View Full Version : I was flashed!

19th February 2007, 02:04
...by a policeman sitting in a jeep with a speed gun, when I was at the snowman rally around inverness on Saturday.

However the gun (or whatever it was) in the jeep flashed twice. I've never seen a speed gun flash before, and there was nobody further up the road to stop you. I'm hoping he was maybe just taking a photo of the rally car I was following.

Was doing about 39(ish) in a 30 limit.

Anybody know anything about speed cameras? I am expecting a fine to come though, will just have to wait and see.

19th February 2007, 04:17
Sounds like photo radar to me. We have it here, and there's always two flashes because they take two pictures of you. They are set up at intersections to catch you either going thru a red or speeding. The first picture shows your car entering the intersection, and the second exiting it. That way, I suppose you can't argue that your car had stalled or something and was just sitting there. Expect something in the mail in a week or two. Just got one in the mail myself a few days ago. $160 for doing 64 in a 50.

19th February 2007, 08:14
hehe, remember that speeding fine i got at rally aus jamie? i only just got the bill in the mail.. took them long enough.

19th February 2007, 08:50
For a moment I thought it was you who flashed. :eek: I should think less. :uhoh:

Ian McC
19th February 2007, 09:34
That doesn't sound good I'm afraid, now you have that dreaded wait for the postman everyday :(

19th February 2007, 09:43
Remember that if it doesn't arrive in 14 days, it doesn't count ;)

19th February 2007, 09:54
Remember that if it doesn't arrive in 14 days, it doesn't count ;)

So, it's like pizza?

19th February 2007, 10:23
It'll only be the £60, 3 points, unless you take it to court.

I got caught by one of those nasty little beasties three years ago.

Azumanga Davo
19th February 2007, 13:51
So, it's like pizza?

If you received a pizza 14 days after ordering, I'd be inclined to look for a bit faster service somewhere else... ;)

19th February 2007, 14:09
If you received a pizza 14 days after ordering, I'd be inclined to look for a bit faster service somewhere else... ;)

............or at least a substantial reduction in the price ;)

19th February 2007, 22:40
............or at least a substantial reduction in the price ;)
Only if by substantial you mean a 100% reduction from the original price. ;)

19th February 2007, 22:43
Well come on now, you'd have to give the guy something just for making the effort :D

19th February 2007, 23:51
If you do get the dreaded NIP in the post then this site is well worth a look http://www.pepipoo.com/
I know of a fair few people that in following the advice from the owners of this site, have used technical loopholes in the law system to get off with the fine and points.

20th February 2007, 08:53
Let's be honest tho, if Jamie is accurate in his numbers, he was speeding, and it's a fair cop I would have thought!

20th February 2007, 09:43
I agree. Rallies are particularly bad places to speed tbh :mark:

I once got caught doing a lot more than 9mph over and got away with no fine or points on my licence :cheese:

21st February 2007, 02:15
Yup, it's a fair cop guv honest. Not trying to dispute it (although at 39 the gps says 34/35!), just hadn't ever seen a man with a speed gun which flashed.

Alfa Fan
21st February 2007, 03:34
GPS is more accurate. Your speedometer overreads by between 2-5mph usually.

21st February 2007, 06:20
hehe, remember that speeding fine i got at rally aus jamie? i only just got the bill in the mail.. took them long enough.

I'm still waiting on one from around that time last year, was doing around 120 in a 110 zone, still no sign of a fine..

21st February 2007, 11:15
GPS is more accurate. Your speedometer overreads by between 2-5mph usually.

According to my Garmin GPS, my speedometer is almost 10km out!!

21st February 2007, 16:04
I'm still waiting on one from around that time last year, was doing around 120 in a 110 zone, still no sign of a fine..
Got my first and only points (3) on my licence and a $150 fine at rally australia in 2002 :mark: 15kph over the limit in a 90 zone :(

Rallies are silly places to speed :mark:

22nd February 2007, 20:25
I got caught by a speed camera in early September `06...... no big deal in that you might say..... plenty of drivers get caught everyday somewhere..... but for me it was the consequences of the points that really hurt. I lost my job because of it.... and spent the next 7 weeks unemployed. Which put laid to the plan of going to Swerally and Rally Norway. That REALLY hurt. Now I`ve got a new job, which pays more incidentally, and to make up for missing out on the Sweden Norway double header, I`m planning to be at NORF. See you there, cameras permitting!! ;)

22nd February 2007, 21:47
I got caught by a speed camera in early September `06...... no big deal in that you might say..... plenty of drivers get caught everyday somewhere..... but for me it was the consequences of the points that really hurt. I lost my job because of it

No offence intended but you drove around with 9 points on your licence but still had the tendency to break the law by speeding? How stupid is that? :rolleyes:

I once got as far as 9 points on my licence but I made sure that I drove text book style until at least three of them expired.

22nd February 2007, 22:16
I got caught by a speed camera in early September `06...... no big deal in that you might say..... plenty of drivers get caught everyday somewhere..... but for me it was the consequences of the points that really hurt. I lost my job because of it.... and spent the next 7 weeks unemployed. Which put laid to the plan of going to Swerally and Rally Norway. That REALLY hurt. Now I`ve got a new job, which pays more incidentally, and to make up for missing out on the Sweden Norway double header, I`m planning to be at NORF. See you there, cameras permitting!! ;)

I hope that's taught you a lesson though.... agree with Carl :s

23rd February 2007, 21:07
No offence intended but you drove around with 9 points on your licence but still had the tendency to break the law by speeding? How stupid is that? :rolleyes:

I once got as far as 9 points on my licence but I made sure that I drove text book style until at least three of them expired.

Heh, fair comment.... but I don`t have 9 points on my licence, just 3. The only 3 I`ve ever had. My old job stipulated a clean licence neccessary, so that`s how I came to lose my job :( I travel 500 to 700 kms a day on UK roads, so I`m definately at high risk of being caught out. Being on "red alert" 100% of the time can be very difficult .... I was flashed at 71mph on the M25 near Heathrow,and the limit was 70mph. That`s zero tollerance for you :( . Naturally I`ve learned my lesson.

27th February 2007, 11:09
My old job stipulated a clean licence neccessary, so that`s how I came to lose my job :( .

I think you'd have a case for unfair dismissal there. Fair enough you may need a clean licence to get your job, but after you've started working, does 3 points mean you are less able to do your work? Of course it doesn't.. therefore it's probably illegal to dismiss you.

27th February 2007, 12:15
I think you'd have a case for unfair dismissal there. Fair enough you may need a clean licence to get your job, but after you've started working, does 3 points mean you are less able to do your work? Of course it doesn't.. therefore it's probably illegal to dismiss you.

I'm no employment lawyer, but I disagree. If you go for a job which stipulates that a clean driving licence is essential, surely it's just like any other criteria for that job, and you have to go on meeting them during your employment in that role, not just when you get the job?

Dave B
27th February 2007, 12:59
I got flashed too. :(

Hands up, it was 100% my fault, I forgot there was a camera and got done at 39 in a 30.

But instead of a £60 fine and 3 points, I can take a speed awareness course. Tempting, but for the fact it costs £111 :eek:

Now "they" are always saying that cameras are about safety, not about making money. If that were truly the case surely the course would be free, or cheaper than the fine.

As it is, with a clean licence, I'll take the hit rather than pay almost twice as much for a course which might actually be useful to some people.


27th February 2007, 13:38
I got flashed too. :(

Hands up, it was 100% my fault, I forgot there was a camera and got done at 39 in a 30.

But instead of a £60 fine and 3 points, I can take a speed awareness course. Tempting, but for the fact it costs £111 :eek:

Now "they" are always saying that cameras are about safety, not about making money. If that were truly the case surely the course would be free, or cheaper than the fine.

As it is, with a clean licence, I'll take the hit rather than pay almost twice as much for a course which might actually be useful to some people.


my girlfriend had the same situation, if its your first offence (in 3 years i think) you can do the speed awareness course and keep a clean licence, i think hers was £90, but by all accounts was a piece of pi$$, and the cost of having to declare 3 points (or more if you get done again) for the next 5 years on your insurance will add up to far more than £100.

given the option i'd take the course every time (unfortunately i only come back down to 3 points this year :( )

27th February 2007, 14:03
Interestingly, the hypothecation scheme, i.e. the one where the local authority can keep the money from speed camera fines, ended on 1st February 2007. Now they get a block grant from the government for road safety, which they can choose to spend on speed cameras, or other things. They do not see any of the fine revenue.

Is it a coincidence that the speed camera near my house has just been removed?!

27th February 2007, 14:06
I was under the impression that, when one takes into account running costs and so on, little revenue is collected from speed cameras, which is a whole other argument against them.

27th February 2007, 14:12
I was under the impression that, when one takes into account running costs and so on, little revenue is collected from speed cameras, which is a whole other argument against them.

When it's taken in the context of government sized budgets and revenues, then no. But what was happening in some cases is that they paid the wages of the very people who decided where they should be placed, which was clearly a conflict of interest.

6th March 2007, 22:22
Still not heard anything yet so might be lucky :uhoh:

8th March 2007, 00:30
Probably had no film in the camera then Jamie :up:

Ian McC
9th March 2007, 01:07
Still not heard anything yet so might be lucky :uhoh:

Quick, go do the lottery before your luck runs out :D

12th March 2007, 04:18
Apparently with speed guns a hell of a lot of people appeal against the fine and win, due to there being a lot of grew areas as to the speed guns reliability.

If you do get something in the post and are so inclined, you could consider appealing.