View Full Version : Boris Johnson - Cyclist of Mystery

27th May 2009, 02:06

London Mayor Boris Johnson had a lucky escape when a lorry smashed into a parked car while he was on a cycling "fact-finding" mission.

"I did vaguely notice a rather loud crash and there was a bit of debris caused by the car catapulting through the party," he said.
"It was obvious from the noise that something had gone wrong, and when I stopped and turned I could see the debris. Thankfully, no one took a scratch."

This wouldn't be the first time that he's been in harm's way. There was that time that he fell off near the Houses of Parliament, and some bright spark managed to capture this:

Is this a case of a life lived dangerously?

27th May 2009, 10:09
I saw the video of it on the news, very lucky all of them. Given the force of the impact it would have been very easy for someone to have been killed.