View Full Version : Grabbing TV

27th May 2009, 15:46
I watched the latest episode of Breaking Bad last night and really can't wait the few days until the finale of the second series. I have been well and truly gripped by this series so far, being pulled in by the dark humour and compelling story and drama. A similar sort of thing happened when I watched the Sopranos, watching the final series left me feeling drained after every episode because the tension was so high :D

What other TV shows have people found to be the televisual equivalent of a 'page turner'?

27th May 2009, 17:17
Not being a huge fan of TV in general, I try to be as choosy as possible. But Breaking Bad is a fantastic series! Notice the protagonists' names: White and Pinkman. Alluding to these guys not being truly hardcore or from the street. Yeah, I love this show!

Others I watch or have watched: Mad Men, The Wire (best television drama ever, IMO), The Sopranos and most recently, Lost (for those who are wondering who the hell Tricia Tanaka is).

I also gotted pulled into the series Rome. It fed my obsession for anything related to Rome and the Roman Republic/Empire. Not the best show ever. Like many modern shows, it used modern PC sensibilities too often. Good acting, but the best thing was it turned me onto the History Channel series: Rome:Rise and Fall of an Empire.

27th May 2009, 20:59
Rome is great and the others I didn't quite like The Sopranos and cannot stand Lost. I'll try Breaking Bad it sounds good.

27th May 2009, 21:16
This year's NHL Playoffs have been somewhat gripping....

27th May 2009, 21:18
season 2 of bullrun was pretty gripping

27th May 2009, 21:29
I have yet to see Sopranos sesaon 6 but have it on my DVD wish-list.

I can't say that anything this season has really grasped (grabbed) my attention; even my previous favourite, NCIS, has lost it's edge :mark:

Both seasons of Rome were excellent. Really well-produced series.

Like Donney, Lost is completely lost on me :mark:

Thank goodness my Xbox console has recently returned from the repair shop :D

Hazell B
27th May 2009, 21:44
I also got pulled into the series Rome.

I only watched the first episode because a favourite actor of mine was in it, but became hooked and found myself looking up it's content to see how real it was. Shame it was too costly for more to be made, and that it became more drama and less historical.

Jericho was a favourite of mine. Again, started to watch it for Skeet Ulrich then instantly got hooked right to the end. Still got it on the machine to watch again and again.

Tried The Wire and hated it. My loss, I guess, but it just wasn't for me.

27th May 2009, 21:50
Havent watched Breaking Bad. I am however looking forward to the 8th series of Spooks.
Rome was good, along with the History channels Rome:rise and fall of an empire. Also enjoy watching Deadliest Catch!

What puts me off watching tv is the amount of adverts there are. Oh how i miss the BBC.

27th May 2009, 22:54
I only watched the first episode because a favourite actor of mine was in it, but became hooked and found myself looking up it's content to see how real it was. Shame it was too costly for more to be made, and that it became more drama and less historical.

I was surprised when I read that it was the rather incredible production costs that caused Rome to be ended. Though the historical inaccuracies were very glaring at times, it was still a well written entertainment show with very high production values. Too bad they didn't make it to later in Augustus' reign.

And plus, Vorenus and Pullo were fun to watch as Batmanus & Robinus.

Someone suggested that I try to catch I, Claudius. I've of course heard of the novel but not the miniseries. Has anyone here seen it?

27th May 2009, 23:06
Tried The Wire and hated it. My loss, I guess, but it just wasn't for me.

:eek: :talk: How can anyone not like that show? It's absolutely amazing.

I have to side with Donney and Schmenke on Lost, I watched one episode and just found every character irritating and knew that the storyline was going to be one of those that just dragged you along rather than posing new themes. Heroes went the same way after the 1st series and I just grew tired of it all so stopped watching.

Another show which I thought was awesome was The Shield, really gritty and not afraid of bashing about the viewers loyalties. Any script that can make you side with a person as vicious as Vic Mackay deserves some serious recognition and the series with Forrest Whitaker was superbly captivating.

Hazell B
1st June 2009, 19:01
And plus, Vorenus and Pullo were fun to watch as Batmanus & Robinus.

Their stories captivated me. Made the whole thing seem far more real than any historical drama or book I've ever read.

Someone suggested that I try to catch I, Claudius. I've of course heard of the novel but not the miniseries. Has anyone here seen it?

Step away from the TV set.
It's English ham at it's very worst.
It was made when people in TV thought stage actors would work on the telly, so long as they got the camera in close and made the actor over work as if pulling faces for somebody thirty yards away. It's dire, dire piffle.

1st June 2009, 20:16
Their stories captivated me. Made the whole thing seem far more real than any historical drama or book I've ever read.

Yeah, they were just fun to watch. Very compelling and well written characters. More than any presentation on Rome I've seen, their characters gave the viewer the feel that he/she was actually seeing a slice of Roman life. Agree?

Also, if you like James Purefoy (Marc Anthony), he's going to be in a new series on NBC called "The Philanthropist". I saw a preview. I'm not much on most TV series, but this one looks kind of interesting.

Step away from the TV set.
It's English ham at it's very worst.
It was made when people in TV thought stage actors would work on the telly, so long as they got the camera in close and made the actor over work as if pulling faces for somebody thirty yards away. It's dire, dire piffle.

Bummer. I didn't realize that. I'll likely skip that one.

2nd June 2009, 21:39
Damn. Just watched the final episode of the second season of Breaking Bad, now I can't wait until next year. All through this series there have been little pieces of black and white footage which you just knew would be in the last episode. Of all the different theories I came up with not one came close, the ending was a complete bolt out of the blue but (unlike how I found with Lost) made complete sense and you could see the logic.

Top stuff, now I'm just not sure what else I can watch which is so impressive :(