View Full Version : Kyle on Tony

muggle not
10th July 2009, 12:17
"Busch says Stewart dumped him at Daytona: All is not forgiven in the eyes of #18-Kyle Busch. Busch said he felt he was "dumped" by #14-Tony Stewart Saturday night at Daytona when the two cars collided as the drivers headed to the finish line of the Coke Zero 400. Busch didn't directly criticize Stewart at first, but found a way to make his point when asked what NASCAR should do about last-lap crashes at Daytona and Talladega. "NASCAR can take steps to look at it," Busch said. "If the second-place driver dumps the leader, then black flag his ass. He doesn't get the win. If he's up along side the leader and dumps him, give the third-place car the victory." Busch then was asked if he considered the bump with Stewart "a dump." "Yes, it would be considered a dump," he said.(ESPN.com)(7-9-2009)"

Then Kyle goes on to say that Nascar should shut down Tony's team as he is only a satellite of Hendrick.

kyle will be a Mayfield eventually, WTH wants him.

10th July 2009, 12:21
You knew this was coming. I knew he would blame Tony for the wreck. He has a tendency to blame everyone else.

10th July 2009, 15:36
Kyle is a p!ssy little spoiled brat. When his dad was teaching him how to race he neglected to teach him any social skills. He's a real piece of work.

muggle not
10th July 2009, 16:16
Poll, Poll....who is dumber....Kyle or Mayfield?

10th July 2009, 16:26
how bout this one

Busch's vs Bodine's :D

10th July 2009, 16:53
Kyle needs to go back and watch the replay :s

10th July 2009, 18:23
the very thought that he can even blame stewart even slightly for the crash at daytona is obsured, kyle has some replay watching to do.

i liked this kid at first when i first started watching nascar back at richmond this year, now i just feel dumb. not as dumb as kyle obviously, i have some consolation.

at least he livens up the scene a bit! still stupid though.

10th July 2009, 18:59
the only thing I can agree on Busch, Stewart was bump-drafting him in the final corners, last time I though Nascar penalizes drivers for that, the corners are no bumping zones. but then he was blocking and that served a penalty as well

The instant classic
10th July 2009, 19:08
wait till dega i bet anything if Kyle aint in the top5 of the chase he will wreck Tony,
i don't blame Kyle for being mad, cuz Tony use to act the same way at one time, doesn't matter to me gives me something to talk about now

10th July 2009, 20:34
wait till dega i bet anything if Kyle aint in the top5 of the chase he will wreck Tony,
i don't blame Kyle for being mad, cuz Tony use to act the same way at one time, doesn't matter to me gives me something to talk about now

This is true... as much as I like Tony, Tony sometimes talks complete trash like that too. Kyle's problem is that he talks down about everyone, and he doesn't seem to have any sense of history. You have to have respect for the history & legacy of a sport, if you expect to be liked & respected yourself. Kyle thinks everything revolves around him.

10th July 2009, 20:50
Poll, Poll....who is dumber....Kyle or Mayfield?

Jeremy is as dumb as a sack of hair. Kyle is just an ignorant azz.

10th July 2009, 20:51
This is true... as much as I like Tony, Tony sometimes talks complete trash like that too. Kyle's problem is that he talks down about everyone, and he doesn't seem to have any sense of history. You have to have respect for the history & legacy of a sport, if you expect to be liked & respected yourself. Kyle thinks everything revolves around him.

He's a legend in his own mind.

Mark in Oshawa
10th July 2009, 21:47
Well we know now know why Kyle runs from the Press unless he wins or has a gun to his head. He cant sit a whole week and calm down and say some politically correct BS to the press to make the whole thing go away. No, he has to take the dying embers of a small controversay and pour gas on it. Let Tony find him on the track Saturday night a little loose. You don't think Tony wont drive through him for real again?

Of all the people to tick off in this world of NASCAR, Tony Stewart isn't the guy I would pick. He does have the Jeremy Mayfield gift of gab. Remember, Jeremy's overinflated sense of self got him shoved out of a ride with Penske and Ray Evernham.

The only thing keeping Kyle from being a total buffoon is his talent. He has that but lets face a reality. Tony didn't back off because no one will back off in light of the last few finishes at Dega. He who backs off doesn't win. Since Kyle is all about the win, surely he must know if the situation was reversed he would have dumped Tony in a heart beat.

Tony was always a bit dumb with some of things he used to say years ago, but he always counteracted that by doing good things for charity and other racers. Kyle does on occasion too but his mouth has to be either trained or muzzled or people will just HATE the guy and I am sure part of him must not like that.

10th July 2009, 22:25
Is this really an issue? To me, with the way the rules are now which allow blocking in tight quarters, you live by the block, you die by the block (we're getting to a point where that may happen literally). I hate blocking. The thing that happened to Kyle Busch at Daytona is the same thing that happened to Carl Edwards at Talledega. They both blocked and tried to get in front of the guy chasing them and in both cases, Kesolowski got a nose inside Edwards and same for Stewart on the other side of Busch, and when both Edwards and Busch tried to shift to stay in front, both Kesolowski and Stewart held their line (Kesolowski not going below the yellow line at 'Dega) which is their right to do, and didn't lift. Niether Kesolowski or Stewart was at fault (Stewart was even a bit conciliatory even thought he didn't need to be) and can take those wins with a clear conscience. Would Busch and Edwards have done the same thing has the case been reversed? That's a sucker's bet...

11th July 2009, 03:10
Well the real problem IMO is the racing. Aero trains of restrictor plates where a driver leading on the last lap has to lose or block because a number drivers have "teamed up" to take him down. As Ryan Newman said at Talladega, it may be entertaining, but it aint racing.

The instant classic
11th July 2009, 03:26
shoot me if im wrong on this one, but doesn't nascar say all the time, how kyle hates to finsh 2nd he hates to lose? so you know he hates to lose, then why interview him when you damn well know he's gonna say something that 50/50% of fans will love and hate him more for, makes me wonder if kyle really is the bad guy, but nascar is the bad guy for puting kyle in that spot someone whos so driven and hates to lose, and has a big mouth why wolud you ever put a mic in his face after he's pissed,
im not sticking up for kyle in anyway i was watching a youtube video on angry nascar drivers, and i started thinking why ever put mics in thier face? makes me wonder if nascar wants drivers to mouth off? :S

The instant classic
11th July 2009, 03:33
This is true... as much as I like Tony, Tony sometimes talks complete trash like that too. Kyle's problem is that he talks down about everyone, and he doesn't seem to have any sense of history. You have to have respect for the history & legacy of a sport, if you expect to be liked & respected yourself. Kyle thinks everything revolves around him.
i do agree, i don't think kyle knows much about nascar history, i'm sure Kurt knows alot about nascar, makes me think if Kyle saw Kurt making money being famous and just jummp on board, i'm sure Kyle thinks i'm gonna be a nascar driver make alot of money i maybe good at what i do, but i could carless for the drivers before me and others on track now

11th July 2009, 03:37
Half the drivers in Cup would react the same way Kyle did after Sunday. Can you imagine if it was Kyle in 2nd and pushed Stewart, or Jr. out of the way for the win? I can guarantee that everyone would be bashing Kyle for putting Jr. in the fence and almost killing him. The kid has an abrasive personality, but he's no more in the wrong here than any other driver would be in that position.

The instant classic
11th July 2009, 03:41
Half the drivers in Cup would react the same way Kyle did after Sunday. Can you imagine if it was Kyle in 2nd and pushed Stewart, or Jr. out of the way for the win? I can guarantee that everyone would be bashing Kyle for putting Jr. in the fence and almost killing him. The kid has an abrasive personality, but he's no more in the wrong here than any other driver would be in that position.
i 100% agree

11th July 2009, 08:07
Half the drivers in Cup would react the same way Kyle did after Sunday. Can you imagine if it was Kyle in 2nd and pushed Stewart, or Jr. out of the way for the win? I can guarantee that everyone would be bashing Kyle for putting Jr. in the fence and almost killing him. The kid has an abrasive personality, but he's no more in the wrong here than any other driver would be in that position.

you make a good point about the jnr thing, it would have definatly been someone elses fault in so many minds! not mine though.

But I dont think Tony wanted to push Kyle into the wall, Kyle stupidly came across with a stupid block and hit tony. Tony continued on as he should have because he wasnt the one making the stupid move, and in my mind he has every right to do, and kyle paid the price. if kyle didnt want a crash, he shouldnt of tried to pull off a hugely stupid block.

thats just my view. :)

11th July 2009, 09:30
Then Kyle goes on to say that Nascar should shut down Tony's team as he is only a satellite of Hendrick.

I like Tony so not bashing him but this is an interesting point.

11th July 2009, 15:04
my view for race teams should be satellite engines only, thats why I don't give Stewart props for his awesome Owner/Driver skills, he bought a portion of a team that already had the resources to begin with, they just had poor drivers. now MWR and RBR are the 2 newer teams and look at them now, Reutimann is up front and so is vickers, and they only get TRD's help in engine, they build everything else. My take is the 4 car rule should come in to play here as well, as its really 6 HMS cars on track (7 including Phoenix).

Now I'm not going as far as Kyle and say shut the team down, but I feel Tony and Hass should have to start building their chassis from house, like all the other teams do

Mark in Oshawa
11th July 2009, 18:24
my view for race teams should be satellite engines only, thats why I don't give Stewart props for his awesome Owner/Driver skills, he bought a portion of a team that already had the resources to begin with, they just had poor drivers. now MWR and RBR are the 2 newer teams and look at them now, Reutimann is up front and so is vickers, and they only get TRD's help in engine, they build everything else. My take is the 4 car rule should come in to play here as well, as its really 6 HMS cars on track (7 including Phoenix). Now I'm not going as far as Kyle and say shut the team down, but I feel Tony and Hass should have to start building their chassis from house, like all the other teams do

Harvick, read your NASCAR history. At one point half the field was either on a Banjo Matthews chassis or a Holman Moody chassis. That was in an era where the bodies were different but usually more or less stock. Teams also have all used the same transmissions and rear ends over the years. This nonsense of dissing Tony for not building his own cars is bunk. Most of the rules in the COT are so damned tight it wouldn't matter much except to his pocketbook to build his own chassis.

The fact is, the same "stuff" was sitting in the Haas racing garages last year, and Tony came over and was the draw to bring in better talent, better drivers, and he organized it to succeed and it HAS. The man deserves all the credit he gets, and if he wins the championship this year, he will be telling detractors like yourself to kiss his @ss. I suspect he would tell Kyle that but the results are on the track.....

11th July 2009, 19:23
Totally agree Mark. NASCAR chassis are all the same anyway, why does it matter who makes 'em?

and Stewart can be very proud of what he has created-a winning team. well done that man I say.

12th July 2009, 05:44
Harvick, read your NASCAR history. At one point half the field was either on a Banjo Matthews chassis or a Holman Moody chassis. That was in an era where the bodies were different but usually more or less stock. Teams also have all used the same transmissions and rear ends over the years. This nonsense of dissing Tony for not building his own cars is bunk. Most of the rules in the COT are so damned tight it wouldn't matter much except to his pocketbook to build his own chassis.

The fact is, the same "stuff" was sitting in the Haas racing garages last year, and Tony came over and was the draw to bring in better talent, better drivers, and he organized it to succeed and it HAS. The man deserves all the credit he gets, and if he wins the championship this year, he will be telling detractors like yourself to kiss his @ss. I suspect he would tell Kyle that but the results are on the track.....

Harvick, there are no absolutes here. You could have a new team getting first rate chassis and engines and they could blow an engine one week and wreck another because the team doesn't know what it's doing. Then you could have a solid team getting sub par stuff but somehow makes something happen by competing for top tens and fives and performing respectively. This was probably the case with Ricky Rudd while he owned the #10 Tide Ford. Now, you have a case where Tony Stewart has a talented crew getting good equipment from Hendrick, just like the Wood Brothers are getting stuff from Roush-Yates, only Stewart is having better success from his source. Stewart isn't stupid, he knows getting stuff from Hendrick saves development costs and his sponsors money. Stewart deserves kudos for not only having a good team and being a good driver, but for being a pretty good businessman.

12th July 2009, 11:58
Tony admits that SHR uses its own fabricators who place the bodies on the cars.

But the "one move only" rule would have resulted in a black flag on Kyle anyway. Dale Earnhardt Jnr in 2003 at Talladega went under the line after Matt Kenseth pulled off a two-block move on the backstretch. The two-block move was deemed illegal, and Junior won.