View Full Version : Fined £50... for dropping a tenner

1st July 2009, 01:51

Dave B
1st July 2009, 08:08
Ah Littlejohn. Where objectivity leaves the planet. I see he managed to shoehorn "Stalinist" into his rant, but his standards are obviously slipping because he missed out "Nazi".

Dave B
1st July 2009, 08:40
Reading the comments it appears that (gasp!) Littlejohn may not be telling the whole story. The man apparently repeatedly littered in front of the officers, and the tenner was just one of the things he dropped.

You couldn't make it up... unless you're a lazy hack looking for a knee-jerk reaction from your readers.

1st July 2009, 09:25
Inaccurate, the daily mail? My god this is a change for the books.

1st July 2009, 09:50
Steve, you seem an intelligent chappie so why are you reading the Daily Moan?

1st July 2009, 10:49
Littlejohn never tells the full story, just the bits which fit his narrative.

1st July 2009, 11:04
And let's not forget that Richard Littlejohn was once convicted for affray. The man is a f***ing hypocrite as well as a reactionary moron.

1st July 2009, 11:09
I sometimes get the impression that he sits in his gated Florida mansion tossing this stuff out and laughing at how easy it is to wind-up the gullible idiots back home.

1st July 2009, 11:11
I sometimes get the impression that he sits in his gated Florida mansion tossing this stuff out and laughing at how easy it is to wind-up the gullible idiots back home.
If you want a larf read his uncyclopedia page :p

1st July 2009, 11:18
If you want a larf read his uncyclopedia page :p

If I want a laugh I just read his columns.

1st July 2009, 11:20
You can say anything and the British public will fall for it. A work colleague said to me recently "It's shocking how you cannit sing baa-baa black sheep anymore." Shocking, and completely untrue.

1st July 2009, 12:36
Richard Littlejohn = c**t, nuf said.

1st July 2009, 13:16
Richard Littlejohn = c**t, nuf said.

No, not nearly 'nuff. He's a f***ing c**t.

The verbal dust-up between Littlejohn and Will Self on the Today programme a few years ago, while discussing their respective novels, was hilarious.

'SELF: It is a 400 page... I've read 200 pages of it and that is a 200 page recruiting leaflet for the BNP.
LITTLEJOHN: Well, you can't comment until you have read the other 200.
SELF: Why? Does it suddenly turn into Tolstoy?
LITTLEJOHN: You'll have to read it and find out, won't you.
SELF: Well it won't take me long.'

1st July 2009, 13:41
His televised spats with Johann Hari and (particularly) Michael Winner are also very entertaining and available on a video sharing website near you.

Dave B
1st July 2009, 14:13
Well fair play to him after all: somebody who publicly argues with Michael Winner can't be all bad!

1st July 2009, 14:33
Well fair play to him after all: somebody who publicly argues with Michael Winner can't be all bad!

Have you seen the clip in question? I guarantee that Winner will go up in your estimation or your money back.

1st July 2009, 16:04

There's another c**t.

1st July 2009, 16:16
Have you seen the clip in question? I guarantee that Winner will go up in your estimation or your money back.

I know the one you mean, and I agree completely.

"I think the lesbians have come over with considerable dignity and you've come over as an a***hole.'

1st July 2009, 16:48
Steve, you seem an intelligent chappie so why are you reading the Daily Moan?

I dont read it. I came across it while browsing informationliberation.

1st July 2009, 17:22
You couldn't make it up... unless you're a lazy hack looking for a knee-jerk reaction from your readers.

But surely the only reason to read the Daily Mail is to look for something to give a 'knee-jerk' ?

It's not like you'd read it for any other reason, like informed analysis, factual reasoning or any of the other far out ideas that have eroded this nation since the death of the true Queen, our only hope, Diana.

1st July 2009, 19:38
I dont read it. I came across it while browsing informationliberation.

What is informationliberation, other than a not entirely attractive compound word?

1st July 2009, 19:46
Information Liberation is, I suspect, something that only interests the likes of Littlejohn when it suits him.

A bit like Human Rights. He'd cry like feck if the Police beat the out of him, but is quite happy to have them do it to others.

No idea what informationliberation is, but had to get that off my chest.

2nd July 2009, 00:43
What is informationliberation, other than a not entirely attractive compound word?

Oh sorry i forgot to put the www. and the .com on the ends of it.

Sorry BDunnel :rolleyes:

2nd July 2009, 09:00
I know the one you mean, and I agree completely.

"I think the lesbians have come over with considerable dignity and you've come over as an a***hole.'

That's the one :up:

What makes it even funnier is that Littlejohn had clearly invited Winner on to side with him against the aforementioned lesbians, and it backfired spectacularly.