View Full Version : Video of my hero from the Anger Management thread

28th May 2009, 06:53
Sorry, but I had to give this man his own thread... just because, well... he's awesome like that!!!

I present to you, the baddest man in the whole damn town... since Leroy Brown: Lian Jian Sheeeeeeng!!!

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT waste this man's time with your goofy emotional problems and half arsed suicide attempts! He's 66 years old and he ain't havin' it!


28th May 2009, 14:38
Take that, pinche pendejo!

Mark in Oshawa
30th May 2009, 14:19
That being the People's Republic of China, I am surprised he didn't get a medal for pushing the guy, and I am surprised they put the airbag out for him.

Remember, that is the nation that gives the family of a deceased prisoner given the death penalty by firing squad the bill for the ammunition.

That was slick. That dude just cozied right up there, talked for maybe 10 seconds and boom, over the side he went....