View Full Version : You're moving, whether you like it or not!

15th February 2007, 22:02
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be? It's hell, I can tell you. I'm going from West Yorkshire, which anyone who has been there can tell you is the best place on this planet, to Denver, Colorado, which is close to the worst (though no one who comes from there will admit it). I am not a happy camper. It is all my wife's fault.

But since I love her, and she is American, from the West, and very good with a left hook, Denver here we come!!! Yahoo!

15th February 2007, 22:09
Could be worse mate....

You could be coming to Detroit.............or Baghdad.

15th February 2007, 22:14
Is Detroit that bad?

Captain VXR
15th February 2007, 22:18
Erm, didn't Clarkson nearly get murdered when filming Motorworld 12 years? ago

Brown, Jon Brow
15th February 2007, 22:19
I had to move from the Lake District to Lancashire when I was 8, and I found it tough settling in a new school leaving all my friends behind. Anyway, I made new, better friends :)

Brown, Jon Brow
15th February 2007, 22:21
Erm, didn't Clarkson nearly get murdered when filming Motorworld 12 years? ago

He nearly got murdered in Alabama filming for Top Gear :laugh:

15th February 2007, 22:23
How long have you been married to her?

15th February 2007, 22:32
I had to move from the Lake District to Lancashire when I was 8, and I found it tough settling in a new school leaving all my friends behind. Anyway, I made new, better friends :)

I had to move from Wales four years ago .. it was tough settling in to school and stuff but im glad we did move, the opportunities we have round here are endless. Plus i've made friends I know i'll have for life :D :D :D So alls good :)

15th February 2007, 22:37
When I was about 2/3 we moved from East Yorkshire to Leeds. It didn't really bother me at that time i don't think. I can't say where i prefer to live because I don't remember living in East Yorkshire.

15th February 2007, 23:18
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be? It's hell, I can tell you. I'm going from West Yorkshire, which anyone who has been there can tell you is the best place on this planet, to Denver, Colorado, which is close to the worst (though no one who comes from there will admit it). I am not a happy camper. It is all my wife's fault.

But since I love her, and she is American, from the West, and very good with a left hook, Denver here we come!!! Yahoo!

I'm interested in the "anyone who has been there" part: is the wife among those? ;) :D

15th February 2007, 23:32
ya .. I was very happy in Mississauga Ontario but when I was young we had to move to Vancouver.. the home of the idiot Canucks fans (most of them are bad but theres some that are ok I guess)

race aficionado
16th February 2007, 00:24
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be? It's hell, I can tell you. I'm going from West Yorkshire, which anyone who has been there can tell you is the best place on this planet, to Denver, Colorado, which is close to the worst (though no one who comes from there will admit it). I am not a happy camper. It is all my wife's fault.

But since I love her, and she is American, from the West, and very good with a left hook, Denver here we come!!! Yahoo!

I wish you the best Gannex. Also you know that you could avoid this if you just took some boxing lessons at the corner "Y" and learned the "how to avoid that very good left hook" course.

any way . . . . make the best out of it and be sure to take your snow shovel.

Also be prepared for the new F1 timing schedule - hopefully you will get Speed TV - and yes, you can now enjoy Nascar with one of your fave racers of all time, my good ol JPM :D

See, it aint all that bad.

:s mokin:

16th February 2007, 01:30
My condolences. I had a forced move that placed me about 500 miles East of your new home.
Escape has been difficult. :laugh:

16th February 2007, 01:42
I had to move from the Lake District to Lancashire when I was 8, and I found it tough settling in a new school leaving all my friends behind. Anyway, I made new, better friends :)

I find it tough because Lancashire in general is a bit sh*t! :p

16th February 2007, 04:27
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be?
I do that most weekday mornings. Bed-->work
What makes you say Denver is sooooo bad? I've been through there twice (vacations) and thought it was ok. The first time through I noticed alot of gliders, so if you're into learning how to fly it's probably a good place. When it comes to skiing, the only city I'd rather be in is Vancouver. And the best thing is......they've got the Broncos....so you can finally watch some REAL football.

16th February 2007, 06:56
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be? It's hell, I can tell you. I'm going from West Yorkshire, which anyone who has been there can tell you is the best place on this planet, to Denver, Colorado, which is close to the worst (though no one who comes from there will admit it). I am not a happy camper. It is all my wife's fault.

But since I love her, and she is American, from the West, and very good with a left hook, Denver here we come!!! Yahoo!

What is so bad about Denver?

Just curious, seeing as I live there and love it, I'd like to know what is so bad (I'll bet it is just a bunch of BS but I've got an open mind as to your answer).

oily oaf
16th February 2007, 07:46
Indeed I have my learned friend as the following short anecdote will starkly illustrate.
Circa 1985 I found myself in attendance at a rather jolly student's New Years Eve shindig which was being held at the rather palatial Essex home of an extremely comely young secretarial student whose daddy had made an absolute killing from crushing motor vehicles and his unfortunate business rivals alike. :arrows:
During the course of the evening I found myself seated alongside the alluring young hostess and after some initial light banter and a spot of earole nibbling we both made a tactical withdrawal to one of the many boudoirs that littered the upper floor :)
After a minute or 2 and some preliminary feverish maneuvers I found myself to be very comfortable indeed.
Sadly this halcyon state of affairs came abruptly to a premature end due to the cruel and untimely arrival of daddy who appeared to be totally bereft of any semblance of humanity as he yanked back the bed covers and held me fast by one of my well turned ankles.
How we all laughed as he hurled me bodily into the snow covered garden clad only in my Captain Scarlet undercrackers and with blood pouring from a gaping head wound.

Next week: How I was killed instantly after being thrown from a 14th floor bedroom window by the irate mother of a "nice bit of posh" from Bromley By Bow.

16th February 2007, 09:47
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be? It's hell, I can tell you. I'm going from West Yorkshire, which anyone who has been there can tell you is the best place on this planet, to Denver, Colorado, which is close to the worst (though no one who comes from there will admit it). I am not a happy camper. It is all my wife's fault.

But since I love her, and she is American, from the West, and very good with a left hook, Denver here we come!!! Yahoo!
Meh! I was happy in Perth but when I met my special one I was no longer happy in Perth :( Now I'm happy living in a village in North Wales which is almost nothing like Perth :)

16th February 2007, 09:52
I moved from Warrington to Newcastle for love, so I know what you mean. It was well worth it though, except Oulton Park is no longer a 30 minute drive away.

16th February 2007, 10:03
I moved from Warrington to Newcastle for love, so I know what you mean. It was well worth it though, except Oulton Park is no longer a 30 minute drive away.
Yes but Liverpool is a helluva lot further away! :p

Plus you're not as close to Ikea. Score!

16th February 2007, 11:16
How long have you been married to her?
Eighteen years, Erki.

I'm interested in the "anyone who has been there" part: is the wife among those? ;) :D
She is, tinchote, but she cannot stand West Yorkshire and misses the US desperately. We have been here in England for the last eleven years and, when we arrived, I promised Faye we'd be back in the States within five years or thereabouts. I've missed that deadline by six years, as she never ceases to remind me.

I wish you the best Gannex. Also you know that you could avoid this if you just took some boxing lessons at the corner "Y" and learned the "how to avoid that very good left hook" course.

any way . . . . make the best out of it and be sure to take your snow shovel.

Also be prepared for the new F1 timing schedule - hopefully you will get Speed TV - and yes, you can now enjoy Nascar with one of your fave racers of all time, my good ol JPM :D

See, it aint all that bad.

:s mokin:
Thanks, race. I'll get myself that snow shovel, and will DEFINITELY get Speed TV.

What makes you say Denver is sooooo bad?

What is so bad about Denver?

Just curious, seeing as I live there and love it, I'd like to know what is so bad (I'll bet it is just a bunch of BS but I've got an open mind as to your answer).
I don't really think Denver is a bad place. When I said that in the opening post, it was just for effect, to be honest. But I genuinely do not want to move, am dreading it in fact, because I so much like where I am now. I think it's because I was born and raised here, left for twenty years, and when I came back, all the good things about Yorkshire that I remembered were still the way they had been in my youth.

16th February 2007, 11:32
I've never had to move anywhere unless I've chosen to, fortunately.
When I was a kid, I did want to move house for some reason as most of the other kids in my class had. Never did though.

Now I know it's always sad to leave somewhere you like.

16th February 2007, 13:41
I managed to avoid this when my Bf got a new job after graduating... we compromised with somewhere in between.. but I guess that's not really an option for you!

best of luck with the move, I think it's nice you're doing this ... I'm sure it will mean so much to her too... and who knows, maybe the place will grow on you!

16th February 2007, 13:51
I wonder how she managed to live in the UK for 18 years. Or did she get homesick now?

16th February 2007, 14:13
Has anyone here had to move from somewhere they were perfectly happy, to somewhere they definitely did not want to be?
Does Jail count. :D

But since I love her, and she is American, from the West, and very good with a left hook, Denver here we come!!! Yahoo!
Good luck....look at it, as an adventure.....moving :)

16th February 2007, 16:02
Thanks, race. I'll get myself that snow shovel, and will DEFINITELY get Speed TV.

I don't really think Denver is a bad place. When I said that in the opening post, it was just for effect, to be honest. But I genuinely do not want to move, am dreading it in fact, because I so much like where I am now. I think it's because I was born and raised here, left for twenty years, and when I came back, all the good things about Yorkshire that I remembered were still the way they had been in my youth.

Just be smart about where you buy too. If you want an urban living experience, to be "in the thick of it" (culture and lifestyle wise) make sure you pick a place accordingly. If you want to be more active and outdoorsy (probably not?) pick an according place. If you want peace and quiet with good schools and boring beighbors, well you get my drift.

Denver is one of the top 10 markets, job centers, commerce centers, and media markets. We aren't normally thought of as one of the big key cities in the states but we are fairly important. I think you'll like it if you let it grow on you (living here just PM me if there is any information I can provide).

One more thing, sadly we are not a huge motorsports mecca, but International Speedway Corporation is working on changing that bit by bit it seems.

16th February 2007, 18:51
I wonder how she managed to live in the UK for 18 years. Or did she get homesick now?
Of the eighteen years we've been married, seven were in the US, and then the last eleven have been in England. She's been homesick since the day we left America, unfortunately.

Just be smart about where you buy too. If you want an urban living experience, to be "in the thick of it" (culture and lifestyle wise) make sure you pick a place accordingly. If you want to be more active and outdoorsy (probably not?) pick an according place. If you want peace and quiet with good schools and boring beighbors, well you get my drift.

Denver is one of the top 10 markets, job centers, commerce centers, and media markets. We aren't normally thought of as one of the big key cities in the states but we are fairly important. I think you'll like it if you let it grow on you (living here just PM me if there is any information I can provide).

One more thing, sadly we are not a huge motorsports mecca, but International Speedway Corporation is working on changing that bit by bit it seems.
Thanks a lot, L5. That's very nice of you. As far as motorsports are concerned, I was very impressed with the new kart track that they've opened up in Centennial, by the airport. I was there last summer, and Justin Wilson had just been there as part of a promotional thing they were doing. I rented a kart, along with my son and a friend, and the three of us had a great time.

17th February 2007, 00:16
Look at the bright side Gannex, you can probably cross tsunami off your list of things to worry about.

17th February 2007, 00:26
Is Detroit that bad?



courtesy of Le Onion

17th February 2007, 10:56
Look at the bright side Gannex, you can probably cross tsunami off your list of things to worry about.
True! And it'll be a great opportunity to brush up on my line-dancing skills. I haven't seen a rodeo in ages, and I can't remember the last time I did some good goat-roping. I think I was with oily oaf at the time.

oily oaf
17th February 2007, 11:10
True! And it'll be a great opportunity to brush up on my line-dancing skills. I haven't seen a rodeo in ages, and I can't remember the last time I did some good goat-roping. I think I was with oily oaf at the time.

No mate that was stoat groping when we spent an idyllic Remembrance Sunday interfering with a family of weasels in Fort Worth Texas.

Ah Halcyon days indeed! :D

oily oaf
17th February 2007, 11:49


courtesy of Le Onion

Great stuff :D
Just spent half an hour chuckling over some of the articles on there.
You've just made an old but still devastatingly handsome lurve god very happy my dear :s mokin:

17th February 2007, 15:19
While I can appreciate your sorrow about leaving your homeland, we Americans can only benefit from having you back amongst us again.

Welcome back Gannex!

17th February 2007, 15:32
Is Detroit that bad?

No. It's not that bad. But Denver, Colorado would be better. :p :

Ian McC
18th February 2007, 13:07
Stop complaining man, get yourself a ten gallon hat and you will fit in just fine :D

18th February 2007, 18:58
A few years back i did a job that involved moving about a bit.
At one point i was based in a village in shropshire that made my previous locatiuons in Norfolk and North wales look like the centre of the universe! The day i arrived was sure there were banjo playing locals hiding in the bushes!!

19th February 2007, 12:20
And on the bright side, you might just end up doing a few more hours in a SEP light aircraft!

19th February 2007, 13:44
I moved from Karlstad, Sweden, to Burgess Hill, UK (West Sussex) in 1996. I was 8 years old, not very fun to leave my friends and join an English school not knowing a word of english apart from Hello and Yes. But it worked out and I got many good friends and had a good time. Then I moved back to Karlstad in the summer of 2001 (My father's work) I had to start a new school again, new friends. Worked well though. In the autumn I'm hopefully moving to Nottingham (University)