View Full Version : versus: 32 toughest athletes

23rd July 2009, 05:26

23rd July 2009, 06:10
Very cool to see Alessandro Zanardi on that list! Guess who I voted for?


Easy Drifter
23rd July 2009, 07:33
Gary - Danica? :eek:
How in h--- did she get on that list.
Surprisingly I did not vote for Zanardi but for Terry Fox.
Missing and should be on it are Shirley Muldowney, Tazio Nuvolari and Mike (Michelle) Duff.
I doubt if anyone on the forum with the possible exception of Markabilly knows who Michelle is and what he/she did.
Yes I do know her and have read her book.

23rd July 2009, 10:33
No Niki Lauda?

23rd July 2009, 12:08
There wasn't room for all the other deserving athletes and racers after Danica's PR management got her on the list.

23rd July 2009, 12:49
If Lauda is not on the list, the list is a total joke.

23rd July 2009, 13:38
Gary - Danica? :eek:
How in h--- did she get on that list.
Surprisingly I did not vote for Zanardi but for Terry Fox.
Missing and should be on it are Shirley Muldowney, Tazio Nuvolari and Mike (Michelle) Duff.
Yes I do know her and have read her book.
I never "knew" her.......I would like to think you "knew" her after the change, but either way, it would be sort of weird.......

of course the real trick question is who was the first woman to ride for Team Yamaha, in the forerunner of motogp......(Hint--first non-japanese rider for that matter) and the reason for toughness was no doubt the nut chopping....

And if you want to know why DP is on the list, check out the signature, cause that would be the only reason

Easy Drifter
23rd July 2009, 14:29
I saw Mike ride a couple of times. I also was at his house when we had some machining done on a bike engine. He had a machine shop in his basement. 3 kids while a man!
Saw her a few years ago at Mosport at a celebration of 'Indian Summer' race winners. Also had talked to her on phone about her book.
She now lives a few miles from me and shops at the same grocery store but have not seen her there.

23rd July 2009, 18:14
If Lauda is not on the list, the list is a total joke.

I absolutely agree! To have the likes of Danica Patrick on there and leave Niki Lauda and Shirley Muldowney off tells me this is a bogus list. On a list of Toughest Athletes, you leave off two multi-time champions, both of whom have been on fire, and you include someone who has one lifetime win in a car??? WTF?! How is Danica tough? Does she cut her own steak or something? Did she get a sunburn during her bikini photo shoot? She couldn't even pull her own weight in a Grand Am endurance race!

PA Rick
23rd July 2009, 21:40
If Lauda is not on the list, the list is a total joke.

Did you guys notice Joey Chestnut is on the list? he ate 59 1/2 hot dogs in 12 minutes.
There are also a few "base jumpers", one of which wants to jump put of a helicopter with no chute.
At least Lance Armstrong has over 50 percent of the votes. Possibly the worlds greatest athlete ever.

24th July 2009, 00:13
Who came up with that list? I only came across a handful who even possible deserve to be there.
Ty Cobb would have wiped 1/2 of the people off the list in 5 mins.
Where is Ted Hendricks? Chuck Bednarik?

They even have a female surfer on the list......joke.

24th July 2009, 00:26
I agree , a list without lauda isn't worth the time to read it, and the idea that the princess would be on there before anyone is a insult.

24th July 2009, 03:58
Who came up with that list? I only came across a handful who even possible deserve to be there.
Ty Cobb would have wiped 1/2 of the people off the list in 5 mins.
Where is Ted Hendricks? Chuck Bednarik?

They even have a female surfer on the list......joke.

The female surfer was attacked by a shark and her left arm was bitten off at the shoulder joint. She survived, healed, and surfs competitively again. Had to learn a whole new way to balance on a surf board, competitively, because of it. She belongs on it a bit more than some of the others on the list - most notably Chestnutt.

24th July 2009, 19:30
The female surfer was attacked by a shark and her left arm was bitten off at the shoulder joint. She survived, healed, and surfs competitively again. Had to learn a whole new way to balance on a surf board, competitively, because of it.
Being good in the amateur ranks of a niche sport makes you tough?
Is she competing through pain?
Is she battling against others?

What makes her tough?

Easy Drifter
24th July 2009, 21:35
I agree Starter. Tony is out to lunch on this one.
Just going back out in the ocean after a shark attack takes guts let alone competing on a board.

24th July 2009, 21:46
Being good in the amateur ranks of a niche sport makes you tough?
Is she competing through pain?
Is she battling against others?
What makes her tough?

One of the most ignorant inane posts ever and from you that's saying alot !
Bethany had her arm bitten off by a shark. She rescued herself and rehabilitated her ability to perform to a high level. Yeah surfing's niche sport - but you know what - so is IndyCar racing.

On October 31 2003, Hamilton went for a morning surf along Tunnels Beach, Kauai with friend Alana Blanchard, and Blanchard's father and brother. Around 7:30 a.m., she was lying sideways on her surfboard with her left arm dangling in the water, when a 15ft tiger shark attacked her,[1] ripping her left arm off just below the shoulder. If the shark had bitten two inches further in, the attack would have been fatal. Hamilton had lost almost 60% of her blood that morning. Her friends helped paddle her back to shore, and fashioned a tourniquet out of a surfboard leash around what was left of her arm before rushing her to Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Her dad was supposed to have a knee surgery that morning but she took his place in the operating room. She then spent six more days in recovery at the hospital.

Despite the trauma of the incident, Hamilton was determined to return to surfing. Just three weeks after the incident, she returned to her board and went surfing again. Initially, she adopted a custom-made board that was longer and slightly thicker which made it easier to paddle. She has observed that she has to kick a lot more to make up for the loss of her left arm. After teaching herself to surf with one arm, she has again begun surfing competitively. She is now back to using competitive performance short-boards again.

In July 2004 Hamilton won the ESPY Award for Best Comeback Athlete of the Year.[2] She was presented with a special courage award at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards.

In 2005, with one arm, Hamilton took 1st place in the NSSA National Championships, a goal she had been trying to achieve since before the shark attack. In 2008, she began competing full-time on the ASP World Qualifying Series (WQS). In her first competition against many of the world's best women surfers, she finished 3rd.

Since the attack, Hamilton has appeared on 20/20, Good Morning America, Inside Edition, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Tonight Show, as well as in People, and Time'. In 2004, MTV Books published Hamilton's book, Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board (ISBN 0-7434-9922-0), which describes her ordeal.


24th July 2009, 22:25
One of the most ignorant inane posts ever and from you that's saying alot !

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I beleive you just saved me from getting banned for life from this forum with what I was about to post. You summed it up very well.


24th July 2009, 23:32
Brave and tough are two different things. Courageous and tough are two different things.
So what makes her tough?

If somebody calls her a "Hero" I am going to puke.

24th July 2009, 23:48
Brave and tough are two different things. Courageous and tough are two different things.
So what makes her tough?
If somebody calls her a "Hero" I am going to puke.

Dude, the thread title is " versus: 32 toughest athletes"

No where is the criteria 'brave', 'courageous' or 'hero' applied.

tough adj. tough·er, tough·est
Able to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking; strong and resilient: a tough all-weather fabric.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Hard to cut or chew: tough meat.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Physically hardy; rugged: tough mountaineers; a tough cop.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Severe; harsh: a tough winter.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Aggressive; pugnacious.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Inclined to violent or disruptive behavior; rowdy or rough: a tough street group.[/*:m:1j4478dy] [/*:m:1j4478dy]
Demanding or troubling; difficult: skipping the toughest questions.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Strong-minded; resolute: a tough negotiator.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Slang Unfortunate; too bad: a tough break.[/*:m:1j4478dy]
Slang Fine; great.[/*:m:1j4478dy][/list:o:1j4478dy]n. A violent or rowdy person; a hoodlum or thug.

[Middle English, from Old English tōh.]
tough'ly adv., tough'ness n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Of the persons listed in that article I'd say the "toughest" of them all are (in no order) Zanardi, Bethany, and Lance Armstrong.

How the heck some publicist got DP on that list, I'll never know, I'd rank her about 132nd on that list of 32.

PA Rick
25th July 2009, 00:00
Brave and tough are two different things. Courageous and tough are two different things.
So what makes her tough?

If somebody calls her a "Hero" I am going to puke.

Did you eat too many hot dogs? If you were tough like Joey Chestnut you wouldn't.

Easy Drifter
25th July 2009, 00:20
I feel Terry Fox is up there too. Loses a leg to cancer. Starts to run across Canada on one good leg and an artificial leg. Cancer returns but keeps running until near Thunder Bay and dies shortly thereafter.
If you have ever seen pictures of his face near the end you are seeing sheer guts.
The artificial leg was pretty primitive compared to today too.

25th July 2009, 02:24
Zanardi earns #1, who can do what he has done, mostly everyone would've never stepped into another race car, and all Zanardi is doing is still win with no working legs.

why the MMA guys are near the top, I dunno, I would classify the toughest athletes who have overcome a major incident in their life, not a wrestler, yeah they are nuts, but guys like Zanardi, Armstrong, and anyone else who competes after life-threating cancer, ill-ness, accident earns everyones most upmost respect.

Easy Drifter
25th July 2009, 03:12
I think the one thing we all (or almost all) agree on is DP should not be on the list!

PA Rick
25th July 2009, 03:57
I think the one thing we all (or almost all) agree on is DP should not be on the list!

How about Joey Freakin Chestnut?
Face it, Versus is using this to promote their programming. We're talking about it and it's working.

25th July 2009, 03:58
I think the one thing we all (or almost all) agree on is DP should not be on the list!


25th July 2009, 04:26
She shouldn't even be allowed to read the list.

25th July 2009, 04:46
Brave and tough are two different things. Courageous and tough are two different things.
So what makes her tough?

What makes her tough? Does fighting off an attack by a shark AFTER it has taken off one of your arms count as tough? Man, you really are a piece of work.


25th July 2009, 04:57
What makes her tough? Does fighting off an attack by a shark AFTER it has taken off one of your arms count as tough? Man, you really are a piece of work.


And, IIRC, Bethany was 13 at the time.

25th July 2009, 04:58
I agree with an earlier poster - Alex, Bethany, and Lance belong here. It should be a list of 3.

25th July 2009, 09:22
The female surfer was attacked by a shark and her left arm was bitten off at the shoulder joint. She survived, healed, and surfs competitively again.

She healed? Did the arm grow back?

25th July 2009, 15:45
She healed? Did the arm grow back?

Yes she healed. No, the arm didn't grow back. Humans don't regenerate like that.

PA Rick
25th July 2009, 18:00
Yes she healed. No, the arm didn't grow back. Humans don't regenerate like that.
I lost 15 pounds once and it grew back.

25th July 2009, 20:00

25th July 2009, 21:59
I lost a wife, thakfully she didn't come back

25th July 2009, 23:03
I agree with an earlier poster - Alex, Bethany, and Lance belong here. It should be a list of 3.

I agree with that^

25th July 2009, 23:04
I think the one thing we all (or almost all) agree on is DP should not be on the list!

And that^

25th July 2009, 23:10
I lost 15 pounds once and it grew back.

wow really, are you trying to crack a joke on the girl.

she lost her arm to a shark, its got to take some balls to go back into the ocean and know they are around.

to be the toughest athlete, you'll get alot of different responses, but the tough athletes are the ones to come back after a major trama occurred. for Lance it was Cancer, Alex losing his legs, and beth losing her arm.

you go up to those three and tell them they are not tough, they would laugh in your face, my hat is off to them and to everyone else who have the same problem.

why are MMA guys near the top of the list, I dunno, I guess people think its "physically" toughest. that doesn't make them the toughest athlete.

if Massa comes back from the incident that happened today, he will be added to the list with Armstrong and Zanardi. He nearly lost his life today and its gonna take some real balls to get back on the track and go full throttle knowing it can happen again

PA Rick
26th July 2009, 02:06
wow really, are you trying to crack a joke on the girl.

No, I'm trying to cracking a joke on the thread and the list.

Lance- cancer, almost died, 7 TDF wins.
LeMond, Shotgun to the chest, almost died, 2 TDF wins. (not on list)
Zanardi, losing legs and still racing.
Bethany - loses arm and still surfs at the highest level.
Team Hoyt, Father carrying son on triathilon
several other similar stories
Danica who's toughness includes .."looks unbelievable in a bikini. You go girl!"
and Joey Chestnut who eats hot dogs.

Please excuse me since I am easily amused.

26th July 2009, 23:25
Actually with all due respect to racers, surfers and so on, the ones who get my most respect are pro quarterbacks in the NFL.

Not any of the others on the field. The reason is simple, I watched a number of them up close on the field in the 1970's. To stand there in the pocket while anywhere from one with 250 lbs up to a number totalling 1,000lbs or more came at you full speed, while to trying to ignore them, look beyond them and find the receiver, throw the ball at the last micro second, only to have them bury you into the ground, often right into the rib cage, then get back up and do it again and again....while trying to remain concious and concentrate. Tough, very tough and under appreciated by many including all those so called tough guy linebackers.

27th July 2009, 00:07
Yeah, I'd give it to some quarterbacks. But I'd have to give it to some wide receivers too. But most of the ones I'd call a man's man played years ago. Like Jack Youngblood, who continued playing with a broken leg! The ones now (quarterbacks especially), you can't hit 'em here... you can't hit 'em there. You can't even bite people when you're in the pile these days. What would Conrad Dobler have done with these modern pansies?! But yeah, QB is a tough position. But I wouldn't say that so many of the modern QB's are all that tough.

27th July 2009, 01:47
The problem with this list is that it doesn't come from a central idea of "what it means to be tough". To me it's a combination of mental strength and physicality to overcome extreme adversity.

Many of those on this list do not fit what I consider to be a "tough" athlete. I know Danica has overcome many adversities, but she's also used them to her advantage. I do not consider her to be one of the top 32 toughest athletes. Which is not to take away from what she's accomplished, but she simply should not be on this list.

27th July 2009, 10:17
Bert Trautmann

"Bernhard Carl "Bert" Trautmann OBE (born 22 October 1923) is a German football goalkeeper who played for Manchester City from 1949 to 1964. Raised during times of inter-war strife in Germany, Trautmann joined the Luftwaffe early in the Second World War, serving as a paratrooper. He fought at the Eastern Front for three years, earning five medals including an Iron Cross. Later in the war he was transferred to the Western Front, where he was captured by the British as the war drew to a close. One of only 90 of his original 1,000-man regiment to survive the war, he was transferred to a prisoner-of-war camp in Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. Trautmann refused an offer of repatriation, and following his release in 1948 he settled in Lancashire, combining farm work with playing as goalkeeper for local football team St Helens Town.

Performances for St Helens gained Trautmann a reputation as an able goalkeeper, resulting in interest from Football League clubs. In October 1949 he signed for Manchester City, a club playing in the highest level of football in the country, the First Division. The club's decision to sign a former Axis paratrooper sparked protests, with 20,000 people attending a demonstration. Over time he gained acceptance through his performances in the City goal, playing all but five of the club's next 250 matches.

Named FWA Footballer of the Year for 1956, Trautmann entered football folklore with his performance in the 1956 FA (Football Association) Cup Final. With 15 minutes of the match remaining Trautmann suffered a serious injury after diving at the feet of Birmingham City's Peter Murphy. Despite his injury he continued to play, making crucial saves to preserve his team's 3–1 lead. His neck was noticeably crooked as he collected his winners' medal; three days later an X-ray revealed it to be broken.

Trautmann continued to play for Manchester City until 1964, making 545 appearances. After ending his playing career he moved into management, first with lower-division sides in England and Germany, and later as part of a German Football Association development scheme that took him to several countries including Burma, Tanzania and Pakistan. In 2004 he was appointed an honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for promoting Anglo-German understanding through football"


Tougher than most.

27th July 2009, 12:42
Gary - Danica? :eek:
How in h--- did she get on that list.
Surprisingly I did not vote for Zanardi but for Terry Fox.
Missing and should be on it are Shirley Muldowney, Tazio Nuvolari and Mike (Michelle) Duff.
I doubt if anyone on the forum with the possible exception of Markabilly knows who Michelle is and what he/she did.
Yes I do know her and have read her book.

I was thinking the same thing. She does not deserve that accolade. There are so many athletes more deserving than her. If it has to be a race car driver, how about Bruno Junky. Broken back and he comes back to the series that nearly paralyzed him. Dario, airborne twice and back. What makes her tough?

Is it because she is a woman? Then Sarah Fisher deserves it more than her by a country mile. All those years without support from the Peaks and Go Daddy's of the world, but, she persevered.

27th July 2009, 12:48
Bert Trautmann

"Bernhard Carl "Bert" Trautmann OBE (born 22 October 1923) is a German football goalkeeper who played for Manchester City from 1949 to 1964. Raised during times of inter-war strife in Germany, Trautmann joined the Luftwaffe early in the Second World War, serving as a paratrooper. He fought at the Eastern Front for three years, earning five medals including an Iron Cross. Later in the war he was transferred to the Western Front, where he was captured by the British as the war drew to a close. One of only 90 of his original 1,000-man regiment to survive the war, he was transferred to a prisoner-of-war camp in Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. Trautmann refused an offer of repatriation, and following his release in 1948 he settled in Lancashire, combining farm work with playing as goalkeeper for local football team St Helens Town.

Performances for St Helens gained Trautmann a reputation as an able goalkeeper, resulting in interest from Football League clubs. In October 1949 he signed for Manchester City, a club playing in the highest level of football in the country, the First Division. The club's decision to sign a former Axis paratrooper sparked protests, with 20,000 people attending a demonstration. Over time he gained acceptance through his performances in the City goal, playing all but five of the club's next 250 matches.

Named FWA Footballer of the Year for 1956, Trautmann entered football folklore with his performance in the 1956 FA (Football Association) Cup Final. With 15 minutes of the match remaining Trautmann suffered a serious injury after diving at the feet of Birmingham City's Peter Murphy. Despite his injury he continued to play, making crucial saves to preserve his team's 3–1 lead. His neck was noticeably crooked as he collected his winners' medal; three days later an X-ray revealed it to be broken.

Trautmann continued to play for Manchester City until 1964, making 545 appearances. After ending his playing career he moved into management, first with lower-division sides in England and Germany, and later as part of a German Football Association development scheme that took him to several countries including Burma, Tanzania and Pakistan. In 2004 he was appointed an honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for promoting Anglo-German understanding through football"


Tougher than most.

Absolutely agree. I actually have a photo of him post injury. Many have not heard this story. Thanks for brining it up. BTW, in 1966 World Cup in England one of the teams tried to take out Pele of Brazil (best palyer of all time) in the early rounds.

He was injured pretty badly, knee I believe that would have kept most mortals sidelined. However , he continued and played in every game. Brazil did not win the cup, England did, but Pele should his toughness as an athlete when others would have taken a rest.

Easy Drifter
27th July 2009, 15:14
Another real tough man is ex Leaf Bobby (Boomer) Baun.
In the 6th game of a Stanly Cup Final he broke a leg. He kept playing.
He scored the game winning goal in overtime.
He played in the 7th and deciding game before he allowed his leg to be X rayed and went to hospital.
He scored very few goals in his career but was noted for his crushing open ice hip body checks hence the nickname.

PA Rick
28th July 2009, 02:13
Bert Trautmann

"Bernhard Carl "Bert" Trautmann OBE (born 22 October 1923) is a German football goalkeeper who played for Manchester City from 1949 to 1964. .....B]With 15 minutes of the match remaining Trautmann suffered a serious injury after diving at the feet of Birmingham City's Peter Murphy. Despite his injury he continued to play, ..........His neck was noticeably crooked as he collected his winners' medal; three days later an X-ray revealed it to be broken.[/B]


Tougher than most.

They waited THREE DAYS for an X-ray on an obviously broken neck? Wow, that is one bad health care plan.

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2009, 04:56
Trautmann deserves to be on that list ahead of Danica. The Princess hasn't done one thing tough that other women in racing haven't done in worse situations and tougher conditions. She has had her future paved by her appearence. It is why I resent her publicity machine and lack of true talent.

It angers me that Terry Fox isn't getting more respect, or Team Hoyt for that matter. Fox ran a marathon or better EVERY DAY FOR FOUR MONTHES! He did it in a Canadian spring and into summer before having to stop halfway across the country. He did it on a lousy prosthetic leg that basically was grinding his stump. He did it knowing he likely had cancer in the last month. I understand tho most Americans or anyone else outside NA have no clue about the man, but he had more guts in his pinky than some of the people on that list. I am sure a class guy like Lance Armstrong would acknowledge that as a cancer survivor and I suspect Armstrong knows of Fox's contribution to the cancer fight.

Team Hoyt should be getting more respect as well. Anyone who has heard the story of this father competing in marathons and triathons in his 50's and 60's and beating people who are NOT pushing their adult son in a wheelchair or towing him on a raft in the swimming part of the triathon is truly inspiring.

I agree with Drifter, Boomer Baun is as tough as these guys, although Gordie Howe was plenty enough tough to beat most of these posers.

Fox, Hoyt, Armstrong, Zanardi, and Bethany all get my respect over and above some really tough people on this list...and a few jokes. Joey Chesnutt? A guy too dumb to stop eating shouldn't be on the list, but he and Danica are there because VS covers their sports...or in Chesnutt's case, stupidity.

Easy Drifter
28th July 2009, 09:10
Round 2 voting is on and the current results even more bizzare.

28th July 2009, 12:09
Round 2 voting is on and the current results even more bizzare.

After your post, I checked the site again. A BOXER over Lance Armstrong??? One who's highlight is retiring Oscar De La Hoya??? That's it??? They obviously are looking for a different definition of tough than most of us here. This is the result of a reality-tv driven society, I guess.

I can't bear to look at that site anymore. Think I'm going to write to Versus and tell them this is bogus! Or, maybe I'm just getting old.

28th July 2009, 12:22
Just to let you all know, I voted for Danica. ;)

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2009, 12:37
After your post, I checked the site again. A BOXER over Lance Armstrong??? One who's highlight is retiring Oscar De La Hoya??? That's it??? They obviously are looking for a different definition of tough than most of us here. This is the result of a reality-tv driven society, I guess.

I can't bear to look at that site anymore. Think I'm going to write to Versus and tell them this is bogus! Or, maybe I'm just getting old.

At least boxers are tough. They didn't put Joey Chesnutt into the second round. AS for Danica...well it proves that America has some really silly people with internet access.

28th July 2009, 13:18
round 2, is pretty sad, danica over zanardi :confused:

28th July 2009, 23:56
round 2, is pretty sad, danica over zanardi :confused:

I've ignored this "poll" as I thought it was a bunch of garbage to promote versus programs and characters.

this just proves it. sad. I wouldn't spend anoter second thinking about it. I'll bet 90% of the voters were old enough even to remember who zanardi is. either that or DF has a voting 'bot going *LOL*

PA Rick
29th July 2009, 04:40
Just to let you all know, I voted for Danica. ;)

Why are we not surprised?

29th July 2009, 05:31
Just to let you all know, I voted for Danica. ;)

I'm sorry I'll probably get banned for that but - man - what the f888 could you have any reasonable logical reason to vote danica patrick - the beneficiary of a racing affirmative action program - as the "toughest" athlete in the world. Your synchophantic obsession, manifested by the creepiest stalker shrine collection that would make a Law & Order serial killer look like a piker, gives you absolutely no credibility in this forum and in my mind no credibility to perform any legitimate function in our society that requires logical reasoning. The 'toughest' thing about the princess is her ability to tool around qualiying 21st out of 23 while not breaking a nail.

29th July 2009, 16:53
round 2, is pretty sad, danica over zanardi :confused:

Especially if you consider that Alex won more races without his legs than Danica did in her career...

However, the real tough one in this list for me has to be Terry Fox. I read Douglas Coupland's book on him and I was truly impressed with his story.

Mark in Oshawa
29th July 2009, 20:31
Especially if you consider that Alex won more races without his legs than Danica did in her career...

However, the real tough one in this list for me has to be Terry Fox. I read Douglas Coupland's book on him and I was truly impressed with his story.

Anyone outside of Canada really has no knowledge of him unless they know about his legacy in terms of the runs for cancer that are held in his name, but anyone alive in Canada at that time saw the image of this young amputee gimping along in this painful gait that was almost torture to watch, much less run a marathon a day with. He ran a greater distance that most nations have, and he did it through some crap weather, and at times indifference at first. He never gave up until the Cancer came back and forced it to stop. The thing is, he didn't do it for his own fame, well being, or anything else than being selfless and raising money for a disease that he knew wasn't likely to be cured in his lifetime. Other than Mr. Hoyt, there is no other athlete on that list that is motivated by such a selfless motivation, not even Lance. It is one thing to be tough when you have something personal to gain, but is that much tougher when you are running for something greater than your own welfare or self aggrandizement. Having someone like Danica Patrick on this list is an insult to these great men since she hasn't done a damned thing that wasn't in her own interest. She isn't the first woman to drive a race car, and she wont be the last, and she has yet to do anything that any other race driver has done. IN short, I keep waiting for DF to show me where her facing adversity is.......

29th July 2009, 22:18
Just to let you all know, I voted for Danica. ;)

I'm sorry, but what the f888 could you have any reasonable logical reason to vote danica patrick - the beneficiary of a racing affirmative action program - as the "toughest" athlete in the world. The 'toughest' thing about the princess is her ability to tool around qualiying 21st out of 23 while not breaking a nail.

Easy Drifter
30th July 2009, 02:36
Although DF's vote didn't suprise me I was hoping he would show a little class.
Being a super fan shouldn't blind a person to seeing that Stompin' Danica has no real credentials to be on the list at all let alone get past the first cut.
Comparing her to people like Armstrong, Bethany, Zanardi or Terry Fox is a traversity.

Chad, I really had hoped you would use your head.

Chris R
30th July 2009, 17:34
I am not sure what makes Danica a tough athlete - seems like she has pretty much been received open arms throughout her career - although maybe I am wrong....

if breaking the gender barrier makes one tough lets go with Janet Guthrie or the lady who raced in NASCAR in the 50's who recently passed away..... those women really were not welcome at the time and the are the ones who paved the way for Danica.....

Easy Drifter
30th July 2009, 17:52
Well when she says one reason she does not want to go to F1 is she does not want to leave the comfort of living in the US you really do have a problem of being called tough.
Of course Europe is so primitive! :D
I am sure all the F1 drivers living in Monaco and Switzerland have a hard time roughing it!!!!
Let us be honest the reason she doesn't want to do F1 (if they would even have her) is she knows she is not anywhere near good enough. The same real reason she wouldn't do A1GP.
PS Erin Crocker is back, at least part time in the WOO and Sarah Fisher came up through sprint cars. Now that is tough!!!

30th July 2009, 18:05
His name might not be on the tip of everyone's tongue but I believe Terry Fox Day is celebrated worldwide. He certainly deserves recognition for his athletic endeeavour.

But considering this is a motorsport forum I have to give a nod to not only Zanardi but I agree that we shouldn't forget Lauda. The trauma and living hell that Nikki Lauda went through. From being trapped in a blazing inferno in his cockpit and read the last rites, he not only lived to race another day, he soldiered on a few races later and continued to battle for the championship to the last race of the season.

PA Rick
30th July 2009, 21:57
I am not sure what makes Danica a tough athlete - seems like she has pretty much been received open arms throughout her career - although maybe I am wrong....

if breaking the gender barrier makes one tough lets go with Janet Guthrie or the lady who raced in NASCAR in the 50's who recently passed away..... those women really were not welcome at the time and the are the ones who paved the way for Danica.....

I think Janet Guthrie is alive and well. She is best known as the first woman to run in the Indy 500.

30th July 2009, 22:29
I think Janet Guthrie is alive and well. She is best known as the first woman to run in the Indy 500.

She is. She was the Grand Marshal for the Concours d'Elegance for which I chair the awards ceremony. (www.ohioconcours.com (http://www.ohioconcours.com))

But I think ChrisR was talking about two different women.


30th July 2009, 22:51
I am not sure what makes Danica a tough athlete - seems like she has pretty much been received open arms throughout her career - although maybe I am wrong....

if breaking the gender barrier makes one tough lets go with Janet Guthrie or the lady who raced in NASCAR in the 50's who recently passed away..... those women really were not welcome at the time and the are the ones who paved the way for Danica.....

If you're gonna talk about breaking barriers as tough, how about Wendell Scott? It couldn't have been easy for him.

Chris R
30th July 2009, 23:22
She is. She was the Grand Marshal for the Concours d'Elegance for which I chair the awards ceremony. (www.ohioconcours.com (http://www.ohioconcours.com))

But I think ChrisR was talking about two different women.


yes, two different women.....

the NASCAR driver was Louise Smith - here is a wiki entry on her:

Chris R
30th July 2009, 23:24
If you're gonna talk about breaking barriers as tough, how about Wendell Scott? It couldn't have been easy for him.

good point - that had to be tough for him - I think even Willy T. Ribbs ran into issues at times... heck, it sounds like the fans in Spain are pretty rough on Lewis Hamilton even today.....

31st July 2009, 00:08
good point - that had to be tough for him - I think even Willy T. Ribbs ran into issues at times... heck, it sounds like the fans in Spain are pretty rough on Lewis Hamilton even today.....

Yep. Willy T. probably had it rough, but I think Wendell being in the South at the height of a lot of that junk was probably worse, but not by much.

Ole' Lew in Spain, I sure don't envy him that one.

Easy Drifter
31st July 2009, 00:22
Wendell won one Grand National (todays Sprint Cup race) in Jacksonville Fla. but they fudged the results, until much later, as the officials would not allow a black winner!

31st July 2009, 00:51
Angelle Sampey (Seeling/Savoie) had someone spit at or on her whe she first started drag racing motorcycles. What was a girl doing there?!

Ianina Zanazzi had someone throw motor oil down on a track in South America, because they wanted her to wreck. What was a girl doing there?!

Good example above with Wendell Scott. What was a Negro doing there?! His family still has one of his race cars near the family home in Virginia. It made the news when Richard Pryor was in the movie, Greased Lightning.

Not to call DanicaFan out. But I figure if Danica has ever done anything to indicate some unusual measure of toughness, he'd be the one to know. Dude, have you got anything? She may not have survived a shark attack or lost her legs and continued winning races, or even gotten spat on. But is there anything at least a little rougher than getting a sunburn during a bikini shoot? Something? Anything? Bueller???

Mark in Oshawa
1st August 2009, 20:07
Angelle Sampey (Seeling/Savoie) had someone spit at or on her whe she first started drag racing motorcycles. What was a girl doing there?!

Ianina Zanazzi had someone throw motor oil down on a track in South America, because they wanted her to wreck. What was a girl doing there?!

Good example above with Wendell Scott. What was a Negro doing there?! His family still has one of his race cars near the family home in Virginia. It made the news when Richard Pryor was in the movie, Greased Lightning.

Not to call DanicaFan out. But I figure if Danica has ever done anything to indicate some unusual measure of toughness, he'd be the one to know. Dude, have you got anything? She may not have survived a shark attack or lost her legs and continued winning races, or even gotten spat on. But is there anything at least a little rougher than getting a sunburn during a bikini shoot? Something? Anything? Bueller???


He wont say anything because he has no point. Danica has USED her femininity to her advantage, it hasn't hindered her, and people like Bobby Rahal took her seriously because she had just enough talent for people to realize they could use her looks to get sponsorships and she had enough talent to at least carry part of it off. She herself has seen no real adversity of any form. Nothing like Wendell Scott, Zanardi, Guthrie, Shirley Muldowney, or any other person with the world out to stop them.

It irritates me to no end that Danica is seen as some sort of pioneer overcoming great adversity. She hasn't.....she is a minority in a male world yes, but that world has kissed her heiney because of her appearance. If anything, if she was a brunnhilde weighing 170lbs and ugly as an old boot, she wouldn't be in an Indy car....

Easy Drifter
4th August 2009, 14:22
Well Zanardi is out but unbelievably the Princess is still in.
I am still voting for Terry Fox but it seems like some boxer has a ton of fans.

6th August 2009, 12:16
Seeing Danica listed as a "tough" athlete anywhere is an insult to struggling racers everywhere and particularly other women racers.

I worked with a female racer trying to succeed in professional racing over 20 years ago. Oddly enough, the other racers at the pro level didn't give her a hard time and she was accepted as just another racer. She did have issues when she raced occasionally at the amateur level where some racers felt threatened and her career was almost ended where another caused a serious crash because they just couldn't be passed by a "girl".

The only problem she ever had at the pro level came from an old crusty race official who told her she couldn't race because women belonged in the kitchen. He did this in front of other racers, who almost lynched him as they had no issue with her on track. When other officials learned what was said, he was relieved of his duties and was never seen at the track again. This was at a time when women were very rare at the pro level.

Where it was tough was getting sponsorship and just being taken seriously by fans and people outside the racing community. Although the media didn't treat her badly, many articles at the time referenced the novelty factor of a woman in racing, making it even harder to be accepted as a serious racer. Eventually, she left racing as sponsors were just not interested.

Danica has never faced these issues. For some unfathomable reason, she is a media darling (ok, some go ga ga over her in a bathing suit or skimpy clothes), has never had to struggle with crappy equipment, has never had a serious injury, and has never seemed to have a worry about having the finances needed to get to the next race. She can act like a bit*h and not get called out on it. There is NOTHING tough about having a proverbial silver racing spoon.

Suggesting she is "tough" is disgusting. She tries to act tough, but has never faced real adversity.

Chris R
6th August 2009, 12:20
That Danica is the sole remaining representative of the racing community is a disgrace..... Nothing against her, but there are too many people in racing history who are truly "tough".....

Easy Drifter
6th August 2009, 15:48
Well it looks like she will get knocked out this round but those who are likely to remain, with the exception of Lance Armstrong, are a joke.
'Stompin Danica' staying in and Alex Zanardi being eliminated just shows what a farce the whole thing is. :(

11th August 2009, 10:43
Danica? Serious... how is she tough? This is the same Danica that chucks a hissy fit whenever races go bad!

No Lauda, no point!

Easy Drifter
11th August 2009, 14:47
Well at least she is now eliminated.