View Full Version : Goodwood FoS

1st July 2009, 22:24
Anyone else going this year? I'll be marshalling on the rally stage for Friday and Saturday at some point, mostly looking like I don't know what I'm doing :D Should be interesting as haven't been for a few years but always find it hard to turn down the chance of a freebie :D :D

1st July 2009, 22:57
I'm not going this year sadly. I went in 2005 and loved it. Quite embarassingly while nothing was happening on the track footage of me hugging the other half made the big screens and there was a collective 'awww' from the crowd. We weren't good enough to make the DVD though. :p

What's the theme this year?

2nd July 2009, 13:32
Anyone else going this year? I'll be marshalling on the rally stage for Friday and Saturday at some point, mostly looking like I don't know what I'm doing :D Should be interesting as haven't been for a few years but always find it hard to turn down the chance of a freebie :D :D

Could you do me a favour ? visit Colin McRae Vision stand, try Codemasters Dirt2 game and post your review in here or in Sim forum.

Thanks :D

5th July 2009, 19:00
Could you do me a favour ? visit Colin McRae Vision stand, try Codemasters Dirt2 game and post your review in here or in Sim forum.

Thanks :D

Sorry only just seen this post :( Didn't have much time to do anything anyway, spent all of Friday marshalling the rally stage (although walked around the paddock after we'd finished which was good as it was so quiet, although lots of cars had been covered). Then also marshalled on the Saturday morning and took a long time to get down the bottom, by the time we were at the bottom of the hill I just wanted to watch some stuff go up, have a short walk around the stand bit and then watch a bit more stuff on the hill.

Had an excellent time though, Seb Loeb was there on Saturday and being a marshall meant that I could get really close as the cars came by. Even on his first run Loeb was pretty much as quick as anything else bar Meeke and Marcus Dodd, the second time through Seb had the fastest time of the day and I think was 8 seconds quicker than anything else by the end of the day :eek: All in all we saw him 5 times on the stage and it was epic :bounce:

A few other drivers were pretty damn good too, Meeke in the 207 s2000 was mental and Dodd in his Hyundai was quick too (the run after Loeb went quickest Marcus was absolutely throwing the thing about, was really ragged but looked fantastic). Also Guy Wilks in the Evo and the McRae 4x2 buggy, I was right on the apex looking down on the track and Wilks had a huge grin while driving the buggy.

Also of interest was Jesse James in the Baja Buggy, I didn't know what was going on but heard over the radio that the Jesse James car was on the way, none of us knew what it was but when it came flying round the corner it was crazy, good crowd stunt and awesome to see it on a narrow forest track.

Photos are being uploaded now but as a marshall I couldn't use the camera so fairly limited to what I managed to catch on Friday evening and when I felt like using the camera on Saturday. This is my favourite though, the Audi celebration centre piece:

http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3539/dscf1290.jpg (http://img20.imageshack.us/i/dscf1290.jpg/)

5th July 2009, 23:23
Other photos now up, not a dazzling collection but gives a taste of the variety that's there http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/sets/72157620870939067/

6th July 2009, 14:07
Tend to go every other year but have now decided that I will have to go for two days next year as only made it up to the rally stage for the last 50 minutes or so of the day on Friday. There is so much else to see on the hill and infield etc a day is not enough. With it being Audi's 100th celebration they chucked a lot of cars at the event including Stig in the S1 and the Pikes Peak Quattro. Saw Werner stuff the DTM A4 at Molecomb (ouch).

Getting in wasnt too bad this year other than two of the routes joining at one point and adding 40 mins to the journey but getting out was a bit of a pain as we were going onto Brighton for the next couple of nights and had to head back north before cutting back across country to the 27. Will still be back next year though!

Mark in Oshawa
6th July 2009, 15:04
I am really envious. The Festival of Speed is one thing I want to see one day. No other place on earth gets such an ecletic group of cars together for the general public, and the best part is when they get people who really know how to wheel them going up the hill. Wow.....

6th July 2009, 16:57

Still sorting my pics out but this one I found earlier gives you a feel of the type of cars present!

Captain VXR
6th July 2009, 19:52
I didn't go but these articles on it were good: