View Full Version : reincarnation - what do you think?

race aficionado
12th June 2009, 16:55
I for one do believe that I am a reincarnated soul but I won't try to convince you of whatever your beliefs are because who am I to do so.

I was sent this link by my sister and I find it very interesting.


What's your take on it?
:s mokin:

12th June 2009, 17:03
I for one do believe that I am a reincarnated soul but I won't try to convince you of whatever your beliefs are because who am I to do so.

I was sent this link by my sister and I find it very interesting.


What's your take on it?
:s mokin:

Interesting. I have actually been thinking bout that alot lately..

Dave B
12th June 2009, 17:05
It's obviously drivel. Next?

12th June 2009, 17:33
I'll let you know...

...if I get back.

race aficionado
12th June 2009, 17:57
I'll let you know...

...if I get back.

funny. :p :
:s mokin:

12th June 2009, 19:34
I never bought into the concept of duality.
As far as coming back as something?...I agree, but indirectly: You die-->you become fertilizer-->something may grow and live as a consequence.

12th June 2009, 19:49
Glenn Hoddle is surely proof that reincarnation shouldn't be allowed.

12th June 2009, 19:50
When i come back i wanna come back as a dog! Just lay down all day, eat, sh*#, sleep and lick my balls!

12th June 2009, 19:50
alot of things can be recycled maybe spirts are the same?

13th June 2009, 00:36
No eveidence whatsoever of the reincarnation. None. Zip. NADA.

13th June 2009, 02:43
Viewing life as an existentialist I believe that if I believe I'm reincarnated at that moment I am.
Thoughts are more powerful things than your average Homo sapiens gives them credit for being!
I am always exactly what I believe I am.

13th June 2009, 04:42
Viewing life as an existentialist I believe that if I believe I'm reincarnated at that moment I am.
Thoughts are more powerful things than your average Homo sapiens gives them credit for being!
I am always exactly what I believe I am.

You need a break from "Coast to Coast".

13th June 2009, 05:44
You need a break from "Coast to Coast".

You are definitely not that far from wrong :p :

13th June 2009, 06:35
I pity the poor that gets my soul

13th June 2009, 07:19
I pity the poor that gets my soulThat would still be you :mark:
Which leads to another, more ethereal question.
Is fousto, fousto?
Or his evil twin from a parallel universe :eek:

donKey jote
13th June 2009, 11:52
Viewing life as an existentialist I believe that if I believe I'm reincarnated at that moment I am.
Thoughts are more powerful things than your average Homo sapiens gives them credit for being!
I am always exactly what I believe I am.

yep ! :)

I think therefore I'm a donkey. When my thoughts are gone, so is my ass... or viceversa, or both, or whatever... now I'm confused :p :


13th June 2009, 15:02
I know for some people such as myself, reincarnation ocurred----in my previous lives, I was Alexander the Great and also Micheal Schumacher

race aficionado
13th June 2009, 15:51
I know for some people such as myself, reincarnation ocurred----in my previous lives, I was Alexander the Great and also Micheal Schumacher

Good for you. :D

I don't know who I was . . . . as a matter of fact I'm constantly dealing with who I am, but I feel that what I am is much more than what I have been in this life time and I know that this is not over once my body gives up.

I'll be back and running and working on constantly being a better human being, bringing with me all the lessons I learned in my past life.

What we all believe in, is of course personal and to be respected - as long as you don't put a gun on my head or bash me with your holly book and force me to believe in what you say is true.

Hey, to each his own, free will is sacrosanct.

peace - in this life time and the next!
:s mokin: