View Full Version : Major Stefan (a.k.a. Stefani) Cook won't go to war....

28th July 2009, 03:16
because Obama is not an American citizen. That's right! You read that correctly. Obama is not an American citizen! Funny because his birth certificate says otherwise and there is not a single piece of incontrovertible evidence to say otherwise.


Why doesn't Cook just come out and say that he doesn't want to fight for a black man? Seriously, we could cut out all the bull and get down to the real problem as to why this wuss is turning his back on his troops in combat.

Cook is a coward.

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2009, 03:27
Ya gotta love unreasonable people looking for conspiracy theories....

28th July 2009, 19:53
It look as it's a case of not having attended math and current history classes thou. Hawaii became a state two years before Obama was born (and also more than a year before he was conceived).

28th July 2009, 20:47
I had more respect for Cpl. Klinger from M*A*S*H. At least he wore some pretty snazzy dresses.

Probably best that this pickle kisser not be in a war zone. Sounds like he's in the lunatic fringe already. People like him are the ones who crack up and shoot their own people.

28th July 2009, 20:53
People like him are the ones who crack up and shoot their own people.Apart from him not really knowing who that is... :eek:

Easy Drifter
28th July 2009, 21:59
What is scary is he got to the rank of Major!
Some leader. I doubt his men have much if any respect for him.

29th July 2009, 10:46
It's not as if Obama started the war and it's not as if the war wasn't on when he started, essentially he's a pu**y, who's signed up for something he's quickly realised he's not able to deal with.

29th July 2009, 11:40
That really is quite bonkers.

Mark in Oshawa
30th July 2009, 00:12
Sadly...the man carries a gun....