View Full Version : Mark In Oshawa-The Unpalatable Truth

oily oaf
17th February 2007, 07:54
When I mention the name Mark In Oshawa, what imagery immediately comes to mind my friends?
A staunchly loyal and highly valued forum mainstay?
A hard working stiff whose work ethic and integrity are beyond reproach?
A man whose knowledge of large antler bearing mammals and their breeding habits is second only to that of Eki.

Well yes my friends I thought all of these things and more. Indeed I once harboured a wild and crazy notion that one day we could be more than just friends :bonce:

Well no more! What I am about to reveal will shock you to the very core of your being and will no doubt have you reaching for a large stiff one. "Down Hazell. Down I say!"

Allow me to elaborate (strides into downstairs toilet and starts to elaborate furiously into a bucket).

You see my brethren I have it from the utmost unimpeachable source that for at least a fortnight MIO has been lying through his vile Canadian teeth to all of us :eek:
In short I have discovered that half the time he is NOT in Oshawa at all. :s murf:

I first suspected this subterfuge when he recently informed a rapt forum that he was about to embark on a truck borne odyssey across the North American continent carrying rubber goods and things for the weekend to sustain the needs of middle aged preachers and their wives throughout the length and breadth of The Bible Belt.

Smelling a rat I arranged through one of my high ranking contacts in the FBI (I once had a bondage session with the lady that used to iron J Edgar Hoover's frilly drawers) to have a small tracking device fitted to his laptop.

The subsequent data feedback was both shocking and damning in the extreme.

On one occasion when he claimed to be in Oshawa he was actually posting from "Lazy Lil Soprano's" a notorious rub and tug shop in downtown Memphis oft frequented by the itinerant Brazilian transexual librarian community.

On another he was lying under his truck in Dallas taking surreptitious photo graphs of passing elderly women.

But perhaps most shocking of all was the evening when I noticed that the signal from his transmitter was almost ear splitting in intensity and upon drawing my curtains I clearly saw outlined in the gloom of my back yard a burly, hunched figure in a baseball cap wearing a T shirt bearing the legend "One Mean Trucker"
Closer inspection revealed that he was attempting to lure next doors underage cat into his cab by placing small pieces of cod down his trousers and calling gently "Chase me tiddles. Chase me"

In conclusion my dearest friends I have to ask you this one question.
Is this the kind of grubby individual with whom you would like to continue conducting forumnal intercourse?

I say he should be banned forthwith or better still we should burn him face down, yes face down, in his cab before he can furnish us with anymore of his spurious geographical inaccuracies.

(picks up pitchfork and waves it aloft before going outside and boarding No 36 bus to Oshawa)

PS Mark. You couldn't lend me a few dollars till next Tuesday could ya mate?
I wouldn't ask buddy but I've done all me money on a two bob donkey in the 1.30 at Market Rasen)

Ian McC
17th February 2007, 08:25
Oh dear, that's another one for Oily's basement :D

donKey jote
17th February 2007, 17:34
Mark isn't in Oshawa, he's in Blackpool ! :eek:

17th February 2007, 17:46
Mark isn't in Oshawa, he's in Blackpool ! :eek:
I thought he was in Bath.

donKey jote
17th February 2007, 20:09
or Paris.

Hazell B
17th February 2007, 20:44
What next?
An expose about me not being in B? :dozey:

OHMYGOD! Does that mean Carl's not been on the metro all these years?!!!! The lying sack of poo. Lynching ain't good enough for 'em I say :(

17th February 2007, 20:47
or Paris.
There's no Motel 6 in Paris, just Hilton.

Ian McC
18th February 2007, 09:13
What next?
An expose about me not being in B? :dozey:

Well you know you've made it when Oily starts a thread about you ;)

Anyway, what does the 'B' stand for? Come on, own up?!!!

Captain VXR
18th February 2007, 09:16
I thought he was in Bath.

I'm the one from Bath :D :p

18th February 2007, 09:44
I'm the one from Bath :D :p
Do you have a rubber duck?

18th February 2007, 11:26
There's no Motel 6 in Paris, just Hilton.

The Motel 6 could very well have been in Paris, as possibly the Bali 9 and the Heinz 57. Give it a week and the video will be on the internet anyway.

Skid Marx
19th February 2007, 02:26
There's no Motel 6 in Paris, just Hilton.

There may not be a Motel 6 in Paris, just Hilton as you say, but it's been rumored there has on occasion been a Paris Hilton at the Motel 6!

oily oaf
21st February 2007, 17:48
He's back! and according to my data the deception continues as I have him mapped as being just outside The Wombat And Sheila public house in Perth Western Australia.
Burn him!...............Face down :mad:

Captain VXR
21st February 2007, 18:39
Do you have a rubber duck?

No, see http://www.visitbath.co.uk to find out about my habitat :cat:

Ian McC
21st February 2007, 19:10
He's back! and according to my data the deception continues as I have him mapped as being just outside The Wombat And Sheila public house in Perth Western Australia.
Burn him!...............Face down :mad:

I don't think you have any bloody room to talk, I bet you have never been oily (oiled up maybe, not oily :D ) in your life and you are certainly no oaf!

Hang him high I say :mad: :bandit:

21st February 2007, 19:46
What next?
An expose about me not being in B? :dozey:

OHMYGOD! Does that mean Carl's not been on the metro all these years?!!!! The lying sack of poo. Lynching ain't good enough for 'em I say :(

Only difference is that Mark is from Oshawa.

Mark in Oshawa
21st February 2007, 23:36
Yes...I was born and raised there, a rather pedestrian bedroom city of Toronto, a rather pedestrian but large city in Canada.

Man...where do I start? Oaf, first off, you are right, I wasn't in town....you have me worried that you are spying on me as I trevail about the continent. Lets see.....in the last 2 weeks I have been in 7 different US states, 2 provinces, been through 3 snow storms, crossed the US/Canada border 8 times and in all my travels I have not seen:

A bible thumping senior hitchhiking, a recreational reptile asking for company, rubber goods of any form, a rub and tug in Memphis (better rub n' tugs are found in Canada apparently) or any cats.

You are a sick twisted man and I would lend you a few bob if you just email me your bank account numbers and I am sure we can do some business. My friend in Lagos Nigeria would love to help you out I am sure.....

Damn..immortalized in perputity by the Oaf....I am truly honoured.....this is great honour that will not be taken lightly......lets see the rest of you lot get "banned" by the greatest philosopher of insanity in this fine forum.....

race aficionado
21st February 2007, 23:58
Damn..immortalized in perputity by the Oaf....I am truly honoured.....this is great honour that will not be taken lightly......lets see the rest of you lot get "banned" by the greatest philosopher of insanity in this fine forum.....

bragging! :o

I once climbed the Himalayas with the insane Oaf - in our underware!

We won, or lost a bet, I can't remember . . . .

and about the "honor" of it all . . . . dam! I can't remember either!!

:s mokin:

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2007, 07:18
Ya...but Alex, he wants little ole me Banned....after I flip him a few bucks til pay day....the cheek of the man eh?

oily oaf
22nd February 2007, 15:14
Ya...but Alex, he wants little ole me Banned....after I flip him a few bucks til pay day....the cheek of the man eh?

Why you crazy galoot! (a little bit of North American there folks) I don't want you banned at all.
Hell no! I want you burned...........face down........in your cab :s murf:

PS Here's a little money saving tip for you :)
If your wife or mistress is pestering you to fork out for a breast enhancement operation, simply chop one of your hands off and instantly save money by only paying to have one done.

Thank me later :mad:

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2007, 15:29
No burning me in the cab, the boss might object to the stench of charred human flesh not coming out of the upholstery.

As for the wife and her breasts, they are very fine, real and spectacular and not needing enhancement. Now If I could just convince her to have her boy toy restock my fridge with beer when I come in off the road, life would be grand....