View Full Version : A Fitting End

20th July 2009, 01:48
The sh!tter in the space shuttle overflowed. A fitting end to the sh!t program.
a total waste of money!!! NASA should spend their budget launching nuclear waste to other galaxies. And let JanVan be the pilot and EKI the co pilot.

20th July 2009, 01:50
Oh and BTW put all the Hitler books in there with them so we don't have to listen to it anymore!! :p

20th July 2009, 03:24
NASA should spend their budget launching nuclear waste to other galaxies. And let JanVan be the pilot and EKI the co pilot.Don't you think it would be better to put it in geosynchronous orbit?
with return co-ordinance set for North Korea, Iran, for that matter all predominantly Muslim countries,
San Francisco, Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba?
That way we wouldn't have to waste any nuclear warheads, and we could still fry those Commie B@$tards,
and their lust for our precious bodily fluids :p :


20th July 2009, 04:03
Come on Fousto. Why do you have to take things that may be worthy of discussion to a comic/cartoonish level that makes discussion in-tolerable? I mean in general there may be people on this board who generally agree with your world views, at least in part, but want nothing to do with you because of your cartoonish (I can't discribe it any better) level of hatred.

Even on something as non-political/a-political as space flight. To turn that into a super heated political debate takes some talent my man.