View Full Version : Corruption, Money Laundering, and Organ Trading

24th July 2009, 01:44

Associated Press
NEWARK, N.J. - An investigation into the sale of black-market kidneys and fake Gucci handbags evolved into a sweeping probe of political corruption in New Jersey, ensnaring more than 40 people Thursday, including three mayors, two state lawmakers and several rabbis.

Even for a state with a rich history of graft, the scale of wrongdoing alleged was breathtaking. An FBI official called corruption "a cancer that is destroying the core values of this state."

Federal prosecutors said the investigation initially focused on a money laundering network that operated between Brooklyn, N.Y.; Deal, N.J.; and Israel. The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey.


"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." 1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version

24th July 2009, 08:43
What is wrong with marketing kidneys. You got one I need it - here is the dough. Matter of fact every casualty of war or conflicts should be harvested. Everyone in a traffic accident should be harvested. WTF burying or burning lifesaving organs - What kind of idiots are we?? Well we are so ***** dumb that criminals cut up tourists in some areas and sell their organs. If we harvested the young dead no one would have to wait. I find this just incredible that someone would be that selfish and be a human being.

24th July 2009, 10:13
What is wrong with marketing kidneys. You got one I need it - here is the dough. Matter of fact every casualty of war or conflicts should be harvested. Everyone in a traffic accident should be harvested. WTF burying or burning lifesaving organs - What kind of idiots are we?? Well we are so fuching dumb that criminals cut up tourists in some areas and sell their organs. If we harvested the young dead no one would have to wait. I find this just incredible that someone would be that selfish and be a human being.

Are you sure you aren't a commie Fousto? That's just the sort of thing they do in The People's Republic of China, you know those reds under the beds, the guys that will soon own most of the USA.

They allegedly execute prisoners to order for their organs, they even have mobile excution vehicles that use leathal injection rather than the old bullet in the back of the head.

On a serious note, you do know that not all organs are available for donation from dead people, some organs need to be taken from brain dead people who generally are being kept alive artificially through a heart/lung machine.
There are a few people on this forum that should be worried about the brain dead part, not mentioning any names!

My wife is a critical care nurse and is the only nurse in the city that we live in who can take the eyes out of dead people, she says the optic nerve is quite thick, rubbery and hard to cut! It's the cornea that is used not the lense and if your eyes have had laser surgery you can't donate them!

Whoops hijacked another thread, sorry.

24th July 2009, 10:26
Several rabbis? That's a field day for Mr Ecclestone :p :

24th July 2009, 18:37
In order to give the handicapped hope I shall bequeath my braincells to Fousto.

24th July 2009, 20:24
Funny how you didn't quote an interesting part of the story.

All but one are Democrats
Among the 44 people arrested were the mayors of Hoboken, Ridgefield and Secaucus, Jersey City's deputy mayor, and two state assemblymen. A member of the governor's cabinet resigned after agents searched his home, though he was not arrested. All but one of the officeholders are Democrats.

24th July 2009, 20:37
Funny how you didn't quote an interesting part of the story.

Not by intent, I usually post the first paragraph or two. If someone wishes to read further the original author and website receives the benefit of hit stats. As a internet writer I'm sure you appreciate the intent. Furthermore it's safe to say neither party has a monopoly on corruption.

24th July 2009, 22:07
Several rabbis? That's a field day for Mr Ecclestone :p :
I'm guessing that at least 25% of the rabbis are involved!

24th July 2009, 22:35
In order to give the handicapped hope I shall bequeath my braincells to Fousto.

No Please don't - I don't want to be a democrat Please please.

24th July 2009, 23:28
No Please don't - I don't want to be a democrat Please please.

1984 - Reagan
1988 - Bush
1992 - Perot
1996 - Perot
2000 - Bush
2004 - Bush
2008 - Obama

I'm a Democrat? That's news to me.

24th July 2009, 23:37
you are as good as your last vote :)

24th July 2009, 23:45
you are as good as your last vote :)
He has improved much since 2004!

I just heard about a poll that said the popularity of the US in Western Europe has gone up to the pre-Bush level after Obama was elected. In the Middle East it wasn't that good, but at least for the first time in eight years people in the Middle East thought an American leader was more reliable than Osama bin Laden!

25th July 2009, 00:27
1984 - ReaganGood

1988 - Bush R.I.N.O.

1992 - Perot Liberal vote for Clinton

1996 - Perot Liberal vote for Clinton

2000 - Bush Acceptable

2004 - Bush Acceptable

2008 - Obama

I'm a Democrat? That's news to me.
So 3 out of your 7 votes were for Liberal Fascits,Obama and Perot and another was for a R.I.N.O.

Yep you are a democrat.

25th July 2009, 01:14
Liberal vote for Clinton
Liberal vote for Clinton

So 3 out of your 7 votes were for Liberal Fascits,Obama and Perot and another was for a R.I.N.O.

Yep you are a democrat.
Howabout sticking to the topic before I tell you where to stick your opinion on my politics.

25th July 2009, 03:20
Howabout sticking to the topic before I tell you where to stick your opinion on my politics.
Lets see......One of the biggest political corruption cases in US history was committed by Democrats.

Care to comment?

25th July 2009, 04:25
Yo Tony. I care to comment!
It is much more relevant that it happened in New Jersey than those involved were mostly Democrats!
It sounds like this thing was a capitalist corruption first and foremost. If you look at the money, the politicians didn't get a pittance compared to these entrepreneurial Jewish Holy men.
I just hope they keep digging until the find Hoffa. He's buried in the Great State of New Jersey. Which really is just a useful commodity to New York Crooks who's State has democratic leadership and aren't so easily put on the payroll of the Judeo-Mafia, or any other greasy slime bags that infest that human cesspool.

Have you ever had an original thought of your own?

I'm guessing that at least 25% of the rabbis are involved!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Touché!!! Oh sorry I mentioned a French word.

Let me instead put it in a typical American expression that you might hear in Jersey.

Yo!! Eki just busted fausto's freakin' balls Joey :)

25th July 2009, 05:46
you should read the story in the asbury park press . the person who blew it all open wasa guy named dwek, he was busted for trying to prop up a phony real estate scam a few years ago with a bogus 25 million check he deposited in a drive up bank . tehehe. at least this takes everyones attention off our own miserable economic situation for a few days. NJ is tops in corrupt politicians and toxic waste superfund sites. GO NJ

25th July 2009, 08:25
Yo Tony. I care to comment!
It is much more relevant that it happened in New Jersey than those involved were mostly Democrats!
It sounds like this thing was a capitalist corruption first and foremost. If you look at the money, the politicians didn't get a pittance compared to these entrepreneurial Jewish Holy men.
I just hope they keep digging until the find Hoffa. He's buried in the Great State of New Jersey. Which really is just a useful commodity to New York Crooks who's State has democratic leadership and aren't so easily put on the payroll of the Judeo-Mafia, or any other greasy slime bags that infest that human cesspool.

Have you ever had an original thought of your own?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Touché!!! Oh sorry I mentioned a French word.

Let me instead put it in a typical American expression that you might hear in Jersey.

Yo!! Eki just busted fausto's freakin' balls Joey :)

Hell I am guessing he is probably right - er fousto's ball are still intact

25th July 2009, 10:13
Hell I am guessing he is probably right -

Spoken like an equal oporportunity Bigot!
I have to admit my man.
Your record on such issues is very consistant
A real man of conviction, that never lets viable available evidece
affect your opinnion.
Hell that's for Pussys,T.I.R.E, and Punks ;)
Fv<kin' Nuke 'em :up:


26th July 2009, 08:24
yes Taz I am a equal opportunity Bigot
What you need to learn is believe non of what you hear and half of what you see.

26th July 2009, 10:21
yes Taz I am a equal opportunity Bigot
What you need to learn is believe non of what you hear and half of what you see.I already learned that one from the lyrics of
"I heard it through the Grapevine"
