View Full Version : Reincarnation

1st July 2009, 23:48
I spent a not so great afternoon on Monday in the resuscistation room in the accident and emergency department of my local hospital. To cut a long story short, three resuscitations later and my dad has no memory of what went wrong and saw no bright lights welcoming to the other side so to speak.

Now, I have to say I'm quite disappointed that there are no bright lights because I'd like to think there is something on the other side. I'm not religious and I'm not expecting pearly gates and harp playing angels or to be reincarnated as a dolphin or anything but to think that there is nothing is a bit of a bummer.

This got me thinking about who I'd like to be reincarnated as if I were given the choice and on the assumption that I would do what ever that particular person did in life. I really found it difficult to narrow down. Would I choose to be Newton for example and discover gravity, be Columbus and discover America (yes I know there may be debate on this one), be Bill Gates and be a billionare, be Seb Coe and break the four minute mile, or be one of The Beatles or even be someone like Hitler and change the world in a completely different way?

Who are the top thee people that you'd quite like to have been or be?

2nd July 2009, 02:31
Bill Gates :D

2nd July 2009, 03:51
Dalai Lama

2nd July 2009, 04:16
michael sicko jacko
or Jesus

hard choice :confused:

Life, hard to live without it :(

2nd July 2009, 05:03
The "Bard of Avon"

2nd July 2009, 05:42
Walt Disney

Neil Armstrong

2nd July 2009, 08:04
"Carlos Slim
Pablo Escobar
Gilles Villeneuve

2nd July 2009, 08:33
It doesn't matter who I'd like to be as they say that every stage of reincarnation means a lesson you have to learn. I'd rather want to understand what is the lesson for this life.

2nd July 2009, 16:36
Octavian Augustus Caesar. Only I would restore the Republic. And I would probably have to murder Tiberius and drown young Caligula. :)

2nd July 2009, 18:27
Interesting that you have a non linear view of time here.

2nd July 2009, 19:38
Octavian Augustus Caesar. Only I would restore the Republic. And I would probably have to murder Tiberius and drown young Caligula. :)

Thats ok Jag, If I had been the first on the moon my famous first statement would have been "Hey, feels like chicken!".

3rd July 2009, 16:37
I wanna come back as a "Lesbian Golfer" That way I can tee off from the red tees and still have girlfriends!!

3rd July 2009, 16:59
I think it was Roger Bannister who broke the 4-minute mile.

I wouldn't mind being Richard Branson...$$$$, adventure, and girls girls girls!

3rd July 2009, 18:13
Interesting that you have a non linear view of time here.

:confused: I don't know what that means?

Mark in Oshawa
3rd July 2009, 21:00
First off Grid Girl, glad your dad came back to you. That is one thing I had to say first off.

Second..who would I want to be ?

Bobby Orr, my childhood hero. Unlike Bobby, I would know about what a crook his agent Alan Eagleson was and I would dump him. I would also understand that everyone was trying to take my knee out.....and probably wouldn't change the way I played hockey. A 11 year pro career, and the magic he gave us was unreal.

I would also come back as Buddy Baker, a guy who has more fun and did more in the race car than most...and because I can identify with being a big guy like him.

My third choice? ....let me think on that one...

3rd July 2009, 21:20
Glenn Hoddle

Hazell B
3rd July 2009, 22:59
Can I be myself?
That way I wouldn't have to bother buying new clothes or getting used to new teeth :p :

I had a bit of an 'episode' when I was 13 after a car crash. No bright lights or anything, just a nasty headache, horrible chest bruises and the doctor's word it even happened. I would honestly have never known I'd stopped breathing if they hadn't told me, though I do remember everything up until then and waking up being shouted at (wondering what I had done wrong :mark: ).
My lungs were full of blood and stuff, but I have no memory of struggling to breath, even. Anyway, they sorted it.

3rd July 2009, 23:48
Well there is definetly something after death. Whether that is reincarnation or something much stranger I do not know but I do know that death truly isnt the end.

9th July 2009, 06:26
hard choice :confused:

Watching funeral procession of jacko it left mystery which method used to give the last respect ceremony to the king of pop.
Hoping human right revealed more for the freedom of choice...

9th July 2009, 14:33
Well there is definetly something after death. Whether that is reincarnation or something much stranger I do not know but I do know that death truly isnt the end.

Prove it.

An appearance by Lord Horatio Nelson on the One Show would be a start.

Garry Walker
9th July 2009, 15:05
Hugh Hefner