View Full Version : What little thing gives you a rush?

Hazell B
27th May 2009, 20:38
About once every couple of weeks I like to do something that makes my heart beat a touch faster, something naughty but fun.

Last sunday morning a little after 5am I stopped my car and hauled a few Vote UKIP signs out of the ground on a roundabout near York. They're now living in a ditch, free at last :p :
After lunch I gave in pulling them out manually and simply drove over the rest I spotted, crushing them with my big fat Range Rover's wheels :D

Sometimes I bid on auction items I don't want, just to irritate a certain dealer who won't ever let me beat him on a lot. He's never let me down, always going one bid higher. It's fun seeing how hard I can push him and how low he'll let his profit slip just to 'beat' me :laugh:

I'm not talking life and death risks, just little things that make you smile. What are they in your case?

27th May 2009, 20:53
About once every couple of weeks I like to do something that makes my heart beat a touch faster, something naughty but fun.

Last sunday morning a little after 5am I stopped my car and hauled a few Vote UKIP signs out of the ground on a roundabout near York. They're now living in a ditch, free at last :p :
After lunch I gave in pulling them out manually and simply drove over the rest I spotted, crushing them with my big fat Range Rover's wheels :D

Sometimes I bid on auction items I don't want, just to irritate a certain dealer who won't ever let me beat him on a lot. He's never let me down, always going one bid higher. It's fun seeing how hard I can push him and how low he'll let his profit slip just to 'beat' me :laugh:

I'm not talking life and death risks, just little things that make you smile. What are they in your case?
Reading your posts. You're nuts. Totally Hazell, just like the new ice cream from Ingman:


27th May 2009, 22:19
:laugh: When Eki calls you nuts then all that is left is sign the commital papers :D

I don't really do anything mischeiveous like that, the one thing that does get my heart racing is chucking a car around a track every now and then. It's nothing quick or powerful but driving a car right on (and sometimes beyond) the limit is great fun :up:

27th May 2009, 22:26
I love it when some fool driving in front of me goes off the road while messing with a cell phone.

I hate it when they miss the guardrail or tree.

Easy Drifter
29th May 2009, 02:03
Coming into my town from the highway at my exit there is a fairly long off ramp. The highway is very downhill into a curve that could easily be taken at 140k. Speed limit is 80k.
So we have the twits doing about 80k (or less) putting on their brakes for the curve half way down the hill. I get a kick out of shooting up beside (or past) them on the ramp before braking for the 110 degree turn into my town. The reaction can be hilarious.
By the way the brakes on my Cobalt are no roaring h---. Maybe some day GM will put good brakes on a car but I doubt it.

29th May 2009, 08:48
About once every couple of weeks I like to do something that makes my heart beat a touch faster, something naughty but fun.

Last sunday morning a little after 5am I stopped my car and hauled a few Vote UKIP signs out of the ground on a roundabout near York. They're now living in a ditch, free at last :p :
After lunch I gave in pulling them out manually and simply drove over the rest I spotted, crushing them with my big fat Range Rover's wheels :D

Sometimes I bid on auction items I don't want, just to irritate a certain dealer who won't ever let me beat him on a lot. He's never let me down, always going one bid higher. It's fun seeing how hard I can push him and how low he'll let his profit slip just to 'beat' me :laugh:

I'm not talking life and death risks, just little things that make you smile. What are they in your case?

I've often thought you're mental. But now I think maybe in a good way :D , which roundabout by the way, I know quite a few of them around York! :p

29th May 2009, 12:36
Every weekend I pull out my Scoobie, go to the local race track or find a nice quiet road somewhere and let my heart rate climb with the revs :)

Hazell B
30th May 2009, 19:17
which roundabout by the way, I know quite a few of them around York! :p

The one for Murton and Hull Road off the A64. It's usually got two ponies in a small paddock where the signs were. They are in the ditch behind an evergreen hedge on York Auction Centre's land now :p :
The flat ones are near Howden.

This week's thrill was something I sadly cannot share on the forum.
Utterly immoral :D

Hazell B
30th May 2009, 19:18
And Eki, send me some Hazel.
In a freezer bag :p :

donKey jote
30th May 2009, 20:51
This week's thrill was something I sadly cannot share on the forum.
Utterly immoral :D

you didn't ! ... :s hock:

:laugh: :laugh:

Garry Walker
31st May 2009, 22:46
Insulting worthless lefties always amuses me greatly.

Hazell B
1st June 2009, 17:09
you didn't ! ... :s hock:

:laugh: :laugh:

No, he did ;)

1st June 2009, 20:44
The one for Murton and Hull Road off the A64. It's usually got two ponies in a small paddock where the signs were. They are in the ditch behind an evergreen hedge on York Auction Centre's land now :p :
The flat ones are near Howden.

This week's thrill was something I sadly cannot share on the forum.
Utterly immoral :D

I'm doing the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride in a couple of weeks. Hazel, you just got me checking the route to see if I'd see your vandalism. Unfortunately I hit the A64 at Marton and not Murton. Oh well. :)

2nd June 2009, 08:13
I'll be passing that roundabout tonight, I'll have a look out :p

Hazell B
3rd June 2009, 20:17
Mark, you may have seen one sign back from it's freedom. I took it down again at about 2pm tuesday on my way to drop off auction items.

It's now in the chicken run at home, a new tool in my hen wrangling armoury :p :

31st July 2009, 18:11
sevreal weeks ago i took alot of peaces of toilet paper and in the early hours of the morning i went outside and started throwing it in my neighbers yard and kept doing untill daybreak, the wind was really strong so by the time i was done their yard was totaly trashed :p it was so much fun :D

and recently i had some left over bowls of cereal, so, instead of just throwing it in the trash can i decided to do somthing a little more interesting with it, so i decided to throw it in my neighbers yard, so, i walked up the street to my neighbers house and threw the the cereal in their yard (bowls and all) and then walked back home, but as i started to go back inside my house, i saw a woman outside at my neighbers house, so, i started to get a little concerned, and sure enough she walked to the place where i threw the cereal, and looked on the ground and started walking towrds my house :eek: i got my cell phone out of my pocket and prended to be talking on it, so maybe she would think i was busy and go away, but it didn't work, she came up to me and said: "hey man! why did you throw that stuff in my yard?" and i said: "what stuff" and she said: "dont play dumb with me, i sat right over there and watched you do it, you just littered in my yard, and you better go pick it up!" i went and picked up the bowls but i was to lazy to pick up every peace of cereal :p :

31st July 2009, 18:18
"dont play dumb with me
You should've told her that you weren't playing. ;)

31st July 2009, 18:21
You should've told her that you weren't playing. ;)
well, looking back on it i should have just told her to get lost! :p

Easy Drifter
31st July 2009, 18:57
You are a pathetic little ignorant twit.
And those are your good points.

Dave B
31st July 2009, 19:28
Insulting worthless lefties always amuses me greatly.
Exposing the flaws in BNP policy amuses me, but each to their own ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
31st July 2009, 20:54
Sometimes I like to stop at the side of the road and pick up a traffic cone. Then I shout through the narrow end ‘STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!!!!’

1st August 2009, 10:06
Exposing the flaws in BNP policy amuses me, but each to their own ;)
Usually people get enjoyment out of doing something challenging :mark:

1st August 2009, 10:11
sevreal weeks ago i took alot of peaces of toilet paper and in the early hours of the morning i went outside and started throwing it in my neighbers yard and kept doing untill daybreak, the wind was really strong so by the time i was done their yard was totaly trashed :p it was so much fun :D

and recently i had some left over bowls of cereal, so, instead of just throwing it in the trash can i decided to do somthing a little more interesting with it, so i decided to throw it in my neighbers yard, so, i walked up the street to my neighbers house and threw the the cereal in their yard (bowls and all) and then walked back home, but as i started to go back inside my house, i saw a woman outside at my neighbers house, so, i started to get a little concerned, and sure enough she walked to the place where i threw the cereal, and looked on the ground and started walking towrds my house :eek: i got my cell phone out of my pocket and prended to be talking on it, so maybe she would think i was busy and go away, but it didn't work, she came up to me and said: "hey man! why did you throw that stuff in my yard?" and i said: "what stuff" and she said: "dont play dumb with me, i sat right over there and watched you do it, you just littered in my yard, and you better go pick it up!" i went and picked up the bowls but i was to lazy to pick up every peace of cereal :p :
You're not the sharpest tool in the toolshed, but nevertheless you are a tool :)

1st August 2009, 10:18
Actually Hazel - intriguing thread. Unfortunately I don't have enough "ban points" left to give you a straight answer. So close to the mark would be Cuervo Familia Tequila. Also unfortunate I can't tell you what you may get with a bottle of this :p

Mark in Oshawa
1st August 2009, 19:14
Hazell, you are a wicked woman...lol..and we love you for it. Don't change.

My wicked pleasure? Driving fast at night I suppose. On a lonely back road or highway I do like to let the Chev roll along much faster than the law likes.

Other than that? Playing poker. The money isn't the issue, I play for not much but I love the competition. Any time I can compete and win, that itch is scratched. I cannot afford to race, my hockey playing days are behind me, I haven't the time to be involved in Curling and my golf game sucks so bad the rush isn't there. So Poker....with the boys for 20 bucks a man over the course a night, or running small poker tourney's once or twice a year. Being on the net playing doesn't do it. I need to look the other guy in the eye as I take his money.

Mark in Oshawa
1st August 2009, 19:18
As for pulling out election signs from loons, Hazell you are right, just don't get caught.

I must admit, taking a sign or two down from the radical left wing bandits in town here was a thought when they put this trade unionsist wack job as a candidate. Also, a local council member is a busy body with no redeeming qualities other than her hubby running a furniture store paying for her elections. I wanted to to take a few of her signs and trash them too. Damned woman was all the stereotypes you wouldn't want in a politician and it was obvious she is in it for her own ego. She still got elected, but when she ran for federal office, she had her head handed to her by a guy with no personality at all. It was rather fitting....

Mark in Oshawa
1st August 2009, 19:19
You're not the sharpest tool in the toolshed, but nevertheless you are a tool :)

That defines Wade. Better than the rest of us.

AS Drifter pointed out, when the woman asked "are you playing dumb", Wade can honestly say he wasn't....

1st August 2009, 20:09
, just little things that make you smile. What are they in your case?

mine ain't little, at least that is what donKey's Missus says, but she has not had much to compare it to.

1st August 2009, 22:01
That defines Wade. Better than the rest of us.

I try Mark, I really do try :D

3rd August 2009, 06:24
sevreal weeks ago i took alot of peaces of toilet paper and in the early hours of the morning i went outside and started throwing it in my neighbers yard and kept doing untill daybreak, the wind was really strong so by the time i was done their yard was totaly trashed :p it was so much fun :D

and recently i had some left over bowls of cereal, so, instead of just throwing it in the trash can i decided to do somthing a little more interesting with it, so i decided to throw it in my neighbers yard, so, i walked up the street to my neighbers house and threw the the cereal in their yard (bowls and all) and then walked back home, but as i started to go back inside my house, i saw a woman outside at my neighbers house, so, i started to get a little concerned, and sure enough she walked to the place where i threw the cereal, and looked on the ground and started walking towrds my house :eek: i got my cell phone out of my pocket and prended to be talking on it, so maybe she would think i was busy and go away, but it didn't work, she came up to me and said: "hey man! why did you throw that stuff in my yard?" and i said: "what stuff" and she said: "dont play dumb with me, i sat right over there and watched you do it, you just littered in my yard, and you better go pick it up!" i went and picked up the bowls but i was to lazy to pick up every peace of cereal :p :

I'm unpleasantly surprised that you weren't beaten.

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd August 2009, 10:11
I also sometimes like to stop at the side of the road pick up a traffic cone, put it on my head and say 'LOOK! I'M A GIANT WITCH!'

3rd August 2009, 10:30
I really get a buzz out of writing things on internet forums just to get a rise out of people!

I do things like tell stories about trashing my neighbour's property and then wait for all the indignant replies from the usual suspects complaining about my spelling, grammar, how dumb I am and what a low life I am! :) :) :)

Valve Bounce
3rd August 2009, 10:56
About once every couple of weeks I like to do something that makes my heart beat a touch faster, something naughty but fun.

Last sunday morning a little after 5am I stopped my car and hauled a few Vote UKIP signs out of the ground on a roundabout near York. They're now living in a ditch, free at last :p :
After lunch I gave in pulling them out manually and simply drove over the rest I spotted, crushing them with my big fat Range Rover's wheels :D

Sometimes I bid on auction items I don't want, just to irritate a certain dealer who won't ever let me beat him on a lot. He's never let me down, always going one bid higher. It's fun seeing how hard I can push him and how low he'll let his profit slip just to 'beat' me :laugh:

I'm not talking life and death risks, just little things that make you smile. What are they in your case?

Picking Benny up - I give him a hug and he gives me lotsa licks on my face. :)

4th August 2009, 03:26
I really get a buzz out of writing things on internet forums just to get a rise out of people!

I do things like tell stories about trashing my neighbour's property and then wait for all the indignant replies from the usual suspects complaining about my spelling, grammar, how dumb I am and what a low life I am! :) :) :)

Rest assured, those who repeatedly don't understand your English are stupid :)

5th August 2009, 01:00
I know this sounds crazy but I dont need to do anything dangerous just for thrill... I've got this strange ability to give myself an adrenaline rush just by thought alone.

Is this normal? :/ :D

7th August 2009, 17:35
Whenever I get out of a lift I allways press as many floor buttons as I can, especially if they are in the opposite ddirection of where anybody getting one will want to go. I also try and press the door close button and try to make the lift go before anybody can get on too.