View Full Version : Summer Holidays

18th February 2007, 13:52
Its getting towards the end of winter, the weather will start to turn nicer, leaves will be back on trees, flowers budding....etc etc etc.

Now, more important than that, have you all got your summer holiday booked? where are you going? how long for? what are you plans for the summer?

I'm going to Spain for 3 weeks in July, on a mini tour if you like, starting in Nerja, then on to Benidorm then finishing in Gandia. I can't wait, gonna get the best tan anyone has ever seen!

18th February 2007, 14:13
Hopefully will get 10 days away or so to somewhere I can just totally relax. Starting to get fed up of only going away to go to rallies and coming home completely exhausted!

Ian McC
18th February 2007, 18:14
Alas, nowhere this year, funds not permitting :(

donKey jote
18th February 2007, 20:31
I'm going to Spain for 3 weeks in July, on a mini tour if you like, starting in Nerja, then on to Benidorm then finishing in Gandia.
That's not really Spain, it's like going to England on a mini tour of Preston, Lytham and Blackpool :p :

Although Gandia is not too far away from where I'll be for the most part of four weeks in July/August: Canet d'en Berenguer. :)

I'll try and stay out of the sun as much as possible, while laughing at the lobsters :D


18th February 2007, 21:09
That's not really Spain, it's like going to England on a mini tour of Preston, Lytham and Blackpool :p :

Although Gandia is not too far away from where I'll be for the most part of four weeks in July/August: Canet d'en Berenguer. :)

I'll try and stay out of the sun as much as possible, while laughing at the lobsters :D


i'll be in the sun as much as possible, as i';ll be getting a quality tan. sorry to tell you, but i dont turn into a lobster. anyway, gandia is a spanish resort.

18th February 2007, 21:14
I'm going boating on the Norfolk Broads with 6 people and a baby, one of which is a fisherman that plans to spend as much time fishing as possible. This combined with my phobia of fish will probably mean I'll be a quivering wreck and need another holiday to recover.

Captain VXR
18th February 2007, 21:34
I'm probably going visiting relatives in Poland as usual

18th February 2007, 21:36
great more fun to look forward to, Hayfever and allergies! :p :

19th February 2007, 09:25
No funds for me either, although I'm sneaking in a couple of race meetings and perhaps a day or two walking in the Peak District.

19th February 2007, 09:27
Hopefully will get 10 days away or so to somewhere I can just totally relax. Starting to get fed up of only going away to go to rallies and coming home completely exhausted!

:laugh: You are getting old! ;)

I've got a week booked in Majorca at the end of April, apart from that, nothing else. Although we do usually go on a couple of UK trips trought the year too. I'd like to go to Scotland at one point ,if only for the touring cars, but I'm like to explore north of Inverness.

19th February 2007, 11:16
Margaret and I have been talking about taking a car on the Plymouth to Santander ferry to do a week of touring around northern/central Spain, the ferry is a bit expensive, but it saves 2 days of driving back and forth through France. Always wanted to visit Salamanca and Segovia but funds and time have never coincided. We will probably take the Porsche, but if I take enough brave pills, and I can cram enough spares and tools in, then the TR6 might be pressed into action. :D

19th February 2007, 11:33
I've noticed it's getting dark later here already!

I think we're off to Cyprus for a week and I might head off to Spain for a little stay too :)

19th February 2007, 12:25
I just booked my winter holiday!! A Contiki tour of europe over christmas new year! should be great!

I'm also attempting to get to finland in august for a week.

jim mcglinchey
19th February 2007, 12:29
Back to Holland, land of absolutely delightful, poll topping children ..ahem, not that I have any interest in children other than what is natural, of course.

Maybe this time I ll take a drive down Hells Highway and check out some of the Bridge too Far sites, see what I can fiind.

19th February 2007, 12:36
Going to the USA for 3 weeks in July. Have booked a house in New England for 2 of the weeks. We will be staying in NYC as well, visiting Washington and Boston etc etc. Going to be great!
Then I will go to the Neste Oil Rally Finland in the beginning of August! Really looking forward to it.

19th February 2007, 12:39
Its getting towards the end of winter, the weather will start to turn nicer, leaves will be back on trees, flowers budding....etc etc etc.

Somehow, I just can't seem to agree. :D

19th February 2007, 20:24
Going to Spain.


First off going to near Malaga with my dad for 10 days.

Then I'm spending a week in Barcelona with my mum.

19th February 2007, 23:21
With my new job I hope to be able to afford something good in Europe with my uni mates, if not then I might just pop off to Cornwall or something.

Basically not many ideas yet, although I guess it does need to be thought about soon!

20th February 2007, 12:41
just back from my annual holidays - one freezing week in New York with a quick visit to Washington. Great fun apart from the frostbite!

20th February 2007, 13:08
booked a canal boat for a week with a load of friends from school and uni. should be an awesome week, though my liver isnt quite so enthusiastic ;)

20th February 2007, 13:15
Holiday? What holiday? :mad:

I've had only few days off from work during summers in the last 8 years. And I'm afraid that this year won't make a difference.

20th February 2007, 17:23
Just came back from a week in tenerife afew weeks back not sure what we're doing for our summer hols yet though we are going to belgium for a long weekend in april :) ;)

oily oaf
21st February 2007, 06:31
Just came back from a week in tenerife afew weeks back not sure what we're doing for our summer hols yet though we are going to belgium for a long weekend in april :) ;)

La Belgigue!!!! En Avril?????!!!!!!!!
Zut Alors! Au Seccours!, Merde! and sod that for a lark!


Yours Suicidally

Jean Claude Paedoring

(fills pipe, downs tumbler of Scotch and stares nervously at PM inbox)

21st February 2007, 08:22
Camping & fell walking in the lake district in July it will probably rain but what the hell the beer will be good!

21st February 2007, 09:15
My girlfriend is currently on a weeks holiday in New York. But without me :mad:

21st February 2007, 18:43
Sxis you should get yourself to the Masons Arms. You wont care about the rain once you've tasted the strongest beer in the world.

Ian McC
21st February 2007, 19:12
My girlfriend is currently on a weeks holiday in New York. But without me :mad:

Party round yours then! :D :beer:

Ian McC
21st February 2007, 19:14
phobia of fish

:s hock: What?!!!

Is that alive and dead? No cod and chips for you then! :p :

21st February 2007, 19:45
One holiday booked...for Amsterdam in April! :s mokin: Just a four-day excursion with a couple of mates.

Looking to go somewhere warmer around late August / September time, could be Tenerife again, could be Majorca or Greece etc. :D I work for these priviledges!