View Full Version : There once was a forum member named Andrea . . . .

race aficionado
24th June 2009, 16:05
For us old timers, she is some one that I'm sure many of us cannot forget.

We used to call her Andi and as time passed she asked us to call her Andrea.

Of course others like our old fart fousto will remember her lovingly as "The Slayer" I'm sure he still looks fondly at his banning scars of the good ol' days when andy was our fave and lovingly feared moderator.

Andrea had a special aura. Us males of the forum would react to her in our own special way and there were even times when various forum members declared their unconditional love to her.

In the days when this forum had threads called "Sexiest Forum Members" or some threads that prompted us to post pictures of our selves, I never saw a picture of Andrea, I never knew how she looked because she would never post pictures of herself- she was a tease in that way - and as far as I was concerned, she was the sexiest and smartest member of our forum.

Andrea, smart as she was, moved along to other things and I for one miss her and salute her.

Here's to you Andi; I hope life is treating you nicely and that all your dreams and endeavors are coming true.

:s mokin:

24th June 2009, 16:12
Although she does not haunt these corridors any longer. She is still around on facebook from time to time. So; she's still alive at least :p

Mark in Oshawa
24th June 2009, 16:23
How dare she go and get a life eh? I remember vaguely but I wasn't as active on the forums a few years ago as I am now, but I do remember her as a moddy.

24th June 2009, 17:08
I think the decline of the national health service had something to do with her absence. She was having to kick fousto's butt so often she was afraid of permanent damage to her foot.

24th June 2009, 17:19
I thought she was still here. :confused: I figured she just did the Rally forums or some place I never go. But at least she has her own smilie, the : Andrea : -> :andrea:

Hey, I remember the "Sexiest Forum Members" threads! The one I always wanted to see in that was Demolicion Chica.

24th June 2009, 17:56
I think the decline of the national health service had something to do with her absence. She was having to kick fousto's butt so often she was afraid of permanent damage to her foot.

she could do anything she wanted with my butt.

Hey Mark

Link Please

We had the pleasure of having her around for far longer than we deserved. Kudos for Race for bringing up this Special Lady - I miss and love her to this day!!!

race aficionado
24th June 2009, 18:06
she could do anything she wanted with my butt.

Hey Mark

Link Please

We had the pleasure of having her around for far longer than we deserved. Kudos for Race for bringing up this Special Lady - I miss and love her to this day!!!

I knew you would smile with this one fousto.

Our Very Special Lady indeed.

:s mokin:

24th June 2009, 18:38
Oh, the good old days...

25th June 2009, 06:42
Yeah Andi was special indeed.....

good to see some old-timers on this thread too starting with you tio race!

25th June 2009, 14:19
Well, I guess that she was the reason why I started posting on here.

It all came about because of a drunken altercation in a bar, and the demonstration of JPM vs MS overtaking manoever in '01 at the A1 Ring, involving cigarette packets. Those were the days when we both used to smoke 'em!

The public health lobby sure has it's work cut out when trying to disuade folks form taking up smoking. Cigarettes are such handy little props! The shared intimacy of lighting one for your attractive companion, the aid to self expression, to punctuate sentences. As soon as we both made eye contact, I just knew she was a player, and yet couldn't help falling under her spell.

I just hope that life is working out for you, and wherever you are you are happy! Still miss your personality around here...

25th June 2009, 18:28
Andrea was special. I do miss her a lot :) Always helped me with advice in my younger days and had the misfortune to speak to me when I was drunk a few times!! :)

Hope she's well and Mark you can tell her she is free to add me to Facebook if she wants :)

25th June 2009, 19:26
Well, when a certain someone alerted me to the fact that I was being talked about on here, I thought, "What are those little rascals saying about me?" Naturally, curiosity got the better of me so I had to swing by and check it out. Amazed I still remember my password. Equally amazed and touched by all the lovely things you have said.

Just because I'm not here doesn't mean I don't think about you all everyday. I often wonder what you are all saying when something controversial happens, like Button leading the F1 Championship! :eek: Who'd have thought it, eh? Speaking of F1, I'm sure many of you will be shocked to hear that I miss The Swerve. And even more controversial, I wanted Massa to win last year. I love that I have the freedom to say those things now!

My foot still hurts from kicking Fousto's butt several times an hour as does my heart from not doing it anymore. How is your ass, Fousto? Still love ya. Always will. Now pour me a JD!

I've got so much to say to you all but I fear this will turn into a post the length of War and Peace, and contain the kind of mushy stuff that you men just don't want to hear so, I'll finish by saying something short and sweet to you:

:kiss: Love you all. Miss you all. And thank you. :)

The Slayer :andrea:

P.S. I'd love you all to join me on Facebook but I only know your first names so PM me and I'll gladly add you, if you'll have me as a friend. I'd be proud to call you my friends any day of the week, except maybe Raceday. :p

25th June 2009, 19:39
Great to see you, Andrea. Hopefully you'll drop by more often.

25th June 2009, 19:40
There twice was a forum member named Andrea....

race aficionado
25th June 2009, 20:46
Now see? . . . . that was cool!

Our Andi has appeared like a Jeanie from a bottle.

And how nice of you Andi. :)

It has made me very happy.

Thank you sweet heart.

:s mokin:

26th June 2009, 08:21
I can't believe this, forum's Mum she's back, what a lovely surprise :up: What more can be said about Andi/Andrea ? she was an huge asset of this place, a great Mod/Admin, a very charming woman, and a very cool person and friend at the same time. I am so glad to hear/read from you again Andrea, and would love to have you back and have some fun like in the old good days :s mokin:

26th June 2009, 11:05
Good to see you about Andrea :) We all knew you couldn't resist coming back, we will welcome you back with open arms as long as you meet our demands :p :

But seriously, do pop back now and again, i think its brilliant when previous regulars come back for a special appearance, bit like Murray Walker really! :D :p :

26th June 2009, 11:36
The original question which may refer to old thread prompting member to show pictures reminds me of another member named Tina. I didn't know exactly where did she stay but she was using Australia flag, I had impression that she is a warm person... Is there anyone knowing Tina whereabouts?...

donKey jote
26th June 2009, 23:48
she was last seen surrounded by empty cereal in oily oaf's basement :s

27th June 2009, 05:15
This Ass will always have a bottle of JD handy for for you Andi !! Pino will always be jealous and I am happy with that.

Love and miss you

27th June 2009, 06:21
great to see you again andrea :wave:

we all missed you

also for those with Facebook, please add me (steve paryl) I just created the account and would be honored to add you all