View Full Version : environmentalists aressted for trespassing on Mt. Rushmore

9th July 2009, 17:38

couldn't those people find a better place to do their advertising :s

9th July 2009, 20:43
Greenpeace will do anything to get their point across. Good for them!

10th July 2009, 08:12
Even if it makes them look like knobs?

10th July 2009, 08:44
They're Socialist Nazi Communists lib'rals.

More proof that Obama is not an American!

They were probably the point troops for Obama's Private Army that is going to take over the whole country.

Thank Gawd they were found out in time.

Isn't that where Team America, World Police have their secret headquarters?

13th July 2009, 23:38
Another one of the myriad of reasons I hate hippies.

14th July 2009, 03:46
:rolleyes: Tony The Hippie movement ended in the mid '70's
Just like the Beatnick movement ended in the mid 60's
Your funny, in a really lame way. :)

14th July 2009, 03:59
can the hippies just stop complaining, if they have a problem go bug Bush some more at his ranch so he can shoot everyone.

14th July 2009, 04:54
can the hippies just stop complaining, if they have a problem go bug Bush some more at his ranch so he can shoot everyone.
With all due respect. If you were born in 1986 you have never met or heard from a Hippie.
It's funny how people throw that term around. These are Left-wing activists, bordering on extremeists.
That does not make them hippies
If you don't agree with them, or like their tactics ( I don't believe this serves any useful purpose either)
you should speak out against them. Saying people that have different social agendas than you should be shot,
is very unamerican, and it makes you sound more than a little ignorant!

14th July 2009, 05:02
I'm just tired of hearing this environmental non-sense, same goes for Al Gore, who wastes more electricity from his mansion than a small town. Global Warming is an event that can't be controlled nor stopped, its just gonna happen.

14th July 2009, 05:20
That's more like it! Speak your mind, and your convictions.
That is what the other side should do, instead of these hokie publicity stunts.
Noone wants to think for themselves any more.
Your to young to remember the days when $hit like this was considered really trivial, and plain weird.
That's not your fault. People weren't always under a microscope.
And the national news generally only covered important events

14th July 2009, 07:07
Another one of the myriad of reasons I hate hippies.

You seem full of hate.
Is that from your upbringing?
Maybe that's why people avoid you, people sense sociopathic traits.

Is there anybody you don't hate?

It's odd in an ironic way that you hate so many people, when you're quite hateful yourself.

Have you considered that your outward hate toward others is because in your deepest inner mind, you know what you are and so you hate yourself?

Mellow out, think of your age and build, you're a prime candidate for a heart attack.

14th July 2009, 19:53
With all due respect. If you were born in 1986 you have never met or heard from a Hippie.
It's funny how people throw that term around. These are Left-wing activists, bordering on extremeists.
That does not make them hippies
If you don't agree with them, or like their tactics ( I don't believe this serves any useful purpose either)
you should speak out against them. Saying people that have different social agendas than you should be shot,
is very unamerican, and it makes you sound more than a little ignorant!

Hippies are alive and well. What do you think they all died in 1973?
They are everywhere.

14th July 2009, 20:27
I'm just tired of hearing this environmental non-sense, same goes for Al Gore, who wastes more electricity from his mansion than a small town. Global Warming is an event that can't be controlled nor stopped, its just gonna happen.
i agree, if global warming is happening, theres not a whole lot that can be done about it

14th July 2009, 22:17

Hippies are alive and well. What do you think they all died in 1973?
They are everywhere.What we have now is homogenized. Punk and grunge were hippies without any moral fiber.
The true hippie movement is dead.
People that were once hippies have evolved. Any that are left are probably subsistence farmers with no TV, and no internet!
But don't let that keep, you from understanding this countries psycho-social evolution.
Let me give you an example:
A few years back, on one of the anniversaries of Woodstock(I'm thinking it may have been as far back as 1999).
That would have been the 30th anniversary of the event.
I remember reading about a group of young people posing for a picture in the nude (as there was wholesale nudity at Woodstock).
I was very amused at the comment that one woman made when asked by the press about the experience.
She ejaculated. "I think it's really cool because someday a grandchild can look at the picture and say "Hey Grandma you were really hot"!!
A hippie would want the offspring to think she was really liberated!
Hippies are no more. They evolved from the "Beat Generation"
and have evolved into many and varied demographic groups!
Our society is dynamic not static. It is always changing.
Only very narrow minded people with reactionary ideals refuse to recognize it.
Or it just doesn't fit their agenda
BTW I don't expect you to understand any of this :)

16th July 2009, 00:14
i agree, if global warming is happening, theres not a whole lot that can be done about it
Really? Why?

16th July 2009, 00:18
Even if it makes them look like knobs?
Does it though, I guess there is always another point of view. I think it was a pretty good effort and managed to get some attention.

16th July 2009, 01:08
Really? Why?
becouse you cant controle the tempature

16th July 2009, 01:10
Does it though, I guess there is always another point of view. I think it was a pretty good effort and managed to get some attention.
yeah, whenever you get arrested your gonna get some attention :p

16th July 2009, 03:06
becouse you cant controle the tempature
But surely if you can raise the temperature and you know why, you can slow or stop that increase.

16th July 2009, 16:42
But surely if you can raise the temperature and you know why, you can slow or stop that increase.
only inside your house where you have a thermastat becouse thats the only thing that controles the tempture, nobody has ever been able to controle warm or cold it gets outside, so theres nothing anybody can do to raise or lower the tempature, neaither can anything else about the weather be controled, like rain or snow or whatever, all we can do is tune in to the weather channel each day and see what the weather is gonna be like

16th July 2009, 17:36
Even if it makes them look like knobs?

I guess it depends on one's POV.

16th July 2009, 17:38
I'm just tired of hearing this environmental non-sense, same goes for Al Gore, who wastes more electricity from his mansion than a small town. Global Warming is an event that can't be controlled nor stopped, its just gonna happen.

Or even better it shouldn't be controlled or even tried to do so, because it doesn't fits your lifestyle?! :rolleyes:

Tell that to your kids man, to those who won't ever be able to see most of the wild animals that now still live on the Earth.

16th July 2009, 17:42
becouse you cant controle the tempature

How shortsighted.
And ofcourse Earth and life on Earth exists because god created it in a just few days! :laugh:
And because he was bored god also created billions of starts and planets plus he threw in a few billions of animals (mammals, fish, birds and insects and what not). :rolleyes:

And we, being god's creation are entitled to what pleases us even if it means that we destroy most of what he made?

I sometimes wonder why he didn't make some of the humans a tad more intelligent.

16th July 2009, 19:05
Wade I think this link explains the concept of global warming in a way that even you can understand it.
It leaves out the controversial theories like ozone depletion and other nerdy stuff :)


16th July 2009, 19:24

17th July 2009, 13:58
Another one of the myriad of reasons I hate hippies.

Bah. I reserve my Hippies Hate for the likes of Dennis Hopper. 30 years after smoking weed, riding choppers, hanging out in communes, and such they sold out to The Establishment. "You need a plan man." Yeah, right...

17th July 2009, 20:10
Bah. I reserve my Hippies Hate for the likes of Dennis Hopper. 30 years after smoking weed, riding choppers, hanging out in communes, and such they sold out to The Establishment. "You need a plan man." Yeah, right...
You know what they say.

If your young and not a Liberal you have no heart......

If your older and not a conservative you have no brains.

17th July 2009, 21:02
You know what they say.

If your young and not a Liberal you have no heart......

If your older and not a conservative you have no brains.

Now there is a really intelligent expression!
I would love to know the source of that one!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

It takes intelligence to be an independent thinker, understanding issues through a cognitive process.
Anyone that chooses to take a liberal or conservative posture on any
issue for the simple reason that they are categorizing their belief system
is using their brain in a very lazy manner!

18th July 2009, 12:44
You know what they say.

If your young and not a Liberal you have no heart......

If your older and not a conservative you have no brains.

Sorry, I don't know who 'they' are, however may I take the liberty to point out the following for "your" edification:

If you use "your" when you should be using "you're" it shows that "you're" not very bright and possibly have no brains! :)


18th July 2009, 14:37
Sorry, I don't know who 'they' are, however may I take the liberty to point out the following for "your" edification:

If you use "your" when you should be using "you're" it shows that "you're" not very bright and possibly have no brains! :)


You're "one cold-blooded piece of work"
I aprove! :)

18th July 2009, 15:05
You know what they say.

If your young and not a Liberal you have no heart......

If your older and not a conservative you have no brains.

I've heard it before, rather simplistic but there'sa bit of truth to that. IMO holding an unquestioned allegience to any political school of thought is the most brainless act of all.

And besides, what fool steers his investment strategy on the endorsement of an acid burnout?

18th July 2009, 15:24
In regards to the protest in question, I believe if given the opportunity Theodore Roosevelt would "hang out" with them. If the Republican Party became more like TR and less like Sarah Palin it'll be alot better off.

18th July 2009, 15:32
what fool steers his investment strategy on the endorsement of an acid burnout?I give up! who? :laugh:

18th July 2009, 15:41
I give up! who? :laugh:
Somebody must or the commercials wouldn't be running. I guess the same folks who bought into the idea a million-dollar McMansion rowhouse constructed to the standards of a Hollywood movie set is worth $800,000 now and will be worth much more tommorow. Har har har.

18th July 2009, 16:05
^ Correction (opps). Switch the million and 800k.

18th July 2009, 17:24
Sorry, I don't know who 'they' are, however may I take the liberty to point out the following for "your" edification:

If you use "your" when you should be using "you're" it shows that "you're" not very bright and possibly have no brains! :)


The they? I heard that originally attributed to Winston Churchill.
But one does have to wonder where "he" heard it?

The truly pitiful thing and I guess it does show a superficiality or a lack of ability to reflect at all is not so much to have an old cliche as one's sole source of political reasoning or analysis, but that guys such as Vop, who is charged with lots of responsibility, and is so eager to be presented in his real life as some sort of "knowledgeable guy" would not just rely on an old cliche and throw the tired old thing out, but that he would prove by doing so that he has paid no attention to anything the the so-called "Conservative" Republicans have done since he's been self aware----and that is being extreeeeeeeeeeemly generous in supposing he actually is self aware.

Do you see what I mean?
It would be one thing to have some ignorant back woods Redneck straight out of Deliverance, or! alternatively some disgusting manipulative bastid such as Cheney---who actually has a huge pile of possessions and power and thus something to try and "conserve" to throw out the tired, hackneyed cliché.

But for somebody who styles themselves as an 'authority' and a Media Personality to attempt to appear as legitimately engaged in discussion by foisting this old limp thing as a substitute for thinking----and coupled with the typical lower class substitution pretty much sums up why the so called "Conservative" movement, always suspect since they embraced a hack actor as their spiritual leader, is now seen as completely bankrupt.

The substituting of worn out clichés and 3rd grade spelling errors belies a laziness of thought, an unwillingness to or inability to think.

And I think we've seen the results of that reliance on phrasology and laziness in analysis.

18th July 2009, 21:56
The they? I heard that originally attributed to Winston Churchill.
But one does have to wonder where "he" heard it?

The truly pitiful thing and I guess it does show a superficiality or a lack of ability to reflect at all is not so much to have an old cliche as one's sole source of political reasoning or analysis, but that guys such as Vop, who is charged with lots of responsibility, and is so eager to be presented in his real life as some sort of "knowledgeable guy" would not just rely on an old cliche and throw the tired old thing out, but that he would prove by doing so that he has paid no attention to anything the the so-called "Conservative" Republicans have done since he's been self aware----and that is being extreeeeeeeeeeemly generous in supposing he actually is self aware.

Do you see what I mean?
It would be one thing to have some ignorant back woods Redneck straight out of Deliverance, or! alternatively some disgusting manipulative bastid such as Cheney---who actually has a huge pile of possessions and power and thus something to try and "conserve" to throw out the tired, hackneyed cliché.

But for somebody who styles themselves as an 'authority' and a Media Personality to attempt to appear as legitimately engaged in discussion by foisting this old limp thing as a substitute for thinking----and coupled with the typical lower class substitution pretty much sums up why the so called "Conservative" movement, always suspect since they embraced a hack actor as their spiritual leader, is now seen as completely bankrupt.

The substituting of worn out clichés and 3rd grade spelling errors belies a laziness of thought, an unwillingness to or inability to think.

And I think we've seen the results of that reliance on phrasology and laziness in analysis.

That is why conservatives will always be morally and ethically superior to Liberals.

Liberals always resort to insults when confronted with truths that causes them to doubt their beliefs.

18th July 2009, 23:47
I have no use for self-avowed Liberals or Conservatives, Neither side serves the country or its citizens, they only serve their own ideologically driven sub-grousp and their thirst for power.

19th July 2009, 00:54
That is why conservatives will always be morally and ethically superior to Liberals.

Liberals always resort to insults when confronted with truths that causes them to doubt their beliefs.

There was no insult there Voppie ol boy, just a thoughtful analysis.

And your (<----see how it is spelled) trite simplistic, clichés confront nobody, are devoid of truth, causes nobody to do anything except wonder how you manage to have gotten through life without hurting yourself, and in no way engenders any doubt to anybody's beliefs.

How could tired, unoriginal phrases repeated by YOU cause this fantasy you have of somebody elses' self doubt?

To even write that it does show a meglomaniacal belief that you have ever said something original or that we collectively have never heard before.
And that is obviously a massive exaggeration of your originality and/or cleverness.

What morals or ethics have you displayed here by endlessly repeating junk virtually verbatim off the AM Talk Radio that would delude you into thinking you're (<----notice the spelling in this case? We're trying to help you, son. You transpose the your/you're thing in something you write rehashing some race report and people will think you're (see?) a punk kid slacker and you don't want that, your (<---see the spelling again? Use this as a study aid) reputation would be ruined) better---in any way--to anybody?????

Now I may think that you as a person have shown yourself to be delusional from your words, but I don't conclude from sloppy writing and lazy repetition of trite bumpersticker like pap that I am morally or ethically superior to you.

I have no idea about that.

But I've always believed the only man who I'm better than is the guy who thinks he's better than me, specially when that belief is based on some whim of personal choice in superficialities .

19th July 2009, 05:01

Brown, Jon Brow
19th July 2009, 16:57
That is why conservatives will always be morally and ethically superior to Liberals.

Liberals always resort to insults when confronted with truths that causes them to doubt their beliefs.

Isn't the first part of your statement not an insult???? I think it is.

Liberals and Conservatives have different morals, but that is because they believe in what is important to them. Neither has superior morals to the other.

19th July 2009, 17:31
I know this is completely off topic but Jon, your signiture has to be the best one I've seen all year on this forum. Nice one. :)