View Full Version : It's a conspiracy!

16th February 2007, 13:20
My mum was telling me yesterday that she'd been listening to a radio show where people were discussing conspiracy theories, and there was one guy on the show who was convinced that the events of 9/11 were a big conspiracy. He claimed that the planes were not planes but misiles, sent by the USA to give them a reason to invade Iraq. I was just in shock... it's just bizarre how you can get sucked into something like that without even looking at the bare facts... the people who died for starters!

Anyway, after reading this article from the BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6368341.stm) I was wondering what peoples takes where on any conspiracy theories? Do you ever get sucked in to any? Do you simply dismiss them?

I must say I do get intrigued by certain cases, particularly the ones surrounding religion and things... but some, some are just absolutely ludicrous ... I wish I knew how they started sometimes!

jim mcglinchey
16th February 2007, 13:41
That was the Vine show on Radio 2, both sides had great arguments. BTW wheres the polish guy from the forum whose mission was to convince us all that it had been a giant conspiracy?

16th February 2007, 13:57
Do you mean IvanThaDriver? He had a huff and stomped off a few months ago IIRC.

I actually work for someone who believes every conspiracy under the sun and then some. It is very hard to keep steering conversations away from them and once he gets on the subject, there's no stopping him.

I do find some of the theories quite interesting and I'm quite willing to believe that there is a lot of stuff going on we don't know about. However, I'm also a rationalist and a big believer in Occam's Razor - "we should not suppose that there are more things in the world than there need be". (Could be slightly off with that - will check.)

16th February 2007, 14:26
Congrats on your 1,000th post, LotusElise! :)

16th February 2007, 15:04
There's a guy here at work who believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy too.

Apparently there's all sorts of vids on the internet that "prove" it.

I just ignore him. Others get fired up at him though.

Brown, Jon Brow
16th February 2007, 15:11
Type 'terror storm' into google video ;)

16th February 2007, 15:30
Some conspiracy theories have reasonable amounts of credible evidence to support them, but the official line is the only one permitted. The assassination of JFK would be a good example of this. Another would be the 'aircraft' that supposedly hit the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks. Film showing something much smaller and much faster than an aircraft was taken by the Pentagons own CCTV system and has been widely available on the internet.

Then again we had an idiot no so long ago trying to convince everyone that the holocaust was a figment of peoples imagination :dozey:

Dave B
16th February 2007, 17:18
The 9/11 conspiracy theorists use so much speculation and bad science in their arguements as to be laughable.

It's good that in an open and free democracy there are people willing to challenge the party line and to not just accept the official story as gospel; but some of the theorists just don't know when to let it lie.

Some of the more absurd claims, such as the planes being holograms, are insulting to those who lost their lives.

16th February 2007, 17:34
One 'conspiracy theory' that might, I feel, have some credence attached to it is the idea that Dr David Kelly, the government scientist who died in July 2003 after being named as one of the BBC's sources for its reporting of the 'Iraq could launch weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes' claim, didn't commit suicide. Some quite expert opinion has stated that the evidence points to some foul play having been involved.

oily oaf
16th February 2007, 17:48
'Ere you know The Queen Mother right?
She aint dead! FACT
No what 'appened is right, is that after Lady Di copped it she vowed that the Royals would never again be seen as being a breed apart from us normal geezers so she got a job in a kebab shop in Green Street where she knocks up £4.50 an hour dishing up doners to the football crowds on Saturday afternoons.
Now don't get me wrong for Gawds sake I love the bloody Royals me, but I'l tell ya somefink for nufink the amount of chilli sauce she dishes out is a bleedin' shambles and no error :mad:

Yours faithfully
His Royal Highness Phil The Greek
Diamond Lil's Massage Parlour

16th February 2007, 18:13
I do a lot of business with English people of Pakistani origin, some of whom are very devout Muslims. Within two or three days of September 11, I had been told by several different of these business contacts that the Twin Towers were brought down by the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, as evidenced by the fact that four thousand Jews who normally work in the buildings did not show up on September 11. Amazingly, I still hear that today.

oily oaf
16th February 2007, 18:46
I do a lot of business with English people of Pakistani origin, some of whom are very devout Muslims. Within two or three days of September 11, I had been told by several different of these business contacts that the Twin Towers were brought down by the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, as evidenced by the fact that four thousand Jews who normally work in the buildings did not show up on September 11. Amazingly, I still hear that today.

Tish Tosh and Folderol! :mad:

Call that amazing????

Only last evening I saw a billboard in London's Piccadilly Circus proclaiming that "Guinness Is Good For You"

As an avid seeker after the body beautiful I immediately retired to the nearest hostelry and promptly guzzled pint after pint of the much vaunted elixir of well being.

Imagine my fury when I emerged 5 hours later and instead of feeling on top of the world and ready to embark on a brisk 25 mile jog I promptly vomited on a passing theatre goer before buying a dog on a piece of string for a vastly inflated price from a Somali assylum seeker before having an extremely bloody fight with myself and being arrested and subsequently kicked to buggery by assorted members of the Ebury Bridge constabulary.
What's so bloody good about that eh? :mad:

Yours Truly
Tony Pornbaron

Ian McC
16th February 2007, 19:22
There's a guy here at work who believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy too.

I think a lot of these theories were sparked by this pilot episode of 'The Lone Gunmen', the spin off from The X-Files. This was first broadcast some six months before 9/11. Looking at it now it is scary to see it and think how close to acturate it was.

I don't think you will be seeing it on TV anytime soon but it is around on file sharing sites and bits of it are on You Tube


16th February 2007, 19:41
I think a lot of these theories were sparked by this pilot episode of 'The Lone Gunmen', the spin off from The X-Files. This was first broadcast some six months before 9/11. Looking at it now it is scary to see it and think how close to acturate it was.[/url]

I think they are more likely to have originated from the fact that conspiracy theories naturally surround any huge world event on that scale.

16th February 2007, 20:56
Since I met Elvis three days ago I tend to believe everything! :)