View Full Version : Hot Fuzz

Hazell B
15th February 2007, 14:57
Go see Hot Fuzz :up:

Yesterday we sat in a packed screening of the film and laughed so many times our ribs hurt :D

If you liked Shaun of the Dead, you'll love it. If you like Midsommer Murders, you'll love it. If you've ever lived near a small self-obsessed village, you'll think it's a docudrama :p :

My only tiny niggle is that the first half of the film could have had a few seconds shaved off here and there, making it ten minutes shorter, but it's just a niggle. It will be better on second viewing I expect.

In short - BRILLIANT!

15th February 2007, 15:01
It's a good film. Not great, but good. 7/10 kinda stuff.
There are some laugh out louds moments, and a lot of moments that make you smile. I wouldn't say it's a 'great' film though

15th February 2007, 15:19
I agree with Hazell, excellent film, haven't laughed so much in along time, :) I thought it was a bit on the long side as well but its hilarious all through so its not too much of a problem, definitely well worth seeing :up:

16th February 2007, 01:53
Most of it was filmed where I live, as the director lived here when he was a kid.
I watched quite a bit of it being filmed.

Simon and Nick were here also here tonight for the premiere, and I can't wait to see it!

16th February 2007, 22:36
I loved Shaun of the Dead, relally want to see Hot Fuzz.

16th February 2007, 23:49
sorry this might sound like a horrible question, but i'm american. is "niggle" a uk term? i think it sounds adorable

Hazell B
17th February 2007, 21:58
Niggle's a UK term, aye :p :

It means minor annoyance, slight irritation, etc. Never thought about it, but it is a good word now you mention it. :)

18th February 2007, 12:51
Really looking forward to seeing this, Shaun of the dead was brilliant, so this is gonna be a classic :up:

18th February 2007, 16:44
I went to see it on Wednesday in a not very packed cinema.
And it is very very funny all the way through. Certainly the best film so far this year.

My favourite bit was the end of Romeo and Juliet - I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself.

18th February 2007, 16:52
I must go and see it - of the clips I have seen thusfar I can certainly relate to a lot of them!

18th February 2007, 21:29
Went to see it on Friday - excellent film. First half was a bit slow in paces, but the last 30 minutes or so is fantastic!! Long time since I've seen a film with Timothy Dalton in it!

18th February 2007, 22:23
It's a long time since Timothy Dalton has seen a film with Timothy Dalton in it.

19th February 2007, 00:10
Every time I hear Timothy Dalton mentioned now, I think of this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flDuFzFxPJA

19th February 2007, 00:45
My local cinema (The Screen) is finally going to run this film as from the 23rd Feb. Intsead of showing it from the 14th, they decided Notes On A Scandal should get a 3rd week. Its not the first time they've decided for us what we should want to see, I'm livid.

19th February 2007, 10:33
I went to see it on Wednesday in a not very packed cinema.

I went to see on Wednesday in a very packed cinema.

Others are right when the say that the first 30 minutes or so is slow but it is bloody funny :D . The gunfight at the end is all rather silly, i.e. they shoot 1,000 bullets and nobody gets hit :p . I haven't laughed so much in quite a while :D .

It's not quite the same style as Spaced tho, which was a surprise.