View Full Version : The Ice Cream Man

18th February 2007, 02:43
Ahhh, summer... lazy days, fun with friends. When, suddenly, you hear that tell-tale jingle-jingle of the bells...

It's the Ice Cream Man! Yay! :bounce:

Quick, go bug mum about some money... if you don't get some, go find dad (he's a push-over, especially if you go get him some as well :p : ).

Mmmmmmm... :lips: Ice Cream. :D

Do you remember?... :)

18th February 2007, 03:17
Are you buying then?

18th February 2007, 05:52
I'll have some too please. just pain vanilla, please :)

Ian McC
18th February 2007, 09:05
I'll have a Fab, haven't had one of them for a while :)

oily oaf
18th February 2007, 09:42
My mum and dad always told me that when the ice cream man rang his bells it meant he'd run out :(

18th February 2007, 17:42
Greensleeves always meant one thing to me.

Time for a double choc top.

18th February 2007, 18:37
double choc top for me too..

18th February 2007, 21:17
I had a 99 that cost £1.10 from the Ice Cream man at the weekend. If only you could buy your own whippy ice cream machines. It would be like heaven.

18th February 2007, 21:43
Ebay - the answer to everything!
Yours for as little as £3750. (Not sure if Ice Cream is included)

18th February 2007, 22:02
I'll start saving. :d

Can you still get Screwballs with those 1p chewiing gums in the bottom?

Captain VXR
18th February 2007, 22:22
From my local one, another local one and the Victoria Park one (all Bath) you can get screwballs. That's what I always buy, with a flake and strawberry sauce :facelick:

19th February 2007, 04:43
Greensleeves always meant one thing to me.

Time for a double choc top.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds nice........ :facelick:

Ian McC
19th February 2007, 08:37
Ebay - the answer to everything!
Yours for as little as £3750. (Not sure if Ice Cream is included)

Now I could see Oily in one of those :D

19th February 2007, 11:27
Jellied eels and raspberry sauce......... :erm:

19th February 2007, 15:50
My Grandparents always used to say it was the fish and chip van to stop us wanting ice cream... we always knew otherwise but they STILL say that to this day. Anyways, I always quite fancied their being a fish and chip van that came right up your street.

Brown, Jon Brow
19th February 2007, 17:27
Oh the memories of the ice-cream van..... playing outside with friends in the early evening sun, then what that! In the distance the chimes chan be heard. All the children go mental screaming ICE CREAM VAN! ICE CREAM VAN! Then we all run across the road, not looking for the oncoming traffic, everyone is just starring at the ice cream van. Occasionally one child is knocked down by the van aas it slows, but an ice cream can stop any tears.

Then we all crowd around screaming what we want. The van is blue and white, but the back is always filthy, as it has never been washed. The ice cream selling guy is usually very slim with tattoos on the inside of his forearm, wearing ear studs and always has a toothy grin. :D When we look in the van and it's clear that it hasn't been washed since it was bought. You can see the rats sat in the corner, with the evening sun glistening in their eyes.

Back to the ice-cream...what a marvelous choice. Whippy, Double Whippy, Whippy with a flake.. then you hear more bells in the distance, they are the sirens of a police car. As fast as you can say 'vanilla' the ice cream man jumps into the front of the van and speeds of in a cloud of LDV exhaust smoke............oh memories :)

19th February 2007, 17:31
Anyways, I always quite fancied their being a fish and chip van that came right up your street.

We have those near me.

19th February 2007, 18:16
Occasionally one child is knocked down by the van aas it slows, but an ice cream can stop any tears.

Surely the van driver should be paying attention to the "Mind That Child" signs on their own van. Or as they say here "Mind The Bairns" or "Watch The Weans". :p :

Interestingly enough, my dad was knocked down by Dario Franchitti's grandfather's ice cream van as it slowed down, back in the old days. :dozey:

oily oaf
19th February 2007, 18:16
Jellied eels and raspberry sauce......... :erm:

I'm off the eels for the time being.
I bought some from West Ham market last Saturday and they hadn't taken the bones out :eek:

It was like eating a slimey Picnic Bar.

I'll stick to the old pie and mash for the foreseeable :D
With a nice bowl of Neopolitan ice cream for dessert of course.
Well I doesn't hurt to have a bit of foreign grub now and again does it folks?

19th February 2007, 20:29
Which colour do you like to eat first?
I eat the vanilla first as it's my least favourite, followed by the chocolate and then the strawberry.

19th February 2007, 21:37
Which colour do you like to eat first?
I eat the vanilla first as it's my least favourite, followed by the chocolate and then the strawberry.
I just remember Homer Simpson with the Neopolitan ice cream.

Mmmm, chocolate, DOH
Mmmm, chocolate, DOH

oily oaf
20th February 2007, 18:22
Which colour do you like to eat first?
I eat the vanilla first as it's my least favourite, followed by the chocolate and then the strawberry.

Normally when I divulge information of such a personal nature I have no choice other than to kill the recipient, but as it's you Blossom I am prepared to reveal that I mash it all into a pulp with the back of my spoon and then raise the bowl to my lips and slurp it all out while Mrs Oaf hits me round the head with a rolled up newspaper whilst screaming at me to not play with my food :(

Pancakes tonight, with maple syrup of course :D
Right I'm off for a quick toss.

speedy king
20th February 2007, 18:27
Ebay - the answer to everything!
Yours for as little as £3750. (Not sure if Ice Cream is included)

You can make a fortune as an ice cream seller, just be careful you don't tread on someone else's patch :p : People have been shot.... :p :

21st February 2007, 04:39
My Grandparents always used to say it was the fish and chip van to stop us wanting ice cream... we always knew otherwise but they STILL say that to this day. Anyways, I always quite fancied their being a fish and chip van that came right up your street.

I wish....... it would be so useful, I wouldn't have to go anywhere if I was hungry.......... :facelick:

We have those near me.

Really? Cool... :cool:

Which colour do you like to eat first?
I eat the vanilla first as it's my least favourite, followed by the chocolate and then the strawberry.

I eat it too fast to differentiate... not very clever, it should be savoured.