View Full Version : Sniper posts frustrate sensible discussion

Valve Bounce
23rd June 2009, 03:27
Having watched the British GP on my PC, and with F1.com's "timing", and discussed the progress of the race with quite a few forum members during the course of the race, it is frustrating that our posts now, based on what we actually noted on "Live Timing" are being sniped at by a certain forum member who trolls through the thread and snipes at any sensible or reasonable point we make, based on very limited facts on his part, and what he considers as smart remarks on other peoples points based on fact.

This type of sniping frustrates discussion and spoils any good raport members have with each other in the forum.

I'll leave it at that, but if anyone has any doubts, then look through the British GP discussion thread.

23rd June 2009, 10:03
Could you please select one of these posts and use the report post function to outline your thoughts in more detail.

This will allow all the moderators to see.

Valve Bounce
23rd June 2009, 11:34
Could you please select one of these posts and use the report post function to outline your thoughts in more detail.

This will allow all the moderators to see.

No need. If you go to the British GP thread and check through that, it will be very clear what I am talking about.

There are many posters who contribute in a positive manner to discussions. Then there is this one guy who only contributes in an argumentative negative way, contradicting or deriding what others post. If you still have doubts, I'll PM you.

23rd June 2009, 11:52
Valve, I know whom/what are you talking about it, and to be honest I don't see anything wrong there, after all this is a discussion board and as long people doesn't start to offend/insult other members, I can't shut their mouths. Try not to be too sensitive and once in a while do ignore some posts, it will help a lot ;)

Valve Bounce
23rd June 2009, 14:41
Valve, I know whom/what are you talking about it, and to be honest I don't see anything wrong there, after all this is a discussion board and as long people doesn't start to offend/insult other members, I can't shut their mouths. Try not to be too sensitive and once in a while do ignore some posts, it will help a lot ;)

Yeah! I guess you're right. I'll do that.

23rd June 2009, 20:03
...once in a while do ignore some posts, it will help a lot ;)

Pino, in all honesty, lately it's been easier just to ignore the entire F1 forum :mark:

23rd June 2009, 22:03
I also ignore the F1 forum; janeppi is full of $#*%

24th June 2009, 06:34
Pino, in all honesty, lately it's been easier just to ignore the entire F1 forum :mark:

In all honesty, why don't you or anybodyelse take over ? I am sure you will do a better job...I am tired of wasting my time on F1 Forum, only to get critics and critics from everyone, and never a single thanks no matter what I do :blackeye: Just let me know and I will be very glad to step-down :)

Easy Drifter
24th June 2009, 07:31
Pino I have had my differences of opinion with you but have rarely expressed them.
It is a thankless and I am sure a frustrating job.
I expect a lot of the dissatisfaction right now really stems from the disgust and frustration we the fans are feeling towards F1, both FIA and FOTA.
I for one rarely post in F1 anymore and do not even read most threads. This applies to other forums I belong to as well.
I am busy in Chit Chat though. I need to post a couple of jokes there to cheer you up. Maybe razz Markabilly.
Anyway I think you do a good job so hang tough.

Valve Bounce
24th June 2009, 07:46
In all honesty, why don't you or anybodyelse take over ? I am sure you will do a better job...I am tired of wasting my time on F1 Forum, only to get critics and critics from everyone, and never a single thanks no matter what I do :blackeye: Just let me know and I will be very glad to step-down :)

Come on pino, no need to take this personally. I, for one, am not criticising you at all. I know you are doing your best, and I am grateful. I know bickering is not outside the rules, and neither is being negative. I am just voicing my own frustration, that's all.

Moderating is a thankless task. I know that and I appreciate all the work you have done here to make this forum possible.

So thanks, mate!! :up:

24th June 2009, 13:47
In all honesty, why don't you or anybodyelse take over ? I am sure you will do a better job...I am tired of wasting my time on F1 Forum, only to get critics and critics from everyone, and never a single thanks no matter what I do :blackeye: Just let me know and I will be very glad to step-down :)
Pino, I don't think Schmenke was criticising your moderation. I think it's more about F1 as a sport and the sort of discussions it breeds. At the end of the day there is only so much a good couple of moderators can do. Yourself and Janneppi are great people and great mods :up: But I think you're swimming against the tide :mark: I know moderation is a thankless task but I would like to say thanks to yourself and Janneppi :)

24th June 2009, 14:28
Come on pino, no need to take this personally. I, for one, am not criticising you at all. I know you are doing your best, and I am grateful. I know bickering is not outside the rules, and neither is being negative. I am just voicing my own frustration, that's all.

Moderating is a thankless task. I know that and I appreciate all the work you have done here to make this forum possible.

So thanks, mate!! :up:

Don't worry Valve I wasn't referring at you, you're one of the few members who have always supported me and I thank you for that :up:

Pino, I don't think Schmenke was criticising your moderation. I think it's more about F1 as a sport and the sort of discussions it breeds. At the end of the day there is only so much a good couple of moderators can do. Yourself and Janneppi are great people and great mods :up: But I think you're swimming against the tide :mark: I know moderation is a thankless task but I would like to say thanks to yourself and Janneppi :)

Daniel, as you know very well I am not 7 years old, and as many (Schmenke included) have criticized my work for months now, a new Mod for F1 forum could be the best solution for everyone.

24th June 2009, 14:37
Daniel, as you know very well I am not 7 years old, and as many (Schmenke included) have criticized my work for months now, a new Mod for F1 forum could be the best solution for everyone.

I apologise if I've misunderstood what Schmenke has said. If he is critical of your aproach then I very much disagree with him. Aside from the Galli days in the WRC forum I've never really had a problem at all with the way you moderate. You've given me a few penalties and I can't say I disagree with any of them. I also like how you and Janneppi come into the forums when there is a thread going out of control and you come in and give everyone a warning to cool down rather than closing down threads and banning people as was the way back when I joined the forums.

For all it's worth and it's not worth much in reality, I appreciate what you do and I have no real complaints about the moderation in F1. You can't force people to be nice, you can only try and convince them that it's a good idea :)

24th June 2009, 20:10
...many (Schmenke included) have criticized my work for months now...

I have? :confused:

Valve Bounce
25th June 2009, 02:27
Daniel, as you know very well I am not 7 years old, and as many (Schmenke included) have criticized my work for months now, a new Mod for F1 forum could be the best solution for everyone.

This is totally uncalled for and over the top. My intent in posting this thread was never intended to focus any criticism of any of the mods and the way they have to operate.

Most people here have little idea of what mods have to put up with because the really objectionable posts are deleted before most here get to read them

If I had any inkling that this thread would lead to any conflict involving the mods, I would not have posted it.

And if it leads to pino considering giving up his position as mod, then I sincerely beg Mark to delete this entire thread. I am bloody serious, and sad at what my actions have resulted in. :(