View Full Version : Rallye Monte Carlo RBR - RBR Motorsport Forum Cup Fun Event

Bruce D
4th August 2009, 12:47
Its the final night of the Monte Carlo Rally. You're in a fight for the overall honours and its down to this famous final leg...and its just started to rain!

Welcome to Rallye Monte Carlo - RBR style!!! :D

Rally starts - Friday 7 August 2009, 00h00 GMT
Rally ends - Sunday 9 August 2009, 24h00 GMT

Results to be submitted by Tuesday 11 August 2009 - 24h00 GMT

NOTE: You must use the night mod and monte mod for this rally!

Stages (all weather to be "bad", ie Rain)

Day 1

SS1 - Cote D'Arbroz (weather: bad)
SS2 - Joux Verte (weather: bad)
SS3 - Bisanne (weather: bad)

Day 2

SS4 - Joux Plane (weather: bad)
SS5 - Joux Verte II (weather: bad)
SS6 - Cote D'Arbroz II (weather: bad)

Format : Single Stage
Class : WRC, Group N, S2000
Gears : Auto or Manual
Car Damage : Reduced
Tires : All tar event

GENERAL RULES.....................................

1.Follow Schedule Order!
2.No stages repeated allowed!

EVENT RULES.......................................

Neutral Lock: On
Gear Protection: On
Clutch Help: On

Pacenotes: Off

SUPER RALLY ................

A Super Rally option Is added to RBR Motorsport Cup
for those who retire; you go on to the next stage
but your retiring stage time will be the fastest time
of the stage + time penalty of 3min.
CAUTION : One Super Rally per leg (day) Is allowed!

................TIME SUBMISSION...................

Please send me your times, In schedule order
via private message, In column format:


P.S. Richard Burns says: No cheating please!!!

Links to Downloads

Monte Mod

Night Mod

Post your entries in this thread...

Bruce D
4th August 2009, 12:55
BruceD - Peugeot 207 S2000 - N4


4th August 2009, 13:24
NeverKnow - Subaru Impreza WRX STi Spec.C (N12) - N4

4th August 2009, 13:38
any car class?

4th August 2009, 15:43
You're kiddin' right?
All stages are night stages with bad weather ?!? :s hock:
That Is total madness Bruce! :D
Even the good old days of WRC weren't so tough!!!

BTW I'm again behind the wheels of Mitsubishi Evo X - N4.

Man, this is gonna be tough!!! :dozey:

4th August 2009, 16:39
Here's my participation Bruce:

car:Citroen Xsara WRC 2003
That is ok,right?

4th August 2009, 18:55
Here's my participation Bruce:

car:Citroen Xsara WRC 2003
That is ok,right?
It is OK to drive WRC car on this event.

Class : WRC, Group N, S2000

Bruce D
5th August 2009, 06:32
Yeah thats fine jimakos. I was actually looking for a mix of classes this time around, just to spice things up a bit. :)

So the latest entry list looks like this:

1 NeverKnow Subaru Impreza WRX Sti N12 N4
2 BruceD Peugeot 207 S2000 N4
3 LCD Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X N4
4 jimakos Citroen Xsara WRC 2003 A8

5th August 2009, 07:19
These stages are a nightmare,I can't drive my car for over 30''
What made you Bruce choose these roads?
Hope to find a solution until the rally :p

Bruce D
5th August 2009, 09:02
You got to control the torque and therefore the wheelspin with the WRC cars in this conditions. ;)

I tried the Peugeot last nite and the grip actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Just takes some getting used to I guess - at least its not bloody bumpy like Ireland was.

Don't you find the night driving more difficult? I found that knowledge of the stages seemed to disappear now, lost all my reference points and the co-driver suddenly became very important.

5th August 2009, 09:12
Don't you find the night driving more difficult? I found that knowledge of the stages seemed to disappear now, lost all my reference points and the co-driver suddenly became very important.

Totally agreed! It feels I'm driving so sloooowwww!
( Like I'm a somekind of rookie! :D )
Do you have that Impression too or I should start worrying?

5th August 2009, 09:17
You got to control the torque and therefore the wheelspin with the WRC cars in this conditions. ;)

I tried the Peugeot last nite and the grip actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Just takes some getting used to I guess - at least its not bloody bumpy like Ireland was.

Don't you find the night driving more difficult? I found that knowledge of the stages seemed to disappear now, lost all my reference points and the co-driver suddenly became very important.

Probably you are right about the wheelspin of wrc cars but I have
experience only with cars like these!
Of course night driving is another problem but I'm still fighting to stay in the road :D

Bruce D
5th August 2009, 12:58
Hehe, yeah - but being slow in this rally might just be the key to victory, LCD. ;) But I'm trying not to slow down too much, but needless to say there were some spectacular crashes last night while testing! I'm finding braking in these conditions to be the most tricky - the damn back end always wants to be first into each corner.

jimakos, just take it easy on this one. I thought I was driving slowly on Ireland just to get through the stages, but I won all the stages I had clean runs through so it goes to show that taking it easy can be the key to victory. Rather those 10sec than 10min.

6th August 2009, 04:11
Im entering with a Fiesta ST.

6th August 2009, 04:43
Im entering with a Fiesta ST.

Im having second thoughts In the process of testing a few cars

Bruce D
6th August 2009, 06:26
The Fiesta was a decent choice first time but I'll let you decide for yourself.

6th August 2009, 06:51
The Fiesta was a decent choice first time...

I had a great time with It, In muddy UK stages last night...! :up:

Bruce D
7th August 2009, 06:26
Rallye Monte Carlo is go! :D

8th August 2009, 08:41
I've finished the rally and I can only say it was a very very tough rally for me. I tried smooth and steady approach for this rally but still managed to overcook on some of the stages.
SS1 went without incidents but on SS2 I spun in downhill section of the stage and stalled the engine. SS3 and SS5 went also without major incidents, only some half-spins and scares. On SS4 I had a spin about 5.5km into the stage but didn't lose much time there. On SS6 I spun in a high speed section of the stage. I really tried to push on this stage but turned into easy right too late and hit a barrier with left rear of the car. Lost about 5 to 10 seconds.
Overall I really struggled with confidents on this rally. In slow to medium speed the headlights were sufficient enough but in high speed section they were really unsufficient. I could only see about 30m clearly and had to guess where most of the corners were. But I am pleased that I finished the rally without retiring and I hope I can do better next time.

8th August 2009, 08:58
Here are some not so good pictures from the rally:

8th August 2009, 09:06
Day 1 was a bad day for me...
Although ss1 was clean and pretty fast, In ss2/ss3 I had some serious
problems following the fast rhythm of my co driver...
Aparrently, rain was no problem for me, but minimum visibility
had its negative effect on my speed...

Hope tonight's run turns out better!

8th August 2009, 17:45
Day 1 was pretty good for me!!
I made some sympathetic times prefering to go slowly because of snow.
I didn't get my top speed but stay into the road all day 1 so
believe for a good position!
Good luck to everyone in day 2 ;)

8th August 2009, 20:15
Just finished the rally! Night stages have always been my weak point...
Bad weather made this event even tougher, but I enoyed It a lot! ;)
Day 2 was much better for me; better control of the car, more concentration
over the pacenotes and a little bit faster at some occasions...
I guess short stages ( Cote D'Arbroz I & II ) were my best!
I think It was a decent performance-Looking forward to the results to see If I'm right!

Photos are coming sometime tomorrow!

9th August 2009, 05:49

Bruce D
9th August 2009, 15:18
jimakos, PM me your results when you're done.

Got 3 results so far, not sure if steve is doing this event or not.

Of the 3 results so far, 11sec covers the lot, with 0.13sec covering the first 2!!!! :O

9th August 2009, 15:42
jimakos, PM me your results when you're done.

Got 3 results so far, not sure if steve is doing this event or not.

Of the 3 results so far, 11sec covers the lot, with 0.13sec covering the first 2!!!! :O

Ok Bruce!
I hope to finish my rally soon!
Is there any problem that I changed car?
I understood that I can't drive a wrc car in these stages :)

9th August 2009, 17:43
My times are on your pm Bruce!
Waiting for results as soon as possible :D

9th August 2009, 19:22
...Of the 3 results so far, 11sec covers the lot, with 0.13sec covering the first 2!!!! :O

That's why I love that game..!!! :)

Bruce D
9th August 2009, 20:18
@jimakos, what car did you use in the end, just so I can update the results. Got your times, unfortunately you didn't get your total right, but you're gonna really wish you had had that total time cos it would have just won the rally!

@LCD, I'm at home tomorrow (its a holiday here) so I should be able to post the results myself. Any size limit I should try to do with the spreadsheet? I see you split it in half last time.

Anyone know if steve is doing this one or not?

9th August 2009, 20:34
My new car is Peugeot 207 S2000 - N4
Sorry about my mistake Bruce :p

10th August 2009, 06:03
Any size limit I should try to do with the spreadsheet? I see you split it in half last time.

Check your email box Bruce... ;)

10th August 2009, 10:52
@jimakos, what car did you use in the end, just so I can update the results. Got your times, unfortunately you didn't get your total right, but you're gonna really wish you had had that total time cos it would have just won the rally!

@LCD, I'm at home tomorrow (its a holiday here) so I should be able to post the results myself. Any size limit I should try to do with the spreadsheet? I see you split it in half last time.

Anyone know if steve is doing this one or not?

I was doing this rally mate, but had issues with computer..had to get another power supply for the computer..its all ok now though.

Shame as i was really getting inot the rally..

Bruce D
10th August 2009, 14:13
So I mustn't expect times from you then steve?

LCD I'll check it now...

PS. scored my first ever online racing podium last nite in Live For Speed! So kinda happy about that one. :D

10th August 2009, 14:22
...scored my first ever online racing podium last nite in Live For Speed! So kinda happy about that one. :D

Welldone there! Things are quite tough online...Used to race online DiRT1 some time ago, and there were some guys driving like rockets!!! :)

10th August 2009, 15:09
So I mustn't expect times from you then steve

Thats correct mate im sorry to say. But i will be around for the next event though

10th August 2009, 16:26
Nevermind steve!we'll see you on next rally.
So we are ready...
We don't wait anyone else,right?
I'm very curious for results want to see times from Neverknow in these nightmare stages :D

Bruce D
11th August 2009, 06:39
Hehe, well unfortunately I got a bit too busy yesterday so I couldn't post the results so I'm sending them to LCD to post for me (my work computer doesn't allow me to post on imageshack for some reason) and then you can see the proper results, but to sum up:

Stage winners
BruceD 3 stages
LCD 2 stages
NeverKnow 1 stage

LCD won SS1 and SS2
NeverKnow won SS3
BruceD won SS4, 5, and 6

Overall results
1 3 LCD Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X N4 30:08.70
2 1 NeverKnow Subaru Impreza WRX Sti N12 N4 30:08.83 +0:00.13
3 2 BruceD Peugeot 207 S2000 N4 30:20.19 +0:11.49
4 4 jimakos Peugeot 207 S2000 N4 33:00.55 +2:51.85

Congrats to LCD!!! :D

Bruce D
11th August 2009, 06:43
Welldone there! Things are quite tough online...Used to race online DiRT1 some time ago, and there were some guys driving like rockets!!! :)

Yeah but I was lucky for a change this time. Started 10th out of 17th, but avoided the chaos at T1 and was up to 5th. Let some of the other faster guys through and dropped down to 7th, but then they all seemed to self-destruct and that plus clever pit strategy meant I managed to get up to 2nd, then made a stupid mistake and spun and that let the guy in 3rd get a run on me and I couldn't hold him off. But I'll still take it, seen as my previous best was 7th! There were some "guest" drivers not usual to the league this weekend and one in particular seemed to be more interested in causing trouble, so I was quite pleased when he got taken out - mind you his ego didn't let him back off and give the other guy the corner.

11th August 2009, 08:05
RBR Monte Carlo Overall by BruceD


RBR Monte Carlo Stage Times by BruceD


11th August 2009, 08:17
Hey, that was so damn close..!
As I had suspected, the short stages gave me a boost there..!
Great battles guys;Bruce, how come winning the most stages
and not the rally? :D
Jimakos , hope you enjoyed racing with another class than WRC! ;)

11th August 2009, 08:46
Wow really slow!
Finally,I didn't have any problem with a s2000 car but happened what I was afraid of:
I didn't have the speed I needed but nevermind :p
In addition,I can't compare myself with you guys.I play this game about 2 months so need improvement!
Although,I really enjoyed this event :)
Congrats to LCD for his victory :up:

11th August 2009, 09:18
Another very very close result!! Congratulations to LCD for winning this event!!
I was faster than I thought. I guess feeling slow and actually being slow are two different things.
Nevertheless this event was a very good warm-up event for Rally France later this month.

11th August 2009, 10:39
Will we have the chance to run another fun event Bruce?
RBR will start again in 23 of August so we can make one more rally :D

Bruce D
11th August 2009, 12:46
Hmm probably not I'm afraid. Its my wife's birthday this weekend so a lot of it will be running around for her, so I probably won't get time to. Sorry mate. I could have maybe organised the sprint this weekend but there is no way I could have done it and besides I don't seem to be getting the entries right now. Lets see after France - maybe we can squeeze in a sprint in the weeks between events.

11th August 2009, 12:58
I'll be away for some days too, so couldn't follow...
Lets save some appetite for Rallye de France! ;)

11th August 2009, 15:46
Hmm probably not I'm afraid. Its my wife's birthday this weekend so a lot of it will be running around for her, so I probably won't get time to. Sorry mate. I could have maybe organised the sprint this weekend but there is no way I could have done it and besides I don't seem to be getting the entries right now. Lets see after France - maybe we can squeeze in a sprint in the weeks between events.

No problem Bruce :D
This weekend is IRC championship so I have something strong to take part
See you guys on next event ;)

Bruce D
11th August 2009, 19:54
Cool jimakos, enjoy. Oh and don't worry about a lack of experience, it took me ages to get it right on this game. Actually what I found helped was I started using the S2000 cars all the time and ran against the AI at the top level and set the AI to all be close to each other (actually I set it to represent the SA rally championship, which is super close). After about 2 or 3 seasons of that you learn that you need to just stay on the road firstly and then the times come anyway.

Bruce D
11th August 2009, 19:56
Bruce, how come winning the most stages
and not the rally? :D

Witness my stage 3 time, mate. Spun down a narrow section of the stage and while trying to get going again I reversed down a ditch and had to get help to restart. If I'd had just a decent stage there I would have won quite easily it seems.

Warning though, I'm very happy with my C4's setup for France, so expect me to be rather quick there. :p

11th August 2009, 20:11
Cool jimakos, enjoy. Oh and don't worry about a lack of experience, it took me ages to get it right on this game. Actually what I found helped was I started using the S2000 cars all the time and ran against the AI at the top level and set the AI to all be close to each other (actually I set it to represent the SA rally championship, which is super close). After about 2 or 3 seasons of that you learn that you need to just stay on the road firstly and then the times come anyway.

Good information Bruce,I'll try to use them!
I started running with wrc cars which is very difficult and now S2000 cars seem to me vey slow :eek:
Thanks for your help :up:

Bruce D
12th August 2009, 06:32
Hehe yeah the WRC cars are too fast IMO, and the Group N cars don't have nice physics. The S2000 cars have nice physics and once you get used to driving them in the power band and keeping the revs up you'll learn they are really quite fast. Compare your S2000 times against WRC times and you'll see what I mean.

12th August 2009, 06:47
...keeping the revs up you'll learn they are really quite fast...
Good point there! The first time I had a clean run with an S2000 realised
how fast they are! Needless to say, that after some time using an S2000 car
the transition to the WRC seems a lot easier!
So, for new rbr players, It's better to start with S2000 class and gradually move on to the WRC!
As we all know, In RBR speed comes later... ;)

12th August 2009, 13:36
Hehe yeah the WRC cars are too fast IMO, and the Group N cars don't have nice physics. The S2000 cars have nice physics and once you get used to driving them in the power band and keeping the revs up you'll learn they are really quite fast. Compare your S2000 times against WRC times and you'll see what I mean.

I made a check and realised that in wrc I was a little faster than in s2000!!
But I have to say that driving with a s2000 car is very simple comparing with wrc.
I'm a little confused at the time about what car to choose but testing will give me the answers I need :D

12th August 2009, 13:47
So, for new rbr players, It's better to start with S2000 class and gradually move on to the WRC!
As we all know, In RBR speed comes later... ;)

It seems I made a bad start with RBR!
I stared running with wrc car and in my beggining couldn't move more than 100 metres!
I agree that a s2000 car will help more a new driver than a wrc!
Mainly,it will be better for his psychology,for not dissapoint with the game :)

12th August 2009, 14:30
...Mainly,it will be better for his psychology,for not dissapoint with the game :)

Correct! And you enjoy It more... :)

Bruce D
12th August 2009, 19:25
Another wierd thing I found with RBR was how you set up your steering wheel. Originally, at least with the G25, I used the sequential shift on the side for changing gears, but I found once I changed it to the paddle-shift that controlling the car was a little bit easier. Now I just use the sequential shift for the handbrake.