View Full Version : Bernie Ecclestone - Is He A Nazi?

4th July 2009, 23:40
In a quite extraordinary interview with The Times newspaper, Formula One Chief Executive Bernie Ecclestone lifted the lid on some of his social, economic and political beliefs. And a regular Pandora’s Box it is too.

Ecclestone has ruled the commercial side of the sport with an iron fist for many decades now and despite the recent threat from the Formula One Teams Association, the billionaire and FIA President Max Mosley seem set to continue to dominate the sport in commerce and regulation respectively.

There is however ongoing unrest within the FIA camp following recent accusations from Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo that Mosley runs the sport in a dictatorial fashion, something Ecclestone has strong views on.

“If you have a look at a democracy it hasn’t done a lot of good for many countries — including this one," Ecclestone told the British Times newspaper. “I like people who make up their minds. If you have to keep referring to your grandmother before you do anything I think that’s dumb. I make decisions, sometimes wrong, sometimes right — so long as you get more things right than wrong then that’s okay.”

As ever, Ecclestone wastes no time cutting to the chase. Being decisive is often seen as a positive aspect in ones individual’s make-up, but that is a far cry denouncing democracy.

Ecclestone went on to explain his admiration for determined and single-minded leaders such as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, loved or loathed by a majority in the UK. Ecclestone however has little time for New Labour, the party that has dominated the political landscape since sweeping to victory in 1997, claiming that both former and current Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have tried ‘to please everyone’ and that the current FIA President would ‘do a super job’ as Prime Minister.

The most recent Iraq war split opinions around the world with some saying that the invasion of the country was logical and justified based upon the - ultimately incorrect - intelligence that suggested that weapons of mass destruction were being stockpiled by the Hussein regime Others took the view that pre-emptive wars are fundamentally abhorrent. document.write(''); http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/RL_F1_News/;tile=2;sz=300x250;ord=123456789?http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/RL_F1_News/;tile=2;sz=300x250;ord=123456789? There are a plethora of arguments based around the two scenarios, but Ecclestone is clear on his view.

“We did a terrible thing when we supported the idea of getting rid of Saddam Hussein, he was the only one who could control that country,” Ecclestone continued. “It was the same [with the Taleban]. We move into countries and we have no idea of the culture.”

When asked who his ‘favourite historical dictator’ was, Ecclestone said ‘Maggie’s gone’ and then added: “In a lot of ways, terrible to say this I suppose, but apart from the fact that Hitler got taken away and persuaded to do things that I have no idea whether he wanted to do or not, he was in the way that he could command a lot of people able to get things done.

“In the end he got lost so he wasn’t a very good dictator because either he had all these things and knew what was going on and insisted, or he just went along with it... so either way he wasn’t a dictator”

Ecclestone went on to give his views on the environment, the taxations system, the fact that he would scrap the tax-payer funded British National Health Service and of course personal finance. “I have a credit card but hardly use it. I bought my yacht with a cheque...”

The final decisive words go to the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard. “Mr Ecclestone is either an idiot or morally repulsive,” he told the same publication. “Either he has no idea how stupid and offensive his views are or he does and deserves to be held in contempt by all decent people.”


:eek: :eek: :eek:
After Max Mosley and his nazi things, now Bernie Ecclestone. What the **** is wrong with them?

5th July 2009, 00:24
No, he's nothing more than a power hungry mothafuka' just like is best friend Maxie.
Nazi's had an ideology, Bernie and Maxie are way short of having one, other than 'gimme all your money'.

5th July 2009, 00:27
I guess grandpa forgot to take his pill...

5th July 2009, 00:29
I guess grandpa forgot to take his pill...

There's no pill to help with his disease.
He'll only stop 6 feet under.

5th July 2009, 00:37
I guess Max and Bernie truly are cut from the same cloth. Only other dictactors can admire those ones in the past and make such unabashed statements.

Those disgusting comments are yet the clearest indicator that the man is becoming unhinged. i wouldn't call it the onset of senility, more like the true nature of this fool seeping through.

Saint Devote
5th July 2009, 00:50
Have you all finished?
How many of you have any idea who Bernie is? How long have you been interested or supported f1?

This is my 36th season and during this long enduring love affair with motor racing I have come to know how the essential Brnie is.

Bernie is no NAZI, he is a great capitalist and therefore the quintessential antithesis of socialism - Hitler was a socialist.

Secondly, Bernie does not think that democracy is a good idea, well so did the philosphical father of the West, Aristotle, and so did the Framers of the United States Constitution - which is why the US is a democratic Constitutional Republic.

Democracy enables majority or mob rule and therefore tyrants.

Bernie also uses examples to illustrate his ideas and being the quintessential Benie is not at all politically correct and apt to use outlandish and even preposterous examples.

So while his comments are rather outrageous, they are also amusing and must be read bearing in mind who it is.

He is making a point.

And for public figures or representatives of people who have no idea of him to now be talking out as if he has declared himself to be a nazi is equally outrageous.

Of course the good comments about supporting the last good and effective prime minister of Britain, Lady Thatcher, are not recognized.

The anti-Bernie brigade will make a lot of this - but that is to be expected. There are many resentful people out there.

But remember it is Bernie Ecclestone that has directed the sport we love to its great heights and in doing so has enabled many on pitlane, including Flavio Schmidt, extremely wealthy people.

Valve Bounce
5th July 2009, 00:51
WE need to get Max to give Bernie a whipping. :eek:

Saint Devote
5th July 2009, 00:55
Calling Mosely or Ecclestone "dictators" it is evident that those using the term have no idea of the philosphical definition of the term.

It is therefore being used in an emotive way, which is quite simply not intelligent.

5th July 2009, 03:06
I don't really like when people draw parallels to Nazis. This doesn't really apply to Bernie because he is not a Socialist, he paid for his yacht with a check. These are his views, and no matter how upsetting, must be respected.

5th July 2009, 04:15
WE need to get Max to give Bernie a whipping. :eek:


5th July 2009, 05:38
Gotta say that I agree with Ecclestone regarding Hussein and Afghanistan - the west just rolled on in expecting open, welcoming arms. Instead they got messy tribal warfare and have done a bang-up job for democracy...

Surely someone in the west would have looked at the Russian experience in Afghanistan and had a moment of pause????

5th July 2009, 08:49
of bernie ecclestone isnt a nazi. otherwise him and Max would have had some private fun manier years ago!

5th July 2009, 10:47
Well, Adolf did like to use motor racing to suit his own purposes too...

5th July 2009, 11:22
This doesn't necessarily mean Bernie is a Nazi but to me it does seem that he's starting to loose it.

Not to take anything away from his achievements over the years but there comes a time when you need to stop (not necessarily because of age) and I think Bernie and Max have already passed that.

5th July 2009, 12:33
in Sweden the "Modern Nazis" are not considered socialists they are considered to be extremists on the right wing, to the right of the conservatives which is the capitalists...

Valve Bounce
5th July 2009, 14:55
Have you all finished?
How many of you have any idea who Bernie is? How long have you been interested or supported f1?

This is my 36th season and during this long enduring love affair with motor racing I have come to know how the essential Brnie is.

Bernie is no NAZI, he is a great capitalist and therefore the quintessential antithesis of socialism - Hitler was a socialist.


Thanks for the rant. I was surprised that I might have missed something, but when I checked the posts above yours, I don't see anyone calling Bernie a Nazi. The closest I could find is mothafuka. However, I do call the dwarf a greedy grubby ugly objectionable excuse for man.

And in case you want to pull rank on me, I started following F1 when Sterling Moss was driving for Mercedes.

5th July 2009, 15:13
Great idea, Hitler to replace MaX as a dictator, no more of this old man who plays dress up with his whores....get the real thing.....dig up whatever is left now and stuff him into one of maX's old uniforms.....

:eek: :eek: :eek:
After Max Mosley and his nazi things, now Bernie Ecclestone. What the **** is wrong with them?

Nothing that a little dose of the good rev jimmi jones kool aid could not cure.....

But remember it is Bernie Ecclestone that has directed the sport we love to its great heights and in doing so has enabled many on pitlane, including Flavio Schmidt, extremely wealthy people.

Yeah it was Hitler who directed germany to its many great things as well....until he was betrayed by those sorry cowardly generals....much like maX and BE have been betrayed by that greedy, cowardly bunch of FOTA......... :mad:

i think this boy been drinkin too much of the wrong kind of kool aid, he needs the jimmie jones special d :rolleyes:

funny how it and the Nazi cure for avoiding capture, used the same ingredient.........

5th July 2009, 15:17
Another example of political correctness gone mad.

You can rightly question his methods but much like Thatcher, Hitler was a conviction politician and got things done - that's what make great leaders whether you're a dictator or democracy *looks at Gordon Brown*

5th July 2009, 15:19

5th July 2009, 15:28
Another example of political correctness gone mad.

You can rightly question his methods but much like Thatcher, Hitler was a conviction politician and got things done - that's what make great leaders whether you're a dictator or democracy *looks at Gordon Brown*

As benie said, “If you have a look at a democracy it hasn’t done a lot of good for many countries — including this one," ....sounds good to me, where is ole Hitler now that britannia needs you..... :arrows:

5th July 2009, 16:03
You can rightly question his methods but much like Thatcher, Hitler was a conviction politician and got things done

Hey guys, he might have plunged the entire world into war and exterminated 6 million jews but don't be so hard on him, at least he got things done, am I right?

I'm sure Lady Thatcher will appreciate the Hitler comparison too!

5th July 2009, 16:22
Hey guys, he might have plunged the entire world into war and exterminated 6 million jews but don't be so hard on him, at least he got things done, am I right?

only 6,000,000?

popa jo stalin did over 20,000,000......and it would be easier to dig up his dead ass as it ain't scattered everywhere

5th July 2009, 16:25
uniform is wrong, colors are bad, max is not tall enough or beni not small enough,

5th July 2009, 17:11
Is he a Nazi?


5th July 2009, 17:35
Are internet forums a crap idea? "Hitler was a conviction politician" " rev jimmi jones kool aid"????? WTF?
My god why did I think there would be anything interesting here? Congratulations it took less than a week between my arrival here and the decision that reading a single word more of your "opinions" is a waste of my life.BTW IAON you were the only one out of 20 odd posts that sounded like a human being Good Luck!

Saint Devote
5th July 2009, 17:38
of bernie ecclestone isnt a nazi. otherwise him and Max would have had some private fun manier years ago!

Wag! lol

Saint Devote
5th July 2009, 17:52
Another example of political correctness gone mad.

You can rightly question his methods but much like Thatcher, Hitler was a conviction politician and got things done - that's what make great leaders whether you're a dictator or democracy *looks at Gordon Brown*

The convictions a person holds is what makes them who they are. To hold strong conviction requires a person to be of high self-esteem, iow - I can think for myself and I deserve to be happy.

Weak individuals have no or weak convictions and therefore any demagogue type character can ultimately direct them. In this case, FOTA have demonstrated that they have at last found themselves - but it does not make any mutiny the correct decision and it is a credit to FOTA that they recognized this there is now unity as f1.

Rightly it is the basis of convictions that makes individuals good or evil.

Hitler was evil in every sense of the word. Lady Thatcher was good and returned Britain to a strong nation and one of the leaders of the free world.

Unfortunately, just like the United States, it has deteriorated since she left office and as since America's Reagan, Britain's leader is today a person with mawkish convictions that is weakening his nation at a time of terrible crises.

Bernie using Hitler in an example is incendiary and wrong, but being Bernie he was making a point albeit in an idiotic way.

Bernie is a Londoner and for anyone to even imagine he would actually be supportive of Hitler in any way is incomprehensible.

Saint Devote
5th July 2009, 17:55
Are internet forums a crap idea? "Hitler was a conviction politician" " rev jimmi jones kool aid"????? WTF?
My god why did I think there would be anything interesting here? Congratulations it took less than a week between my arrival here and the decision that reading a single word more of your "opinions" is a waste of my life.BTW IAON you were the only one out of 20 odd posts that sounded like a human being Good Luck!

You reprimand us all here under the disguise of Holden Caulfield and then you question us?!!!!


5th July 2009, 17:58
Are internet forums a crap idea? "Hitler was a conviction politician" " rev jimmi jones kool aid"????? WTF?
My god why did I think there would be anything interesting here? Congratulations it took less than a week between my arrival here and the decision that reading a single word more of your "opinions" is a waste of my life.BTW IAON you were the only one out of 20 odd posts that sounded like a human being Good Luck!

Yes , why did you bother ?

Here's a guy who's a good example of someone that should never be allowed to rule .
He comes on the forum , reads for a week , and decides that all internet forums are a waste of time .
Here's a guy who doesn't take the time to understand the posters . He just reads the posts and takes them at face value in his own interpretation , without bothering to clarify anything or to interact at all with the person who wrote the post .
He has no idea if the poster is one who is serious about the posts he makes , or , in fact , is joking about it , to make a point .

His only post is one he decides to use to deride the very forum in which he sees fit to post .
Have a nice day , Holden .

I am starting to think that perhaps we could suggest , rather than a single dictator , a small panel of perhaps 5 people , who could dictate from the big chair , something like a supreme court .

5th July 2009, 19:38
Are internet forums a crap idea? "Hitler was a conviction politician" " rev jimmi jones kool aid"????? WTF?
My god why did I think there would be anything interesting here? Congratulations it took less than a week between my arrival here and the decision that reading a single word more of your "opinions" is a waste of my life.BTW IAON you were the only one out of 20 odd posts that sounded like a human being Good Luck!

Better hope she stays Ioan, she seems to be the only one who likes you... :( ...except me , of course ;)

5th July 2009, 19:49
Calling Mosely or Ecclestone "dictators" it is evident that those using the term have no idea of the philosphical definition of the term.

It is therefore being used in an emotive way, which is quite simply not intelligent.

Before accusing others of a lack of intelligence, maybe you should consider avoiding any reference to 'political correctness', the phrase that is the last refuge of those incapable of original thought.

5th July 2009, 19:52
Another example of political correctness gone mad.

You can rightly question his methods but much like Thatcher, Hitler was a conviction politician and got things done - that's what make great leaders whether you're a dictator or democracy *looks at Gordon Brown*

See my post above.

I'm afraid Bernie's views as expressed here strike me as being utterly unhinged and more than a little reprehensible. Note that I have no problem with them being expressed — he has every right to do so, but then those of us who disagree have every right to express that disagreement.

5th July 2009, 19:53
All this talk of Hitler and Nazi Germany has a reason .
Bernie hasn't gotten to where he is by being stupid .

While most dismiss Hitler as a horrible figure , we must not forget he was very successful , and it is that to which Bernie was referring .

We also should remember that there were those who played both sides of the conflict . A good example would be Coke , who created Fanta as a brand to sell in Germany , so they wouldn't be associated with Hitler .
Or , IBM , who's numbering system was tattoed on so many arms in those infamous camps .

Bernie is certainly not a Nazi , but he has the intellect to be able to appreciate the less evil aspects of Hitler .

And , he has the cunning to know these words would bring controversy , and instantly . Propaganda is the most powerful tool . It can create a Hitler .
So , there has to be a reason Bernie has behind his back .

The only thing I can think of is the possibility he's reminding Max that he said he was leaving .
More talk of Nazis will only remind the world of "Max-gate" , and give the press a good opportunity to remind us all of the depraved personal details .
It lets the world remember good old Sir Oswald one more time .

The object of the game is to change the puppet , without the audience knowing it's the same hand inside .

If they portray Max as truly evil , anyone they choose to fill the chair will look like the FIA's version of Obama .
If that's the case , then I am supposed to think it's a war between Max and Bernie .
And , I am then to surmise that Bernie is on the side of FOTA , who wish Max to go as well .

With all that said , I think Bernie has realized that Max is past the "sell-by" date , and he needs a new dictator puppet .

5th July 2009, 19:53
No, he's nothing more than a power hungry mothafuka' just like is best friend Maxie.
Nazi's had an ideology, Bernie and Maxie are way short of having one, other than 'gimme all your money'.

I think this is a very reasonable point, ioan.

5th July 2009, 22:18
Have you all finished?

No, I was just waiting for your rear end kissing in order to have a good laugh. :rotflmao:

How many of you have any idea who Bernie is? How long have you been interested or supported f1?

This is my 36th season and during this long enduring love affair with motor racing I have come to know how the essential Brnie is.

Bernie is no NAZI, he is a great capitalist and therefore the quintessential antithesis of socialism - Hitler was a socialist.

I'm not sure you really grasped the terms of Nazi, which comes from Nationalsozialist, and has little to do with today's socialist movement.

Nationalsozialismum is by today's standards an extremist right wing party and not a leftist one like socialists are.

Anyway I've never seen a socialist dictator, they are just extremist scumbags who tow the populist line in their own interest while people they rule upon are starving, look pretty much like what Maxie and Bernie are trying to do with F1.

PS: Extremists, be it left (communists) or right (nazis) are all bad for society.

5th July 2009, 22:20
in Sweden the "Modern Nazis" are not considered socialists they are considered to be extremists on the right wing, to the right of the conservatives which is the capitalists...

Even the 1930's Nazis were right wing extremist, the socialist word was just a cover to which people like Saint D have fallen to.

5th July 2009, 22:24
BTW IAON you were the only one out of 20 odd posts that sounded like a human being Good Luck!

Thank you very much.
You'd be astounded to learn that 90% of people around here usually think the opposite! ;)

5th July 2009, 22:24
I think this is a very reasonable point, ioan.

I tried my best. ;)

5th July 2009, 22:27
Better hope she stays Ioan, she seems to be the only one who likes you... :( ...except me , of course ;)

She would be Ioana! Get a grip on genders mate, lay off that liquid thing.

5th July 2009, 23:26
Even the 1930's Nazis were right wing extremist, the socialist word was just a cover to which people like Saint D have fallen to.

Quite right. It was clear to anyone with half a brain and a free press to read as to what the Nazis were about, well before the war broke out. This is why their prominent defenders (not appeasers — there is a big difference) in the rest of the world are worthy of vilification. This takes in such as the Daily Mail, Charles Lindbergh and Edward VIII.

6th July 2009, 01:39
Lady Thatcher was good and returned Britain to a strong nation and one of the leaders of the free world.

The right wing side of me admires her authority but the left-wing side of me would argue back with "at what cost?"

She shut down nearly the whole of the mining industry destroying employment oppurtunities and communities and tried to force through the poll tax that was deeply unpopular with the electorate (great example of leading the free world!).

Same with Hitler, his goal was to make Germany great again but at the expense and guise of Nazism.

6th July 2009, 04:26
u mean at the expense of about 52 to 75 million people dead in the european arena.....

so many, no one is really sure....

4 to 6 million jews (no one has exact numbers either)sounds like a lot, until you consider that those jews were only were only about 5 to 10 percent of the dead.....yeah, Hitler would do a great job running the fia..whatever...

BE should be banned with just as much outcry as was made over the spanish guys who painted their faces black. Hitler did not make fun of various minorities, he just exterminated as many as he could

Big Ben
6th July 2009, 09:07
Anyone who sees anything good in Hitler is an idiot. I have nothing against him saying it. At least we know how he thinks. So because of him over 50 million people died,but he got things done. Everytime I see a documentary about WWII or the holocaust I get to the same conclusion, he really got things done. What a blessing for the humanity!

BTW, I don't think he's a nazi. I think he esteems big moustache just like he esteems little moustache.

6th July 2009, 09:52
Sorry Guys but this as nothing to do with F1 racing anymore, so I am moving it to Chit-Chat :)

6th July 2009, 13:33
The anti-Bernie brigade will make a lot of this - but that is to be expected. There are many resentful people out there.

I didn't know that there was an option other than being anti-Bernie :D

6th July 2009, 13:40
Anyone who sees anything good in Hitler is an idiot. I have nothing against him saying it. At least we know how he thinks. So because of him over 50 million people died,but he got things done. Everytime I see a documentary about WWII or the holocaust I get to the same conclusion, he really got things done. What a blessing for the humanity!

Yes, and let's conveniently forget all the 'issues' that went along with that...

6th July 2009, 14:13
I guess grandpa forgot to take his pill...

I second that :D

6th July 2009, 14:36
Sorry Guys but this as nothing to do with F1 racing anymore, so I am moving it to Chit-Chat :)


it has everything to do with it as BE needs to go

but so what, we got Nazie dress up and now we got BE saying that Hitler was good, maybe just a little mislead

Spanish fans painting their face...oh yeah "racing against racism", FIA to ban anyone doing such stuff

BE and Max acting out....no problem

Apply the same rule to BE: Ban him from all races

Is that enuff capitals?

6th July 2009, 14:48
The Board of Deputies of British Jews told The Times that Ecclestone's views were "quite bizarre," and Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard said he was "either an idiot or morally repulsive." Labour Party lawmaker Denis MacShane told the newspaper that the remarks revealed ignorance of history and "a complete lack of judgment."


oh really?

but he is cool, cause he says: ""I would love to have a good lady race driver and preferably black and Jewish too, but they might take maternity leave."

Mark in Oshawa
6th July 2009, 15:57
God knows I cant stand the little weasel, but I doubt he is a Nazi. He just used a very bad comparsion to make a point and the deeper he delved into it, the deeper he put himself. Bernie, put the shovel down and walk away.

Comparing anyone to Hitler is a pointlessly childish thing to do unless there is a body count over in the thousands. Bernie is a just a jackbooted rapacious capitalist, not a killer.

Valve Bounce
6th July 2009, 17:03
Thank you very much.
You'd be astounded to learn that 90% of people around here usually think the opposite! ;)

What!! :eek: you think 90% of the people here sound like human beings? What's gotten into you? :(

8th July 2009, 00:42
FOLLOWUP: Ecclestone fans flames again, reportedly blames Jews for banking crisis (http://www.autoblog.com/2009/07/07/followup-ecclestone-fans-flames-again-reportedly-blames-jews-f/)

After attempting to clarify and apologize for his recent and controversial professed admiration (http://www.autoblog.com/2009/07/06/report-f1s-ecclestone-ripped-for-hitler-comments/) for Adolf Hitler's ability to "get things done," F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone has reportedly added fuel to the fire by blaming "the Jews" for failing to address the worldwide banking crisis.

Ecclestone apparently issued the controversial comments in response to calls made for his resignation by the community advocacy organization World Jewish Congress. According to Ecclestone, "It's a pity they didn't sort the banks out.... They have a lot of influence everywhere." He would go on to add that his colleague – FIA president Max Mosley, the fascist leader's son who made headlines for allegedly engaging in a Nazi-themed S&M orgy (http://www.autoblog.com/2008/03/30/fia-chief-max-mosley-embroiled-in-sandm-sex-scandal/) with several prostitutes – would make a good prime minister.

8th July 2009, 02:00
I was going to say that yes Hitler did get things done and did command people to do what he wanted them to do, but that I didn't understand what he meant by "got taken away and persuaded to do things that I have no idea whether he wanted to do or not"

But then I read what he said about the Jews and that they didn't "sort the banks out.... as they have a lot of influence everywhere" Why not blame whites? i'm pretty sure most bankers and people blamed for the crisis are white. Damn whites, they cause all the problems.

Garry Walker
9th July 2009, 15:03
Anyone who sees anything good in Hitler is an idiot.'

There is such nonsense attitude today towards Hitler that if you admire even one of his qualitites, you must be a nazi at once. Stupid.
I for one think that while he was crazy, he had talents that one should admire, even if he used them in the wrong way for mankind. For example, no one can deny he was an extremely gifted orator and knew how to get the masses cheering for him.
Same with Stalin. A person I despise as deeply as it is humanly possible, a person who I would enjoy shooting if it was possible, but I cant deny that he had skills about him that one has to admire. But he too used them in the wrong way.

So now I am a nazi and a communist at the same time! yay!

9th July 2009, 15:45
So now I am a nazi and a communist at the same time! yay!
No, just schizophrenic

9th July 2009, 23:20
There is such nonsense attitude today towards Hitler that if you admire even one of his qualitites, you must be a nazi at once. Stupid.
I for one think that while he was crazy, he had talents that one should admire, even if he used them in the wrong way for mankind. For example, no one can deny he was an extremely gifted orator and knew how to get the masses cheering for him.
Same with Stalin. A person I despise as deeply as it is humanly possible, a person who I would enjoy shooting if it was possible, but I cant deny that he had skills about him that one has to admire. But he too used them in the wrong way.

I must say, that is a very reasonable point. However, for me Ecclestone's remarks went further than that, and were incredibly naive, especially the bit about Hitler having basically been OK until 1938. That part showed that his knowledge of the subject is extremely sketchy.

9th July 2009, 23:57
There is such nonsense attitude today towards Hitler that if you admire even one of his qualitites, you must be a nazi at once. Stupid.
I for one think that while he was crazy, he had talents that one should admire, even if he used them in the wrong way for mankind. For example, no one can deny he was an extremely gifted orator and knew how to get the masses cheering for him.
Same with Stalin. A person I despise as deeply as it is humanly possible, a person who I would enjoy shooting if it was possible, but I cant deny that he had skills about him that one has to admire. But he too used them in the wrong way.

So now I am a nazi and a communist at the same time! yay!

Probably the most sensible reply I've read from Garry Walker in the Chit Chat section!