View Full Version : 315,000 deaths per year from climate change

29th May 2009, 21:44
As we don't have "Global Warming" anymore, 315,000 people a year are being killed by Global Climate Change. Because fewer people and scientists are buying into the manmade climate changes, the warnings about it become sillier and shriller.


I would say poor choices made by human beings contribute more to 315,000 deaths a year. People insist upon living in areas historically proven to be dangerous to human beings, i.e., mudslides, avalanches, annual flooding, hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes and so forth. Having more children than you or your land can afford to support helps make starvation a real possibility. Living in a third world country with a government that spends it's money on nuclear weapon development instead of increasing it's agriculture production, irrigation, flood control, and disease prevention doesn't help matters either.

Once people start letting the government get into their pockets for climate change and carbon nonsense, it's going to make the MP expenses look like the childs play that they are. Ask the government exactly what programs are going to be funded, exactly how these programs are going to work, exactly what results they are to produce, and exactly what benefit will be received and when, exactly, will these benefits become noticeable?

They won't be able to tell you.

30th May 2009, 00:09
The worse part is now we have to listen to the Greenies scream that number over and over again even though it is not based on one piece of fact.

Like the idiots who believe the ridiculous claim of 1 million Iraqi dead.

Easy Drifter
30th May 2009, 02:21
Cap and Trade is a rallying cry of the doomsayers.
All it does is screw the average Joe.
The Eu have embraced it and energy costs have shot up and corruption is rife.
It does not reduce emissions at all. It just means those who exceed a artificial limit buy credits from those who don't. In many case from non industrialized counties. Who pays for the purchases? The poor slob on the street as the companies jack prices.
Harper here and Obama are in favour, as is McGuinty in Ont. They know, or should, it will be a rip off but cap and trade is the Greenies propaganda set piece.
Minor detail that countries like China and India have no controls and are among the leading polluters in all respects.

As a bit of an aside the EU bleeding hearts and PETA (does it really mean People Eating Tasty Animals?) had fit because our Governor General (officially Canada's Head of State as the Queen's representative) ate a seal heart while in the Artic with the Inuit. Seal is and has been for thousands of years one of their main sources of meat! There just aren't any cows and pigs up there!
She is originally from Haiti and understands you eat what you can.
Good for her and I must admit I do not know if I could have chawed down on raw seal heart and I like Sushi!

30th May 2009, 05:33
(does it really mean People Eating Tasty Animals?)
Or animals eating tasty people :p :


Mark in Oshawa
30th May 2009, 15:11
Tazio...you are a sick puppy!!

Climate change. The Buzzwords of the new millenium. Are we so conceited tho to think we can change it. The guy who wrote the "Gaia principle" , Mr. Lovelock from the UK was on the CBC last week being interviewed on "The Hour" and basically said we could only maybe stop thing thing if we all stopped driving, breathing or making anything. It is happening, and it is part of the earth's cycle and our existence maybe sped it up. THATS IT. The climate of the earth changes and has done this many times in the past, and the last time I looked, the Dinosaurs didn't have SUV's and neanderthal man didn't have A/C and nuclear power, and yet they all suffered from climatic changes.

On this one, the right is DEAD on the money. This is a hammer being used by government and politicians, either knowningly or unknowingly to gain more control over our societies and in the end, screw up our economy.

I am not going to deny the weather is different than it was 20 years ago, but it isn't the result of us driving SUV's or breaking wind after eating two hamburgers. It is also a brief second in a lot of time of the earth's history. 30 years ago, many of the same chicken littles were telling us we we heading for an ice age, now they are telling us it is a global warming.

While the Innuit in the Arctic say they are noticing less winter, ( they don't really play to agendas so I tend to buy into their observation); I wont be following Al Gore around believing his BS. We could have a colder than normal summer this year and a harsh winter and then everyone will blame mankind's activity for THAT. Weather is what it is...and we are just a blimp on the radar.....

30th May 2009, 18:29
This is all very simple. Look into the past of most of the "Gods" of AGW. They are all communist/socialists. All this is, is a modern day attempt to bring communisim on a world stage, all dressed up with slick powerpoint presentations and "top stars". THERE IS NO SCIENCE BEHIND IT WHAT-SO-EVER.

Now I'm all for cleaning up the environment and taking care of it as best we can. And the easiest way to do that would be to build a hole bunch of nuke plants. But strangely the "greenies" don't want to do that. I wonder why? Cause then they can't tax CO2. Whoever thought up this BS about CO2 being a pollutant is the smartest/scariest man ever.