View Full Version : Indian students attacked in Australia

Valve Bounce
10th June 2009, 05:44
Recently, there have been quite a few violent attacks on Indian students in Australia. Many are attacked at railway stations late at night as the are going home. Initially, this was thought to be racially motivated but reports since (from the students themselves) have indicated that many of the attacks were by Lebanese and some African youths.

Here's a link: http://www.google.com.au/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENAU331&=&q=Indian+students+attacked+in+Australia&btnG=Google+Search&meta=lr%3D&aq=f&oq=

The students want more police protection and I agree with them. I have noticed once, when I got onto the wrong train line and had to get off at a different station to South Yarra that the station is isolated with no one in attendance.

Most people nowadays, including students, have mobile phones, but dialing the emergency line 000 is no help at all. By the time your call is answered and you take part in the dozen or more questions from the call operator, you are a dead duck, or a badly injured one at least.

One suggestion I can make is for these students to visit the police station near their home or railway station, and see if they can get a telephone number from them that they can enter onto their mobile phone so that if/when they need help they can speed dial the nearest police station direct. (nearest to their railway station when they return home).

Obviously, there is a need for a greater police presence on the streets; more strategically located patrols which would provide a quicker police response.

Finally, it's not only students who are attacked, but taxi drivers. Some have been very badly attacked recently, and this issue also needs to be addressed in conjunction.

10th June 2009, 07:18
A lot of frothing at the mouth by the media here about these attacks (have been plenty!)...and lot of anti-Aussie sentiment too.

Not sure if its racial motivation or a response to these students taking up decent jobs in Australia after they graduate.

10th June 2009, 07:53
A lot of frothing at the mouth by the media here about these attacks (have been plenty!)...and lot of anti-Aussie sentiment too.

Not sure if its racial motivation or a response to these students taking up decent jobs in Australia after they graduate.

Out of those two options - racial motivation. It's not like the attackers know what job they have. I hope the police crack down on mindless violence, of any type.

Valve Bounce
10th June 2009, 08:01
A lot of frothing at the mouth by the media here about these attacks (have been plenty!)...and lot of anti-Aussie sentiment too.

Not sure if its racial motivation or a response to these students taking up decent jobs in Australia after they graduate.

I don't think so. I suspect (my opinion only) that various groups regard the Indian students, as well as Indian taxi drivers as soft targets.

In this regard, few, if any, Chinese are attacked by non Chinese. A recent altercation between Chinese have resulted in very violent revenge attacks. Whether these involve ethnic Chinese Vietnamese, Chinese from HK or China, or Triads I don't know, but the response is swift and sometimes deadly.

So it is too easy to dismiss the attacks on Indians as racial, unless you consider Lebanese attacks on Indians as racial.

10th June 2009, 08:42
attacks on anyone would be a disgrace and wrong regardless if racial or not. I recall in Mexico if you are not a citizen and you are caught breaking the law - you are deported and branded no gratis which means you ain't coming back. If you adopt this correct procedure then fire up the police and get it handled. We tolerate way to much violence in this country as well. I think Singapore has programs that work as well.

Garry Walker
10th June 2009, 10:56
Initially, this was thought to be racially motivated but reports since (from the students themselves) have indicated that many of the attacks were by Lebanese and some African youths.

So until it was thought that whites attacked those indians, it was considered racially motivated attacks, but when it was revealed it was not whites who attacked, then its not racially motivated anymore. How nice.

10th June 2009, 11:15
So until it was thought that whites attacked those indians, it was considered racially motivated attacks, but when it was revealed it was not whites who attacked, then its not racially motivated anymore. How nice.

Of course it's not - now it's just a case of wogs and negros being wogs and negros.

10th June 2009, 12:10
Of course it's not - now it's just a case of wogs and negros being wogs and negros.

What can I say?

17th June 2009, 12:47
The issue has been over hyped by typical india english channels. Most people are really tired of the Media. they just want to notch up the rating.

anyway the issue is sad that we have such morons in a great country like australia (keep guessing whom i am calling MORON) :)

17th June 2009, 12:54
The issue has been over hyped by typical india english channels. Most people are really tired of the Media. they just want to notch up the rating.

anyway the issue is sad that we have such morons in a great country like australia (keep guessing whom i am calling MORON) :)

Needless to say, you missed the irony.

17th June 2009, 16:00
The Indians can be rather hyprocritcal at times

but yes,I hope the situation is resolved at grassroot level as soon as possible.....and more security is provided to the people in Melbourne (where majority of the attacks seem to be happening)

17th June 2009, 16:10
Initially, this was thought to be racially motivated but reports since (from the students themselves) have indicated that many of the attacks were by Lebanese and some African youths.

You don't have to be white to be racist.

17th June 2009, 21:36
I think we need a better definition for "racism". What race are Romanians? This could get especially hairy when the neo-Nazi types try to claim that they are "Aryans". Right. Just like Mussolini was related to Julius Caesar. :rolleyes:

Outrage in Northern Ireland as Romanians attacked by racists
Race relations in Northern Ireland took a turn for the worse over the past few days when Romanian immigrants were forced to flee their homes on the Lisburn Road in Belfast after repeated attacks by racist hooligans.

The immigrants, who left their country to find a better life in Belfast, have been subjected to horrific abuse by thugs who claim to be part of Combat 18, a British neo-Nazi organization.


So what's up with that???

18th June 2009, 00:24
I think we need a better definition for "racism". What race are Romanians?

I've heard Romanian people refer to themselves as either Rumani or Vlach. Whatever the correct name is, arguing over a label doesn't justify or make thuggery any more acceptable.

18th June 2009, 00:35
I've heard Romanian people refer to themselves as either Rumani or Vlach. Whatever the correct name is, arguing over a label doesn't justify or make thuggery any more acceptable.

I absolutely agree with that.

I just think there's something twisted in man's nature, which causes us to attack those who we perceive to be different. It doesn't have to be race. Heck, in some parts of the U.S., it comes down to what block you live on. I was watching a show called "Gang Land" recently. It was sad, yet oddly amusing, to see these poor, ignorant fools shooting at each other because one was born in a Crips neighborhood and another was born in a Bloods neighborhood. You probably couldn't find 5 out of 100 who know (for certain) who their fathers are. So for all they know, they're shooting a half-brother or family member. Pitiful. :rolleyes:

But no, whatever the reason, it is not acceptable behavior.