View Full Version : Gov Sanford et al - hypocrites

24th June 2009, 20:41
Ref: the GOP

I am appalled and incensed by the sheer audacity of these bible-thumping hypocrites who "lead" the Repubilcan Party while engaging in selaceous extra-maratial affairs. Its these folks who alternately praise god or beg his forgiveness as convience warrants all the while pushing forward economic policies that reward the wealthy while ignoring ordinary citizens and the needy, who take a hard-line militaristic foreign policy that ultimately results in the maiming of the sons and daughters of these very same poor citizens they forget in domestic policy, because of these slick-haired lying hypocrites I have permanently left the Republican Party and shall never, ever return.

Forgiveness? Forgiveness my ###

24th June 2009, 21:09
Here we go again.

Please do not lump the entire Republican Party into the same boat as someone who does something crazy. It is right to "pass judgement" on the offender, but not others that are from a related group. If you don't agree with the actual policies of the Republican Party then fine, go your own way. But to leave over the actions of one member is insane. The Democratic Party is full of hypocrites and liers as well.

Plus do we even know the whole story with Sanford yet?

Mark in Oshawa
24th June 2009, 21:16
Bruce...I suspect you never were a member of the GOP. If you were, I think they are better off without you, because you are as judgemental as many you condemn.

That said, the GOP is kind of goofy right now...still not as goofy as the Dems...but goofy....

If lived in America, I would registar as an independent. I fail to see how the US democratic system is enhanced by identifying voters on the voter registrations, and giving the running of elections to the political side of things in elected election boards in each county. It is THAT sort of stupidity that led to the whole mess in Florida where poltics were involved with counting what they thought were votes or not.

24th June 2009, 21:51
Ref: the GOP

I am appalled and incensed by the sheer audacity of these bible-thumping hypocrites who "lead" the Repubilcan Party while engaging in selaceous extra-maratial affairs. Its these folks who alternately praise god or beg his forgiveness as convience warrants all the while pushing forward economic policies that reward the wealthy while ignoring ordinary citizens and the needy, who take a hard-line militaristic foreign policy that ultimately results in the maiming of the sons and daughters of these very same poor citizens they forget in domestic policy, because of these slick-haired lying hypocrites I have permanently left the Republican Party and shall never, ever return.

Forgiveness? Forgiveness my ###

Does this mean you won't be watching Jimmy Swaggert anymore :p

24th June 2009, 21:52
Plus do we even know the whole story with Sanford yet?

Ok, I just saw that he confirmed having an affair. This morning that wasn't confirmed yet. Still doesn't change anything else I said.

24th June 2009, 21:54
One thing I really like about God is that he lets me screw anyone I want all week long and then wipes the slate clean. It just doesn't get much better than this!!!

24th June 2009, 21:58
It is amazing how one little piece of ass can surpass the beheading stories in the news. I guess the moral of the this story is "Screw thy neighbor's wife and keep your head"

But of course lose your wallet!!

24th June 2009, 22:11
Yeah, that whole Family Values schtick has now worn out its welcome, I'd say.

What I wonder is if this Argentine babe is a looker? Yeah, I do wonder. Cause if you're going to kill your marriage, make your wife look like a fool, abandon your kids on Father's Day, torpedo your political career (President of the Republican Governors Association) and give another black-eye to a party that is running out of eyes to bruise... you really should do it for only the most smoking hot of Latina babes.

If she looks like Gabriella Sabatini, I say we give the ol' boy a pass. What say you all? :D

"Hey honey, uh... I'm going hiking for a few days. Don't bother calling - there's no cell reception, uh... up in the mountains, ya know, where I'm going hiking. Why did I get a haircut? Uh... cause... a man should be well groomed while he's hiking."

How could I fault a man for hiking "in the mountains"? Huh?! He's only human!


Shoot. I'd be like that buddy of mine who moved to Venezuela back in the 80's. "Send all my sh## down here. I ain't never comin' back!"

24th June 2009, 22:21
amen brother - I am ready for the next plane - but I would probably pick Colombia - Then I could invite Race down to show me around!!

Well I hope he did better that ole John Edwards who lost the farm for fuc_____ the mut!!! I told my girlfriend "when you find the used tickets to Colombia you can be assured its over" Of course now I can't go around the block without a helmet cam!

Mark in Oshawa
24th June 2009, 22:53
What a maroon....just what the GOP needed, another politician that cant miss his foot with a gun.

Put him in the same category as Spitzer, that idiot from NJ who was governor or John Edwards. A guy with political ambitions that got shoved aside by thinking with his wrong head.....

24th June 2009, 22:55
amen brother - I am ready for the next plane - but I would probably pick Colombia - Then I could invite Race down to show me around!!

Well I hope he did better that ole John Edwards who lost the farm for fuc_____ the mut!!! I told my girlfriend "when you find the used tickets to Colombia you can be assured its over" Of course now I can't go around the block without a helmet cam!

I had a deal with my ex-fiance. This was back in the day when Gabby was still playing. Each of us got a Pass List. 2 people for whom we'd be forgiven if we slipped up. I know I had Gabby and I think the other was Sophia Loren. I think she had Johnny Depp and Richard Greco. Looking back on it, there was a much better chance of her getting with Depp or Greco than me even getting within 10 feet of Sabatini or Sophia.

Argentina has that mix of Italian with Hispanic, and maybe a little German thrown in = maximus hotness. But yeah, I agee with you on Colombia... and Venezuela too (if lil Hugo would just drop dead). But just like Bill Clinton, these politicians don't tend to get the smoking hot babes. They get dog treats. Never could figure that out. You have the power and the money... and you get Monica Lewinsky or you go trolling for guys in the mens room?

Let's see what ol' Family Values Boy's strange looks like. He seems pretty goofy, so I'm guessing about a 6.

25th June 2009, 00:52
what did the Republican say to the Democrat

Mine is better looking

25th June 2009, 01:58
Ref: the GOP

I am appalled and incensed by the sheer audacity of these bible-thumping hypocrites who "lead" the Repubilcan Party while engaging in selaceous extra-maratial affairs. Its these folks who alternately praise god or beg his forgiveness as convience warrants all the while pushing forward economic policies that reward the wealthy while ignoring ordinary citizens and the needy, who take a hard-line militaristic foreign policy that ultimately results in the maiming of the sons and daughters of these very same poor citizens they forget in domestic policy, because of these slick-haired lying hypocrites I have permanently left the Republican Party and shall never, ever return.

Forgiveness? Forgiveness my ###
Funny thing is when a Republican messes up the Media is quick to label their party. When it is a Democrat.......(wink, wink)

25th June 2009, 04:38
I don't know about that. The last couple I can think of, the Dem party was out there too: Blago (Democrat), Spitzer (Democrat), Edwards (Democrat).

Ensign's problem was being a self-righteous, sanctimonious ass head, who could talk the talk, but couldn't walk the walk. Of course people are talking about him and the party. He, like Sanford, had a leadership position within the GOP. You just shouldn't run around calling yourself a "Promise Keeper", criticizing others for their sexual habits, when you are carrying on an affair with a married woman yourself. And now it looks like she was pert much nothing more than a taxpayer funded hooker. If my company would let me choose my secretary and allow me to double her salary as soon as she started sleeping with me, dude, I'd have a Playboy Bunny answering my phone. Heck, Ensign apparently had the whole damn family on the public dole. At least ol' Spitzer paid for his strange out of his own pocket.

But Sanford really takes the cake. IMO, that mofo never has acted like he had good sense. Now it's just confirmed. So far, they think her name is Maria and he's known her for awhile. And from what was just on TV, ol' Sanford wrote some steamy, hot emails to his babe on the side. Hell, this is a lot better than that Jon & Kate + 8 silliness. :p :

25th June 2009, 04:39
I think I've got the two party system figured out now.

Republicans don't like higher taxes because they need the money for their girlfriends.

Democrats like higher taxes because they don't pay them anyway.

25th June 2009, 04:45
what did the Republican say to the Democrat

Mine is better looking

Gary Hart had the Dems in the lead with Donna Rice. Then Slick Willy and Barney Frank messed it up for them. Spitzer's hooker wasn't bad, but I wasn't all that impressed with her Joysey goyl looks. Ensign and El Jefe Sanford might be able to get the Repubs back in the lead, if their "side orders" look like anything.

25th June 2009, 04:51
I think I've got the two party system figured out now.

Republicans don't like higher taxes because they need the money for their girlfriends.

Democrats like higher taxes because they don't pay them anyway.

You might be onto something there.

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2009, 18:26
I think I've got the two party system figured out now.

Republicans don't like higher taxes because they need the money for their girlfriends.

Democrats like higher taxes because they don't pay them anyway.

That seems to work. God Canadian politicians are dull....other than the Minister of Foreign Affairs who had left some top secret files at his gf's....and she it turns out was a biker moll for the "Rock Machine" bike gang in Quebec. Let me tell you....she was a looker and THAT was the only reason people got all wound up about it...

25th June 2009, 20:39
That seems to work. God Canadian politicians are dull....other than the Minister of Foreign Affairs who had left some top secret files at his gf's....and she it turns out was a biker moll for the "Rock Machine" bike gang in Quebec. Let me tell you....she was a looker and THAT was the only reason people got all wound up about it...

When I was a kid in the 70's, I remember how much coverage we used to get (even on our 3 TV channels) of Pierre and Margaret Trudeau. A buddy of mine brought one of his dad's Playboys or something to basketball camp, and it had a picture of Margaret dancing at Studio 54, showing her goodies.

You guys definitely need to spice things up. The U.S. is easily leading in this category. It used to be the Brits, but they've even fallen behind the Italians.

While looking for some more stories on Sanford this morning, it seems that Slick Willy Clinton might be up to his old tricks again - he's not going to let some bible thumping Republican out do him! Seems like he was also recently in Argentina. And this girl claims she gave Slick a lap dance at a strip club. If I was Bill, I'd fess up to this one, whether it's true or not. I mean, would you want Monica "2 Bagger" Lewinsky being remembered as the girl that you last messed around with? But this one?! :eek: Slick Willy... For The Win!

25th June 2009, 21:11
double post!

25th June 2009, 22:16
I don't know about that. The last couple I can think of, the Dem party was out there too: Blago (Democrat), Spitzer (Democrat), Edwards (Democrat).

Ensign's problem was being a self-righteous, sanctimonious ass head, who could talk the talk, but couldn't walk the walk. Of course people are talking about him and the party. He, like Sanford, had a leadership position within the GOP. You just shouldn't run around calling yourself a "Promise Keeper", criticizing others for their sexual habits, when you are carrying on an affair with a married woman yourself. And now it looks like she was pert much nothing more than a taxpayer funded hooker. If my company would let me choose my secretary and allow me to double her salary as soon as she started sleeping with me, dude, I'd have a Playboy Bunny answering my phone. Heck, Ensign apparently had the whole damn family on the public dole. At least ol' Spitzer paid for his strange out of his own pocket.

But Sanford really takes the cake. IMO, that mofo never has acted like he had good sense. Now it's just confirmed. So far, they think her name is Maria and he's known her for awhile. And from what was just on TV, ol' Sanford wrote some steamy, hot emails to his babe on the side. Hell, this is a lot better than that Jon & Kate + 8 silliness. :p :

Here are some examples of media bias.



i can go on and on with examples.

25th June 2009, 22:33
I've never heard of News Busters before. But just looking around the site, it looks like one of those fringe websites.

I take sites like that, along with Fox News, MSNBC and the like with a grian of salt. They can find an imaginary cloud in a clear blue sky.

What does say, Reuters have to say on the matter? I do believe there is media bias. In fact, it's been proven. But there is no way to avoid the fact that Sanford had been a rising star in the GOP. Before Sugarpants McCreepy got caught, I'd never heard of him. And maybe it was just because I knew a lot about Spitzer, knowing that he was a Democrat who liked to put on "perp walk" shows on Wall St., that I didn't count how many times he was mentioned as a Democrat on a particular news show.

All I know is even prominent Republicans are expressing concern over higher profile GOP'ers committing political suicide these past few days.

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2009, 22:38
I've never heard of News Busters before. But just looking around the site, it looks like one of those fringe websites.

I take sites like that, along with Fox News, MSNBC and the like with a grian of salt. They can find an imaginary cloud in a clear blue sky.

What does say, Reuters have to say on the matter? I do believe there is media bias, in fact, it's been proven. But there is no way to avoid the fact that Sanford had been a rising star in the GOP. Before Sugarpants McCreepy got caught, I'd never heard of him. And maybe it was just because I knew a lot about Spitzer, knowing that he was a Democrat who liked to put on "perp walk" shows on Wall St., that I didn't count how many times he was mentioned as a Democrat on a particular news show.

All I know is even prominent Republicans are expressing concern over higher profile GOP'ers committing political suicide these past few days.

Jag..it is nice you see the MSNBC is out to lunch, but did ya have to lump Fox in that group? Fox has more debate from the likes of Alan Colmes and Juan Williams on there. The right doesn't have total sway on Fox. That said, they do lean right with their opinion heads like Hannity and Beck. O' Reilly I think has been bending over backwards to not go after Obama. He has treated him pretty fairly IMO.

As for the media bias, the US media market has been lazy but I will say they haven't been neutral. I watch BBC or CBC/CTV up here and then turn on ABC or CBS and see the difference immediately at times.

Oh ya...on behalf of my boring nation, I don't need to see another Pierre Eliot Trudeau to liven up my politics. We just got done paying the bill from his reign of error....

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2009, 22:41
Oh yes...some of those "Fringe" websites do tell you the truth. The mainstream media is so damned obtuse on some stories they wont report what is right in front of them. The whole business with Edwards festered for a month or two before someone in the big networks realized they were being scooped by the bloody National Enquirer. Would they have been so quick to dismiss the rumours if George W Bush had a love child? You know THAT answer....

25th June 2009, 22:42
Only God can save the right-wingers in America.

Wait a minute....


Oh yeah, Sanford probably nailed this chick.


25th June 2009, 23:45
I have a big heart. And if that's what she looks like... then I say, he is forgiven. I like to ask myself, what would Hugh Hefner do? :s mokin:

Good grief! Why didn't they let me go to Brazil when I was still spunky & spry?!

25th June 2009, 23:50
Jag..it is nice you see the MSNBC is out to lunch, but did ya have to lump Fox in that group?

IMO, six in one hand, half dozen in the other. I can watch 30 minutes of one, 30 minutes of the other... split it down the middle, and somewhere therein lies the truth.

26th June 2009, 06:20
Only God can save the right-wingers in America.

Wait a minute....

Oh yeah, Sanford probably nailed this chick.


NOPE if he nailed this chick he would be the President of Italy!!

26th June 2009, 06:35
More like King of the World, IMO.

My gosh!!! Hmm! That would make Elton John change his ways!

27th June 2009, 01:02
I'm reserving comment... except to say, I wouldn't shoot my career or marriage in the head for this.

Maria Belen Shapur

27th June 2009, 04:41
Wow! Out of all the Argentinian women he chose that old bat.
I'd take my pick of these....


I feel like eating a steak.

27th June 2009, 05:06
Well if I said what I feel like eating Pino would ban me!

27th June 2009, 05:21
I'm reserving comment... except to say, I wouldn't shoot my career or marriage in the head for this.

Maria Belen Shapur

it was not his head he was shooting in....as they say, do not knock it till she tries it.... :s mokin:

28th June 2009, 07:33
well I think she looks pretty good. And respectable too. We no nothing about his home life but it is nice to see that Jenny Sanford threw him out.
He is a bit of a dumb sh!t because he knew he was getting tossed so I would have kept the girl if it wasn't her idea to break up. The Sanford's are rich so I don't feel sorry for him at all. Again I am just amazed the the world get so up in arms about a piece of ass.

28th June 2009, 19:08
More deliberate anti-GOP media bias.


28th June 2009, 20:44
Again I am just amazed the the world get so up in arms about a piece of ass.

No, I don't think she's butt ugly. And I've since seen another picture of her (when she was younger, I think) where she looked fairly decent. But still, she ain't no Gabby Sabatini! :D She probably rolled an "r" or two and the ol' southern boy lost his mind. I can empathize. ;)

I think what kicked him in the butt was the fact that he abandoned his day job to go on this "fishing trip". If something major had happened in South Carolina while he was playing grab ass with ol' Maria, they would have had a problem figuring out who the go to guy was. And then add in that it seems he may have used public funds for his travel (which I believe he's rushing to pay back?).

South Carolina needs to fix that hole in the system, whether Horn Dog boy sticks around or not.

29th June 2009, 03:52
More deliberate anti-GOP media bias.


Hilariously subtitled site just guaranteed to not be biased
" home blogs about forum contact donate search account RSS feed
“Exposing & Combating Liberal Media Bias”

I wonder what Pravda has to say?

1st July 2009, 07:20
This idiot needs to STFU. He is totally embarrassing. Christ I may have to go to a rally with JanVan if this idiot keeps up!!!

1st July 2009, 07:50
Wait, why aren't you guys posting pics of hot Argentine women?


Sanford is a twit. Just keep your mouth shut and go play in your boat.

1st July 2009, 11:26
And this people, is why I learn Spanish :p :

1st July 2009, 19:13
And this people, is why I learn Spanish :p :

I only know visual Spanish - thats is where I stick a hundred dollar bill on my forehead and walk through Recoleta area.

1st July 2009, 22:14
It seems that the good Gov of South Carolina has been on more than a few "fishing trips." In his own version of Slick Willy's "I had the joint in my mouth, but I didn't inhale", Sanford now admits that he's crossed the line with several women since being married... but he didn't go past 3rd base. Riiiiight. ;) Just like he really was going hiking in the mountains, but at the last minute, decided to go do something exotic. Hey, I'll give it to him that Maria is something exotic. But what's going to dog the ol' dog now is: who are these other women??? But according to Markie Mark, Maria... well, Maria is his soul mate - but he's going to try to work things out with his wife. WTF???!!! Sounds like one of those goofy Match.com ads. :rolleyes:

I thought this guy was a real playa. But turns out he's just another Busta. (See Wade91, I know this modern hip-hop lingo that you homies be layin' down. Peace out! :D )