grid girl the islams don't care who they kill man woman or child. Why don't you take a stroll through Folsom prison wearing a bikini
Why don't you go pull your head out your ass?

27th August 2009, 22:01
What do bikinis and Folsom prision have to do with your anti muslim tirades? Nothing.

I'll be keeping my bikinis for beach appearances only thank you very much.

28th August 2009, 15:00
...I'll be keeping my bikinis for beach appearances only thank you very much.

This thread is useless without pics!


28th August 2009, 15:23
the islams

Yes, because all Islams are bloodthirsty terrorists.

28th August 2009, 16:25
Foustina trying to be clever! :)

The Islamic Republic of Europe............................. ho hum.

Ah, I see.

Well, since the OP's topic was:

Ok lets identify a few problems worldwide and see what the various solutions would be and the possible outcomes.

I'd like to present prejudice and stereotyping as a worldwide problem. Whether the prejudice and stereotyping is directed at Muslims, Christians, Jews, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Europeans, Americans, etc., etc., when has this sort of thinking ever furthered the cause of mankind?

The solution (from a very high level): thinking for ones self, education and don't let yourself be made part of a rowdy, rabid mob.