View Full Version : Lewis' Woes

20th June 2009, 15:44
What is the problem? Knocked out of Q1 three races in a row...Kovalainen outpacing him all three races, is something wrong with this picture?

Only thing I can think of is that McLaren doesn't just not have all the right resources, but the field was .8 sec together in Q1, and I guess he was just at the back end of that.

20th June 2009, 16:11
Who knows if he could've broke into Q2 if there was no red flag?

Lewis still beat Kovy in the race at Turkey on a one stopper which theoretically shouldn't have worked. I think tomorrow he'll beat Kovy again .

20th June 2009, 18:32
What is the problem?

His car is a load of crap. ;)

Fred Basset
20th June 2009, 18:36
His car is a load of crap. ;)

and he's a pompus little oik with an attitude problem thats been spoon fed by Mclaren from an early age and thinks he's gods gift....

20th June 2009, 18:39
and he's a pompus little oik with an attitude problem thats been spoon fed by Mclaren from an early age and thinks he's gods gift....


I wonder what the team is thinking when he says to the press he doesn't know what they are doing there (i.e. why they are even racing)?

20th June 2009, 18:57

I wonder what the team is thinking when he says to the press he doesn't know what they are doing there (i.e. why they are even racing)?

They're probably thinking "gosh, the F1 fans complain when we make our drivers toe the corporate line that everything is fine and dandy, and then they moan when we let the drivers speak out about an obviously rubbish car, basically they just like to find anything to moan about"

well, that's what I'd be thinking anyway

20th June 2009, 19:04
They're probably thinking "gosh, the F1 fans complain when we make our drivers toe the corporate line that everything is fine and dandy, and then they moan when we let the drivers speak out about an obviously rubbish car, basically they just like to find anything to moan about"

well, that's what I'd be thinking anyway

Spoke like a true brit, fur surenough,

me I would be thinking as posted elsewhere, he is just doing his usual "I won", but "we" or "they lost...." as he has done so often in the past, and a month or show ago, he was quoted as saying he hopes the "they" will not give up, and "they quit supporting me..."

20th June 2009, 19:14
Sucks bro!

20th June 2009, 19:25
The red flag didn't help though. Ruined Fisi's lap as well which was probably good for the top 12. Lewis was fairly quick in the practice sessions.

20th June 2009, 19:27
and he's a pompus little oik with an attitude problem thats been spoon fed by Mclaren from an early age and thinks he's gods gift....

Very easy to confuse that with prodigious talent. ;)

20th June 2009, 20:38
In all serious for a second Kovy seems to have excepted the cars limitations and is driving within them (as Martin said whilst his lap wasn't fast the car looked reasonably bolted) but Lewis keeps trying to drive in his regular style trying to put the thing on its nose and drive it with a few degrees of oversteer but it just won't have a bar of it. Its all very interesting.

Fred Basset
20th June 2009, 20:42
Very easy to confuse that with prodigious talent. ;)

who still threw team members of his under a bus i seem to remember...

20th June 2009, 20:47
In all serious for a second Kovy seems to have excepted the cars limitations and is driving within them (as Martin said whilst his lap wasn't fast the car looked reasonably bolted) but Lewis keeps trying to drive in his regular style trying to put the thing on its nose and drive it with a few degrees of oversteer but it just won't have a bar of it. Its all very interesting.

Heikki said that his best lap in Q2 was better than his last year polelap, so that tells how bad current McLaren is.

20th June 2009, 21:42
if i was defending world champ and my new car was as bad as lewis's id be bloody moaning as well. we know its not lewis hes a dam good driver.

but the thing that bugs me is kov has been out q'ing lewis but i think is just the matter of this car suiting kov style of driving over lewis's.

20th June 2009, 22:39
if i was defending world champ and my new car was as bad as lewis's id be bloody moaning as well. we know its not lewis hes a dam good driver.

but the thing that bugs me is kov has been out q'ing lewis but i think is just the matter of this car suiting kov style of driving over lewis's.

Pathetic excuses.

Big Ben
20th June 2009, 23:02
He´s a jacka$$. He would seem a lot smarter if he didn´t talk that much.

Nobody likes the corporate talk but in his case it would be in his own interest if he used it more often.

McLaren made him who he is today. He should show a lot more solidarity and respect.

I still don´t get why did they pick him over Alonso. Now he´s gone so ´the special one´doesn´t need to fake that ´we are a family´ attitude anymore.

21st June 2009, 00:01
It's just not going right for him at the minute. I'd be interested to see someone like Schumacher in that McLaren to know for sure how bad that car is, although I think it's clear that it ain't good. Strange how the rules have tipped everything, BMW, McLaren and Ferrari are shadows of last year and none seem to have an answer.

Of course everything is going to continue as normal, the usual suspects will say that Lewis is a lying cheat who just can't drive a car that isn't spot on, another set will say that the car is terrible and he's making the best of a bad hand.

Personally I think that as he is still outperforming his team mate that the car is pretty f***ing awful but that there are other drivers who could get more out of it. At the end of the day though, despite all the fuss that Ioan et al make, Lewis won a single make championship (GP2), should have won his rookie F1 season and is reigning World Champion, I'm fairly sure that this adds up to him being a reasonable driver :D Never mind though as we all know that Mark Webber, Felipe Massa, Kimi and Alonso are much better :rolleyes:

21st June 2009, 00:13
Pathetic excuses.

At least he isn't a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Anyone with a quarter or a brain can see the car is unreliable and unpredictable. On one lap it goes round a corner and the next breaks free.

The car is a real pup this year and no amount of polishing a turd is going to change that.

Slag him all you want but he'll be back kicking ass as soon as there's a car to race with and you'll be coming out with the usual crap as to why he's beating your little idol of the time :D

21st June 2009, 00:16
if i was defending world champ and my new car was as bad as lewis's id be bloody moaning as well.

Why don't we hear the same things from Kimi and Fernando? They are both former WDCs.

21st June 2009, 00:16
i have done some undercover work on why lewis not able to win this season. my conclusion is that Lewis is not able to sit properly in the mclaren. His balls are not able to sit properly :)

Big Ben
21st June 2009, 00:31
It's just not going right for him at the minute. I'd be interested to see someone like Schumacher in that McLaren to know for sure how bad that car is, although I think it's clear that it ain't good. Strange how the rules have tipped everything, BMW, McLaren and Ferrari are shadows of last year and none seem to have an answer.

Of course everything is going to continue as normal, the usual suspects will say that Lewis is a lying cheat who just can't drive a car that isn't spot on, another set will say that the car is terrible and he's making the best of a bad hand.

Personally I think that as he is still outperforming his team mate that the car is pretty f***ing awful but that there are other drivers who could get more out of it. At the end of the day though, despite all the fuss that Ioan et al make, Lewis won a single make championship (GP2), should have won his rookie F1 season and is reigning World Champion, I'm fairly sure that this adds up to him being a reasonable driver :D Never mind though as we all know that Mark Webber, Felipe Massa, Kimi and Alonso are much better :rolleyes:

i don´t know about the others but FA surely is :rolleyes:

21st June 2009, 00:34
All joking and bitterness aside, the fact remains that Lewis Hamilton is world champion material and no amount of puerile taunting will do anything to change that.

The anti-Lewis brigade do as good a job of establishing his status as his fans, but by different means.

We all know the truth. ;)

21st June 2009, 00:37
At least he isn't a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Anyone with a quarter or a brain can see the car is unreliable and unpredictable. On one lap it goes round a corner and the next breaks free.

The car is a real pup this year and no amount of polishing a turd is going to change that.

Slag him all you want but he'll be back kicking ass as soon as there's a car to race with and you'll be coming out with the usual crap as to why he's beating your little idol of the time :D

Bla bla bla!

You're only good at bitchin' and attacking others, just like Hamy boy, a nobody without a good toy.

21st June 2009, 00:40
At least he isn't a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Anyone with a quarter or a brain can see the car is unreliable and unpredictable. On one lap it goes round a corner and the next breaks free.

The car is a real pup this year and no amount of polishing a turd is going to change that.

Slag him all you want but he'll be back kicking ass as soon as there's a car to race with and you'll be coming out with the usual crap as to why he's beating your little idol of the time :D

It is not his car that is the problem. its the balls that does not want to fit in this year :)

21st June 2009, 00:44
He's ding great this season. But my Ferraris aren't much better...

21st June 2009, 02:19
I think this season has shown that Hamilton isn't as good as many people were making him out to be after 2007 and 2008. Funny how the Senna comparisons have stopped.

I think it's also obvious that he isn't as bad as 2009 is making him look at times. I wonder how much McLaren are missing an experienced hand behind the wheel? Both Hamilton and Kovalainen are only in their 3rd seasons which makes them the most inexperienced pairing bar the STR duo. The restrictions on testing mean De La Rosa can't do much to help and McLaren have pretty much stood still this season in terms of car development. I don't think it's a coincidence that the other team that's failed to find much in the way of improvements is STR.

I too would be very interested to see where McLaren would be with Schumacher or Alonso in the cockpit.

On another note, Hamilton's career is continuing the mirror JV's in a rather uncanny manner.

21st June 2009, 02:38
i have done some undercover work on why lewis not able to win this season. my conclusion is that Lewis is not able to sit properly in the mclaren. His balls are not able to sit properly :)

I am afraid to ask as to the exact nature of this "undercover work" :eek:

Maybe Lewie could call the Prime Minister of england or Britiainnia or whatever

Or bettter, yet, call sutil, that is what friends are for:


well hello lewie,

lose those tiny little toys again?

I told you that when you get finished playing with them, to put them back in the drawers

Oh well, let me help you again, but first I got to go find my microscope :s mokin:

21st June 2009, 02:54
I am afraid to ask as to the exact nature of this "undercover work" :eek:

Maybe Lewie could call the Prime Minister of england or Britiainnia or whatever

Or bettter, yet, call sutil, that is what friends are for:

well hello lewie,

lose those tiny little toys again?

I told you that when you get finished playing with them, to put them back in the drawers

Oh well, let me help you again, but first I got to go find my microscope :s mokin:

u mean this

http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8576/77543.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

i agree, but i wonder who is the daddy here ???? :)

Valve Bounce
21st June 2009, 03:30
He is growing fond of the monkeys at the back and prefers to run with them for the free bananas!

21st June 2009, 10:29
We all know the truth. ;)

We do after Melbourne. It's something Lewis has, erm, difficulty with.

21st June 2009, 10:39
What, being world champion?

21st June 2009, 10:44
This thread reminds me a bit of discussions about Button last year.

Now Hamilton is criticized for not delivering in a bad car and struggling against an "average" team-mate. Same was said about Button last year. But when the car is/was good, both are/were delivering nicely and beating their team-mates in the process. Hamilton was going well in the beginning of the season, but it looks like his concentration has dropped a bit after seeing there is not much hope of achieving anyway. For a top driver it could be difficult to motivate himself in a bad car and have the right mindset for as good performances as possible. Alonso was spinning quite a fair bit in the first half of 2008 as well. Hammy's crash in as early as Q1 at Monaco was also a sign of desperation. Drivers, whose future is unclear and who need to prove themselves (like the same HK and RB, who have been compared to LH & JB) are of course motivated in any car to prove their worth to stay in F1.

21st June 2009, 11:26
This thread reminds me a bit of discussions about Button last year.

Now Hamilton is criticized for not delivering in a bad car and struggling against an "average" team-mate. Same was said about Button last year. But when the car is/was good, both are/were delivering nicely and beating their team-mates in the process. Hamilton was going well in the beginning of the season, but it looks like his concentration has dropped a bit after seeing there is not much hope of achieving anyway. For a top driver it could be difficult to motivate himself in a bad car and have the right mindset for as good performances as possible. Alonso was spinning quite a fair bit in the first half of 2008 as well. Hammy's crash in as early as Q1 at Monaco was also a sign of desperation. Drivers, whose future is unclear and who need to prove themselves (like the same HK and RB, who have been compared to LH & JB) are of course motivated in any car to prove their worth to stay in F1.

I think that's a very fair analysis :)

21st June 2009, 12:31
This thread reminds me a bit of discussions about Button last year.

Now Hamilton is criticized for not delivering in a bad car and struggling against an "average" team-mate. Same was said about Button last year. But when the car is/was good, both are/were delivering nicely and beating their team-mates in the process. Hamilton was going well in the beginning of the season, but it looks like his concentration has dropped a bit after seeing there is not much hope of achieving anyway. For a top driver it could be difficult to motivate himself in a bad car and have the right mindset for as good performances as possible. Alonso was spinning quite a fair bit in the first half of 2008 as well. Hammy's crash in as early as Q1 at Monaco was also a sign of desperation. Drivers, whose future is unclear and who need to prove themselves (like the same HK and RB, who have been compared to LH & JB) are of course motivated in any car to prove their worth to stay in F1.


Lewis has been better in races.

Button looked more hopeless last year. Out-qualified and out-raced by Rubens.

21st June 2009, 13:52
u mean this

http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8576/77543.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

i agree, but i wonder who is the daddy here ???? :)

Thanks, the other photo came from Force India website that has now gone and disappeared, taking the photo with it--they had a bunch of photos with all their drivers in various poses, apprently with the photographer trying to get them to pose for stylist purposes, but it only made them look like err 'gay"--the others just looked stupid, but for some reason, sweet "adri-ana" was the only one who looked like he was just being himself :rolleyes:

He is growing fond of the monkeys at the back and prefers to run with them for the free bananas!

Big Ben
21st June 2009, 14:16
This thread reminds me a bit of discussions about Button last year.

Now Hamilton is criticized for not delivering in a bad car and struggling against an "average" team-mate. Same was said about Button last year. But when the car is/was good, both are/were delivering nicely and beating their team-mates in the process. Hamilton was going well in the beginning of the season, but it looks like his concentration has dropped a bit after seeing there is not much hope of achieving anyway. For a top driver it could be difficult to motivate himself in a bad car and have the right mindset for as good performances as possible. Alonso was spinning quite a fair bit in the first half of 2008 as well. Hammy's crash in as early as Q1 at Monaco was also a sign of desperation. Drivers, whose future is unclear and who need to prove themselves (like the same HK and RB, who have been compared to LH & JB) are of course motivated in any car to prove their worth to stay in F1.

JB beats RB the way he does because that´s how it must be. There´s no point wasting points when you are fighting for the wdc.

21st June 2009, 16:04
JB beats RB the way he does because that´s how it must be. There´s no point wasting points when you are fighting for the wdc.
you were saying??????????????

21st June 2009, 16:08
He is growing fond of the monkeys at the back and prefers to run with them for the free bananas!


21st June 2009, 16:27
He is growing fond of the monkeys at the back and prefers to run with them for the free bananas!

When you're driving a heap of turd then you have no choice but to play with monkeys.

21st June 2009, 16:48

Lewis has been better in races.

Button looked more hopeless last year. Out-qualified and out-raced by Rubens.

Didn't the qualifying-battle between JB and RB end something like 9-8? In any case, it was rather close. So were the races and RB scored more points largely with the help of circumstances. Even a 'hopeless' Button didn't seem exactly a walkover for a motivated Barrichello.

21st June 2009, 17:02
Didn't the qualifying-battle between JB and RB end something like 9-8? In any case, it was rather close. So were the races and RB scored more points largely with the help of circumstances. Even a 'hopeless' Button didn't seem exactly a walkover for a motivated Barrichello.

In 2007 and 2008 Rubens was the better driver for the first half of those seasons.

Really team mates battling should be up and down like a yo yo but results are results.

21st June 2009, 20:58
At least he isn't a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Anyone with a quarter or a brain can see the car is unreliable and unpredictable. On one lap it goes round a corner and the next breaks free.

The car is a real pup this year and no amount of polishing a turd is going to change that.

Slag him all you want but he'll be back kicking ass as soon as there's a car to race with and you'll be coming out with the usual crap as to why he's beating your little idol of the time :D

the pathetic excuse is to say the car suits Kovalainen style better!, I don't think anyone even pretends to think the team is build around the number 2 driver!

21st June 2009, 20:59
the pathetic excuse is to say the car suits Kovalainen style better!, I don't think anyone even pretends to think the team is build around the number 2 driver!

Well, Knockie isn't anyone, he's Knockie! ;)

22nd June 2009, 00:35
the pathetic excuse is to say the car suits Kovalainen style better!, I don't think anyone even pretends to think the team is build around the number 2 driver!

By the same token I don't think McLaren are even pretending that they built the car around the number 1 driver either, it's more like they emptied the spare parts bin and threw everything together to make something that resembled a Formula 1 car :D :p :

22nd June 2009, 03:12
How does Hamilton deserve all this bashing?

But for the red flag he would likely have been in Q2, he isn't 'struggling' against Kovy, I don't see him scoring points frequently, and Lewis would have beaten him today regardless of Heikki's driving 'issues'.

This car was possibly the worst out there today, so it's extremely unfair to bash him about McLaren's lack of performance.

As for him 'not being as good as people made him out to be', that's a load of rubbish, there's no proof to it, and to be honest I think he's driving better than last year, when at times he was a bit of a shambles.

Valve Bounce
22nd June 2009, 04:24
How does Hamilton deserve all this bashing?


Same as how bunsen got slagged for so many years, and I must admit, here and now, that I was one of the culprits. At one stage the Honda did look good and immediately after he won a race, all the Poms declared that bunsen was championship material.
Then for some reason the car stopped being good and everyone (well almost) declared that bunsen was never going to win another race, let alone a championship.
Then Honda gave up any development on their car last year and concentrated on their car for '09, and it became a winner, especially when Brawn took over at the helm of the team. And bunsen kicked ass, as the Yanks would say.

Now, it does beg the question how much the past two years' McLaren helped Lewis Hamilton win so many races. It must be remembered that Lewis managed to beat a two time WDC, albeit some would insist with the help/connivance of Ron Dennis and some e-mails from Ferrari.

Now the car sucks!! :( Some changes in rules obviously helped Honda (now Brawn), Toyota, Williams and especially Red Bull's design team to come up with a faster car but not McLaren (who I suspect their e-mail system must have gone kaput), nor Ferrari, BMW or even Renault. This, in turn has affected the fortunes of Alonso, Kubica, Kimi and most of all Lewis Hamilton, much to the chagrin of the Poms like Knockie and Martin Brundle. Fortunately for them, the other Brit (bunsen) is burning up the tracks and heading for a championship after many wins.

So there you have it. When Lewis was winning, we all bashed poor bunsen. Now that bunsen is winning, the heat has turned on poor Lewis.

Yer can't win them all!!

I hope this clears it up for you Woody. ;)

22nd June 2009, 11:42
Just not working out for him. This experience will bring him out as a better driver. Just look what its done for Button.

22nd June 2009, 13:00
It must be remembered that Lewis managed to beat a two time WDC, albeit some would insist with the help/connivance of Ron Dennis and some e-mails from Ferrari.

You can say the same with Button. Why is Brawn giving Button favourable strategies eg. Spain.

Valve Bounce
22nd June 2009, 13:15
You can say the same with Button. Why is Brawn giving Button favourable strategies eg. Spain.

Can you be more specific than that? I can't even remember the race in Spain. :( Perhaps you can tell us how Brawn favored bunsen in Spain.

22nd June 2009, 13:28
Can you be more specific than that? I can't even remember the race in Spain. :( Perhaps you can tell us how Brawn favored bunsen in Spain.

By giving him the non-optimal strategy that got him in front of Rubens who was, according to Ross on the optimal 3 stops strategy! :D

22nd June 2009, 13:49
Oh , woe is Lewis !

Better have a doughnut .

Bit of a dough head move if you ask me .

I get the thrill of doughnuts , but this was a move of monstrous stupidity .
I hope the crowd really cheered for you Lewis , because the stewards weren't impressed , as it's illegal in F1 , and the team wasn't impressed , either , as the engine has to last .

Or , was this thumbing the collective nose at the FIA , by putting on a show for the fans , the people that really matter to the FOTA teams ?
Nah , he doesn't think that fast .

22nd June 2009, 13:54
I wish I had Lewis' woes, getting paid millions, driving a 'fast-ish' car, and dating Nicole Scherzinger......

...it's a hard life....

22nd June 2009, 14:09
Oh , woe is Lewis !

Better have a doughnut .

Bit of a dough head move if you ask me .

I get the thrill of doughnuts , but this was a move of monstrous stupidity .
I hope the crowd really cheered for you Lewis , because the stewards weren't impressed , as it's illegal in F1 , and the team wasn't impressed , either , as the engine has to last .

Or , was this thumbing the collective nose at the FIA , by putting on a show for the fans , the people that really matter to the FOTA teams ?
Nah , he doesn't think that fast .

Good for Lewis.

What has he got to race for? Reminds me a bit of Alonso last year. Just go out and enjoy it the best you can, try to make it up to the fans.

Glad he did the doughnuts because it was the icing on the cake as he put on a hell of a show with some cracking overtaking maneuvers. His heart is in the right place or at least getting there and it wasn't as if he has a podium ceromony and press conference to get to.

Valve Bounce
22nd June 2009, 15:13
Good for Lewis.

What has he got to race for? Reminds me a bit of Alonso last year. Just go out and enjoy it the best you can, try to make it up to the fans.

Glad he did the doughnuts because it was the icing on the cake as he put on a hell of a show with some cracking overtaking maneuvers. His heart is in the right place or at least getting there and it wasn't as if he has a podium ceromony and press conference to get to.

Hey wedge, you will remember me bagging poor bunsen for years, much to your annoyance. It can happen to Lewis - and that's F1. I have always admired how Lewis performed so well as a rookie, no question. I also mean what I say in my sig, quite sincerely. But I will give you this much - Lewis was a much better driver in his early years than bunsen was. Now, with all those years learning how to handle shyte cars, bunsen is a very, very good driver in the Brawn.

You hear that Knockie!!

22nd June 2009, 15:38
Hey wedge, you will remember me bagging poor bunsen for years, much to your annoyance. It can happen to Lewis - and that's F1. I have always admired how Lewis performed so well as a rookie, no question. I also mean what I say in my sig, quite sincerely. But I will give you this much - Lewis was a much better driver in his early years than bunsen was. Now, with all those years learning how to handle shyte cars, bunsen is a very, very good driver in the Brawn.

You hear that Knockie!!

Glad you're finally coming round to logic and reason VB.

It's taken a few years but I feel all my hard work with you is starting to pay off :D

22nd June 2009, 16:51
I think Hamilton could be another Button. Great in a good car (ala 2007/2008) but average in an average/poor car (ala 2009 so far). Hope not, cause I rate him.

22nd June 2009, 17:50
I think Hamilton could be another Button. Great in a good car (ala 2007/2008) but average in an average/poor car (ala 2009 so far). Hope not, cause I rate him.

It's all a matter of perception.

When you get a young gun in a Minardi, they can really stand out even if they don't score points. They're not expected to perform.

However, Button and Lewis came into reasonable cars where they performed from the outset. Then the cars are a nightmare and they struggle making them look silly. Lets face it, you can't say you can put Schumacher in this years McLaren and he would be on the podium no matter how much of a fanatical supporter you are. He would be overdriving it and getting as frustrated as lewis is or Alonso at the beginning of last year.

We just expect more from Lewis and Jenson.

22nd June 2009, 18:12
Good for Lewis.

What has he got to race for? Reminds me a bit of Alonso last year. Just go out and enjoy it the best you can, try to make it up to the fans.

Glad he did the doughnuts because it was the icing on the cake as he put on a hell of a show with some cracking overtaking maneuvers. His heart is in the right place or at least getting there and it wasn't as if he has a podium ceromony and press conference to get to.

Yeah , good for him , thumbing his nose at the rules , whilst under probation , and saying "screw you" to the team that works so hard on those engines and transmissions , all for a show of how nice he is to his fans .

I hope the show was a good one .

22nd June 2009, 18:15
I think he's just a twenty something years old guy who is frustrated because it doesn't matter how hard he tries, things are not going his way. He has all the right in the world to feel that way. If you pair that to the fact that his car is quite average.... What you get is this season.

He might not be God but he is not a dog either.

22nd June 2009, 19:02
I think Hamilton could be another Button. Great in a good car (ala 2007/2008) but average in an average/poor car (ala 2009 so far). Hope not, cause I rate him.

Although some of Hammy's recent performances may not have been too convincing, I find it a bit unfair to compare his performances to Button's in "poor cars". Without that lie-gate LH would have something about 14-15 points at the moment, which would put him firmly into Top8 in WDC standings in a car everyone deems as rather uncompetitive - doesn't sound that bad of an achievement, does it? While Button has got beaten by Fisi in a bad car and failed to better Barrichello, Hamilton has still - all things considered - generally outperformed Kovalainen and put in several strong drives.

23rd June 2009, 07:30
Yeah , good for him , thumbing his nose at the rules , whilst under probation , and saying "screw you" to the team that works so hard on those engines and transmissions , all for a show of how nice he is to his fans .

I hope the show was a good one .
Not much at all of a donut.....but the ham has just got to be a ham and call attention to "me"

he weren't being nice to fans, just wanting attention

Given that in the battle with FA, both nelson and freddie put him in his proper place--behind them--while he passed FA, FA passed him right back, which later pass on brit boy was ignored by brit tv :rolleyes:

23rd June 2009, 08:35
Lets face it, you can't say you can put Schumacher in this years McLaren and he would be on the podium no matter how much of a fanatical supporter you are. He would be overdriving it and getting as frustrated as lewis is or Alonso at the beginning of last year.

I see no evidence to suggest he would overdrive it.

Valve Bounce
23rd June 2009, 11:31
Indeed, I thought that when I watched the re-run of the race... Lewis may not be scoring consistant points this season but at least he can de-stress at home with Nicole Scherzinger!!

I must admit Jenson and Lewis got equal cheers during the weekend and when people say us 'Poms' only support our successfull drivers, well that is utter rubbish.. There also seemed to be an absence of booing when the Ferrari's went past, unlike tracks like Monza and Hockenheim where theres almost a standing ovation of sneers with the Mclarens passing LOL... Maybe people assume too much??


I don't think poor bunsen was getting much support from the Poms when he wasn't do so well in the last few years. Perhaps you'd like to comment on that?

Valve Bounce
23rd June 2009, 11:49
He hasn't been in a position to compete for wins over the past few years, but as a regular visitor to the British GP, I have never failed to see him get a cheer from the home fans. When you say support, what context are you referring to?

Would you agree he was not getting the attention and cheers that Hammy got in the past two years.

23rd June 2009, 12:09
Would you agree he was not getting the attention and cheers that Hammy got in the past two years.

The sport in general wasn't getting the same attention though. Within any culture there are a large amount of plastic fans who just follow the success but the core of British fans have generally supported Button because they realised he is a decent driver. The Spaniards couldn't give a monkeys about the sport until Alonso started winning and I dare say that Webber having a car which can win (or finish on the podium in his case :p : ) has upped the interest in Oz too. Successful drivers are always going to be more popular than unsuccessful ones because the uninitiated see only results rather than the genuine quality.

23rd June 2009, 13:39
The sport in general wasn't getting the same attention though. Within any culture there are a large amount of plastic fans who just follow the success but the core of British fans have generally supported Button because they realised he is a decent driver. The Spaniards couldn't give a monkeys about the sport until Alonso started winning and I dare say that Webber having a car which can win (or finish on the podium in his case :p : ) has upped the interest in Oz too. Successful drivers are always going to be more popular than unsuccessful ones because the uninitiated see only results rather than the genuine quality.


I would say that Jenson has always had good support in the UK though in the same way as Owy does in BTCC. Nice to see Button getting the crack at the whip he deserves :)

23rd June 2009, 13:54
The car is poor and his head has dropped a bit.

He'll be back up the front before too long.