View Full Version : US F1 Drivers

Saint Devote
19th July 2009, 16:04
US F1 - which will become the most fan friendly team in f1, like it used to be, have to make decisions on drivers based on the reason for being: Americans in f1.

The really silly season is underway with the question on f1 being asked to Danica Patrick - she is not and never has been and never will be f1 material.

So the question begs which American drivers do you think will be selected?

I cannot discern a single American that at this stage is ready or is worthy for f1.

Unlike Campos Racing, they will not be able to call on the services of a driver like Predro De La Rosa.

So any thoughts?

19th July 2009, 17:43
I mentioned it before in other threads, I have a hunch that Graham Rahal might be one of them.

I would think the other top candidates would be Marco Andretti (great name & publicity, Andretti 3rd generation in F1 etc.) and Scott Speed, simply because of his previous experience, even though he was less than enchanting. AJ Allmendinger could be a good choice, but I doubt he wants to leave the NASCAR gravy train.

19th July 2009, 17:58
I agree with the assessment of Patrick. I was shocked to see her described by J K Thomson (Bourdais sacking story) as America's "top single-seat racer". This on her record of one win ever in professional racing. Still, I suppose she is tops in terms of IRL current points standings. It would be a grave mistake for USF1 to limit their drivers to Americans, all the top talent gravitate to NASCAR. If it must be American, then S Speed would have to get the nod based on experience. I would think there must be talented young Americans in the ALMS series.
Someone can name one?

El Libertador
19th July 2009, 18:04
Peter Windsor has stated many times that there will only be ONE US American driver. For the first year (at least), they will have one non-American experienced F1 driver (Barrichello, Bourdais, Heidfeld, Villeneuve, Ralf have all been mentioned, as had Pedro de la Rosa prior to signing with Campos).

John Summerton looks likely to be the race driver, as Graham Rahal, Marco Andretti, Danica Patrick, AJ Allmendinger, and Scott Speed have all turned down the offer to go to F1, or in Scott's case, return.

Josef Newgarden (Formula Ford UK), Conor Daly (Star Mazda), JR Hidlebrand (Indy Lights), and Alex Rossi (International Formula Master) will all be evaluated for the future.

19th July 2009, 18:27
I think it would be a big mistake if USGP or whatever it is they are allowed to use without a copyright infringement to go with U.S. Citizens only.
Rahal would be ok for one, I think he could develope into a very good F1 pilot.
I met him when he was doing the driving exhibition in the 2006 BMW Sauber F1.06
at the 2008 BMW Pit lane Park in Las Vegas, NV.
As for the other driver I think they should at least open their options up to all of North, and South America.
Montoya would rock if he could lose about 60lbs, and be willing to give up what is turning into a very productive NASCAR career.
But he won't on either count. I guess Jacques is an option, But what I think would be a real coup,
is if they could get Rubens after Brawn throws him out like yesterdays trash. An Experienced solid F1 Pilot,
and for the first time in a very long time if ever, he could be a number one pilot on a team!
Their going to struggle no matter who is driving. But with Rubens his career is near the end
so he wouldn't have to worry about becoming damaged goods!

Saint Devote
19th July 2009, 18:31
The new f1 teams and their vetting is intended to eliminate the possibility of teams that populated the back of the grid in the early 1990's. Such as the Life f1 car or dreadful teams such as Coloni.

F1 is totally different compared to the 1970's and 1990's even.

Inasmuch it is vital that drivers merely eligible for a superlicence not be regarded as f1 material.

Just as rules for teams have been tightened with significant barriers to entry, I think that the same ought to apply to drivers.

And while there are exceptons such as Kimi, there is real reason why someone that has not had some years at the top of a European based series not be granted the privilege to enter f1.

Someone such as Josef Newgarten may or may not be ready for f1 one day, but really I cannot imagine someone such as Rahal being in the same league as Buemi was.

Even Alguesueri should not be allowed to enter a grand prix at this stage. He may be quick enough - he may not - but he is a risk to have on the track.

He has no idea how the TR reacts during a race and we have no idea what his racecraft is like. All the drivers will have to be wary of him and consider him dangerous in close or tricky situations.

This is supposed to be f1 where drivers are expected to have shown a certain high level of ability and awareness, not a place where a novice with millions can displace an experienced good driver at the whim of a man like Franz Tost.

Saint Devote
19th July 2009, 18:39
I think it would be a big mistake if USGP or whatever it is they are allowed to use without a copyright infringement to go with U.S. Citizens only.
Rahal would be ok for one, I think he could develope into a very good F1 pilot.
I met him when he was doing the driving exhibition in the 2006 BMW Sauber F1.06
at the 2008 BMW Pit lane Park in Las Vegas, NV.
As for the other driver I think they should at least open their options up to all of North, and South America.
Montoya would rock if he could lose about 60lbs, and be willing to give up what is turning into a very productive NASCAR career.
But he won't on either count. I guess Jacques is an option, But what I think would be a real coup,
is if they could get Rubens after Brawn throws him out like yesterdays trash. An Experienced solid F1 Pilot,
and for the first time in a very long time if ever, he could be a number one pilot on a team!
Their going to struggle no matter who is driving. But with Rubens his career is near the end
so he wouldn't have to worry about becoming damaged goods!

Where has Ross Brawn or anyone on that team said anything bad about Barrichello? If anything, they have always complimented and praised him.

It has been Rubens, because he is a very emotional person that has exploded after every other grand prix.

He may or may not be with Brawn in 2010 but it will not be because he is not highly respected as a driver and I will add extremely well liked by the team.

You do Ross Brawn a disservice by implying anything else. Drivers are not selected by people such as Ross based on a whim, but considered for proper reason.

Peter Windsor is a close friend of Barrichello and he would be an asset to that team. If he does leave Brawn in that case it will be for what Rubens has always wanted: a team where he will be the main focus.

19th July 2009, 20:35
Peter Windsor has stated many times that there will only be ONE US American driver. For the first year (at least), they will have one non-American experienced F1 driver (Barrichello, Bourdais, Heidfeld, Villeneuve, Ralf have all been mentioned, as had Pedro de la Rosa prior to signing with Campos).

John Summerton looks likely to be the race driver, as Graham Rahal, Marco Andretti, Danica Patrick, AJ Allmendinger, and Scott Speed have all turned down the offer to go to F1, or in Scott's case, return.

Josef Newgarden (Formula Ford UK), Conor Daly (Star Mazda), JR Hidlebrand (Indy Lights), and Alex Rossi (International Formula Master) will all be evaluated for the future.

I believe that JR Hildebrand would be a good choice. But as 1 of their
drivers. JR name was the very name that was eluded. But look at his
psast perfomances at Watkins Glen and Toronto. And remember
when he drove the AGR A1GP car to a 4th in the Brand Hatch Sprint
race in is 1st race. He should get 1 of the seats for 2010.

N. Jones
19th July 2009, 20:41
I have heard Peter Windsor say that they are going to sign two American drivers. I had also heard that they were going to go after Danica too. The reasons are obvious - the US is the biggest economy and USF1 wants what any team wants - US companies investing.

Whether all of this comes true or not is anyone's guess.

I think it is best for them to sign one American and one veteran F1 driver, but since I do not work for USF1 my ideas will go unnoticed. :)

19th July 2009, 20:46
I'd put my money on an American/Euro combo like Ryan Hunter Reay and Seabass. RHR has not had very good IRL rides recently, but has proven his road skills on a number of occasions in the last couple seasons, particularly at Surfers and the Glen last year. Danica, Marco, and Graham have said flat out that they're not interested in a USF1 ride. I think you could certainly get them to quickly agree to a top F1 ride, but USF1 is not a top F1 ride. In fact I would be surprised to see them much further up than the last row on the grid in most races. A young driver that they can grow with, that is willing to risk their career (to a large extent) on taking this opportunity, is what USF1 needs. Not a driver like Danica or Graham who feel they potentially have more to lose.

19th July 2009, 21:39
Even Alguesueri...


19th July 2009, 21:45
Where has Ross Brawn or anyone on that team said anything bad about Barrichello? I never said he/they did Smarta$$! You read way to much into my post!
I was being satirical, with a rather large helping of imagery.
Who the fu<K made you the etiquette police ?

19th July 2009, 22:13
I never said he/they did Smarta$$! You read way to much into my post!
I was being satirical, with a rather large helping of imagery.
Who the fu<K made you the etiquette police ?

He ain't.

When you are self cannonized, you don't need to be no stinking police cause you are superior to them too..no need for a demotion.... :rolleyes:

19th July 2009, 22:38
He ain't.

When you are self cannonized, you don't need to be no stinking police cause you are superior to them too..no need for a demotion.... :rolleyes:
Here's the deal as I see it. The guy is new I want to cut him a break.
At the same time those of us that have been posting here for years know each other’s nuances.
For instance you or I are likely to say just about anything for a laugh.
I believe the pious one should take a little more time to get to know us
before he starts in with his self righteous indignation.
I am curious however which F1 forum he got pitched out of before he
decided to grace us with his divine inspirations :mark:

19th July 2009, 22:50
As unlikely as Danica is, she's the only American who can get an FIA Super License today.

Rumor has it that Red Bull might fire Scott Speed from their NASCAR team.

19th July 2009, 22:56
As unlikely as Danica is, she's the only American who can get an FIA Super License today.


a sad commentary on state of affairs for american ow racing, but if you really think about it, name the one driver who is american born and has been getting the best results in the irl.........not rahal jr, not jeff.....let me think???????

something about some shower scene?????

sarah palin playing with the sponge and Danica......opps I may end up violating pino's rule

19th July 2009, 23:03
Here's the deal as I see it. The guy is new I want to cut him a break.
At the same time those of us that have been posting here for years know each other’s nuances.
For instance you or I are likely to say just about anything for a laugh.
I believe the pious one should take a little more time to get to know us
before he starts in with his self righteous indignation.
I am curious however which F1 forum he got pitched out of before he
decided to grace us with his divine inspirations :mark:

never mess with the holy who believe you should pray to them, esp self anointed........better keep my distance, as i would not want to get hit with any stray lightning bolts meant for you.... :eek:

19th July 2009, 23:07
Patrick rules out F1 move

Danica Patrick has all but ruled out a switch to Formula 1, despite speculation linking her to the new Team US F1.
The IndyCar Series frontrunner, whose contract with Andretti Green Racing expires at the end of this season, is mulling over her options for 2010.
She could choose to remain in IndyCar, or make the switch to NASCAR, but it appears she has rejected trying to make the move to F1.

20th July 2009, 00:06
I am curious however which F1 forum he got pitched out of before he
decided to grace us with his divine inspirations :mark:

From the autosport forum. ;)
Problem is that is he got thrown out from there, and let's be honest the amount of idiotic posts over there is at least 10x higher than here, you can imagine it will be difficult for him to adapt over here.

20th July 2009, 00:07
never mess with the holy who believe you should pray to them, esp self anointed........better keep my distance, as i would not want to get hit with any stray lightning bolts meant for you.... :eek:

:up: :laugh:

20th July 2009, 00:22
From the autosport forum. ;)
If that is true, I wish the lad the best.
But where I come from there are consequences for erroneous accusations :arrows:
And my hand flies on its own :p :
Just kiddin' Bro' ;)

20th July 2009, 04:44
forget it, people like that do not desire face to face conversation
but look taz,
it could be worse...... he could be a moderator, :eek:

but if he were appointed over in the irl portion forum, :crazy: that would be an improvement over one particular rookie mod, for sure, :up:

besides this thread is much more interesting than talking about our younger group of racers born in the usa, or lack thereof

20th July 2009, 07:50
As unlikely as Danica is, she's the only American who can get an FIA Super License today.

Rumor has it that Red Bull might fire Scott Speed from their NASCAR team.

If Speed gets fired, he might have to join Seabass on his legal action.
Speed is a perfect material witness. Remember that Scott was shafted
after Nurburgring.

20th July 2009, 10:47
How come the obnoxious, opinionated and vulgar ones on the forum have chosen famous corners as their user names?

Certainly, you'll never catch me doing that.

Oh bugger.

20th July 2009, 13:15
How come the obnoxious, opinionated and vulgar ones on the forum have chosen famous corners as their user names?

Certainly, you'll never catch me doing that.

Oh bugger.

Ha! Ha! Ha! There's a guy that posts on another forum who handle is "Eau Rouge"
He's seems like a pretty decent bloke :p :
Let us all endeavor to persevere ;)

21st September 2009, 04:33
See? Not that hard.

Now you can discuss who is going to destroy their career in a slow car.