View Full Version : Music on top gear last night

3rd August 2009, 08:52
Wasn't that just the most beautiful piece of TV? Does anybody know what music they were playing in the last segment?

3rd August 2009, 09:27
When The Aston Martin Vantage was on the music was

Brian Eno--An Ending (ascent)

3rd August 2009, 09:28
More to the point where was he driving?

3rd August 2009, 10:11
That's the best film that they've done in a long time, no explosions or stupid races, just a great looking/sounding car on some wonderful roads. It was so much better than it would have been if Clarkson had done a 'normal' road test and then a lap of the track.

3rd August 2009, 13:05
Lol, I thought it was rubbish and boring. More of the usual please.

3rd August 2009, 13:11
Lol, I thought it was rubbish and boring. More of the usual please.

The usual is growing extremely tedious in my mind. Take the historic rallying thing the other week "ahahaha James can't talk to women because he's boring"...."aahahahaha look how fast Clarkson's going"..."ahahaha Hammond has a rubbish car". Same old e week in, week out. Same goes for the VW advert thing, you just knew that JC would be over the top and JM would be a bit dull. All of the races are so well organised by the producers that they aren't really races any more and I'm starting to get fed up with the formulaic tripe that they keep churning out.

The Aston thing on the other hand was subtly presented (as Clarkson said we all know what to expect from AM these days), had a great soundtrack (well the engine note was superb anyway) and roads that any car nut worth his salt would love to be let loose on.

jim mcglinchey
3rd August 2009, 15:03
More to the point where was he driving?

I thought it was the Highlands and it was beautiful but the sequence went on waaaaaaaaaay to long and became very boring.

I was enjoying the show ( must be sick ) until Hammond in the scissor lift, and I had to turn over.

3rd August 2009, 15:04
I thought it was the Highlands and it was beautiful but the sequence went on waaaaaaaaaay to long and became very boring.

I was enjoying the show ( must be sick ) until Hammond in the scissor lift, and I had to turn over.

Looks like the highlands, but TV shows rarely bother driving all the way out there. More often than not it's Wales. As that is the cloest to London (or Birmingham if you're Fifth Gear)

3rd August 2009, 17:58
Great series ruined my a mediocre ending... how many times have we hear motoring journo wax lyrical about this car being the last of it kind only for 3 to be launched a year or so later...

The fact is a Vantage with a V12 is a nonsense, the bigger Astons pull it off better and the V8 whole purpose was to be an entry level model... stupid stupid stupid

It suddenly dawned on me that the TG team want a way to ease the viewers sadness that the series was over so deliberately made a crap ending so they would be so annoyed they would actually be happy such drivel was no off our screens...

Congratulations Top Gear, top notch and thinking of the viewer right to the end... I salute you.... come back soon

3rd August 2009, 21:31
Great series ruined my a mediocre ending...


Exactly, such a miserable ending and a bad way to end a series imho.

3rd August 2009, 21:46
Wow, I'm amazed that people think that was a mediocre ending to a good series. I felt the other way, great ending but most of the other stuff in the series was a bit crap. In fact apart from the bit in Abu Dhabi (or wherever it was) with the F1, the first race and parts of the two most recent episodes (which I've seen in the last 3 days) I can't really remember that much of it.

Another thing that they really need to drop is the 'Cool Wall', same old gags every time and is basically a padder where they get the audience to cheer in order to fool the viewer into thinking that the segment is in anyway worthy.