View Full Version : California contemplates no welfare...

9th June 2009, 21:33
I have often stated that socialism is doomed to ultimately collapse upon itself when it can no longer plunder enough from the productive, to pay for the unproductive. This is already becoming obvious in many European countries, Britain, and many of the more socialized states in the USA. The standard government reaction is to simply increase the tax burden on the productive. You may argue that they only go after the rich but for tax purposes, rich is anybody that earns an income and after meeting all their financial obligations, has money (disposable income) left over. In the USA, people that can, are moving out of states like New York, California, and Maryland to escape the increasingly ridiculous tax burdens.

Now, facing massive budget problems, it looks like California may consider droppind welfare completely. At the risk of going from one extreme to another, I believe this to be either an idle threat scare tactic or the ground work for a darker agenda.


First the idle threat side. Every sitting Democratic state politician would lose their job by the next election. A large number from other parties would also lose their jobs at the next election. A gazillion groups like the NAACP, ACLU, ACORN, and La Raza will flock to the Federal courts and get it all reinstated immediately. "You started feeding them, now you must feed them". Last of all, everybody with half a functioning brain knows good and well what stopping welfare would mean. Riots. Riots like you've never seen before. Burning, looting, killing, and general rampage throughout the state with everything and everybody that never used welfare a target. The police forces would be completely overwhelmed and any defence you had would be only that which you could provide for yourself. We aren't talking about the standard 1 or 2 day "gee, I'm pissed off" riot here. We are talking weeks.

That brings us to the darker agenda side. Who would benefit from rioting on that scale? Obviously martial law would take effect immediately. Under martial law the government would have a free hand to do anything they wished, Constitution be damned, any way they wanted to do it. Export illegal immigrants immediately? Require the productive wishing to leave the state to have a "Relocation Permit"? Disarm the public thereby forcing you to rely on the government fpr protection? I don't know.

To come out about stopping welfare reminds me of a little kid threatening to hold it's breath until he dies.

How about it voters, they going for the scare or the real deal? What would happen in England?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th June 2009, 21:53
What would happen in England? Riots too. Like we had in the 70's/80's when the wicked witch privatised everything.

9th June 2009, 21:57
With a $24.3 billion budget deficit, cutbacks are bound to happen. Its not just welfare thats taken a hit there. Education has taken a hit, even goverment employees have even been laid off. I heard that they were in the situation that they said they may not be able to pay the police depts at one point!

Im sure with a huge low income of cash (due to mass unemployment) that would cause any state or country to look into ways of saving money, so no socialism is not doomed to fail.

Dont forget that the US has alot of social programs going. The police dept is one of them. So you really cant moan and groan about socialism. If you hate it that much, dont call the police.

9th June 2009, 22:05
California has a top income tax bracket of 9.3%... The problems in California have nothing to do with socialism. They spend more then they earned year after year and now they pay the price.

9th June 2009, 22:17
9.3% top rate of tax? Hell, I'd glady take that to my income being taxed at 20/40% tax plus national insurance here in the UK.

9th June 2009, 22:18
9.3% is the top rate of tax in California? Hell, I'd glady take that to my income being taxed at 20/40% tax plus national insurance here in the UK.

10th June 2009, 01:31
That 9.3% is the state income tax rate. Thats in addition to federal income tax, social security, state and local sales taxes, and property taxes.

10th June 2009, 01:32
Not all states have a state income tax. Texas doesn't.

10th June 2009, 01:34
With a $24.3 billion budget deficit, cutbacks are bound to happen. Its not just welfare thats taken a hit there. Education has taken a hit, even goverment employees have even been laid off. I heard that they were in the situation that they said they may not be able to pay the police depts at one point!

Im sure with a huge low income of cash (due to mass unemployment) that would cause any state or country to look into ways of saving money, so no socialism is not doomed to fail.

Dont forget that the US has alot of social programs going. The police dept is one of them. So you really cant moan and groan about socialism. If you hate it that much, dont call the police.

I don't call the police. Got no use for them.

10th June 2009, 01:35
I don't call the police. Got no use for them.

Good one ;)

10th June 2009, 02:21
How about it voters, they going for the scare or the real deal? What would happen in England?McClatchy, right wing drivel, loves to cherry pick from legit news sources (like the Sacramento Bee)

Your dudeliness!
If England had the problems we have in San Diego they would think they lived in the South of France, only the waves are bigger, and the waters warmer.
The only downside is the women are not as friendly, or as randy! I believe we will endeavor to persevere. The upside is if it really happened the illegals would go back to Mexico, where its like So Cal but the women are beautiful and less puritanical! Without them more taxes per capita would give unemployed, needy citizens the jobs they got stolen from them.
This is an event of non-issue to the citizens of the 31st, and great State of the Union that are generally benevolent, as opposed to the purely greedy!

My God What a gullible breed!

10th June 2009, 04:02
Now, facing massive budget problems, it looks like California may consider droppind welfare completely. At the risk of going from one extreme to another, I believe this to be either an idle threat scare tactic or the ground work for a darker agenda.


First the idle threat side. Every sitting Democratic state politician would lose their job by the next election. A large number from other parties would also lose their jobs at the next election. A gazillion groups like the NAACP, ACLU, ACORN, and La Raza will flock to the Federal courts and get it all reinstated immediately. "You started feeding them, now you must feed them". Last of all, everybody with half a functioning brain knows good and well what stopping welfare would mean. Riots. Riots like you've never seen before. Burning, looting, killing, and general rampage throughout the state with everything and everybody that never used welfare a target. The police forces would be completely overwhelmed and any defence you had would be only that which you could provide for yourself. We aren't talking about the standard 1 or 2 day "gee, I'm pissed off" riot here. We are talking weeks.

That brings us to the darker agenda side. Who would benefit from rioting on that scale? Obviously martial law would take effect immediately. Under martial law the government would have a free hand to do anything they wished, Constitution be damned, any way they wanted to do it. Export illegal immigrants immediately?

How about it voters, they going for the scare or the real deal? What would happen in England?

Screw them all, californica, uropeons, and rioters, the answer is simple:

I say impose peace by massive use of the neutron bomb, so the oil will not glow in the dark

As to exporting illegal aliens, that is a good idea, except who could we sell them to?

Garry Walker
10th June 2009, 11:00
First the idle threat side. Every sitting Democratic state politician would lose their job by the next election. A large number from other parties would also lose their jobs at the next election. A gazillion groups like the NAACP, ACLU, ACORN, and La Raza will flock to the Federal courts and get it all reinstated immediately. "You started feeding them, now you must feed them". Last of all, everybody with half a functioning brain knows good and well what stopping welfare would mean. Riots. Riots like you've never seen before. Burning, looting, killing, and general rampage throughout the state with everything and everybody that never used welfare a target. The police forces would be completely overwhelmed and any defence you had would be only that which you could provide for yourself. We aren't talking about the standard 1 or 2 day "gee, I'm pissed off" riot here. We are talking weeks.

That brings us to the darker agenda side. Who would benefit from rioting on that scale? Obviously martial law would take effect immediately. Under martial law the government would have a free hand to do anything they wished, Constitution be damned, any way they wanted to do it. Export illegal immigrants immediately? Require the productive wishing to leave the state to have a "Relocation Permit"? Disarm the public thereby forcing you to rely on the government fpr protection? I don't know.

No welfare is a great idea. If you are useless to society, why should the society keep feeding and dressing you? No point.
Unfortunately, there is no chance of that happening.

Dave B
10th June 2009, 11:15
No welfare is a great idea. If you are useless to society, why should the society keep feeding and dressing you? No point.
Unfortunately, there is no chance of that happening.
If you find yourself in a position where a medical condition prevents you from working, I take it you'll refuse handouts and die gracefully in the gutter.

Garry Walker
10th June 2009, 11:20
If you find yourself in a position where a medical condition prevents you from working, I take it you'll refuse handouts and die gracefully in the gutter.

I should have made my comments clearer really. My issue is mostly with people who can work, but choose not to and instead depend on welfare.
If one has a medical condition, then it is normal that the state helps out.
That said, even with many medical conditions, there are still jobs out there that those people can do and should do.

10th June 2009, 12:15
It's amazing how many looted TVs an individual unfit for work can carry.

10th June 2009, 12:17
If you find yourself in a position where a medical condition prevents you from working, I take it you'll refuse handouts and die gracefully in the gutter.

That sums me up pretty well, except for the gutter. I paid fully for my home while I was still working.

10th June 2009, 12:27
If you find yourself in a position where a medical condition prevents you from working, I take it you'll refuse handouts and die gracefully in the gutter.

Or, as is happening a lot, you get made redunant from your jobs and finding a new one takes some time. In the meantime what are you supposed to do if you can't get any money whatsoever?

10th June 2009, 13:10
It's amazing how many looted TVs an individual unfit for work can carry.
Esp now with the smaller LCDs made in china....in the old days, one or two mid size tv was about all one could handle

10th June 2009, 13:10
That sums me up pretty well, except for the gutter. I paid fully for my home while I was still working.In San Diego as well as most of the rest of the Sate,
if you earn less than $800 dollars a month and have less than $2,000 in the bank you qualify for CMS.*
This covers all necessary treatment and hospital costs at no charge
Get a clue before you start really pissing me off :rolleyes:

*County Medical Service.
Not a state run project! :crazy:

10th June 2009, 13:28
In San Diego as well as most of the rest of the Sate,
if you earn less than $800 dollars a month and have less than $2,000 in the bank you qualify for CMS.*
This covers all necessary treatment and hospital costs at no charge
Get a clue before you start really pissing me off :rolleyes:

*County Medical Service.
Not a state run project! :crazy:

I earn less than $800 a month but have more than $2000.00 in the bank. The program you describe is one of the reasons CA has the problems that they do.

The point of this thread was will they try to stop welfare or is it merely a scare tactic.

I don't know what I'm doing to piss you off but I can assure you I won't be trembling in fear, running to the government for help, or losing any sleep over the thought you might be pissed off at me.

10th June 2009, 13:56
In San Diego as well as most of the rest of the Sate,
if you earn less than $800 dollars a month and have less than $2,000 in the bank you qualify for CMS.*
This covers all necessary treatment and hospital costs at no charge
Get a clue before you start really pissing me off :rolleyes:

*County Medical Service.
Not a state run project! :crazy:

You may want to visit the San Diego CMS web site and review your "facts". It will cover all immediately necessary treatments and costs. However, there are reimbursement forms to be signed and liens to signed. In other words, except for the absolute lowest of the low, repayment is required. They can also snatch on to any inheritances, lottery winnings, and other unexpected financial windfalls. Repayment terms are tailored as much as possible to the individuals ability to pay and the balances do not have interest charges. I didn't dig deep enough, but I have doubts that it is run entirely off of county funds although the county may administer it. Until you pay your balance, liens will remain in effect against any real property you own, meaning either you can't sell or transfer that property until you satisfy the liens, or funds in the amount of the balance will be taken from you at the time of the sale.

10th June 2009, 14:12
I earn less than $800 a month but have more than $2000.00 in the bank. The program you describe is one of the reasons CA has the problems that they do.

The point of this thread was will they try to stop welfare or is it merely a scare tactic.

I don't know what I'm doing to piss you off but I can assure you I won't be trembling in fear, running to the government for help, or losing any sleep over the thought you might be pissed off at me. What part of your Redneck @ss doesn't understand that this is not a State Run Project
They receive cash from patients that don't have insurance, yet can afford their rates and make over the limit.
Yes people like me go in there and pay $25 for an office visit
My heart imaging and stress ekg cost $165.oo. An extensive blood panel cos $44.00. with post test counciltation :eek:
And unlike Most HMO's You actually get to see your own internest every time you go!
Your ignorance combined with your authoritarian posture is annoying
You have overblown the scope of the problem in my home town (since 1960)
The link to this thread is B.S. as is your arguement
Have a nice (nut ball) Day :)

10th June 2009, 14:27
What part of your Redneck @ss doesn't understand that this is not a State Run Project
They receive cash from patients that don't have insurance, yet can afford their rates and make over the limit.
Yes people like me go in there and pay $25 for an office visit
My heart imaging and stress ekg cost $165.oo. An extensive blood panel cos $44.00. with post test counciltation :eek:
And unlike Most HMO's You actually get to see your own internest every time you go!
Your ignorance combined with your authoritarian posture is annoying
You have overblown the scope of the problem in my home town (since 1960)
The link to this thread is B.S. as is your arguement
Have a nice (nut ball) Day :)

Nowhere have I stated the agency you are talking about, San Diego CMS, is a state run program. Nowhere. Understand? Nowhere. In the last post I said it is a county administered program. What I did say, is that I doubt it receives all it's funding from the county. And I stand by that. It probably gets money from the county, state, feds, grants, corporate donations, private donations and user fees. The link for this thread is not B.S. as it works quite well. The fact that you don't care for the source doesn't make it wrong, it merely means you disagree with it. Thats ok. I don't why you think I have an authoritarian posture, I'm not the one demanding that everybody else should have to pay for my problems.

10th June 2009, 14:30
For those that wish to see, here's a non B.S. link to the agency I believe is under discussion.


Mark in Oshawa
10th June 2009, 20:25
Fiero, Taz's angry response is typical I am afraid of the society that has been created when the state "gives" so much without thought to future reprecussions.

What is happening in California will eventually happen in other socialisitic states and provinces on the continent. You can only give til it hurts, and when it hurts, the people with money and businesses pack up and move because they refuse ( and quite rightly ) to have themselves picked clean for the ability of politicians to bribe the masses with goodies.

I just returned from my first visit to California, and must admit, I was saddened by the ridiculously horrible infrastructure (ROADS) that had lots of signs saying how Caltrans was improving things but I never saw ONE Guy doing a damned thing to fix those roads. Lots of barrells and no work still means my truck was being pounded all to hell.

If THAT is any indication of where the rest of the state's government services are, then you guys are SCREWED....

10th June 2009, 22:34
That brings us to the darker agenda side. Who would benefit from rioting on that scale? Obviously martial law would take effect immediately. Under martial law the government would have a free hand to do anything they wished, Constitution be damned, any way they wanted to do it. Export illegal immigrants immediately? Require the productive wishing to leave the state to have a "Relocation Permit"? Disarm the public thereby forcing you to rely on the government fpr protection? I don't know.

If they burn all the homes and businesses and get rid of the illegals due to the end of welfare it will become a haven for hard working people. Why? Nobody but a hard working gun owner would want to start rebuilding in that scorched earth situation, and all the destruction will bring the costs of land down to next to nothing.

Imagine that, all the Hollywood types moving and the beach areas becoming a Republican gun toting haven! :laugh:

California has been screwed for years, they just took forever to figure it out.

11th June 2009, 03:46
You may want to visit the San Diego CMS web site and review your "facts". It will cover all immediately necessary treatments and costs. However, there are reimbursement forms to be signed and liens to signed. In other words, except for the absolute lowest of the low, repayment is required. They can also snatch on to any inheritances, lottery winnings, and other unexpected financial windfalls. Repayment terms are tailored as much as possible to the individuals ability to pay and the balances do not have interest charges. I didn't dig deep enough, but I have doubts that it is run entirely off of county funds although the county may administer it. Until you pay your balance, liens will remain in effect against any real property you own, meaning either you can't sell or transfer that property until you satisfy the liens, or funds in the amount of the balance will be taken from you at the time of the sale.This is why I referred to your post as authoritarian!
I don't use CMS I use doctors at their facilities. Whatever the website said, it doesn't apply to me and is probably changed to the recipients! Unless you are here you couldn't possibly know the Clinic protocol. And I don't appreciate you spouting these things off because people in other countries might think you know something you don't. First I apologies I just finished a 22 day trip that included a flight to Baltimore The loading of a sisters personal possessions into a 17 ' U-Haul. Drove it to the bay area while she drove her Prius and went the wrong way. As I'm sure you know that trip involves getting on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to the 80 toll road which when you come to Chicago is 80 and goes directly to the bay area. After refusing to follow my instructions because her gps on her prius couldn’t be wrong, I drove nonstop to about half way between Chicago and Des Moines Iowa, and she made it to Wheeling W.V. :crazy:
I was in Alameda in three daysand waited 5 more for her. I finally bullied her into a storage yesterday left her with my brother. He and his wife are trying to get this very disturbed woman’s life together. I'm finally at home in San Diego and realize the stress she put me through was being channeled here!

The Clinic doctor's at the facility I go to are generally less than brilliant.
My Doctor I had for twelve years is cut from a different cloth. A competative distance runner and someone that knows how to deal with the types of maladies I have as I played very competitive sports until at 44 I tore my left hamstring twice in a 6 month period It has a divot in it about the size of one of Madonna’s pointy bras :p : She is an excellent internist, and I found out about 2 months ago she went to Guatemala for a year, to work pro bono. That's the kind of person she is. Now I'm a very healthy 56 years old, and can still whip my weight in wildcats. But post-traumatic arthritis to my numerous Fractures, separations and dislocations is one issue. One she is especially adept at dealing with.

Now back to the clinic. Since my last visit they have tightened their belt I went in to get a BP check only to find that I had lost her for a year (if she ever comes back) Paying customers only have to fill out a form with your name and phone number You don't get into an examination room until you pay the office visit charge CASH ONLY They won't take blood or do any test's until your given the price and PAID Cash in advance. There are ways to cheat CMS. For instance quaifying, legit, then have a change in status within 6 months and not reporting it 6 MOS is as far as anyone can go without reapplying. These patients have to have an immediate medical problem, an injury, or an ongoing illness even to apply. They have tightened their belt so tight They can no longer go in and say they are pending approval. It's not a trauma center and anyone without a CMS card has to go to an emergency room for any affliction, unless they have bucks up front. I've never had to sign any waiver or even a contract as long as I pay up front!
Sort of Socialistic :)

11th June 2009, 03:56
Fiero, Taz's angry response is typical I am afraid of the society that has been created when the state "gives" so much without thought to future reprecussions.

What is happening in California will eventually happen in other socialisitic states and provinces on the continent. You can only give til it hurts, and when it hurts, the people with money and businesses pack up and move because they refuse ( and quite rightly ) to have themselves picked clean for the ability of politicians to bribe the masses with goodies.

I just returned from my first visit to California, and must admit, I was saddened by the ridiculously horrible infrastructure (ROADS) that had lots of signs saying how Caltrans was improving things but I never saw ONE Guy doing a damned thing to fix those roads. Lots of barrells and no work still means my truck was being pounded all to hell.

If THAT is any indication of where the rest of the state's government services are, then you guys are SCREWED....
:rotflmao: You are full of $hit
Your jealosy of our benevolence has plethorized into irrational envy.
BTW How was your trip to California :)
Nice weather were having, as usual!
Now what part of your Redneck @ss doesn't understand this program.
Any and all, because you don't like to belive the citizens of Ca. know something your miopic @ss doesn't
Your fooishness is leaning even further to the right :p :

11th June 2009, 04:10
If they burn all the homes and businesses and get rid of the illegals due to the end of welfare it will become a haven for hard working people. Why? Nobody but a hard working gun owner would want to start rebuilding in that scorched earth situation, and all the destruction will bring the costs of land down to next to nothing.

Imagine that, all the Hollywood types moving and the beach areas becoming a Republican gun toting haven! :laugh:

California has been screwed for years, they just took forever to figure it out.See post #11 :p :

11th June 2009, 04:14
Actually, what you pay sounds about like what I pay. I go to a local medical school and my Dr. is one of the professors there. I also pay up front for all services. There are decent deals on decent medical care out there if you bother to shop around for them. Quite a few offer discounts for patients that pay cash, i.e., no insurance. I don't consider your situation a welfare situation. You are willing to pay and do pay for your care.

Sorry to hear about your horrible road trip. Funny how after you hit 50, you don't view that sort of thing an adventure anymore. After a life of motocross racing and other assorted hard knocks, I can appreciate working up to full speed gradually and hurting just for the fun of hurting. Good luck with sis and if you just got to vent, feel free to dump on me any old time.

See you around.

11th June 2009, 06:15
Yes sadly Mark the freeways of California are some of the most poorly maintained in the western U.S. and most heavily used by Californian trying to make an honest buck. I can't speak for the rest of the citizens of the great state of California. But personally I don't give a crap about a foreigner’s truck having to roll over imperfect Freeways as I do about all our children having teachers that give a $hit about their profession, and are appalled by being coerced to teach creationism. But I suppose you see public education as too socialist of an agenda when it is the biggest issue we have in this state. I have a solution that would be beneficial to all parties concerned. Don't take your precious 18 wheeler behind the golden curtain any more :dozey:

I just returned from my first visit to California, and must admit, I was saddened by the ridiculously horrible infrastructure (ROADS) that had lots of signs saying how Caltrans was improving things but I never saw ONE Guy doing a damned thing to fix those roads. Lots of barrells and no work still means my truck was being pounded all to hell. I've got a News flash for you! Caltrans works around most areas in the wee hours of the morning. You see their are a lot of folks that enjoy this place, and could give a rat’s ass about your precious Rig! :s mokin:
Hell in So. Cal as you know there are a lot more rigs from México doing business here. Stay away they all carry knifes and even though they have to meet "California” Standards to drive cross state I wonder how many are filled with evil doers ready to go Medieval on your narrow @ss! :rotflmao:

Easy Drifter
11th June 2009, 07:20
Taz: What has got into you? You normally are a pretty reasonable guy.
Mark can defend himself pretty well but as he was in Ca. with a load it was because somebody in Ca. wanted whatever Mark was hauling from Ont.
There are crappy roads everywhere due to lack of proper funding.
I travel part of the Trans Canada Highway in Ont. regularly and it was a dentists' best friend until last year when work commenced to fix it. A year later they are still jerking around on part of it.
I also travel on a much longer stretch when I go to Mosport and it is terrible. This is the Trans Canada Highway for g--s sake!
My ex spent all winter travelling in the US and she commented on poor roads in Ca. and Texas. She was in many other states and made no adverse comments about them.
The NY Thruway used to be awful but it got fixed eventually.
Funding for infrastructure in most of NA is a way behind because it is not sexy, and I don't mean just roads.
A report just came out saying that in Ont. there are a billion, yes a billion, gallons of water lost in municipal water systems every year due to leakage from old pipes. Add to that they are our larger Imperial Gallons so in your terms it would be 1.2 Billion!
I don't know about Mark but in my ex's case she was just surprised that Ca. roads were in such poor shape compared to the last time she was there.
Peace? or at least a truce?

11th June 2009, 07:41
California is dying, by it's own hand.

11th June 2009, 08:46
California is dying, by it's own hand. :mark:

Where is my bud Gloomyday! He lives in the OC
What's your take my man.
I rather fancy my home
I wish they would put a moratorium on the amount of midwesterners and easterners that come here I don't have a problem with the sausauge fingered midwesterners, other than they annoy me with their beloved Cubies! Remember Steve Garvey 1984 ouch! East coast is like another planet with a very severe atmosphere. No wonder New Yorkers are so obnoxious.
Yes I remember the old battle-cry "Tourists Go Home! But Leave Your Daughters"
I'm going to stop being a ranting advertisement!
This place sucks
Don't waste your time....Seriously :)

Brown, Jon Brow
11th June 2009, 11:27
No welfare is a great idea. If you are useless to society, why should the society keep feeding and dressing you? No point.
Unfortunately, there is no chance of that happening.

You seem to have a similar view on welfare as my mum has. She says that if she came to power nobody would be unemployed because she would scrap the unemployment welfare so people would either work or starve.

I say a small amount of unemployment is always healthy in an economy. This is basic economic theory.

11th June 2009, 15:48
Taz: What has got into you? You normally are a pretty reasonable guy.


Mark in Oshawa
11th June 2009, 16:24
First off Taz, if you are going to STEAL my words and put another moniker on them ( something I HIGHLY disapprove of....hear that MODDY...HIGHLY). at least spell CANADIAN properly. You gave us the French spelling which would be fine if I was French from Quebec. I am not.

Secondly, your crappy roads and infrastructure were NOT being worked on at night since I did a lot of my travelling AT night. Your crappy roads are the WORST on the continent. Drifter can complain about the roads up his way, but he wasn't in that truck with stuff being shook, rattled and rolled with me.

Secondly, your health care issues mean diddly squat to me. Whether the State of California provides a form of healthcare to its citizens or not isn't my issue, for I wasn't there to see a doctor. Furthermore, I come from a country that doesn't give me that choice to go see and pay a doctor for his services, so I know where it can end up sparky, and it isn't always pretty.

No, your attitude sucks pal. Your state is swirling down the toilet. The money coming in isn't as great as the need for the dough, and you have a governor threatening to shut down services that actually DO things while not touching a lot of programs that probably benefit about 2% of the population. I have been to 45 of the 50 states and I can honestly say California was the biggest paradox I have ever seen. Beautiful properties, tons of people and business, but the worst infrastructure on god's green earth. I rode on smoother roads in the Yucatan on holidays 5 years ago. If the state of California cannot keep up its roads, what else are they skimping on?

No...the point is California is broke, and you are acting like the rest of us are irrational for pointing that out. Put down the shovel man....the hole you guys have dug is getting pretty deep. You might hurt something...

Mark in Oshawa
11th June 2009, 16:27
You seem to have a similar view on welfare as my mum has. She says that if she came to power nobody would be unemployed because she would scrap the unemployment welfare so people would either work or starve.

I say a small amount of unemployment is always healthy in an economy. This is basic economic theory.

Your mum is right of Margaret Thatcher aint she?? lol.. Maybe Margaret IS your mom? lol

I agree with her to an extent, but I like you figure there is always some unemployment. Full employment is a communist ideal, and that aint mum is it?

Unemployment should be enough to get by on, but not LIVE on. Understand the differences there, and society will do ok....

11th June 2009, 16:49
...Unemployment should be enough to get by on, but not LIVE on. ...

Well said. Welfare should be hand up, not a hand out.
Sadly, in this country it's far too easy to expect it as a hand out.

11th June 2009, 17:01
First off Go F*** yourself!
Then when you’re in the neighborhood stop by.
I'll be happy to do a tap-dance on your face :)

Mark in Oshawa
11th June 2009, 20:49
Schmenke....It was like that before Mike Harris was elected premier around here...and I am sure you heard the caterwauling from out of province when he came in and cut welfare down to a pretty bare bones level. We had close to a million people on welfare out of 11 million when he got elected but the welfare rolls are about half that now even with the recession.

The state has a duty to help those who truly need help....not give them a life. THAT is their job...

Brown, Jon Brow
11th June 2009, 22:31
Your mum is right of Margaret Thatcher aint she?? lol.. Maybe Margaret IS your mom? lol

I agree with her to an extent, but I like you figure there is always some unemployment. Full employment is a communist ideal, and that aint mum is it?

Unemployment should be enough to get by on, but not LIVE on. Understand the differences there, and society will do ok....

She is also in favour of scrapping the state pension :erm:

Mark in Oshawa
11th June 2009, 22:51
She is also in favour of scrapping the state pension :erm:

Good LORD...she IS Mrs. Thatcher!!!!..No wait...she is to the right of Mrs. Thatcher.

Mum is a dangerous woman......I kind of like that..lol

16th June 2009, 08:31
... I was saddened by the ridiculously horrible infrastructure (ROADS) that had lots of signs saying how Caltrans was improving things but I never saw ONE Guy doing a damned thing to fix those roads. Lots of barrells and no work still means my truck was being pounded all to hell.

If THAT is any indication of where the rest of the state's government services are, then you guys are SCREWED....

:laugh: Well you should have seen the signs a few years back, that suggested for folks traveling along the highway to report other vehicles that were emitting too much exhaust - swell idea - people can't concentrate on the phone, let alone drive at the same time. I wonder what brainiac thought that one up.

... Caltrans works around most areas in the wee hours of the morning...and could give a rat’s ass about your precious Rig!
That they do (working graveyard shift), otherwise traffic would be more of a shambles than what it already is - whether in the big cities or out on the vast landscapes outside of populated regions, where drivers behave just as badly.

I would say that they care about a rig if one gets close enough to them though, as you never know who's falling asleep behind the wheel... like me :s

As far as Cali goes, well... as they say, "... so goes the rest of the nation." Looks like we're in for a helluva ride. Maybe there's another good sale on tents at the Big 5. Sorry, bad joke. :blackeye:

16th June 2009, 15:42
:laugh: Well you should have seen the signs a few years back, that suggested for folks traveling along the highway to report other vehicles that were emitting too much exhaust - swell idea - people can't concentrate on the phone, let alone drive at the same time. I wonder what brainiac thought that one up.

That they do (working graveyard shift), otherwise traffic would be more of a shambles than what it already is - whether in the big cities or out on the vast landscapes outside of populated regions, where drivers behave just as badly.

I would say that they care about a rig if one gets close enough to them though, as you never know who's falling asleep behind the wheel... like me :s

As far as Cali goes, well... as they say,[i] "... so goes the rest of the nation."A Californian that knows what's Jake!
I salute you my brethren!
You may now leave Purgatory
I've confered with the Almighty :)

Mark in Oshawa
19th June 2009, 02:21
:laugh: Well you should have seen the signs a few years back, that suggested for folks traveling along the highway to report other vehicles that were emitting too much exhaust - swell idea - people can't concentrate on the phone, let alone drive at the same time. I wonder what brainiac thought that one up.:

I guess having a test for exhaust emissions was too hard for the wee little minds at CARB? You do it right, the state makes money off all those tests. Gee, they missed that one on their way to bankruptcy.

:That they do (working graveyard shift), otherwise traffic would be more of a shambles than what it already is - whether in the big cities or out on the vast landscapes outside of populated regions, where drivers behave just as badly.

I drove right through Sacrimento and up I-80 through Donner Pass and never saw a worker in the middle of the night. No evidence they did any work either.

I want to like California, and god knows the vistas were nice and the weather was pretty nice too, but lord help you people driving any conveyence over the road. When you can have worse roads than Michigan, that is saying a LOT....

25th June 2009, 06:59
You may now leave Purgatory
I've confered with the Almighty :)

Would be nice, with a little boost of getting the six numbers right on the Mega Millions tickets I keep buying. @#%&ing game!

... I drove right through Sacrimento and up I-80 through Donner Pass and never saw a worker in the middle of the night. No evidence they did any work either.

I want to like California, and god knows the vistas were nice and the weather was pretty nice too, but lord help you people driving any conveyence over the road. When you can have worse roads than Michigan, that is saying a LOT....

As upset as folks are here in the state, those of us that have lived the State of Confusion long enough (10 or more years) aren't kidding ourselves that this budget fiasco wasn't eminent - years of bs environmental laws-affecting the Ag industry, excessive taxes on businesses, influx of people coming across the border further straining a health-care system already under seige since people are living longer these days, and lack of proactive measures to deal with crime and teen-pregnancy (to name a few) are just the icing on a half-baked cake that public servants such as former gov's Wilson & Davis (along with Sen. Feinstein) have been presenting to the taxpayers for far too long.

Which is why it makes better since to move out of the state than to stick around and vote on stuff. If I had my way, I'd be on a island somewhere in the Pacific - minus the cell-phones, TV, and other modern day garbage.

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2009, 18:15
Would be nice, with a little boost of getting the six numbers right on the Mega Millions tickets I keep buying. @#%&ing game!

As upset as folks are here in the state, those of us that have lived the State of Confusion long enough (10 or more years) aren't kidding ourselves that this budget fiasco wasn't eminent - years of bs environmental laws-affecting the Ag industry, excessive taxes on businesses, influx of people coming across the border further straining a health-care system already under seige since people are living longer these days, and lack of proactive measures to deal with crime and teen-pregnancy (to name a few) are just the icing on a half-baked cake that public servants such as former gov's Wilson & Davis (along with Sen. Feinstein) have been presenting to the taxpayers for far too long.

Which is why it makes better since to move out of the state than to stick around and vote on stuff. If I had my way, I'd be on a island somewhere in the Pacific - minus the cell-phones, TV, and other modern day garbage.

Its a shame AAR, you have a beautiful state but it has been run by people not in reality. It is a socialist utopia in some ways, but the time has come for them to start being realistic and they just cannot do it....

The really sad part? They will cut things in such a way that the working poor and the people paying the freight, the middle class will take the worst hits.

26th June 2009, 07:50
... It is a socialist utopia in some ways, but the time has come for them to start being realistic and they just cannot do it....

The really sad part? They will cut things in such a way that the working poor and the people paying the freight, the middle class will take the worst hits.

For now the middle class hasn't been hit that bad yet, with exception to those unemployed. Others like Tazio, who literally can't fight for themselves are being hit the hardest - those who are inflicted with disabilities:

- Special Olympics was the first thing cut I believe.

- after that, there was other facilities for autistic children that got scrapped, and that's not including the families who have newborns with special needs having to live in RVs out in the hospital parking lots because the bed-space is no longer available inside the medical care centers themselves.

- IHSS (In Home Support Services) is taking a hit as well, since the state wants to save money by lowering their caretakers' wages by more than a $1 less than what it was a year ago. In fact the Gov.' wants to get it down to the minimum $8.60/hr. level as required by the Fed law - however that just won't do, as no one can support themselves much less their families (w/working spouse) on such 3rd-world wages - according to the COL (Cost Of Living) in this state.

Healthy Families program is set to receive a disastrous salvo which is a HUGE mistake; as it provides medical insurance for almost one million children of low-income families. We already got 'Hoovervilles' (tent-cities) sprouting up here and there, with families - that's enough to tow as it is - but when it becomes practice of jeopardizing their kids' health, then things are going to start to get dangerous. As there is only so much that folks will tolerate.

Most everyone realizes that Schwarzenegger and Obama have been trying to do their best; but it doesn't help when the state has a 2/3rds-vote legislation required to get things passed, or that we have a rookie Prez who's plate is full of a mess that was inherited from not only the last administration, but with what's been wrong with this country for the last 44 years - Democrat or Republican, it makes no difference.

26th June 2009, 08:03
... I drove right through Sacrimento and up I-80 through Donner Pass and never saw a worker in the middle of the night. No evidence they did any work either..

Sorry, I forgot to elaborate on the Caltrans workers when I quoted you earlier.

I drive locally myself, however during the summer I haul tomatoes up to Williams (past Sac-town about 45-55 miles). Last year, there was quite a bit of graveyard activity going on there (Sac), Stockton, Tracy and the long, lone stretches of I-5 ranging from Bakersfield to just past Santa Nella (by Hwy 152, Los Banos). Most of it was supposed to be done by last fall, which it was. But our season usually ends by mid-Oct., so I don't know what might have been left undone.

If ever this way again in a rig, avoid Hwy.'s 4 & 12 (Stockton & Lodi respectively) if at all possible. Not only are those roads far worse than 80, but Hwy 4 itself has a length restriction for tractor-trailers; driving it in doubles is bad enough btw

26th June 2009, 13:45
For now the middle class hasn't been hit that bad yet, with exception to those unemployed. Others like Tazio, who literally can't fight for themselves are being hit the hardest - those who are inflicted with disabilities:
I've done quite well for myself, and a quadriplegic son, thank you!
Perhaps yould like to put some $ in his foundation I'll PM you!