View Full Version : Sunday trading

15th July 2009, 09:13
It has just been announced that CalMac are going to start operating a ferry service between Harris and the mainland on a Sunday. Which has caused some uproar because Sunday closing is extremely keenly observed on the Western Isles, unlike the rest of Scotland where Sunday trading is much less restrictive in general.

In England shops are only allowed to open for 6 hours on a Sunday. Supermarkets usually choose 10-4 and retail outlets 11-5.

What's your views on Sunday trading, just right as it is, should everything be closed on a Sunday, or should it be completely deregulated and everyone can open whenever they want?

15th July 2009, 10:23
As Sunday's are generally my only day off, it is a pain in the backside having to squeeze essential food shopping, trips to DIY stores etc. into 6 hours on a Sunday.

15th July 2009, 11:19
I'm not too bothered about Sunday trading. It's not exactly going to affect my life if I miss out on having something for one day. People who stock pile stuff over a bank holiday weekend have annoyed me since I once saw two women fighting over the last loaf of bread in Tesco once.

There are still a few shops in my home town that have even older trading traditions and close on a Wednesday afternoon.

15th July 2009, 12:36
I can remember going to work in a retail outlet for the very first day of Sunday Trading. It was *very* quiet.

It took off quickly once Christmas arrived, and then became second nature, so much that I don't even think about shopping on a Sunday.

Like many people, my lifestyle means that being able to go shopping on a Sunday has helped but don't forget that since it was introduced, Internet shopping has taken off. Retail outlets simply cannot afford not to open on a Sunday as they would probably lose a lot of trade to the web.

Having said that, I do miss Sundays. The roads were quieter, and there was more of an emphasis on getting together with family and friends.

To come off the fence, I'd say I would rather everywhere was closed on a Sunday, but that would never happen in this day and age.

15th July 2009, 13:46
Sunday trading is the norm here. I pine for the days when shops shut at 12pm on a Saturday so that in Summer people could play cricket or watch cricket and in winter could go to the footy.

Supermarkets are open until midnight or in the case of Coles are open 24hr. I worked for Coles when they first went 24hr, was quite interesting the clientele that came in at 3am. Had some very interesting offers of payment :)


Hazell B
15th July 2009, 15:00
Without sunday trading I'd have about 20% of my income to live on as 60% comes in on sundays.

Having said that, the six hour rule is the best option in my opinion. It serves those who work the other six days each week just fine. If they moan they can't fit everything in, they're lazy liars - they have 24 hour grocery shopping in almost every town now, plus normal shopping hours are early morning until late evening, so it's not at all a matter of only having six hours each week.

Markets aren't part of the six hour trading laws, nor are shows, events or other sunday days out. That's also a good thing in my opinion. It allows sunday market buffs to visit all the car boot sales and antique fairs they like each weekend.

Easy Drifter
16th July 2009, 15:37
We sold our Pond and Garden and Bait and Tackle store last year.
Our hours were 9 to 5 during off season and in season for gardening open until 9 on Thurs. and Fri. and 8 on Sat. That was 7 days a week. We closed Christmas Day, New Years and Good Fri. That was it.
Most of the time we both were there every day.
Man did that ever wear you down over a period of time.
Our upstairs tenant often had people pounding on his door at 4 or 5 in the morning wanting bait, like 1 doz. worms. He didn't work for us and his door said private.
I also had people demanding I open up again when I was leaving a 9.30 or so at night (rarely got out at closing on a Fri.) for a doz. worms. Like the till is closed off, the lights are all out, the alarm set and I am getting in my truck and they want to spend a whole $3.25.
My partner who lived in town on another street had a sign on her lawn advertising the Company with it's address and an arrow pointing the direction. She also had people pounding on her door in the middle of the night wanting worms or minnows.. Not locals, who knew out hours and respected them but ones from the GTA.
I must admit I was glad when we sold out. There were lots of good times and people but the hours just got to you, plus a few jerks.

16th July 2009, 20:35
Without sunday trading I'd have about 20% of my income to live on as 60% comes in on sundays.

Where's the other 20%, illegal sources? :p :

16th July 2009, 21:11
Where's the other 20%, illegal sources? :p :
Resurfacing driveways and racetracks :p

16th July 2009, 21:28
Sunday trading in Scotland is like any other day of the week now, absolutely no difference.
However, as you point out up in the Western Isles it's a different matter.

16th July 2009, 21:49
It has just been announced that CalMac are going to start operating a ferry service between Harris and the mainland on a Sunday. Which has caused some uproar because Sunday closing is extremely keenly observed on the Western Isles, unlike the rest of Scotland where Sunday trading is much less restrictive in general.

In England shops are only allowed to open for 6 hours on a Sunday. Supermarkets usually choose 10-4 and retail outlets 11-5.

What's your views on Sunday trading, just right as it is, should everything be closed on a Sunday, or should it be completely deregulated and everyone can open whenever they want?

Around here Sunday every store is closed, and I think it's great.
Just think about the people who have to work on Sundays otherwise, and also on the shopaholics who get a day to rest and do something better for themselves. ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
16th July 2009, 21:58
I've been contracted to work sundays for the past 3 and a half years. I hate it because it means I miss all my favourite motorsport. :(

17th July 2009, 11:18
I remmber going to the cinema at the metrocentre on a sunday before sunday trading when it and a couple of bars were the only things allowed to open and all the shops were closed.

Im in favour of completely deregulating sunday trading and allowing businesses trade, and customers shop whenever suits them.

Hazell B
20th July 2009, 18:54
Where's the other 20%, illegal sources? :p :

Typo, it was meant to be 80%.
Daniel, bring it on.

25th July 2009, 13:02
I tend to think that deregulation is the best bet. For someone like me, who's disorganised, buys food 'on the day' and goes to the shops on foot, Sunday trading is a boon because I don't have to plan ahead for that day's meals and I don't have to lug twice as much back with me on Saturday. That said, I always managed OK when I lived in Germany, where rules about Sunday trading are still very restrictive, so I suppose you adapt to your circumstances.

26th July 2009, 22:37
I tend to think that deregulation is the best bet. For someone like me, who's disorganised, buys food 'on the day' and goes to the shops on foot, Sunday trading is a boon because I don't have to plan ahead for that day's meals and I don't have to lug twice as much back with me on Saturday. That said, I always managed OK when I lived in Germany, where rules about Sunday trading are still very restrictive, so I suppose you adapt to your circumstances.

Do you go to the supermarket everyday Ben?! I find it a pain at first, but soon you get used to it. I think really there should be one day of "rest" whether it's Sunday or Saturday or whenever.

26th July 2009, 22:38
Do you go to the supermarket everyday Ben?!

I do now, yes, on my way home from work.

26th July 2009, 23:37
Being at work on weekdays and often out at events on Saturdays means often Sunday is the only chance I would get to go shopping. Tesco is open so don't mind too much and for anything else it's bought online. Though it wouldn't affect me too much if Sunday was a day that everything was shut, would make it a nice quiet day too. I'm sitting on the fence on this one :s

Azumanga Davo
27th July 2009, 08:39
Sunday trading? What the heck is that? WA is more backward than Harris...

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2009, 03:30
All I know is the world didn't end when they brought in Sunday shopping around here, but I do think society loses something when you don't have a day of rest for most of the population. I work far too many Sundays in my line of work and I do resent it, even tho I am far from religious.

However...it is the world we live in...so suck it up and get used to it, or in Drifter's case to get out. I would have to say people wanting me to reopen for a bucket of bait late at night would have me reaching for a shot gun!

Azumanga Davo
28th July 2009, 07:19
My view is, if you want a day of rest, then so be it. Just don't force the rest of us who want to have the option of other activities...