View Full Version : Cats and computers

14th July 2009, 21:33
My cat seems to think my laptop is some sort of a cat seat. She often likes to sit on my keyboard and doesn't mind when my laptop goes "beep beep beep beep..." after the keyboard buffer is full. Does anybody else have the same problem?

14th July 2009, 22:33
My cat used to sleep on top of my desktop PC's CPU - which sat on the floor. My girlfriend used to say that he was the one actually doing whatever work was getting done. I think he liked the warmth.

14th July 2009, 23:38
My least pleasant experience re: cat / computer was some years ago going downstairs to my box and finding that the cat had barfed right on the keyboard. I learned more about how the keyboard was made and what the cat had eaten than I cared to. That cat was a feline sociopath. Currently I enjoy LCD monitors partially because they are too narrow for the current two cats to perch on.

Oh well - at least they let me stay in their house.

15th July 2009, 00:26
I heard Markabilly gets all his pussy on the computer! :mark:

Easy Drifter
15th July 2009, 01:51
Now we know why once in a while Eki's posts make sense. :D

Sorry Eki, I couldn't resist. :eek:

15th July 2009, 04:07
My cats love to sit on my knees when at the computer desk and watch the various things happening on the screen, just saw this on a local news site and thought is appropriate:


They certainly get what they want in our house.

15th July 2009, 05:58
My birds want to run around on the keyboard being a nuisance all the time.

15th July 2009, 09:22
I stopped the car after five minutes of driving, we heard him near to us but nothing found inside the car. What a surprise that I found my little kitten was there on top of engine under the bonet. He might like warmth, might be also he is a car engine enthusiast.

15th July 2009, 10:14
Presumably because your laptop is warm. Cats like warm things, it's why they like sitting on peoples laps. It's not because they particularly like their owner :p

15th July 2009, 14:15
Presumably because your laptop is warm. Cats like warm things, it's why they like sitting on peoples laps. It's not because they particularly like their owner :p
My cat doesn't like being on lap, but she likes to sleep beside me on my armchair armrest or backrest. She's a typical British Shorthair:


They like attention and enjoy being petted. They are not a very vocal breed but will meow to communicate with their owners. For example, they might meow when they are hungry and their food is being prepared. They may also meow at their favourite toy as they play with it. They tend to scratch doors to signal they want it to be opened rather than meowing like most cats. British Shorthair cats have a tendency to follow people from room to room, as they may want to be with you and see what is going on. Some do not mind being cuddled, but most prefer to keep four paws on the ground and have you pat them rather than pick them up.

Hazell B
15th July 2009, 16:04
Get her a cardboard box Eki. I have no idea why, but cardboard is the official International Cat Weapon of Choice. They love it above all else.

Having said that, our stable cat would be straight on the computer if I brought him home - he's into things that we tell him not to climb on :mark:

Rudy Tamasz
15th July 2009, 16:16
Once when I had to make an urgent translation job close to the deadline, I was mightily .... to find out that my rabbit severed all the cables including pretty thick ones. I have no idea how he survived 220V but that must have been a pretty conscious act of sabotage.

15th July 2009, 18:12
Get her a cardboard box Eki. I have no idea why, but cardboard is the official International Cat Weapon of Choice. They love it above all else.

True. I once bought a cardboard box full of beer from Lidl. When the box was empty my cat adopted it as a bed.

donKey jote
15th July 2009, 19:37
I heard Markabilly gets all his pussy on the computer! :mark:

yep, that's where I found his missus too :dozey:

16th July 2009, 08:13

Having said that, our stable cat would be straight on the computer if I brought him home - he's into things that we tell him not to climb on :mark:
Sounds like an unstable stable cat. How is Nobby Numbnuts these days?

16th July 2009, 08:55
My cat seems to think my laptop is some sort of a cat seat. She often likes to sit on my keyboard and doesn't mind when my laptop goes "beep beep beep beep..." after the keyboard buffer is full. Does anybody else have the same problem?

No ! Cats don't like Apples and if they did they would probably burn up passing through re-entry !

16th July 2009, 13:43
I heard Markabilly gets all his pussy on the computer! :mark:

not true anymore. Got tired of donkey's mom getting the keys all sticky, hairs and all that stuck in there, and worse the computers kept getting busted in the washing machine

yep, that's where I found his missus too :dozey:
Yep, there where I found your mother too, but that was long after you were born. u need to be nicer to your mother, b a good son and show her more respect as without her, you would still be a virgin with no one to have sex with, leaving you pounding your hairy little palms :dozey:

Hurts the family income too, her giving it to you free all the time instead of working the street corners like she needs to be doing. :mad:

Hazell B
16th July 2009, 14:28
How is Nobby Numbnuts these days?

Happy. He's still stalking mice while purring loudly, then wondering why he doesn't catch many, though :mark:

17th July 2009, 08:17
Photographic evidence:


17th July 2009, 11:39
Photographic evidence:


Must say the cat looks happy!

15th August 2009, 14:30
My cat sat on my keyboard again and typed into the Google search field:

66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666666

She must be possessed by demons :eek:

15th August 2009, 14:56

Our Nelly doesn't sit on the keyboard anymore. She goes in front of my screen and stares at me.

15th August 2009, 15:09

Our Nelly doesn't sit on the keyboard anymore. She goes in front of my screen and stares at me.
That's what my cat does too, but since I have a laptop, the screen is attached to the keyboard.

15th August 2009, 17:53
I hate cats.

15th August 2009, 19:24
I hate cats.
Your loss.

15th August 2009, 19:38
My sister's youngest cat loves to watch me type and love to chase the words on the screen

15th August 2009, 22:08
I hate cats.

I hate people who hate cats.

15th August 2009, 22:10
I hate people who hate cats.

Your loss.

16th August 2009, 01:20
I'm not a big fan of cats either tbh...... Dogs though, dogs are great :)

16th August 2009, 02:58
My cat seems to think my laptop is some sort of a cat seat. She often likes to sit on my keyboard and doesn't mind when my laptop goes "beep beep beep beep..." after the keyboard buffer is full. Does anybody else have the same problem?
Cat owner huh? That explains a lot of things.

16th August 2009, 08:19
Cat owner huh? That explains a lot of things.

The real question is: What's your excuse for being such a total and complete cliche of the fat loud American know-nothing?

Do I recall correctly that you were born elsewhere than USA?

Or are you the one of the statistics about post natal neglect leading to arrested social development?

What sort of splineless wretch implies insult of a person via their choice of pets?

What a disgusting person.

16th August 2009, 11:05
I'm not a big fan of cats either tbh...... Dogs though, dogs are great :)
I like dogs too. It's not an either this or that question.

16th August 2009, 11:49
I like dogs too. It's not an either this or that question.
For me it is :) I don't hate cats or anything, it's just that I don't really like them as such :)

16th August 2009, 11:51
Cat owner huh? That explains a lot of things.


16th August 2009, 13:03
i like both cats and dogs, i dont really understand why some people hate cats, the cat is a very smart animal, have an own will too and survive easily without peoples help, when a dog again is quite helpless without peoples help.

16th August 2009, 14:12
i like both cats and dogs, i dont really understand why some people hate cats, the cat is a very smart animal, have an own will too and survive easily without peoples help, when a dog again is quite helpless without peoples help.
Yes, cats are easier to take care of than dogs. The cats clean themselves and you don't have to take them for a walk in inconvenient times and weather.

16th August 2009, 14:51
i like both cats and dogs, i dont really understand why some people hate cats, the cat is a very smart animal, have an own will too and survive easily without peoples help, when a dog again is quite helpless without peoples help.

Yes cats are smart but they use you. I don't like that in an animal ;)

16th August 2009, 15:51
Yes cats are smart but they use you. I don't like that in an animal ;)

Please don't try to fight back Daniel. You're already married, just take the final step and join the club :D

16th August 2009, 22:03
Some hate animals, pigeons, and then rats, now cats, what’s next? We can’t hate them because they are smart…

17th August 2009, 02:04
The real question is: What's your excuse for being such a total and complete cliche of the fat loud American know-nothing?

Do I recall correctly that you were born elsewhere than USA?

Or are you the one of the statistics about post natal neglect leading to arrested social development?

What sort of splineless wretch implies insult of a person via their choice of pets?

What a disgusting person.
Still pissed that you never made it to Woodstock?
Your Pony-tail too tight?
Blew out your Birkenstock?
The tree didn't hug you back?
Still upset that there is a white male happy somewhere on this planet?

BTW I don't hate cats.
It is cat owners I dislike. Cat owners seem to feel that their pets should be allowed to roam outside disrupting the environment.
The largest killer of our native wildlife is the domestic cat.

17th August 2009, 02:11
BTW I don't hate cats.
It is cat owners I dislike. Cat owners seem to feel that their pets should be allowed to roam outside disrupting the environment.
The largest killer of our native wildlife is the domestic cat.

OMG I have to agree with Tony on this.......

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2009, 02:28
Daniel, even Tony gets it right once in a while. More often than some would wish I suppose.

I love cats, but they are never really domesticated when they go hunting. That said, them taking care of mice and the odd bird isn't going to change the ecosystem forever either. If they started wiping out whole species, then I could really see a movement to keep them locked in. Personally, I would rather keep my cat in.

Oh ya, as to Eki's (?) assertion that Dogs cant live on their own, BS. Dogs CAN live ontheir own and sometimes do. Just they always find ways NOT to. Dogs are far more sociable towards humans, sometimes to their detriment. I love dogs AND cats, but responsible ownership of both is something society hasn't really jumped on with both feet.....

17th August 2009, 07:07
Oh ya, as to Eki's (?) assertion that Dogs cant live on their own, BS. .
It wasn't my assertion. I said cats are easier to take care, because they clean themselves on their own and you don't have to take them out for a walk. It's not the same as dogs can't live on their ow.

17th August 2009, 07:10
Still pissed that you never made it to Woodstock?
Your Pony-tail too tight?
Blew out your Birkenstock?
The tree didn't hug you back?
Still upset that there is a white male happy somewhere on this planet?

BTW I don't hate cats.
It is cat owners I dislike. Cat owners seem to feel that their pets should be allowed to roam outside disrupting the environment.
The largest killer of our native wildlife is the domestic cat.

You're a one man blather machine.
Such a shame you can't get a single thing right.

Hate to break your brain Vop, but I don't think modern domestic cats annihilated to extinction or near extiction over huge areas of the Continent:
the American Bison, the Passenger Pigeon, Wolf, Puma, countless other whole species etc etc.
Look in a mirror. That's what has been both the "largest" and the major killer of wildlife both here and everywhere else.

Maybe stick with re-writing stuff about what other people do.

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2009, 08:20
It wasn't my assertion. I said cats are easier to take care, because they clean themselves on their own and you don't have to take them out for a walk. It's not the same as dogs can't live on their ow.

All true Eki, but dogs can go feral just as cats can. They just find ways not to since they are much more inclined to be socialable.

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2009, 08:21
You're a one man blather machine.
Such a shame you can't get a single thing right.

Hate to break your brain Vop, but I don't think modern domestic cats annihilated to extinction or near extiction over huge areas of the Continent:
the American Bison, the Passenger Pigeon, Wolf, Puma, countless other whole species etc etc.
Look in a mirror. That's what has been both the "largest" and the major killer of wildlife both here and everywhere else.

Maybe stick with re-writing stuff about what other people do.

on this one John, at least as far as the major killer of wildlife, we will agree.

However, you never fail to make a point without some venom. You must be one of those angry libreals your anti-hero Limbaugh goes on about.

17th August 2009, 09:28
Does anybody else have the same problem?

No, but this is truly bizarre:
Dogs have been blamed for eating homework - now a Florida man says his cat downloaded child pornography.
This man in Florida has a far bigger problem that beep-beep-beep on his keyboard by his cat.

17th August 2009, 10:06
No, but this is truly bizarre:
Dogs have been blamed for eating homework - now a Florida man says his cat downloaded child pornography.
This man in Florida has a far bigger problem that beep-beep-beep on his keyboard by his cat.

In Florida huh? That explains a lot of things.

17th August 2009, 12:06
Would this be child porn for a cat?


19th August 2009, 01:57
You're a one man blather machine.
Such a shame you can't get a single thing right.

Hate to break your brain Vop, but I don't think modern domestic cats annihilated to extinction or near extiction over huge areas of the Continent:
the American Bison, the Passenger Pigeon, Wolf, Puma, countless other whole species etc etc.
Look in a mirror. That's what has been both the "largest" and the major killer of wildlife both here and everywhere else.

Maybe stick with re-writing stuff about what other people do.
You must have goon to one of our great Publik Skools.

If you had attended a proper school you would have noticed that my statement was in the present tense.
The single largest killer of our native wildlife is the domestic cat. The largest disruptor of native wildlife is the domestic cat.

19th August 2009, 07:48
You must have goon to one of our great Publik Skools.

If you had attended a proper school you would have noticed that my statement was in the present tense.
The single largest killer of our native wildlife is the domestic cat. The largest disruptor of native wildlife is the domestic cat.

Wrong, it is still man.
Cats don't build whole cities on formerly intact territory.
Cats don't build freeways, or dams.

Cats don't keep cats, people keep cats.

When cats are outlawed, only Outlaws will have cats.


19th August 2009, 20:26
Don't the chinese eat cats?