View Full Version : British version of ACORN

12th June 2009, 11:30
This must be the British version of ACORN. Now a new, improved way to speed up getting a British Passport.


Maybe Labour should smack a few of those eggs upside their own heads.

12th June 2009, 13:33

12th June 2009, 14:25
That's what I've been mainly eating this week.

12th June 2009, 14:25
ACORN is a largely liberal democratic organization, now partially funded by the US government, involved in various community action projects. Here lately voter registration has been a hot topic and ACORN is under investigation in a number of states over bogus registrations, repeat registrations, and the registration of illegal immigrants.

A guy named Obama, maybe you've heard of him, denied any involvement or dealings having to do with ACORN during our elections. People, like the currently banned from Britain, Michael Savage, and other conservative outlets proved that to be less than truthful, even showing where and when Obama represented ACORN in legal actions. The mainstream media chose not to report that issue amongst others in fear of tarnishing the new messiah. ACORN received substantial federal funding in the Democrats 1st bailout bill that Obama signed.

Dave B
12th June 2009, 17:06
I thought they designed the Electron and BBC Micro... :s tareup:

12th June 2009, 21:34
I don't really see a problem with that. Immigrants who come over and are serious about staying i.e. by helping out in their community should be rewarded.

Another sensationalist piece by the Daily Rag which isn't all that bad once you read it..

Mark in Oshawa
13th June 2009, 16:46
I don't really see a problem with that. Immigrants who come over and are serious about staying i.e. by helping out in their community should be rewarded.

Another sensationalist piece by the Daily Rag which isn't all that bad once you read it..

If you cant see the danger in such a policy, you are either willfully ignoring reality or a political hack.

Any immigrant coming to a country should NOT be used as a pawn for a political party to get voters on the rolls while subtly pushing a political agenda. I have a problem with someone getting off the plane and within 6 months getting a fast track for citizenship if they just help a party get elected. Funny, it seems whether it is Labour in the UK, the Democrats in the US of A or the Libreals here in Canada all seem to be in love with the idea of getting them right off the plane and brainwashing them. Maybe that is because a lot of people tire of their left-of-center political views once they start to make their way finanicially up the middle class?

I am all for immigrants hitting the ground and becoming citizens, but leave them out of politics until they have been here long enough to make up their own minds on what is going on.

What Labour is doing here or ACORN does in the US is morally reprehensible, and I would feel the same way if it was Tories or Republicans doing it....

13th June 2009, 16:50
Thanks, I didn't feel like explaining all of that.

13th June 2009, 17:13
Ah, since I'm rolling...50 hours is just a little over one work week, based upon a 40 hour work week. So let's call it 6 days of work and home before dinner (lunch to you urbanites) on the 7th. For that paltry amount they want to credit 2 years. Thats ridiculous. How would you like to be an employer and have the government tell you after an employee worked 50 hours, you had to give him 2 years paid vacation?

How is walking a union picket line providing a community service? Let the union members walk their own line. May they could do 50 hours as management goons to beat up the guys on the picket line. Thats fair. I wouldn't mind them handing out political information as long as it was in a packet that included literature and information on all the parties, including the ones everybody says are evil but enough folks liked them enough to vote them in.

I would be open to a plan that called for 8 hours a month for 6 years where the service had a true community function. I'd say if you've got someone willing to assist the elderly, help out in the schools, clean up around town and stuff like that 1 day a month for 6 years then you've good a solid candidate for a British Passport.

15th June 2009, 08:22
I thought they designed the Electron and BBC Micro... :s tareup:

Don't forget the Atom. My boss has one of them in kit form, sadly no longer functional.

I had a BBC B for 7 years, which is ages considering the lifespan of most computers. Set me up for my work today!

Mark in Oshawa
19th June 2009, 01:33
Ah, since I'm rolling...50 hours is just a little over one work week, based upon a 40 hour work week. So let's call it 6 days of work and home before dinner (lunch to you urbanites) on the 7th. For that paltry amount they want to credit 2 years. Thats ridiculous. How would you like to be an employer and have the government tell you after an employee worked 50 hours, you had to give him 2 years paid vacation?

How is walking a union picket line providing a community service? Let the union members walk their own line. May they could do 50 hours as management goons to beat up the guys on the picket line. Thats fair. I wouldn't mind them handing out political information as long as it was in a packet that included literature and information on all the parties, including the ones everybody says are evil but enough folks liked them enough to vote them in.

I would be open to a plan that called for 8 hours a month for 6 years where the service had a true community function. I'd say if you've got someone willing to assist the elderly, help out in the schools, clean up around town and stuff like that 1 day a month for 6 years then you've good a solid candidate for a British Passport.

I am of the opinion until they get the vote they should NOT be allowed to work for a political party or advocate a political position during an election. You have the vote, you can do that. You don't, then you can speak your mind freely but don't be canvassing the neighbourhood.

My lord, this stuff makes the idiots at ACORN look tame...