View Full Version : Chef Ramsay angers Australian PM

9th June 2009, 21:13
I like a guy who is honest and upfront.


9th June 2009, 21:15
I think he is utterly boorish and completely witless. And I don't believe that 'up front and honest' is a synonym for 'bloody rude and uncouth'.

9th June 2009, 21:19
I think he is utterly boorish and completely witless. And I don't believe that 'up front and honest' is a synonym for 'bloody rude and uncouth'.

I take it you dont like the man?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th June 2009, 21:21
Gordon Ramsay's only use in life is for the 'Gordon Ramsay drinking game'.

9th June 2009, 21:22
Gordon Ramsay's only use in life is for the 'Gordon Ramsay drinking game'.

Never played it

9th June 2009, 21:26
This is how Channel 7 reported it:

I like a guy who is honest and upfront.

Grimshaw's sexuality, looks and likening her to a refrigerator, a pig, the swine flu and suggesting she have some Botox, might have been intended as a roast by Ramsay.

"Honesty and upfrontness" equal "libel and slander" in your book? How very odd.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th June 2009, 21:27
Get a strong alcoholic drink and take a shot every time he swears and two shots every time he slaps his palm with the back of his hand.

See if you can make it to the advert break ;)

9th June 2009, 21:29
This is how Channel 7 reported it:

Grimshaw's sexuality, looks and likening her to a refrigerator, a pig, the swine flu and suggesting she have some Botox, might have been intended as a roast by Ramsay.

"Honesty and upfrontness" equal "libel and slander" in your book? How very odd.

I was being sarcastic.. :rolleyes:

Valve Bounce
10th June 2009, 03:40
Get a strong alcoholic drink and take a shot every time he swears and two shots every time he slaps his palm with the back of his hand.

See if you can make it to the advert break ;)

I don't normally watch this guy. But I did watch his latest interview and his explanations, and I felt the guy is on drugs.

Why he swears and insults people, I don't know - maybe he gains a lot of publicity for his restaurants that way. Certainly, I won't be going to any of them myself. Basically, he is a genital cranium.

Dave B
10th June 2009, 08:26
I was at the recording of Have I Got News For You which he presented a couple of years back. I've attended quite a few, and I have to say that Paul Merton and Ian Hislop are genuinely supportive of the guest presenters, forgiving of mistakes and coaxing them through the process where necessary.

It therefore takes a special kind of crassness to alienate both team captains within ten minutes of recording. Antagonising two of the sharpest wits on British television isn't exactly the smartest move, and by halfway through there was a sour atmosphere in the studio.

I'm a great admirer of Ramsay's business acumen, and had always assumed that the OTT swearing and abrasiveness was a clever act for the cameras. Sadly it appears I was wrong.

10th June 2009, 08:56
This is how Channel 7 reported it:

Grimshaw's sexuality, looks and likening her to a refrigerator, a pig, the swine flu and suggesting she have some Botox, might have been intended as a roast by Ramsay.

"Honesty and upfrontness" equal "libel and slander" in your book? How very odd.
What a ****head.

I love the fact that he says "I'm in Australia, I'm not in middle America"

Well sorry Gordon, we don't tolerate unprovoked rudeness in Australia. Seems to me like he's got some problem with the size of his wedding tackle for him to always feel the need to insult people the way he does.

Mark in Oshawa
10th June 2009, 19:27
Gordon is Gordon.....I wont defend the way he swears and carries on, but if you watch enough of his various programs, you quickly realize most of it is just noise......while under it all he actually is a reasonably decent guy, but he suffers no fools.....

10th June 2009, 19:44
he suffers no fools.....

Which is basically a euphemism for 'bloody unpleasant' or 'short-tempered', neither of which are good character traits.

10th June 2009, 19:55
Ok he may have a big mouth, but he is a bloody good chef! I have been to one of his Restaurants and the food is great!

10th June 2009, 19:59
was that one of the meals that were cooked offsite in a factory? :p

Mark in Oshawa
10th June 2009, 20:14
Which is basically a euphemism for 'bloody unpleasant' or 'short-tempered', neither of which are good character traits.

Yep...but that often makes people who are that way also successful when they can use it in conjunction with charisma. He didn't get to where he is now by just being a stupid prat....