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25th May 2009, 19:10

the police officer deserved those tire tracks on his hood for pulling that guy over :p

Mark in Oshawa
25th May 2009, 23:59
I wonder Wade. Were you dropped as a child? The cop was being professional and anyone who drives likely sooner or gets a speeding ticket. It is only misguided miscreants like you who think the guy had a point in trashing his OWN car along with the cops.

Cops have guns Wade, many would have found a way to either shoot this guy or club his @ss to a pulp because the cop felt threatened, and there isn't a jury in the world who wouldn't buy into it. Attempting to back a car over a cop is attempted murder dude. Not a wise decision, but as once again, you prove your lack of judgement.

26th May 2009, 08:54

the police officer deserved those tire tracks on his hood for pulling that guy over :p

If the dumbarse who backed over the cop got thrown under a truck he would've deserved it.

26th May 2009, 18:01
I wonder Wade. Were you dropped as a child? The cop was being professional and anyone who drives likely sooner or gets a speeding ticket. It is only misguided miscreants like you who think the guy had a point in trashing his OWN car along with the cops.

Cops have guns Wade, many would have found a way to either shoot this guy or club his @ss to a pulp because the cop felt threatened, and there isn't a jury in the world who wouldn't buy into it. Attempting to back a car over a cop is attempted murder dude. Not a wise decision, but as once again, you prove your lack of judgement.
yeah Mark, your probably right about most everybody getting stopped for speeding sooner or later, cops are always ruining peoples fun like that, its nice to see someone like this guy fight back though, but yeah the problem with that is like you said he probably did a little damage to his OWN car to :s

27th May 2009, 11:36
yeah Mark, your probably right about most everybody getting stopped for speeding sooner or later, cops are always ruining peoples fun like that, its nice to see someone like this guy fight back though, but yeah the problem with that is like you said he probably did a little damage to his OWN car to :s

Well I stole some TV's from my neighbours house, and then the police tried to arrest me, so I hit them and now I'm in prison getting raped by Bubba. Yeah, the police are always ruining other peoples fun.