View Full Version : Half of Brits too lazy ....

Hazell B
10th August 2009, 20:39
.... to climb stairs :mark:

I saw on the TV news this morning that about half of us are too lazy to walk up flights of stairs and we'd always opt for the lift.
One in six would watch rubbish TV rather than stand up and turn over to something better manually.
I think it also said a third wouldn't ever run for a bus, they'd wait for the next one.

Last week I ran for a park and ride bus, got off my backside to search the house for my lost DVD player remote and I only use lifts if the stairs are the type with glass sides (I'm frightened of heights). I ate two doner kebabs and two large pizzas among other things, too.

Guess that's partly why I'm not obese.

Please tell me I'm not the only one? :)

10th August 2009, 21:05
I probably wouldn't run for a bus but otherwise I'm healthy and active. I hate the fact that I do little to no exercise while I'm actually at work. People at work think it's weird that I make the effort to walk to the printer even if it's only to pick up one piece of paper rather than wait till ive sent a number of things to print. Even walking a small amount us better than being sat on my butt all day.

10th August 2009, 21:20
an elavator is always better than stairs, but of cource alot of houses (including mine) have stairs so i'm up and down the stairs quite a bit each day,

most of the time i keep my remote with me, so i'm never stuck watching rubbish on tv, of cource i have a few favorite channels that i most always watch anyway (mostly racing and music) so chances are whatever i'm currently watching aint gonna be rubbish anyway :)

i never have to chase a bus becouse
i never ride a bus, becouse i dont go to school and i dont have a job yet, and i drive where ever i wanna go :)

10th August 2009, 21:22
You aren't alone, I always use the stairs. Wouldn't run for the bus though, but that's because in my experience most bus drivers are sadists, and take great pleasure in pulling away just as you get to the door :mad:

Brown, Jon Brow
10th August 2009, 21:49
I try to avoid lifts because I've never bothered to use them and I'm worried i'll look like an idiot if I can't use the controls :p

10th August 2009, 21:59
If I'm going to the first floor its quicker to take the stairs than wait for the lift but if I'm going further I take the lift.

I often end up running to catch the metro though not busses.

10th August 2009, 22:22
Lift everytime for me, but that's only because I'm still a child and like pressing the buttons.

10th August 2009, 23:47
Always use the stairs at work but that's cos it's only 2 floors and the lift makes banging and creaking noises :s I do tend to run for buses but that's cos my bus is hourly and I hate sitting for an hour waiting for the next one.... at least I have found out that if I go into the bus station and can see my bus pulling away I can turn around and run to its next stop before it can get there :D

But I am in no way fit at all though I would say far from unhealthy.

Easy Drifter
11th August 2009, 02:23
I used to use the stairs for up to 3 floors, usually 2 at a time. Now with my arthritic knees stairs are difficult, although I do use them. Running is impossible! Anyway there aren't any buses out here in the boonies.
Considering I could do the 100 yds in 10.4, played Cdn. Football and Baseball as well as being a hockey goalie it is a pain in more ways than one. I, up to a few years ago, walked at least a mile a day and usually more.
Now I am like a cowboy except it is my car rather than a horse. :D

11th August 2009, 19:47
I was going to think up a witty response but... meh

11th August 2009, 22:07
NORMALLY ! 3 times a week to the gym,and a good solid hour of work out.After I have finished,I feel cream crackered,BUT after a shower Great Again !

12th August 2009, 09:37
it never ceases to amaze me the number of people who will always use a lift regardless. i've worked in building of 7-10 floors on anything from the 3rd to 7th floors and personally will always use the stairs unless its either a lot of floors (8+ maybe) or if i'm with people who tend to go straight for the lift, and then i give them some stick for being lazy.

its more noticable with people goig outside for a fag every 5 mins, they are up and down the lift all the time - in one place i worked there was an incredibley obese woman who had a disabled sticker so she parked virtually in the foyer of the building, took the lift up 1 or 2 floors, i always saw her in the buildings canteen loading a plate up with crap and buying chocolate and crisps and was out for a fag at least once an hour i'd think.

talk about a burden - there was nothing obviously disabled about her other than she was massiveley unhealthy and was clearly making no effort to improve her health - made me mad as hell

12th August 2009, 22:33
1) Never use the lift unless i'm going up high or with somebody else who wants to use the lift
2) True :p :
3) True unless i'm in a rush to get somewhere. There's no need to rush around all the time!

13th August 2009, 12:21
Hiya, this thread seems to have turned in to the "Do you use the lift or the stairs thread"
Well down here in the west country, we don't really have any tall buildings, so no lifts. There is an escalator that you have to ride to get into JJB in Taunton?

I would more like to return to the original point about lazy Brits. It's no wonder when playing the system means you don't have to do sod all as there are plentyo fo social working doo gooders to do it for you. For example, in my street. 1 family 1 mother, 1 boyfriend, 2 kids of school age. No one goes to work, soft top car on the drive, all of them smoke (inc kids, parents must be so proud) Kids do not attend school, taxi (paid for by taxpayers) collects them a couple of times a week to attend some assesment unit. Rumour has it that parents claim a carers allowence to look after their own children because they have been diagnosed with ADHD. The government paying them to look after their own kids.................... I give up :(

13th August 2009, 13:37
Well down here in the west country, we don't really have any tall buildings, so no lifts. There is an escalator that you have to ride to get into JJB in Taunton?

We've got one of them in one of the JJB shops in Exeter, always strikes me as a bit ironic that they have lazy stairs in a sports shop :D

13th August 2009, 13:54
Hiya, this thread seems to have turned in to the "Do you use the lift or the stairs thread"
Well down here in the west country, we don't really have any tall buildings, so no lifts. There is an escalator that you have to ride to get into JJB in Taunton?

Same in Plymouth!

13th August 2009, 20:06
I get the lift every morning rather than walk up six flights of stairs- I'd rather miss out on the exercise oppurtunity to bank the five minutes work time I save catching the lift. :)

13th August 2009, 20:42
I don't use a lift, I use an elevator.




Mark in Oshawa
16th August 2009, 17:22
Schmenke...you are such a clever guy......and I too use the elevator.

Lazyiness? Ya...bad knees. Curling, golf, hockey, football and a few hairy wrecks off my 12 speed racing bike as a teen has given me sore knees.

Still park tho at the fartherest part of the truck stop if I can in the truck, and I park at the far corner of most parking lots because I need to walk and don't do it enough.

16th August 2009, 17:54
Hiya, this thread seems to have turned in to the "Do you use the lift or the stairs thread"
Well down here in the west country, we don't really have any tall buildings, so no lifts. There is an escalator that you have to ride to get into JJB in Taunton?

I would more like to return to the original point about lazy Brits. It's no wonder when playing the system means you don't have to do sod all as there are plentyo fo social working doo gooders to do it for you. For example, in my street. 1 family 1 mother, 1 boyfriend, 2 kids of school age. No one goes to work, soft top car on the drive, all of them smoke (inc kids, parents must be so proud) Kids do not attend school, taxi (paid for by taxpayers) collects them a couple of times a week to attend some assesment unit. Rumour has it that parents claim a carers allowence to look after their own children because they have been diagnosed with ADHD. The government paying them to look after their own kids.................... I give up :(
well, aperently the family is doing ok without any of them working, of cource its better to not work, so if someone already has enough money to not work, theres no reason why they should,

and theres no reason the kids should go to school, i'm homeschooled, which i like becouse i never have to study or anything

18th August 2009, 20:58
well, aperently the family is doing ok without any of them working, of cource its better to not work, so if someone already has enough money to not work, theres no reason why they should,

and theres no reason the kids should go to school, i'm homeschooled, which i like becouse i never have to study or anything

Do you live in my street ?? :)

18th August 2009, 21:06
and theres no reason the kids should go to school, i'm homeschooled, which i like becouse i never have to study or anything

That explains a few things then. Actually just thinking about it, wade91 were you born in 1991? Making you about 18?

19th August 2009, 10:37
well, aperently the family is doing ok without any of them working, of cource its better to not work, so if someone already has enough money to not work, theres no reason why they should,

and theres no reason the kids should go to school, i'm homeschooled, which i like becouse i never have to study or anything

Well they go to school so that they can succeed in their future careers. Something that you obviously haven't considered.

Unless you want to end up packing groceries for the rest of your life.

19th August 2009, 12:05
I love using lifts. I worked as a pushbike courier for a while and using lifts was almost a treat in some respects. After cycling from point A to B, its not nice having 6 flights of stairs facing you when you arrive full of sweat!

As for buses, I used to run for a particular bus. It ran every blue moon (not literally obviously) and if I missed it, I missed band practice. Seldom did running ever achieve anything though :s Don't use the bus much these days.

TV. Not a fan. I'll only watch TV if I know something good is on. I never just sit down in front of the TV and flick through the channels meaninglessly, draining myself of energy whilst I'm sitting on my butt and grooving into the sofa...ultimately oblivious to my own actions. And then it is, I drown again with all those sad faces I once knew.

Mark in Oshawa
19th August 2009, 15:14
Well they go to school so that they can succeed in their future careers. Something that you obviously haven't considered.

Unless you want to end up packing groceries for the rest of your life.

Right now...Wade's education will enable him to say "will you want to upsize your fries with that order?"

19th August 2009, 17:57
That explains a few things then. Actually just thinking about it, wade91 were you born in 1991? Making you about 18?
yeah, i was born in 1991, i'm 17, my 18th birthday is next month :)

19th August 2009, 17:58
Well they go to school so that they can succeed in their future careers. Something that you obviously haven't considered.

Unless you want to end up packing groceries for the rest of your life.
well, i might be going to college next year, sence my mom wants me to, and i really dont object to it

19th August 2009, 18:13
yeah, i was born in 1991, i'm 17, my 18th birthday is next month :)

I remember I used to be the youngest member here. :p :