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7th August 2009, 04:55
In todays SMH: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/world-rally-leg-threatens-nsw-species-20090806-ebju.html I was trying to repeat parts of the story here, but the formatting was all wrong, you will have to go to their website!

7th August 2009, 05:01
Pack the rally up and go somewhere where the hippies won't moan and complain!

7th August 2009, 05:13
See if this works: World rally leg 'threatens' NSW species Habitat at risk ... (clockwise from top) eastern bristlebird, spotted-tailed quoll and giant barred frog. Habitat at risk ... (clockwise from top) eastern wattlebird, spotted-tailed quoll and giant barred frog. Paul Bibby, Urban Affairs Reporter August 7, 2009 NEXT month's leg of the World Rally Championships in northern NSW could have a serious impact on endangered plant and animal species, two independent environment assessments have revealed. The race is three weeks away but the State Government has not imposed a single environmental protection measure. Covering about 350 kilometres on the fringe of national parks in the Tweed and Kyogle local government areas, the race came to fruition after the Government rushed legislation overriding planning, national parks and Aboriginal cultural heritage laws through Parliament earlier this year. Under these laws, the assessment of its environmental impacts have been left almost entirely to its organiser, Repco Rally Australia. It commissioned an ecological assessment - which found that there would be little impact. However two assessments commissioned by the local communities show that the rally could seriously threaten endangered, threatened or vulnerable flora and fauna. In their reports, ecologists Dr Stephen Ambrose and Mark Graham found the rally had the potential to disrupt the breeding cycle and erode the habitat of the giant barred frog, Fleay's barred frog, eastern bristlebird and spotted-tailed quoll - all threatened species. They also slammed the assessment commissioned by Rally Australia for failing to consider the impact on 34 migratory species known to occur within five kilometres of the rally circuit. "Their report doesn't do justice to the impact on this site of environmental significance - there are a series of very obvious errors," Mr Graham said. But the chairman of the rally's organising committee, Garry Connelly, strenuously defended its assessment, undertaken by an ecologist, Dr Stephen Phillips. "[He] went over every metre of every competition area and produced a 400-page, peer reviewed report," Mr Connelly said. "We will implement all environmental protection measures recommended by Dr Phillips." It appears these are the only environmental protection measures organisers will have to implement. When the legislation was passed, the Government promised to impose restrictions for the purposes of conservation on Rally Australia. It has not yet done so. A spokesman for the Minister for Primary Industries, Ian Macdonald, said the Government was still seeking "feedback from agencies and local councils [on] environmental, health and safety issues".

7th August 2009, 05:15
World rally leg 'threatens' NSW species Paul Bibby, Urban Affairs Reporter August 7, 2009 NEXT month's leg of the World Rally Championships in northern NSW could have a serious impact on endangered plant and animal species, two independent environment assessments have revealed. The race is three weeks away but the State Government has not imposed a single environmental protection measure. Covering about 350 kilometres on the fringe of national parks in the Tweed and Kyogle local government areas, the race came to fruition after the Government rushed legislation overriding planning, national parks and Aboriginal cultural heritage laws through Parliament earlier this year. Under these laws, the assessment of its environmental impacts have been left almost entirely to its organiser, Repco Rally Australia. It commissioned an ecological assessment - which found that there would be little impact. However two assessments commissioned by the local communities show that the rally could seriously threaten endangered, threatened or vulnerable flora and fauna. In their reports, ecologists Dr Stephen Ambrose and Mark Graham found the rally had the potential to disrupt the breeding cycle and erode the habitat of the giant barred frog, Fleay's barred frog, eastern bristlebird and spotted-tailed quoll - all threatened species. They also slammed the assessment commissioned by Rally Australia for failing to consider the impact on 34 migratory species known to occur within five kilometres of the rally circuit. "Their report doesn't do justice to the impact on this site of environmental significance - there are a series of very obvious errors," Mr Graham said. But the chairman of the rally's organising committee, Garry Connelly, strenuously defended its assessment, undertaken by an ecologist, Dr Stephen Phillips. "[He] went over every metre of every competition area and produced a 400-page, peer reviewed report," Mr Connelly said. "We will implement all environmental protection measures recommended by Dr Phillips." It appears these are the only environmental protection measures organisers will have to implement. When the legislation was passed, the Government promised to impose restrictions for the purposes of conservation on Rally Australia. It has not yet done so. A spokesman for the Minister for Primary Industries, Ian Macdonald, said the Government was still seeking "feedback from agencies and local councils [on] environmental, health and safety issues".

11th August 2009, 12:28
Google Earth Map of Australia Rally online : http://planetemarcus.free.fr/googleearthmap.htm

17th August 2009, 08:59
Neal Bates has entered Rally Australia:


17th August 2009, 09:25
Nice article and good to see Australian top drivers like Bates and Crocker in this rally. Hopefully Atkinson can participate too. Thanks, Camelopard.

17th August 2009, 09:26
When will the entry list be announced?

17th August 2009, 09:56
"In their reports, ecologists Dr Stephen Ambrose and Mark Graham found the rally had the potential to disrupt the breeding cycle and erode the habitat of the giant barred frog, Fleay's barred frog, eastern bristlebird and spotted-tailed quoll - all threatened species."

This is a favoured tactic of greenies, and others who want to stop anything that doesn't fit their idea of "suitable" pastimes. Words like "potential to disrupt" are nebulous and don't address any real issues. Only partially inform and mislead.

The SMH is no stranger to skewing reportage to suit it's own purposes (ie: getting people all wound up and, consequently, selling papers), I wonder if Paul Bibby - Urban affairs reporter, has read the report commissioned by the organisers? Personally I doubt it. It was peer-reviewed after all, maybe it might contradict the assertions made by others and actually make sense.

Why let the details get in the way of a good story? And the implication that the study commissioned by the organisers would not be adequate "It (Rally Australia) commissioned an ecological assessment - which found that there would be little impact." is further muck raking without providing any evidence or balance to the story or the issues therein.

But what more could I expect from the SMH?

Ok, rant over. Back to whatever you were doing. :dozey:

17th August 2009, 12:22
Mr and Mrs Mods, can this be made the 'Official Rally Australia' thread?

17th August 2009, 13:08
Was out at the VRC Begonia Rally near Daylesford on Saturday and the environmental extremists were in action.... at the main daytime spectator point there were maybe half a dozen with signs and leaflets depicting assorted squashed marsupials, and one guy wandering round video-ing us enjoying ourselves (I can only assume that they where hoping to video us cheering enthusiastically as one of the cars came through with a koala stuck on the front bumper - he was out of luck).

Talking to one of the volunteers later it is apparent that there had been a lot of interference with the safety signage and road closure tape, with some signs being replaced with the protesters own little posters.

Hopefully we will not see this sort of stupid, dangerous behaviour on Rally Oz, but given some of the irrational protests in the build-up to the rally I wouldn't be surprised if this sort of direct action was attempted.

Anyway, just paid the balance of my holiday apartment in Kingscliff so I'm all set.... :cool:

17th August 2009, 17:28
Once again Gary Connelly has imposed his model. A rally for "VIP" ppl and just some spectators areas, then all off-limits for fans. I hoped that the change of location has been good to have finally a good WRC round in Australia, but my hopes are down...

18th August 2009, 05:56
Still no sign of an entry list?

18th August 2009, 06:58

18th August 2009, 10:47
Cool, Marius Swart is giving his Polo S2000 a run, I thought he had given up on it! He had an old Celica in Rally of Queensland.

No Atko is a huge disappointment, but I also note Guest isn't there, I thought he was expected to be in a Toyota S2000? And Raymo in an Evo instead of his Corolla too!

Rally Hokkaido
18th August 2009, 11:36
Cool, Marius Swart is giving his Polo S2000 a run, I thought he had given up on it! He had an old Celica in Rally of Queensland.

No Atko is a huge disappointment, but I also note Guest isn't there, I thought he was expected to be in a Toyota S2000? And Raymo in an Evo instead of his Corolla too!

Well, the teaser article last week indicated that a former Aussie WRC star was on the short list to drive the Toyota S2000. I was doubtful that Chris would be driving it, so speculated it might be Michael Guest who was the only other former WRC Aussie I could think of. Someone else then pointed out that he would not have the backing to do it. Turns out that Stewart Reid who is buying/bought one of the Toyota S2000 was top of the 'short list'!

Raymo's Corolla is not an FIA homologated car, though he could have run in the National support class, I suppose and still be part of the Pirelli Shootout.

Rally Hokkaido
18th August 2009, 12:38
Raymo's Corolla is not an FIA homologated car, though he could have run in the National support class, I suppose and still be part of the Pirelli Shootout.

Correction: He wouldn't be able to join the Pirelli Shootout with his Corolla GpN(P).

johnny utah
18th August 2009, 12:52
Once again Gary Connelly has imposed his model. A rally for "VIP" ppl and just some spectators areas, then all off-limits for fans. I hoped that the change of location has been good to have finally a good WRC round in Australia, but my hopes are down...


one of the stipuations from the state goverment was considering the "green" issues in the area, the event had to very tightly controlled when it came to spectators... they could not be allowed in anywhere except 'spec points".

johnny utah
18th August 2009, 12:59
Cool, Marius Swart is giving his Polo S2000 a run, I thought he had given up on it! He had an old Celica in Rally of Queensland.

No Atko is a huge disappointment, but I also note Guest isn't there, I thought he was expected to be in a Toyota S2000? And Raymo in an Evo instead of his Corolla too!

atko only wanted to take a drive in a world rally car... he is still completely focused on a full drive next year... its a bummer he is not there.

Guest has not been driving this year.... no $$$$.

raymo has scored a "wildcard" entry to the pirelli shoot out.... his corolla is not eligiable.... he is leasing an evo 9 from racetorque.... the car simon evans won this years Australian Rally Championship in believe.... a very good car.

johnny utah
18th August 2009, 13:09
the wheather has been beauitful (rally area) for the last few weeks.... not much rain....last week the area had sunny days..... up to 24 - 27 deg c.... reallly nice for this time of year.

i heard today several of the friday spec points have allready sold out.....and ticket sales are going very well.

roads no one has driven on..... potentially the quickest WRC around....Seb and Miko toe to toe for the title......its almost SHOWTIME

18th August 2009, 13:15

one of the stipuations from the state goverment was considering the "green" issues in the area, the event had to very tightly controlled when it came to spectators... they could not be allowed in anywhere except 'spec points".

Sorry I don't buy that, he used the same system in WA and after flying over 3 years in a row and due also to some really bad enthusiast spectator points, I got tired of being treated as a cash cow and started going to NZ where they know how to look after spectators.

18th August 2009, 14:52
Sorry I don't buy that, he used the same system in WA and after flying over 3 years in a row and due also to some really bad enthusiast spectator points, I got tired of being treated as a cash cow and started going to NZ where they know how to look after spectators.

I don't buy it either! How can a spectator point sell out when you buy a pass for every stage?
After going to Perth twice I started going to NZ which is so much better.
I still can't belive there is 35 stages at around 10km each, why so short?
It better be good or I won't bother in the future and just go to NZ which costs less to attend and I'm already in OZ.

18th August 2009, 15:13
Mr and Mrs Mods, can this be made the 'Official Rally Australia' thread?

Thought there was an official thread somewhere yes let's make this it...

Oh, and I'd head over to NZ for a WRC round.... Which I have before and enjoyed it much better than a Rally Aus in Perth but won't be heading over this year, perhaps the next time it is in the calendar....

johnny utah
19th August 2009, 02:40
I don't buy it either! How can a spectator point sell out when you buy a pass for every stage?
After going to Perth twice I started going to NZ which is so much better.
I still can't belive there is 35 stages at around 10km each, why so short?
It better be good or I won't bother in the future and just go to NZ which costs less to attend and I'm already in OZ.

sorry... i did not word correctly.

rally Oz (GC) has alays run very 'corprate' events... this one will be simular i guess.... but on top of that, they are very restricted in where they can send species by both the local terrain and the 'green' issues.

friday selling out ?
the way the event is set up.... the bulk of the days stages get further inland each day.... so the friday stages are the closesd to the main populated areas (as close as 20 - 30 min from gold coast)....... then saturday is around
kyogle further inland ( 50- 60 min)..... then Sunday is beyond Kyogle.
So for locals who know the region, the easy day to see is the friday.... sat harder.... sunday harder again.

i dont give a .... going to see them all....

19th August 2009, 11:50
I don't buy it either! How can a spectator point sell out when you buy a pass for every stage?
After going to Perth twice I started going to NZ which is so much better.
I still can't belive there is 35 stages at around 10km each, why so short?
It better be good or I won't bother in the future and just go to NZ which costs less to attend and I'm already in OZ.

Put simply, the stages are short because of progress and the sealing of most of the good old roads. Basically, you could have had longer stages all around Kyogle but far from the population areas. Some brilliant roads that were rallied on during the 80's are no longer gravel close to the populated coast. Yet there is a need to include this area in the rally schedule.

Also the organisers were pressured into using a beachside location for the service park in order to promote the regional tourism etc... It was preferred to have had a base in Murwillumbah to reduce the transit into the hills and permit the use of some longer stages that are out of reach, with in the WRC refuel limits.

19th August 2009, 13:13
Isn't Garry Connolly the man credited with the 'Cloverleaf' format, and saving the WRC....??

It sounds as if Australia and GB are run purely to make money, and to rip fans off.

20th August 2009, 14:04


20th August 2009, 14:41
No Petter Solberg????

20th August 2009, 14:55
No Petter Solberg????

Good morning!

20th August 2009, 15:07
The Corolla S2000 has been developed by four-time Australian Rally champion Neal Bates and is listed as a wildcard entry into the Production Car element of the Rally Australia field.
Wild entry card? So.. What's that? Did he enter after the entering date? or.. Maybe there are some more wildcards? :)

21st August 2009, 02:07
Given an entry by the organisers (they have two to give away)
They can give two Aussie compeditors entries that have cars that can count for PWRC points and now as the Corolla is homologated (Anyone know if just regional or worlwide??) they could give one to Bates and they gave their other wildcard entry to Cody Crocker :)

21st August 2009, 08:56
At least 20% less interesting without P.Solberg..

22nd August 2009, 17:03
Rally Oz was always a failure from a spectators point of view. I expect nothing different from the east coast version and won't be bothering to fly over from Perth. Best views I ever had were when I did road closure in 96. Gave Stig Blomqvist a ride back to the start of the stage in my GT-Four on one day and was at the top of the jumps at Bunnings the day all the cars died in the river crossing.

Best loose surface event I've been to from a spectator's view was Pikes Peak. You can stand almost wherever you like on the mountain.

22nd August 2009, 17:09
At least 20% less interesting without P.Solberg..

Absolutely agree!
His talent will miss from this rally.
In adittion,he is one of the drivers who can destroy plans of Hirvonen or Loeb :D

23rd August 2009, 03:22
Rally Oz was always a failure from a spectators point of view. .....edited......
Best loose surface event I've been to from a spectator's view was Pikes Peak. You can stand almost wherever you like on the mountain.

To be quite honest Jordan is like that as well, as long as you stay out of the mine fields! You can see the cars for miles, no spectator fees, easy access, no officious marshals, my favourite event by far.....

23rd August 2009, 05:37
...as long as you stay out of the mine fields!


25th August 2009, 03:00

They are well marked!

25th August 2009, 03:47
From Rally Oz website...

Preparations To Continue Unabated Despite Opponents’ Move For Court Injunction

Preparations to stage Repco Rally Australia on 3-6 September will continue unabated despite an attempt by opponents of the FIA World Rally Championship event to have it stopped in the Federal Court.
Rally Australia today was served with notice of an application for a temporary injunction by Ms Katie Milne.
Chairman of the Rally Australia Board, Alan Evans, said the move would not distract the organisers from continuing the work to stage the world’s most environmentally-friendly rally.
“This misconceived application will, of course, be vigorously defended,” Mr Evans said.
“They must know that the Federal and State Government environmental authorities have looked at all of this.
“If these people who are now wanting to go to court had any confidence at all in their position, they would have placed it before a judge months ago. All the information has been in the open for a long, long time.
“Instead, they have waited until the teams are on their way and thousands of people have made personal and financial commitments that cannot be undone before they launch their court proceedings.”
“We are fully committed to running an environmentally responsible rally for the benefit of the people of the region and the sport.”

johnny utah
25th August 2009, 05:17
having a bit of a unseasonable warm patch at the moment.
the last 4-5 days have been up to 30 deg c max - 18-20 min deg c.
up to 10 deg above average temps.

any one comming.... pack a bit of warm and cool.... board shorts and suncream.

a few days of light rain world be good to green up the area a bit though.

25th August 2009, 06:20
In adittion,he is one of the drivers who can destroy plans of Hirvonen or Loeb :D

yes, like he has sofar this season.

25th August 2009, 09:58
having a bit of a unseasonable warm patch at the moment.
the last 4-5 days have been up to 30 deg c max - 18-20 min deg c.
up to 10 deg above average temps.

any one comming.... pack a bit of warm and cool.... board shorts and suncream.

a few days of light rain world be good to green up the area a bit though.

Weather maps are showing that there might be reasonable amount of rain on Sunday, Monday and probably on Tuesday. So, recce should be at least in damp conditions.

25th August 2009, 10:09
Weather maps are showing that there might be reasonable amount of rain on Sunday, Monday and probably on Tuesday. So, recce should be at least in damp conditions.

This rally will be one of the best in season!
With the competition high and the surfaces damped nobody can predict anything!The smallest mistake can automatically give the title to one of the challengers...

25th August 2009, 13:00
Would love to be there, but work comes first. Saving up my holidays for the APRC next year.

A few members of my team will be up there.

Looking forward to seeing how Neal Bates goes in the Toyota.


26th August 2009, 10:10

Good pictures of the rally route and what to expect along the way from an Australian rally forum.

26th August 2009, 13:53
Looks like I'm heading up there now with GF in tow :)

Saturday and Sunday and with lots of driving, it's only 1000km to Kyogle from my place :(

Hopefully get some good photos and if I'm lucky a few interviews :)


27th August 2009, 17:34
First at all, hello to all. :) Been reading this forum for a few months now and finally registered here.

There's been a whole lot of green resistance against this rally and I was wondering is there a danger that these individuals could pose a threat to the rally? For instance, causing a disturbance of some sort leading to stage cancellations.

As for the rally itself, the stages remind me of NZ but without the camber. I really hope that Mikko can achieve his "flow mood" on Friday and fly away from Seb.

27th August 2009, 17:42
...There's been a whole lot of green resistance against this rally and I was wondering is there a danger that these individuals could pose a threat to the rally? For instance, causing a disturbance of some sort leading to stage cancellations...

Hope not! We also experienced similar problems In the Acropolis rally a couple
of years ago, where moralist ecologists, were worrying that rallying cars could
accidentally put a fire In the forests (!) , but It turned out that damned arsonists,
didn't need rally cars to set on fire the few greenery that's left around Athens...http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/icon8.gif

27th August 2009, 18:00
Looks like I'm heading up there now with GF in tow :)

Saturday and Sunday and with lots of driving, it's only 1000km to Kyogle from my place :(

Hopefully get some good photos and if I'm lucky a few interviews :)


Drive carefully! :)

27th August 2009, 21:29

Wow! This is the first time I've ever heard of an injunction being filed against a rally. I wonder if the protesters are going to disrupt the rally itself and potentially put the drivers in peril.

27th August 2009, 21:56
There's been a whole lot of green resistance against this rally and I was wondering is there a danger that these individuals could pose a threat to the rally? For instance, causing a disturbance of some sort leading to stage cancellations.

There is a very vocal minority that have made some threats - driving cars slowly on the liaison road stages, blocking the rally stages - one nutcase even suggested starting fires alongside the stages :crazy: . An aboriginal campaign group has threatened to bus in protesters from other states.
The cops have drafted extra resources in. We'll see how real the threats are in a few days.....

I do wonder whether any of these people have actually ever been to a rally. Some of the claims being made about wildlife being threatened to extinction and illegal night-time driving by the teams are such bull you can only imagine the haven't.

27th August 2009, 21:59
It must be a blast trying to organize a rally with that kind of resistanse... I hope they understand what kind of publicity, money and good advertisment a rally is for the area and country...

27th August 2009, 23:58
It must be a blast trying to organize a rally with that kind of resistanse... I hope they understand what kind of publicity, money and good advertisment a rally is for the area and country...

The problem we have here in Australia is that rallying doesn't have a very high profile, so these people who are protesting don't really know what a rally is.

You should talk to Livewireshock about the hassles with the organising of the rally, he's managed to snaffle himself a good job though being in a course car.


27th August 2009, 23:59
I hope it's only good advertising..

johnny utah
28th August 2009, 01:09
From Rally Oz website...

an update on the court injunction lodged by local 'green' parties to try and stop the event going ahead.

it was thown out of court yesterday.

Federal Court Dismisses Bid To Stop Rally AustraliaThe Federal Court in Sydney today dismissed a last-minute attempt to stop next week’s Repco Rally Australia.

The court held an urgent hearing to hear an application for an injunction by Ms Katie Milne, a Tweed Shire Councillor.

After Ms Milne’s representative had presented her case, Justice Stone dismissed the application because Ms Milne’s case was without merit.

Garry Connelly, the Chairman of Rally Australia’s organising committee, said he was not surprised by the result.

“We have always complied with all laws and have spent a lot of time and effort to achieve the highest environmental standards,” Mr Connelly said.

He said that Rally Australia would now continue working to bring a world class event to the Northern Rivers on 3-6 September.

28th August 2009, 02:41
A big "real" reason for the protest and opposition is the fact that many of the protesters have certain illegal crops growing in that rally area that might be spotted by the influx of helicopters in the area.

They are pushing the environmental issues as a cover for their real motives.

One of the main protesters is wanting to light fires along the rally route, cut down trees across the stage and dig holes in the road. How more environmantally damaging can you get. These are common anti-logging tactics, but the rally is on fully public roads. Another protester is going on a hunger strike.

Over 180 police will be on hand to control the event and including many on moto-cross bikes to patrol the stages 24/7. So it will be doubtful how successful they might be in opposition.

If they have fears that the rally will not meet their standards, they should volunteer and help out to ensure that the rally is to an acceptible environmental standard.

28th August 2009, 06:09
...If they have fears that the rally will not meet their standards, they should volunteer and help out to ensure that the rally is to an acceptible environmental standard.

Very well said! :up:

28th August 2009, 06:10
I just hope the rally doesn't get disrupted.
Be a shame if a driver suddenly ran into a tree stump on the road.

A big "real" reason for the protest and opposition is the fact that many of the protesters have certain illegal crops growing in that rally area that might be spotted by the influx of helicopters in the area. :s mokin:......... :D

28th August 2009, 08:10
Well, when they are going to fail with their protest, then it will be very good publicity for the rally. I use to remember that any publicity is good publicity. And if they are going to discover any kind of illegal crops, then it will be another good point to talk about the rally :-)

So, all spectators must keep their eyes open just in case someone wants to place rocks or smth in front of the cars!

And from the weather side it still looks that it is going to rain on Sunday and Monday (a little) and high possibility of rain and cool weather is also on Friday

28th August 2009, 10:34
At least it's good to speak about Rally Australia again.. :)

Rally Hokkaido
28th August 2009, 13:50
Well, according to this Citroen press release, the team may not make it to the rally.


Quote from the third parargraph:
"The host town for the new event is the small town of Kingscliff on the Tasmanian Sea coast."

If that's where they are heading for then they will miss Rally Australia by about
2,000 kilometres!

28th August 2009, 14:28

Good pictures of the rally route and what to expect along the way from an Australian rally forum.

Photos look good, but the rally don't look like a real Rally Aus!..... Red Gravel.... where art thou?

Well, according to this Citroen press release, the team may not make it to the rally.

Where does this say? you confused me...

28th August 2009, 15:00
Well, according to this Citroen press release, the team may not make it to the rally.


Quote from the third parargraph:
"The host town for the new event is the small town of Kingscliff on the Tasmanian Sea coast."

If that's where they are heading for then they will miss Rally Australia by about
2,000 kilometres!

What a great laugh!! I am sure Events NSW will not be happy with this but Ford will love it!

28th August 2009, 15:02
What a great laugh!! I am sure Events NSW will not be happy with this but Ford will love it!

I see..... but perhaps that's where the port is where the teams have to come in... ie Fremantle to Perth.... but then drive 2000km's to get to the service location? haha


johnny utah
29th August 2009, 04:20
citroen have found there way.
they are setting up in the service park this morning.

i went for a surf this morning at kingscliff beach... then wanderd 50m back from the beach into the service park..... now thats the sort of servivce park location i like.

about 70-80 protesters this morning out side the service park talking it up..... bla bla bla.... whatever whatever whatever.....

still warm.... 27 deg c.... might be a bit of rain near the coast sunday - monday..... but not a lot they say.

excitment building....

29th August 2009, 04:34
Can anyone grab some pre service park photos?

29th August 2009, 09:55
It sounds as if Australia and GB are run purely to make money, and to rip fans off.

I think your right, there putting in another grandstand to sell more tickets, at NZ you can sit in the grandstands for free.

29th August 2009, 23:08
Jeez, now even the cops are getting in on the act....


Have to say I've not got a good feeling about my upcoming Rally Australia trip at the moment :(

30th August 2009, 00:44
The COPS should be ashamed.

Holding an international event hostage for their benefit.

30th August 2009, 04:52
And some more crap


30th August 2009, 09:43
Is it me or we will see some crappy greenpeace idiots standing in the stages so that the rally gets canceled!!!!

I can definitely see that happening!!!!

30th August 2009, 10:50
Is it me or we will see some crappy greenpeace idiots standing in the stages so that the rally gets canceled!!!!

I can definitely see that happening!!!!

It is only you. They will be arrested during the first stage and then they will be in jail for the reminder of the event.

30th August 2009, 12:17
Old Australia rally was great.. Maybe it's better when it's organised on private roads.. Nobody can come and say anything..

30th August 2009, 12:36
I have a bad feeling about this... The last thing the championship needs is that the title is decided by some rally haters who do not understand anything about our sport! I just hope they don't get themselves or especially the competitors killed by doing something stupid on the stages.

I just wonder how many lives have been rescued in the Australian outback using 4WD vehicles - developed and especially tested in rally (raid)...

30th August 2009, 13:12
We must be real.. People who don't know more about this sport look on the drivers like some lunatics who will attract other lunatics to drive more aggresive in normal situations.. We don't have to add green's at all..

30th August 2009, 16:42
A bit more different question now. Does anyone know what kind of car stickers there will be for the competitors? Rally guide 2 does not include them, even though it's listed in the contents.

31st August 2009, 06:47
It is only you. They will be arrested during the first stage and then they will be in jail for the reminder of the event.

Not really, the Police will be protesting when the 'World Media' arrives so they can be heard about not getting paid enough money and bla bla bla.... soooo I don't think the Police will help, or do their job!

31st August 2009, 08:13
I have made the trek over to Aus and will be updating my gallery again this weekend with pics from the event.

snuck into the service park today and had a look around - took some pics which are up on my site already


as long as i get to see rally cars driving past at high speeds kicking up a lot of gravel then i am happy :)

31st August 2009, 14:55

31st August 2009, 22:50
Interesting haedline from one of pages from the Rally Australia site.

The headline is this:

"Ten Of The World’s Best Drivers Confirmed For Repco Rally Australia"

If only this was all true.

On another note has the Auris S2000 got worldwide homologation or just Asia - Pacific?

1st September 2009, 09:09
Interesting haedline from one of pages from the Rally Australia site.

The headline is this:

"Ten Of The World’s Best Drivers Confirmed For Repco Rally Australia"

If only this was all true.

On another note has the Auris S2000 got worldwide homologation or just Asia - Pacific?

I think that the story was that those Auris S2000 cars were initially homologated only for Asia-Pacific zone. There were other Corollas homologated in Africa and according to the FIA rules it is only allowed to homologate one type of S2000 car with same model. For example you cannot homologate Peugeot207 s2000 cars with different specifications (different brake system, or different suspension system, etc). Difference between African and Australian version was related to car suspension and a few other things.


There was some moderate rain during the weekend on Friday stages, less rain on Saturday stages and almost no rain on Sundays stages. There is more rain expected on Thursday night and high risk of rain showers on Friday. The temperature drops quite significantly during the rally. It is expected to be less than 20 degrees during the days and during the night it can be below 10 degrees and on Sunday stages in the morning the temperature might drop near to the zero degrees on the higher elevations. The coldest weather will be Friday when the maximum temperature is just a little bit over 15 degrees and warmest will be Thursday when the temperature should reach to 20 degrees.
Wind is stronger on Thursday-Friday (6-8 m/s) and then it gets weaker and weaker (2m/s on Sunday).

1st September 2009, 23:17
Who the hell is Mikko Hitvoen? :rolleyes:


2nd September 2009, 03:20
I think it is time to really look into whether this place deserves a round of the world rally. Threats have been made where frozen road kill will be put on the stages and or thrown while the stages are live...

There are plenty of countries who would love to have the WRC, if anything happens during the event then I think we should remove this event from the calendar...


2nd September 2009, 08:00
Take it back to Perth........

2nd September 2009, 08:05
Daniel, I agree!

2nd September 2009, 08:09
Take it back to Perth........

...or even better to Canberra!

2nd September 2009, 08:10
...or even better to Canberra!

I agree more!

2nd September 2009, 08:13
Argh! Scrap it and bring back the Safari!!!!!! haha ;)

2nd September 2009, 08:14
Argh! Scrap it and bring back the Safari!!!!!! haha ;)

Best idea i've heard all day!

2nd September 2009, 08:15
I'm having some spectacular brain farts today!!!

2nd September 2009, 08:16
Yes! Bring it back to Perth.

The thing that really annoys me is that a state championship round here in WA (ie: Perth) scheduled for the end of September is struggling to get officals. This is because most of the experienced officials from when the WRC event was over here in Perth are going over to help on the event this year. Don't the eastern states have enough officials. Even the regular sweeper from WA events (and the WRC event when it was here) is going over to be the sweeper for the event over east. I think it's great Aus has a WRC round again but the organisers need to get their a** into gear & sort themselves & therefore the event out.

2nd September 2009, 08:23
...or even better to Canberra!
Errr no.

We were bound to agree one day Mr MJkoolio :)

2nd September 2009, 08:24
We were bound to agree one day Mr MJkoolio :)


2nd September 2009, 08:59
Shakedown starts today dosen't he??!! Because of hour differences!!!!

2nd September 2009, 11:53
Shakedown starts today dosen't he??!! Because of hour differences!!!!

Yes. Shakedown will start 0800hrs and it's GMT+10h in NSW, so shakedown will start 2200GMT (->2300hrs local time in Portugal.)

johnny utah
2nd September 2009, 14:08
shakedown tomorrow morning ( 11.00pm wed now).
WRC 8 - 10am.
PWRC 10 - 12.
local 12 - 1pm.

3.2km shakedown stage.... good, but not exactly the same surface as most of the event.

the PWRC and local wildcards had a test day on monday.... last thing i heard was local s2000 corolla was the quickest ( neal bates).

sunny and warm today (28 deg c).... not a cloud in the sky.

let the show begin.

a few d1ck head locals tried to upset recce a bit, but the vast majority of locals are in full support of the event.

2nd September 2009, 14:21
Thanks for information mate!
Really usefull...

Luis Pacheco
2nd September 2009, 15:05
I heard that the stages of this new Australia Rallye are very different from the last years with many jumps. Is that true?

2nd September 2009, 15:10
shakedown tomorrow morning ( 11.00pm wed now).
WRC 8 - 10am.
PWRC 10 - 12.
local 12 - 1pm.

3.2km shakedown stage.... good, but not exactly the same surface as most of the event.

the PWRC and local wildcards had a test day on monday.... last thing i heard was local s2000 corolla was the quickest ( neal bates).

sunny and warm today (28 deg c).... not a cloud in the sky.

let the show begin.

a few d1ck head locals tried to upset recce a bit, but the vast majority of locals are in full support of the event.

Brynildsen was second fastest on the test on monday.

2nd September 2009, 15:22
I heard that the stages of this new Australia Rallye are very different from the last years with many jumps. Is that true?

I don't know about jumps (I doubt it), but it's very different indeed. Many have said it's just like New Zealand without the cambers. According to Hirvonen, 80% is very fast, 20% very twisty and technical. The road surface is more or less "European type" hard packed gravel.

Check out these photos of the route:


Good pictures of the rally route and what to expect along the way from an Australian rally forum.

2nd September 2009, 18:33
These green hippies, what are they against in this rally? And why?

I've always thought that there should be enough trees to hug in Australia and not to do something idiotic like this.

2nd September 2009, 20:56
Extremely New Zealand like, I'm amazed!

3rd September 2009, 00:54
These green hippies, what are they against in this rally? And why?

I've always thought that there should be enough trees to hug in Australia and not to do something idiotic like this.

I remember reading the claims from them that our rally cars are going to upset the birds humping...

3rd September 2009, 07:23
Shakedown times from wrc.com:

1. SORDO. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:34.3
2. LOEB. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:34.8
3. HIRVONEN. Ford Focus RS WRC 09. 1:35.5
=4. LATVALA. Ford Focus RS WRC 09. 1:35.7
=4. VILLAGRA. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:35.7
6. H.SOLBERG. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:35.9
7. OGIER. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:36.3
8. WILSON. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:37.3
9. AL QASSIMI. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:38.6
10. RAUTENBACH. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:40.3

3rd September 2009, 07:31

3rd September 2009, 07:38
P.Solberg is missing'.. :)

3rd September 2009, 08:09
P.Solberg is missing'.. :)


Rally Hokkaido
3rd September 2009, 09:51
SS1 about to start?

Rally Hokkaido
3rd September 2009, 10:03
SS1 has started (reverse order) so GpN cars running at the moment

3rd September 2009, 10:26
Rally Australia site seems to be creaking under the traffic at the moment, can't get on to it. Just trying to get the schedule!

Can't believe all this stuff about disrupting the event :( And as for "laying down in front of the cars"......how idiotic can anyone be?? :crazy: Have they ever seen a rally car before???

3rd September 2009, 10:38
Shakedown times from wrc.com:

1. SORDO. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:34.3
2. LOEB. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:34.8
3. HIRVONEN. Ford Focus RS WRC 09. 1:35.5
=4. LATVALA. Ford Focus RS WRC 09. 1:35.7
=4. VILLAGRA. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:35.7
6. H.SOLBERG. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:35.9
7. OGIER. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:36.3
8. WILSON. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:37.3
9. AL QASSIMI. Ford Focus RS WRC 08. 1:38.6
10. RAUTENBACH. Citroen C4 WRC. 1:40.3

Really tough battles between drivers!
I didn't expect Sordo 1st :confused:

Rally Hokkaido
3rd September 2009, 10:38
After the two SSS, in PWRC Araujo is 3secs ahead of Sousa's Punto with another 2 secs back to Bates' Corolla.
In the Pirelli Star Driver Asia-Pacific final, there is nothing between Haydon Paddon and Eli Evans (0.2secs). They will battle it out over the first nine stages to decide who gets the sponsored 2010 PWRC drive.

3rd September 2009, 10:38
Armindo Araujo has the best time till now :) !!!!

3rd September 2009, 10:42
Armindo Araujo has the best time till now :) !!!!

Yes but he's only 2.9 in front of Sousa!!
Nothing sure yet...

3rd September 2009, 10:47
No one has shakedown pictures yet??!!

3rd September 2009, 10:48
Times are coming in punishingly slow to wrc.com. Hope this is only for SSS.

3rd September 2009, 10:59
Ogier fastest, Loeb 5th and Hirvonen 6th.

I think it's going to be a really close event, hope both make it to the end :)

3rd September 2009, 11:22
Looking forward to going up there tomorrow after work.

Will hopefully be able to send thru updates via my phone when I'm there.

Apparently the Armorall girls are the best looking promo girls so I'll try to get some photos for all :)


3rd September 2009, 12:14
Bates in the Toyota is impressive so far.

johnny utah
3rd September 2009, 13:28
Looking forward to going up there tomorrow after work.

Will hopefully be able to send thru updates via my phone when I'm there.

Apparently the Armorall girls are the best looking promo girls so I'll try to get some photos for all :)


correct on the promo girls info..... after close inspection.... 2nd is Monroe shock absorbers, followed by REPCO ..... smoking, but with style.

clear sunny day..... 27 deg c.
bit of cloud cover came in late.... light falls mabey tomorrow.
good crowd for the first night..... considering thurs night in a small town.... ran pretty well.

good 3.2km shakedown stage.... a few big jumps im told.
not confirmed, but i hear the Bates s2000 was quickest of Grp n and PWRC.

80 % of the stages are hard packed, open, very, very quick roads..... real top end commitment stuff. only two stages are rough, tight and twisty.
surface and scenery is nothing like perth.

good service park, HQ in a nice big resort, thumbs up so far.

lets rip.

3rd September 2009, 13:29
Looking forward to going up there tomorrow after work.

Will hopefully be able to send thru updates via my phone when I'm there.

Apparently the Armorall girls are the best looking promo girls so I'll try to get some photos for all :)


You used to have great photos..

3rd September 2009, 16:16
Citroen seem good read for this rally!
Ogier is the surprise now!
Sordo and Loeb are really fast so far.
Mikko is trying to catch them in every opportunity.
Good luck to everybody...

3rd September 2009, 16:16
After two stages we have a Citroën 1-2-3 :p :

I hope Ogier can keep good pace through all rest of stages :up:

3rd September 2009, 16:22
I'm a little sad about Ford so far!
Of course it's too early but if Loeb makes a good distance it's really very difficult to pass him... :)

3rd September 2009, 16:28
After two stages we have a Citroën 1-2-3 :p :

I hope Ogier can keep good pace through all rest of stages :up:
Look again, there's a Norwegian Ford inbetween there ;)


3rd September 2009, 16:32
Look again, there's a Norwegian Ford inbetween there ;)


Absolutely right!
Maybe petter isn't there but Henning makes the best for both... :D

3rd September 2009, 16:54
Absolutely right!
Maybe petter isn't there but Henning makes the best for both... :D

It won't last...

Anyone that know the time difference? When does SS3 start in CET?

3rd September 2009, 17:17

SS2 Tweed 2.55 km 18:53 - 3.9 - [3.9 10:53 CZ]
SS2 Tweed 2 2.55 km 19:08 - [3.9 11:08 CZ]
Service A - Kingscliff - 15 min 05:30 - 4.9

SS3 Kyogle 1 7.32 km 07:38 - [3.9 23:38 CZ]
SS4 Murmur 1 22.41 km 08:36 - [4.9 00:36 CZ]
SS5 Kyogle 2 7.32 km 09:24 - [4.9 01:24 CZ]
SS6 CTEK East 1 11.33 km 10:37 - [4.9 02:37 CZ]
SS7 Mooball 1 5.85 km 11:40 - [4.9 03:40 CZ]
SS8 Kidney Health 1 5.74 km 11:58 - [4.9 03:58 CZ]
SS9 Castrol Edge East 1 6.85 km 12:16 - [4.9 04:16 CZ]
Service B - Kingscliff - 30 min 13:05

SS10 Castrol Edge East 2 6.85 km 14:03 - [4.9 06:03 CZ]
SS11 CTEK East 2 11.33 km 15:03 - [4.9 07:03 CZ]
SS12 Mooball 2 5.85 km 16:06 - [4.9 08:06 CZ]
SS13 Kidney Health 2 5.74 km 16:24 - [4.9 08:24 CZ]
SS14 Tweed 3 2.55 km 18:30 - [4.9 10:30 CZ]
SS15 Tweed 4 2.55 km 18:45 - [4.9 10:45 CZ]
Flexi Service C - Kingscliff - 45 min

3rd September 2009, 18:19
Thanks for information mate :up:

3rd September 2009, 18:29
Anyone that know the time difference? When does SS3 start in CET?

You can visit wrc.com
There are all the information you need... ;)

3rd September 2009, 21:31
The drivers are on their way to the spesialstages on friday. It has started to rain, suddenly an advantage to be in the front.

3rd September 2009, 21:45
How do you know it??

3rd September 2009, 21:47
Henning Solberg's blog says so also..
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=no&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fteamexpert.no%2Fnews%2Fshow%2F12803 7

3rd September 2009, 21:48
How do you know it??

Weather radars are showing that there might be some drizzle right now but more showers are arriving from north-west. Next two days might be quite rainy as expected.

3rd September 2009, 21:51
SS 3 iss starting soon!!!!

3rd September 2009, 21:56
It will be hard fight, for sure !!!! ...

3rd September 2009, 21:59
It will be hard fight, for sure !!!! ...

It will be hard night for me:-) It is midnight in Estonia right now.
38 minutes to start..

3rd September 2009, 22:00
What is the local time in Australia (in the region where the rally develops)

I can hardly wait for the first stages.

3rd September 2009, 22:06
Rain ? Sounds it will be exciting (at least for us... I imagine that from a total of 40 runners only an half will survive until the end ^^)

Maybe we could have a new winner in this rally.

3rd September 2009, 22:07
Just noticed Sousa is running in the Abarth, will be interesting to see how he and the car go against Araujo, Toshi, Brynildsen etc. Maybe not as fast as Sandell. Just hope he has more luck than he has had so far this season. Bates in the Auris will also be interesting.

3rd September 2009, 22:09
What is the local time in Australia (in the region where the rally develops)

I can hardly wait for the first stages.

SS3 at 7.38 am local time. Stages start approx every 60 mins .

3rd September 2009, 22:17
Damn, I just can't be awake the whole night, why did I had to stay awake last night for so long... :rolleyes:

Well, I'll wake up during the service and catch the "afternoon" (read: early morning) action. I'm guessing this will be one amazing rally!

3rd September 2009, 22:19
Henning Solberg's blog says so also..
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=no&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fteamexpert.no%2Fnews%2Fshow%2F12803 7

There is something wrong with Solberg time on that site?


3rd September 2009, 22:21
There is something wrong with Solberg time on that site?


yes.. it's wrong.. wrc.com is right..

3rd September 2009, 22:22
OMG 100 miles to SS???? I mean that's way too long where did they parked the service park!!!!

3rd September 2009, 22:24
OMG 100 miles to SS???? I mean that's way too long where did they parked the service park!!!!

Not really. That's not even a relatively long liaison.

3rd September 2009, 22:24
OMG 100 miles to SS???? I mean that's way too long where did they parked the service park!!!!
Bad translation.. :) It's 100km

3rd September 2009, 22:25
Rain ? Sounds it will be exciting (at least for us... I imagine that from a total of 40 runners only an half will survive until the end ^^)

Maybe we could have a new winner in this rally.
And if the surface turn into mud it will be even more difficult due to the hard tires... ;)

3rd September 2009, 22:27
Is it going to start in 10 minutes?

3rd September 2009, 22:29
bluuford: Fixed, thanks.

3rd September 2009, 22:30
There is something wrong with Solberg time on that site?


They started the cars with 15 sec between them. The organizers first forgot it on Hennings time and he got 15 sec too much.

Wrc.com also had it wrong for a while, but they have corrected it.

3rd September 2009, 22:37
They started the cars with 15 sec between them. The organizers first forgot it on Hennings time and he got 15 sec too much.

Wrc.com also had it wrong for a while, but they have corrected it.

Well I saw from the radar that it started to rain just 7:30! 8 minutes before the start! it is raining on stage 3,4 and 5 it is not raining yet on SS7 and SS8.
Temperature is only 14.5 degrees on the first stage.

3rd September 2009, 22:45
Rain or no, Mikko is losing time to Citroens...

3rd September 2009, 22:46
Rain or no, Mikko is losing time to Citroens...

Yeah.. It rained only 0.3mm on that stage. But it will be much more on the second stage.

3rd September 2009, 22:58
Latvala fastest till now!!!!

3rd September 2009, 23:05
Yeah.. It rained only 0.3mm on that stage. But it will be much more on the second stage.
Here's a weather radar for you :)


johnny utah
3rd September 2009, 23:06
good morning from service park.

3 bloody weeks of 25 - 28 deg sunshine.... not a drop of rain.... and we wake up this morning to full cloud cover, and possible rain !...... just our luck.

8.00am here..... 15 deg.... light misty rain.

first service was at 5.30 this morning..... next at 1.00.... best we hurry up and wait i guess.

3rd September 2009, 23:10
Very good !!! Sousa in the lead of PWRC after SS3 :D

3rd September 2009, 23:13
Hopefuly his current result doesn't mean too big crash in near future.

3rd September 2009, 23:16
ok i am staying up all night to watch this. hope i don;t get dissapointed..

3rd September 2009, 23:17
Very good !!! Sousa in the lead of PWRC after SS3 :D

Sousa leads PWRC, but Paddon and Tapper is fastest so far in N4 on ss3

3rd September 2009, 23:22
Eli Ewans is second now ;)

3rd September 2009, 23:23
PWRC after SS3 1ºB.Sousa 2ºArmindo Araujo 1,0 3ºM.Tapper 3,6 4ºN.Bates 4,3 5ºProkop 4,7 - next stage 22,41 km will make difference

3rd September 2009, 23:34
Well, three stages down and one driver missing: No 65 Glenn BRINKMAN (AUS)
Not too bad.
Edit: even nr 65 appeared to the standings. So, no drivers missing :-)

3rd September 2009, 23:38
Yes, but those three stages were together as long as one half of common WRC stage...

3rd September 2009, 23:46
Interesting split times...

3rd September 2009, 23:48
Loeb plays tactics so early??

3rd September 2009, 23:49
Well no matter how interesting it is looking it will all be waiting for me to catch up on in the morning............have a nice night folks :p :

3rd September 2009, 23:51
3.5 hrs of sleep this night is ok - interesting to see how tired I'll be at work by afternoon...

3rd September 2009, 23:52
Great time from Mikko!

128,6 km/h in the rain... bloody fast

3rd September 2009, 23:54
Crews are complaining about 1 min only split ... too much dust

Anyway, seems great fight ahead !

3rd September 2009, 23:56
Crews are complaining about 1 min only split ... too much dust

Anyway, seems great fight ahead !

WRC-cars have 2min, the N4 cars have only 1 min.

3rd September 2009, 23:57
Latvala up to 1º again!!!!

4th September 2009, 00:11
Prokooooop :D

4th September 2009, 00:12
Brynildsen with engine problems.

4th September 2009, 00:34
#PWRC after SS4 1ºProkop 2ºBernardo 5,7 3ºBates 7,4 4ºCrocker 9,7 5ºAraujo 10,7 6ºTapper 13,3 7ºMason 14,5 8ºArai 21,2

4th September 2009, 00:34
WRC-cars have 2min, the N4 cars have only 1 min.
Then we have to forget them :p ? They're only 40 in total, I don't understand why this limitation...

4th September 2009, 00:45
]Prokooooop :D

Don't you mean PADDDDDOONN! Go the Kiwi!!!!!

Rally Hokkaido
4th September 2009, 00:58
Don't you mean PADDDDDOONN! Go the Kiwi!!!!!

Yes, great time for Hayden. We should remember though for him and the other PSD drivers it is a sprint rally, which finishes at the lunchtime service, today. Paddon will actually try to do all the event, but some of the other PSD drivers will 'retire' after SS9.
Where is Eli Evans?

Edit: There he is, lost 10 mins - must have gone off.

4th September 2009, 01:16
very nice battle so far only 5seconds the difference between top 5

4th September 2009, 01:49
But is that battle genuine?

4th September 2009, 01:50
Mikko loses a minute? :eek:

4th September 2009, 01:51
And where is JML? :eek:

4th September 2009, 01:56
And where is JML? :eek:

Well. these stages are closest to those protesters.. not good..

4th September 2009, 01:58
seems like the stage is stopped, isnt it?

4th September 2009, 01:59
seems like the stage is stopped, isnt it?

Yep.. now you can see that all final times were deleted in WRC.com So, definitely Mikkos run was interrupted.

4th September 2009, 02:00
That might be an explanation...

4th September 2009, 02:01
For rallyaustralia.com:

1048hrs SS6 currently stopped, protesters throwing rocks onto stage, 0 Car stopped stage... more to come.

4th September 2009, 02:02
do you think those protesters did something to stop the stage? i think i´ll go to sleep now ;)

4th September 2009, 02:04
And an update:

1058hrs SS6 - first three cars through but unable to proceed at end of stage, stage is stopped, reports of people in middle of stage waving yellow flags, drivers slowing down as they are unsure if the flagwavers are officials or protesters.

4th September 2009, 02:05
I am still asleep!!!!

4th September 2009, 02:05
If those yellow flag wavers are protesters, they have surprisingly intimate knowledge of the sport they protest against...

4th September 2009, 02:17
1103hrs SS6: cancelled due to protesters.

4th September 2009, 02:18
I'm off to bed, rally will probably run late from now on - if they can continue at all...

4th September 2009, 02:18
That's too baaaad....

4th September 2009, 02:21
what a bloody disgrace these clowns are. maybe someone can find out when the next hippie festival is on and we can all go and throw rocks at them and wave chequered flags!

4th September 2009, 02:23
Make love not war.... uhm (rocks throwers are extremist hippies then)

4th September 2009, 02:32
Endangering the life of the drivers?

Forget this rally. Cancel the event!

I remember when some morons were throwing rocks in Rally Mexico. Walked up to them and yelled at the bloody idiots. At least they were drunk and had clouted judgment. This seems to be a different case because the WRC is not wanted there in Australia. Seriously, if they continue to put people's lives in jeopardy (not an exaggeration by any means), then just abandon the entire rally.

4th September 2009, 02:40
Our government may not have wanted it but at least the west australians loved the event. Put the cars on transporters and well see you at Sotico on sunday!!!

4th September 2009, 02:41
Those stupid idiot tree hugging apes should be left to the jungles of Borneo for a few weeks to see what true nature is like.....

4th September 2009, 02:44
I hate those stupid hippies..

4th September 2009, 03:22
Loeb and Hirvonen set exactly the same time !!! :)

4th September 2009, 03:26
Latvala makes the difference on this one...

4th September 2009, 03:59
Oh I thought the rally was stopped ... instead more action ... which is missing only in this forum I guess (understandable) :p !

JML Ogier and Sordo are doing fine job, but I fear it's all tactic by Loeb and Hirvonen at the moment.

The competitors left are only 18 already, less than the half (I was wrong in my prediction !).

4th September 2009, 04:18
Correction, they are 33 xD takes time until they appear.

SS10 in 1 hour...

4th September 2009, 04:21
We do want the rally here. Just those eefffing greenies don't. All independent enviromental reports showed the rally was not going to damage the area. Someone need to hang them up by their proverbials. ggrrrr

Bet the rotters have the media there filming as well. The rally has not been picked up in the papers much, but I bet it is now on the front page for all the wrong reasons.

4th September 2009, 05:22
We do want the rally here. Just those eefffing greenies don't. All independent enviromental reports showed the rally was not going to damage the area. Someone need to hang them up by their proverbials. ggrrrr

Bet the rotters have the media there filming as well. The rally has not been picked up in the papers much, but I bet it is now on the front page for all the wrong reasons.

Don´t worry. Any publicity is good publicity :-)

4th September 2009, 05:29
Very intereresting during the night... I just woke up, how bad they are behind schedule?

4th September 2009, 05:31
I think about half an hour.

Brother John
4th September 2009, 05:38
Ogier have now the car which Petter Solberg does not get from Citroën!
Is this the surprise of the French team! :rolleyes:

Xsara Fan
4th September 2009, 05:42
Start of SS 10 will be delayed by 75 minutes(!!!!!)

4th September 2009, 05:44
I wouldn't stress to much about these protestors & the publicity that will come from it. The group of "extremist" protestors is a minority as far as i can tell & most of them will be picked up in the morning of the first day. Strangely enough this could be a go thing as far as the rest of the rally is concerned.

Oh, btw, GO JARI MATTI!!!

Xsara Fan
4th September 2009, 06:20
Mikko on SS.

4th September 2009, 06:31
Ogier still second, that is unbelievable in his first Rally Australia. For sure he gets a good car with updates, which they won't give to P. Solberg.

Xsara Fan
4th September 2009, 06:51
SS11 cancelled. It`s not funny now. I think it`s the last Rally Australia...

4th September 2009, 06:57
But apparently stage 12 should start at its original time, so let's hope that was all of cancellations. :(

4th September 2009, 06:58
Ogier have now the car which Petter Solberg does not get from Citroën!
Is this the surprise of the French team! :rolleyes:

And you believe the British(Malcolm Wilson/M-Sport)will give to him factory spec. Focus ???? :rolleyes:

4th September 2009, 07:03
SS11 cancelled. It`s not funny now. I think it`s the last Rally Australia...

Still protesters that caused it ?

4th September 2009, 07:04
SS11 cancelled. It`s not funny now. I think it`s the last Rally Australia...

Maybe in this part of Australia yes, but I hope they will be back in the future to Perth.

4th September 2009, 07:13
I'd say that the protestors caused this cancellation indirectly. As an organiser you would cancel that stage to make up some lost time because there has already been issues in that area so why would you run there again. Good decision by the organisers IMO, although i'd love it to come back to Perth.

4th September 2009, 07:19
I am embarrassed to be an Australian with these stupid ill informed morons disrupting an international event that poses no threat to anything other than a few ruts in the road.

4th September 2009, 07:24
I'd say that the protestors caused this cancellation indirectly.

As long as it's contained to few stage cancellations I do not see any risk for the event in WRC calendar. It's another thing whether organisers want to continue in such a hostile environment at all.

4th September 2009, 07:27
And you believe the British(Malcolm Wilson/M-Sport)will give to him factory spec. Focus ???? :rolleyes:

The difference between Ford and Citroen is that Malcolm is the one who wants to make profit. Citroen is not there for making money. They are there to win a championship. So, therefore Malcolm might offer something better.

4th September 2009, 07:28
It looks like tomorrow will be really heavy rain everywhere. I don't expect any tactics.

4th September 2009, 07:28
Incredible things happen in Australia...
Latvala 1st?
Loeb in 5th position?

4th September 2009, 07:28
No major changes on stage 12, wich was run at normal time. Three more stages to go now, but two of them are being SSS. ;)

4th September 2009, 07:30
Mikko fights for the bettr he can!
Very strong competition!!!

4th September 2009, 07:32
Unbelievable Ogier!
The surprise of Rally Australia!!
Hope he stays high... :)

4th September 2009, 07:33
Very strong competition!!!

How can you say that when there were only 10 WRC's at the start and as always this season only two factory teams?

There is suspense in this rally, but to say that there is very strong competition goes much to far.

4th September 2009, 07:35
How can you say that when there were only 10 WRC's at the start and as always this season only two factory teams?

There is suspense in this rally, but to say that there is very strong competition goes much to far.

Can't disagree!
My fault for the word competition!
Really strong ''suspense'' :p

4th September 2009, 07:37
Latvala again 1st in ss13!!
He is uncatchable today...
Mikko makes a good distance with Loeb.

4th September 2009, 07:40
I do not believe Loeb is pushing 100%

4th September 2009, 07:40
Incredible things happen in Australia...
Latvala 1st?
Loeb in 5th position?

i assume it is tactics? tomorrow all will be the same again!

4th September 2009, 07:46
i assume it is tactics? tomorrow all will be the same again!

If Bluuford is correct, then tactics would have been folly but yet, Loeb isn't usually at same speed bracket with Henning.

4th September 2009, 07:47
I do not believe Loeb is pushing 100%

I am thinking the same. Again tactics used by him.

4th September 2009, 07:54
Loeb doesn't want the victory,just to be in front of Mikko...Absolutely logical...

Xsara Fan
4th September 2009, 08:00
What will Citroen made with Ogier? It`s not good for Loeb if Hirvonen will have 3 position at the start of the second day. Will Ogier retire at the service-park?...

4th September 2009, 08:13
I am thinking the same. Again tactics used by him.
For me it seems that old version C4 (2008) is working better in faster rallies and new version is slightly slower. Seb seems to be tired or something. He is making small mistakes and etc. even on the clean road. And it seems stupid tactics by Sordo to fell behind Hirvonen. usually forecast says that rain possibility is 50% or 75% or sometimes 85%. But for tomorrow it says 100%. That is very rare.

4th September 2009, 08:19
Looks as so it's going to rain heavy:


4th September 2009, 08:22
What will Citroen made with Ogier? It`s not good for Loeb if Hirvonen will have 3 position at the start of the second day. Will Ogier retire at the service-park?...

Strong point. Yeah possible.. But I don't think that Citroen will do that, but the think is that rain forecast is so precise for tomorrow; which may ruin or alter everything !!! ... :rolleyes:

Xsara Fan
4th September 2009, 08:28
Strong point. Yeah possible.. But I don't think that Citroen will do that, but the think is that rain forecast is so precise for tomorrow; which may ruin or alter everything !!! ... :rolleyes:

For the moment Loeb is only 6.8 seconds behind Hirvonen. Ogier shows today that 6-7 position is veeeeery good. I am sure that Loeb will show his real speed tomorrow but I think that Citroen will made smth with Ogier. It`s will made a life more diffucult for Hirvonen.

4th September 2009, 08:42
Looks as so it's going to rain heavy:

Another 2006 Turkey?? :D

4th September 2009, 08:58
Loeb doesn't want the victory,just to be in front of Mikko...Absolutely logical...
Ok logical!
But can be in front of Loeb??
That's the point... ;)

4th September 2009, 09:00
At last Latvala took and ss13!
Very strong battle between Mikko and Ogier predict for tomorrow!!

4th September 2009, 09:17
I do not believe Loeb is pushing 100%

...as always, at least In the beginning...

4th September 2009, 09:41
I don't get how Hirvonen manages to lose app. 4 sec on this short Tweed stage. Any ideas why?

4th September 2009, 09:43
I don't get how Hirvonen manages to lose app. 4 sec on this short Tweed stage. Any ideas why?

Loeb used a strategy so he could keep he's tyres warm for the asphalt SSS!!!!

4th September 2009, 09:44
Breaking news:

Petter goes C4 for the last 2 rallies this year, and then probably also 2010.


4th September 2009, 09:58
The big question now is wether he will be independent or not...

4th September 2009, 09:58
Loeb up to 3º now!!!!

Xsara Fan
4th September 2009, 10:02
And Loeb made it! :) Amazing game from Seb!