View Full Version : Putin - Obama Next week

4th July 2009, 02:59
Obama thinks he's going to educate Putin about how the cold war is over when they meet next week. I do believe Obama thinks himself the smartest man in the world and can learn nothing from anybody. Liberal Democrats at the office holding level and above have always struck me as self-styled political and intellectual elitists that would prefer a totalitarian government. Afterall, who better than them knows whats really best for all of us drone bees out here? Obama may be smart, but he's not ruthless. Putin does both very well. I talked about some of this in a general sense before and many had fun making great sport of me about it so I'll refresh it a little.

The end result of the Obama-Putin talks will be:

The USA will be allowed signifigantly more freedom in resupplying it's troops in Afghanistan, through and over Russia and Russian territories. The Russians, correctly, are just as wary of the Muslims as the USA is.

Russia will quietly whisper to Iran and North Korea " I woudn't be creating a ruckus if I were you... USA...friends...dim view".

Remember what I said aout Afghanistan being the perfect staging area for any Iranian operation? Iran now has almost every Arab state and Egypt very nervous over this nuclear nonsense. Iran already officially hates the whole world so nobody has anything to lose.

The USA will postpone and eventually cancel the deployment of any anti-missle systems in Europe. It may be deemed too expensive and dropped completely.

The USA will look the other way and support Russia's justifications for invading and retaking Georgia before winter. The EU will issue a strong protest.

4th July 2009, 06:10
Putin: I will trade you one georgia for a nuking of Iran, and throw in that little north korean hitler for free.....and you can have canada, if I get ukraine and Poland back.....but taking out that eki will cost you extra.....
Bama: How much?
Putin: Shine my shoes....
Bama: Naw, he ain't worth it, besides he will keep easy preocupied while we occupy... what about great britain and france?
Putin: You take them , i do not want those whinny, lazy, little welfare sucking sissies, too much drain on our resources.....
Bama: i don't neither, what about China?
Putin: Yeah, let us give them to China.........now what is it gonna cost me for a shine?

4th July 2009, 06:44
Putin: Yeah, let us give them to China.........now what is it gonna cost me for a shine?
Well there is this hospital in Ethopia that has got some medical records of a certain birth, and a 20 megaton blast would make my life a little easier...

4th July 2009, 10:17
just two thieves trying to screw us

Mark in Oshawa
6th July 2009, 17:16
Ummm Putin isn't calling the shots there officially. He is going to meet that other guy. I just hope Obama doesn't get tangled up in the puppet strings or look up and see ole Vlad pulling on the strings...

6th July 2009, 18:59
Putin calls the shots.

7th July 2009, 08:11
BFD just more stroking