View Full Version : Sporting schisms

19th June 2009, 12:35
What other sporting splits can people think of, and which ones were most and least successful?

CART vs IRL - well that's been discussed plenty already.

Darts: BDO vs PDC - both organisations reasonably healthy but with all the bad blood between them it certainly hasn't been good for the sport.

Rugby League vs Rugby Union - has worked out OK, as union has become the more popular international code but league is solidly successful in its geographic heartlands.

Boxing: WBC, WBF, WBA, IBF etc - since boxers can fight for and hold the titles of multiple organisations, I don't think this is too bad. Everyone gets excited about a unification fight!

I don't think any of those last 3 have been completely disastrous, but they all have circumstances that will not apply to FIA1 vs FOTA1. Drivers/teams won't be competing in both championships, neither looks like it will be more or less regional or international than the other, and both will be a lot more expensive to put on than a darts tournament.

19th June 2009, 12:36
What other sporting splits can people think of, and which ones were most and least successful?

The division 1 teams in the football league broke away and formed the Premier League, which was then sanctioned by the FA. And they seem to be doing very nicely thankyou.

PS. Thread moved to Chit Chat as it's not just about F1.

19th June 2009, 12:52
The division 1 teams in the football league broke away and formed the Premier League, which was then sanctioned by the FA. And they seem to be doing very nicely thankyou.

That has to be one of the most successful splits ever. I think the Football League is more successful than it's ever been too. The gap between the top flight and those below has widened, but maybe that would have happened anyway.
There is a clear hierarchy between the FA Premier League (or Ship as it is now) though, and promotion and relegation still happens as it always did... it was a much more amicable divorce than FIA vs FOTA. I can't see the FIA acknowledging their series as a division below FOTA's, but perhaps it would be better for its long term survival if they did.

PS. Thread moved to Chit Chat as it's not just about F1.

Well I was really trying to draw out examples that might point towards the possible future of F1. But fair enough.

19th June 2009, 14:29

Easy Drifter
19th June 2009, 16:20
NHL WHL merged successfully but it was nasty for a few years.
NFL AFL merged, play as two divisions with the Super Bowl final.
Both were mergers, not takeovers.

19th June 2009, 17:45
NHL WHL merged successfully but it was nasty for a few years.
NFL AFL merged, play as two divisions with the Super Bowl final.
Both were mergers, not takeovers.

I think you mean WHA not WHL, right? Anyway, I don't think a merger can be compared to being equal to a split.

Merger = Marriage (usually happy, at least initially)
Split = Divorce (often ugly - especially initially)

Mark in Oshawa
20th June 2009, 07:27
Well, the CART/IRL one is the best example of how you can take a perfectly interesting form of racing, one with viable TV ratings in and off shore of North America, one with good crowds and a variety of circuits, that attracted an f1 champion...and you take all of THAT, and FLUSH IT DOWN THE TOILET in 14 years.

The France Family still must chuckle every Christmas at their good fortune.....gave the North American market to NASCAR on a platter and completely became irrelevent over the last decade anywhere else.

AS for Boxing, worst thing ever is to have 4 umbrella groups, all corrupt and all claiming champions. You look at where boxing was in the sporting realm right up to the 70's, and where it is now...and you realize the damage.

Splits never end up making a sport healthier. At best, you don't harm things....