View Full Version : Argh power cut!

1st July 2009, 16:40
I was just starting to enjoy my day off settled in front of the tv when I thought 'Is that thunder?' then there was an almighty bang and all the electricity has gone off :( . I thought it was just me at first but the guy two doors downs power has gone too. But further up the street across the road are all fine!

1st July 2009, 17:05
1. Go outside and start your Honda portable generator, that your caravan is plugged into.

2. Enter caravan, turn on AC unit and TV.

3. Settle on sofa, continue with day off.

1st July 2009, 17:13
No power cut, but by the sounds of things we're about to have a huge thunderstorm here! :D

1st July 2009, 17:44
It's sunny in Devon, where it usually rains 6 days in seven :D

1st July 2009, 20:43
Big downpour in Edinburgh this afternoon, of course I had gone out without a jacket today as it has been so nice of late :(